Number of credit points: 6

English for Professional Communication
Instructor: Sevil Huseynova
2013, Fall Semester
Course Information
Title: EPC
Number (code): ENGL-217
Credit hours: 3
Semester/term : Fall,2012
Prerequisites: English Foundations 1
Meeting time : Monday-Friday 9:00 AM
Instructor Information
Full name:
Title: MA
Office location(optional): English Language and Literature Department
Office phone number(optional)
Email address:
Office hours:
Number of credit points: 6
Number of hours per week: 16
Course Objectives:
To enable the students:
to develop ability of reading and listening in English on various functional topics
to develop increased understanding and accuracy of pronunciation
to develop expertise in the relevant vocabulary
to write a paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details
to understand and practice writing as a process
to practice grammar structures introduced in the grammar course
to use appropriate vocabulary for different types of writing
to identify and converse about day-to-day topics and areas of special interest
to converse on a limited range of topics
to compare and contrast verbally
to develop necessary writing skills through grammar;
to build up maximum vocabulary related to various topics;
Learning Outcomes:
After this course successful students should be able to:
To establish effective oral and written communication with English speakers
To carry out conversation, role-plays on selected topics
Understand a range of the rules and conventions relating to words , sentences, paragraphs, and
Understanding basic concepts used for describing reading skills.
Build vocabulary through wide reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Read for literary/narrative experience in a variety of genres.
The student sets goals and evaluates progress to improve his vocabulary, pronunciation.
Course Description:
It aims at development of the students’ understanding and using of different skills and strategies in word
recognition, word meaning and text comprehension. It builds up the students’ vocabulary through wide
and fluent reading of the selected topics, expands their comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and
synthesizing information and ideas in literacy and informational text, and develops the students’ interests
through sharing reading experiences.
There will be review or test every week in order to have information about the students’ progress.
Students will be expected to participate in class, do home assignments and be on time for classes.
Course Policies
Attendance (Lateness): It is important absences can be detrimental to one’s grade due to the number
of class activities (presentations, and class participation) and complexity of the subject.
Class participation: For every three unexcused absences, one (1) point will be deducted from the
grade point average. More than 10 unexcused absences is excessive. Free participation is
Missed exams or assignments: An advance notification should be given in advance if the student is
unable to attend the scheduled presentation or test. Full class participation and completion of assigned
homework are necessary.
Academic Dishonesty: Any plagiarism while studying will be severely penalized (by a non-pass for
the course). Reference should be given to the sources used in the work. However, any research paper
consisting of references and citations only, without further analysis by the student, will not be
acceptable either. Cheating during the tests will be penalized likewise.
Topics of presentations/project papers will be pre-determined by the instructor. Free
presentations/paper topics are not allowed. Presentation in cooperation with other students is allowed
if pre-agreed with the instructor.
Grading Scale:
Course grades will be based on daily work, classroom participation, attendance, homework,
objective and subjective quizzes and exams, presentations and students’ writing portfolio.
100 % - 90 % - A
89 % - 80 % - B
79 % - 70 % - C
69 % - 60 % - D
59 % -below - F / I
Final Exam
Home assignments
Writing Portfolio
Activity & Participation
30 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
Textbooks used will be:
Interchange-1(Jack C. Richards)
Basics of English Grammar (Azar)
Fundamentals of English Grammar (Azar)
Paragraph Writing (Dorothy E. Zemach & Carlos Islam)
Tactics for Listening ( developing), 3 rd edition ( Jack C. Richards)
Market Leader Business Course Book, element. by David Cotton, David Falvey and Simon Kent,
3rd edition
7. Market Leader Business Practice File, element. by David Cotton, David Falvey and Simon Kent,
3rd edition
Home Reading materials will be provided by instructor during the course
Weekly Schedule
 Introduction to the course. Ice breaking
 Unit 1. 2 Introductions and greeting,
countries, names and nationalities,
 Jobs, workplaces and school, daily
schedules, clock time
 Wh statements and questions with be
 General and special questions,
 Simple present wh questions and statements,
question when
 Time expressions at, in, on, around, early, late,
before and after
 Introduction: Process Writing
 Listening session -1
 Unit 3. Shopping and prices, clothing and
personal items, colors and materials,
 Demonstratives this, that, these, those, one and
ones, questions how much and which,
comparisons with adjectives
 Beginning to Work. Common Paragraph
Features, identifying the topic of a
paragraph, identifying strong and weak
 Listening session -2
 Business class :Problems
 Teacher’s meeting-1
Resource materials
Interchange 1
English Grammar by Azar
Paragraph Writing, p.2-4
Tactics for Listening , Unit 9
Interchange 1
English Grammar by Azar
Paragraph Writing, Unit 1
Tactics for Listening , Unit 14
Market Leader elem. Unit 3
Interchange 1
 Unit 4. Music, movies and TV programs,
entertainers, invitations and excuses, dates
English Grammar by Azar
and times,
 Yes/ No and Wh questions with do ;
 verb + to+ verb
Paragraph Writing, Unit 2
 Giving and Receiving presents.
 The structure of a paragraph. Writing topic
sentences. Identifying strong and weak topic
 Listening session -3
 Business class: Buying and selling
 Test 1 -Friday
 Unit 5. Families, typical families
 Talking about families and family members,
describing family life
 Quantifiers all, nearly, most, not many, a lot,
pronoun: no one
 A Favorite Place.
 Pre-writing: brainstorming and editing it.
 Listening session-4
 Business class: People
Interchange 1
 Unit 6. Sports, fitness activities and exercises ,
 Adverbs of frequency, short answers
 An Exceptional Person
 Writing about places and people.
 Writing concluding sentences
 Listening session-5
Interchange 1
 Unit 7. Free time and weekend activities,
chores, vacations
 Simple past, Wh questions , statements and
short answers with regular and irregular
verbs, past of be
 Trends and Fashions. Free writing
 Listening session-6
 Business class : Advertizing
 Teacher’s meeting 2
Interchange 1
 Unit 8. Stores and places in a city,
neighborhoods; houses and apartments
 There’s /there’re, one any and some,
prepositions of place; count and non count
 Listening session- 7
 White Lies. Opinion paragraphs
 Opinions and examples in supporting
 Test 2-Friday
Interchange 1
Tactics for Listening , Unit 16
Market Leader elem. Unit 6
Unit 9. Appearances and dress, clothing
and clothing styles, people
Questions for describing people,
what…look like, how old, how tall, how
long, what color
Listening session -8
Explanations and excuses.
Cause and effect paragraphs.
 Unit 10. Past experiences, unusual activities
 Present perfect, already and yet, perfect versus
English Grammar by Azar
Paragraph Writing, Unit 3
Tactics for Listening , Unit 23
Market Leader Unit 7
English Grammar by Azar
Paragraph Writing, Unit 4
Tactics for Listening , Unit 10
English Grammar by Azar
Paragraph Writing, Unit 5
Tactics for Listening , Unit 1
Market Leader Unit 8
English Grammar by Azar
Tactics for Listening , Unit 3
Paragraph Writing, Unit 6
Interchange 1
English Grammar by Azar
Tactics for Listening , Unit 4
Paragraph Writing, Unit 7
Interchange 1
simple past; for and since
Listening session-9
Logical order of supporting sentences.
Business class: companies
 Unit 11. Countries and Cities
 Unit 14. World Geography and facts
 Adjectives and Adverbs. Comparisons.
 Modal verbs ( can, should)
English Grammar by Azar
Tactics for Listening , Unit 13,
Paragraph Writing, Unit 8
Market Leader Unit 9
Interchange 1
English Grammar by Azar
Tactics for Listening, Unit 24,19
Paragraph Writing, Unit 9
 Listening session- 10
 Strange stories. Narrative paragraph
 Teacher’s meeting 3 -Friday
Unit 12. Health problems. Medication and
 Infinitive complements.
 Modal verbs can, could, may, would and will for
requests; suggestions.
 Listening session- 11
 Differences. Organizing a comparison
 Business class : Communication
 Test 3 -Friday
Unit 13. Food and restaurants
So, too, neither, either ; modal verbs would
and will for requests
Listening session -12
Difficult Decisions. Cause and effect.
Business class : Cultures
 Unit 15. Invitations and Excuses
 Future with present continuous and be going to
 Messages with tell and ask. Verb + infinitive
 Listening session- 13
 Fate or Choice.
 Review of brainstorming techniques
 Business class : Jobs
Interchange 1
English Grammar by Azar Ch 9
Tactics for Listening , Unit 2
Paragraph Writing, Unit 10
Market Leader Unit 10
Interchange 1
English Grammar by Azar ch 10
Tactics for Listening,
Unit 5
Paragraph Writing, Unit 11
Market Leader Unit 11
Interchange 1
Grammar by Azar Ch 11
Tactics for Listening , Unit 11
Paragraph Writing, Unit 12
Market Leader Unit 12
Interchange 1
 Unit 16. Life changes, plans and hopes for the
English Grammar by Azar ch 11
 Describing changes with the present tense, the
past tense, the present perfect , and the
comparative; verb +infinitive
Paragraph Writing, Unit 12
 Listening session- 14
Tactics for Listening , Unit 8
 Review transition expressions
 Preparation for exam