Luton & Dunstable FT & Bedford Hospital NHS Trust Respiratory Nurses Direct line (BHT): 01234 795859 Fax Number (BHT): 01234 792077 How can we help patients? Do you have patients who are suffering from?: Worsening breathlessness Increased secretions Reduced exercise tolerance Reduced strength Increased anxiety If any of these symptoms lead to frequent hospital admissions or frequent exacerbation please contact for us for advice on: 01234 795859 (BHT) The Services Provided: Acute Respiratory Assessment Service (ARAS) Early Supported Discharge Scheme (ESD) Review of exacerbating COPD Patients who are not responding to treatment Referrals accepted from GP/ Community Matrons ARAS Service operates Monday-Friday 8.00-4pm Referrals accepted via a dedicated Mobile to the Respiratory Nurse Specialists Patients who admitted to hospital and are identified as suitable for discharge home with support from the ICOPD team. They remain under the care of the hospital until fit for full discharge. ICOPD will work as multi-disciplinary team and refer to relevant agencies to enable safe discharge and help prevent re-admission Direct Line: 01234 730343 (BHT) Direct Line: 07535 977 268 Intervention Clinics Suitable for specialist assessment and Diagnosis and interventions (See referral criteria). Will be run by Respiratory Nurse Specialists / Physiotherapists and supported by Chest physicians and Lung Physiologists. Referrals accepted from GP / Community Matrons / Practice Nurse via fax: 01234 730536 (BHT). Following referral, ICOPD team will ensure patients are seen in most appropriate setting (Community or Secondary care). Community venues: Priory Medical Centre, Clapham Shefford Health Centre Meiklejohns – Harrowden Road Pulmonary Rehabilitation Suitable for patients with an MRC ≥3 3 venues available: Jubilation Centre, Bedford Sandy Village Hall, Sandy Flitwick Village Hall, Flitwick Twice a week, for 7 weeks. Run by Specialist Physiotherapists and Respiratory Nurse Specialists / OT’s. Referrals accepted from GP / Practice Nurse / Community Matrons / Specialist Respiratory Ward (BHT) via referral form or tel: 01234 795859. Domiciliary Pulmonary Rehabilitation available. Respiratory Exercise Group Step up from PR Programme (BHT): every Mon/Wed