Effect of management attributes on seed potato yield and quality in Ethiopia Adane Hirpa12, Miranda P.M. Meuwissen1, Ivo A. Van der Lans3, Willemien J.M. Lommen2, Alfons G.J.M. Oude Lansink1, Admasu Tsegaye4 and Paul C. Struik2 1 Business Economics, Wageningen University, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University, 3 Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Wageningen University 4 Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia 2 Abstract Different local situations of the farmers need different production methods to give optimum yield and quality. A conjoint analysis was undertaken to elicit farmers’ opinions on seed potato management attributes with respect to their effect on seed yield and quality in Jeldu and Welmera districts interviewing 324 seed potato farmers. The results showed that differences exist within and between districts in the degree to which the management attributes are perceived to contribute to anticipated yield and quality; indicating possibility for developing alternative seed potato production methods from which farmers can choose a production method that better suit his situation. Keywords: Seed potato, Management attributes, Conjoint analysis; Anticipated yield, Anticipated quality 1 1. Introduction In Ethiopia several research efforts have been made to develop new potato technologies since the inception of potato research in 1975. Potato technologies include improved potato varieties and new pre- and post-harvest management practices. The main objectives of potato technology development have been to obtain high-yielding, disease tolerant varieties with improved agronomic and postharvest management practices (Gebremedhin et al., 2008). As a result, a number of improved varieties have been developed and released to farmers. However, the majority of smallholder farmers are producing their own potato seeds with poor quality (Mulatu et al., 2005; Gildemacher et al., 2009; CIP, 2011). There is scarcity of quality seed potato in Ethiopia. The same is true for other crops in Ethiopia (Abate et al., 2011). Potato varieties that have been released so far were released with one production method recommended by research institution despite the possibility of producing them using several different alternative production methods. The recommended production method can give high yield and profit but was adopted only by few farmers due to its incompatibility to the diverse local situations of the farmers. Local situations of farmers vary according to agro-ecology, soil type, managerial capability, objectives of potato production, availability and access to inputs and product markets and different local situations need different production methods to give ‘optimum’ yield and quality of a product (Reece and Sumberg, 2003). More specifically, majority of the farmers do not adopt new potato varieties because they do not have necessary production conditions and resources as exactly as specified by the researchers. Therefore, to increase the number of adopters for the released potato varieties and others in the process of release, provision of alternative production methods that suit the local condition of the farmers is important. To develop suitable production methods knowledge on the importance of the seed potato management attributes with respect to seed yield and quality was essential for which there was no information before. Therefore, this study has quantified the effects the seed potato management attributes have on seed potato yield and quality main through elicitation of farmers opinion. Besides the use in the development of alternative production methods, the knowledge generated from this research can be used by farmers to make decision on which management attribute to invest or give more emphasis compared to the other to increase yield and quality of seed potato production. This knowledge can be used by input supply agencies to decide the type and amount of input to be supplied. Other researchers can also use the knowledge to develop viable production methods. Development practitioners can also use the knowledge to advise farmers. 2. Methodology 2.1. Study area This study was undertaken in two major seed potato growing districts found in the central potato growing part of Ethiopia. These districts are selected because they are the major suppliers of seed potato of improved varieties in the country. Jeldu district is located approximately at 128 km west of the capital, Addis Ababa. It is has altitudes ranging from 1325 to 3200 m above sea level (asl) and receives an annual average rainfall of 900 – 1350 mm. About 45% of the district is highland (2300 – 3200 m asl with an annual average rainfall 900 – 1350 mm) and predominantly growing barley, wheat, and potato in their order of importance. Midland (1500 – 2300 m asl with an annual average rainfall 800 – 1200 mm) and the lowland (<1500 m asl and average annual rainfall 200 – 800 mm) comprise 30% and 25% of the district’s landmass, respectively. The main crops grown in the midland are wheat, barley and teff and in the lowland are sorghum, maize and teff. Crop production contributes to 2 70% of the livelihood of the farmers in the district (Duncan et al., 2011). The seed potato growing farmers considered in this study, are found at altitude range from 2900 – 3200 m asl (Mesfin and Kebede, 2011). The second district included in this study is Welmera. It is found approximately 40 km west of Addis Ababa. The district is roughly divided into highland (2300 – 3380 mm asl) and midland (2060 – 2300 m asl). The highland and lowland comprise 41% and 59% of the total landmass of the district, respectively. The district receives annual average rainfall ranging from 900 – 1100 mm. Wheat, barley and potato are the main crops grown in the highland part of both districts.The seed potato growing farmers considered in this study are found at altitude of about 2300 – 2400 m asl. 2.2. Conjoint analysis Conjoint analysis was conducted to elicit farmers’ opinion on seed potato management attributes with respect to their effect on seed yield and quality. Conjoint analysis is a state preference technique used to measure relative values of attributes that have been considered jointly by respondents (Louviere et al., 2005; Sayadi et al., 2005; Rao, 2008; Alriksson and Oberg, 2008). Even though conjoint analysis has its foundation and wide use in marketing research for the evaluation of consumer behaviour and preference to product attributes (Green and Rao, 1971), it is also used to evaluate environmental issues concerning agriculture, ecosystem management, energy, environment evaluation, forestry, land management, pollution, products, recreation, environmental risk analysis, waste management and agricultural production (Alriksson and Oberg, 2008). Some research works which have a relation to this research work have been done in agriculture in Africa using conjoint analysis. For instance, conjoint analysis was used to design modern crop (groundnut) varieties in Niger (Baidu-Forson et al., 1997), to valuate cow attributes in Kenya (Makokha et al., 2007), to estimate farmer’s preferences for cattle traits in Burkina Faso (Tano et al., 2003), and to evaluate different terms of contracts by fishermen in Kenya (Kambewa et al., 2007). The basics of conjoint analysis is that the preference for a particular profile is built up by separate contributions of different attributes, each with limited number of levels (Poortinga et al., 2003). Therefore, conjoint analysis is a multi-attribute model for which individual’s utility for a profile can be expressed as sum of utilities for its attributes. That is, the utility function associated with profile 𝑝 (𝑝 = 1, … , 𝑃) can be expressed as 𝑈𝑝 = ∑𝐴𝑎=1 𝑢𝑎 (𝑥𝑎𝑝 ) where,𝑈𝑝 is total utility of a profile 𝑝, and 𝑢𝑎 is utility associated with attribute 𝑎 (𝑎 = 1, … , 𝐴), which is a function of 𝑥𝑎𝑝 , the level attribute 𝑎 takes in the profile 𝑝. A profile is a specific combination of attribute levels. In this study, traditional conjoint analysis technique was used to elicit farmers’ opinion on seed potato management attributes because its suitability for data collected from ratings. Factorial ANOVA is used to estimated marginal means for attribute levels and further interpretation is based on the marginal means instead of coefficient of attribute levels. 2.3. Attributes selection The Delphi technique was used to select seed potato management attributes because there was dearth of empirical information on the attributes and their levels and this techniques is useful to elicit expert judgment on issues that lack empirical evidence (Murphy et al., 1998). Moreover, the Delphi technique is useful because it is highly flexible, good at getting beneath 3 the surface of issues, minimizes counterproductive effects often encountered using committee, good at addressing difficult or ‘expert’ questions and more structured than conventional interviewing (Gordon, 1994).The goal of a Delphi study is not to get any aggregated opinions of experts that represent a population, but to identify and explore relevant issues (Angus et al., 2003). The Delphi technique has been used to address issues in agriculture. For instance, Angus et al. (2003) used a Delphi study to determine a package of best available techniques to reduce nitrogen emission from a poultry unit under the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (IPPC) in United Kingdom; and Rikkonen (2005) developed alternative scenarios for future agriculture in Finland. The Delphi study was undertaken in Jeldu, Welmera and Degem districts in September 2010 by using five experts (three agronomist-breeders and two agricultural extension specialists) and 30 farmers. The experts were selected because of their long experience in potato research and field demonstration. The three districts were selected because they are the main producers of seed potato of improved varieties. Jeldu district was the major supplier of seed potato closely followed by Welmera districts. The supply seed potato from Degem district was by far lower than the two district. The farmers, 10 from each district, were selected because of their long experience in seed potato production. The Delphi survey was undertaken in two rounds. In the first round, the experts and the farmers were provided with list of seed potato management attributes and asked to make any amendment to the list and then to rate the management attributes with respect to their importance to yield and quality, separately, on a 0 to 100 scale rating and give explanation for the scores they gave. The list of seed potato management attributes and levels provided to the experts and the farmers was prepared using literature review. To make the rating easy to the farmers the management variables (after the amendment) were written on a flip chart in a language the farmer could read. From the 30 farmers involved in the amendments of seed potato management attributes and levels only 15 had made the rating. The remaining 15 farmers could not read and so were unable to divide 100 points to the list of management attributes with respect to their importance to yield and quality even with the assistance of the interviewer. In the second round of the Delphi study, only four experts were involved because the fifth was not available. In this round experts were provided with the statistical feedback of the first round evaluation by the farmers (Appendix Table 1) and the experts (Appendix Table 2, columns 1 and 3) accompanied by anonymous farmers and experts comments about each evaluated attributes. The experts were asked 1) to reconsider the evaluations they gave in the first round in light of the feedback they had been provided, and 2) to give scores to the list of seed potato management attributes. The result of the second round is shown in Appendix Table 2, columns 3 and 4. The fact that the list of seed potato management attributes was prepared beforehand, the Delphi technique used in this study is not any more a traditional Delphi that utilizes openended questions to collect information about a content area in the first round, instead it is a modified Delphi (Riggs, 1983; Hsu and Sandfold, 2007). In this case, two rounds of evaluation have been deemed to be sufficient to determine a group consensus (SnyderHalpern et al., 2000). Besides, in the second round experts were provided with farmers amendment and rating that believed to help the experts to make optimal rating. The attributes for the conjoint analysis were selected based on 1) the Delphi result score for the importance, 2) relatedness of the attributes, 3) suitability of the attributes for the conjoint study, and 4) number of attributes a traditional conjoint analysis can handle. Seed size, seed rate and spacing are highly related and thus we represented the three attributes with seed size. Hoeing and hilling are done simultaneously and therefore we combined them and used them 4 as one attribute. Negative selection, harvesting tools, rotation, differences in variety, haulm killing and sorting were excluded from the conjoint study because of either low importance from the Delphi result or not mention by the farmers of all districts and any of the experts. Besides the Delphi study the seed potato management attributes were examined for the possible interaction among themselves. Finally, nine attributes were selected, two attributes with two levels and the remaining seven attributes with three levels (Table 1). Fertilizer rate and fungicide application frequency were found to interact. Table 1. Seed potato production and postharvest management attributes and levels Attributes 1. Seed source 2. Seed size 3. Storage method 4. Sprouting method 5. Land ploughing frequency 6. Planting date 7. Hoeing and hilling 8. Fertilizer rate 9. Fungicide application frequency Level 1 Own Small Local De-sprouting Three times Level 2 Market Medium DLS Sprouting under special action Four times Earlier than recommended date Once hoeing and small hill Below recommended rate Within range recommended date Twice hoeing and small hill Recommended rate Once application Twice application Level 3 Institution Mixed Storage Five times Twice hoeing and big hill Above recommended rate Thrice application 2.4. Conjoint design Orthogonal fractional factorial design that allows independent main effect and one interaction effect was used to generate 27 calibration profiles (minimum number of profiles required for a conjoint analysis with nine attributes) and six additional profiles (two warm up and four holdout). A Profile is specific combination of seed potato management attribute levels. Calibration profiles are those profiles used for the main analysis. Warm up profiles are used to acquaint the respondents with the process of profiles evaluation and the holdout profiles are not used in the main analysis of utility estimation but used to validate the model after utility weights have been estimated. The total number of profiles a respondent expected to evaluate was 33 (27 calibration, 2 warm-up and 4 holdout) for yield and another 33 for quality. However, number of profiles was too large and expected to create boredom to the respondents which affected the quality of data. To lower problem of boredom and at same time get sufficient amount of data the number of calibration profiles were reduced systematically. That is, the calibration profiles were randomly allotted to three blocks B1, B2 and B3, each blocking containing nine profiles and then after the three blocks were randomly divided into three groups by allowing each group (G) to contain two blocks. Therefore, a group contained profiles from two blocks (i.e., B1 and B2 in G1; B2 and B3 in G2 and B3 and B1 in G3). By doing so the total number of profiles evaluated by a respondent decreased from 66 to 48. Format of presentation of the profiles to 5 the respondent was other issue that needed attention. Given the very low literacy level of the respondents presentation of the profiles in text format was not suitable. Therefore, the profiles were prepared in symbols easily understood by the respondents. 2.5. Panel selection and data collection Total of 324 farmers, 162 from Jeldu district and 162 from Welmera district, were selected randomly from list seed potato growers. The sample size comprised roughly 50% of the total seed growers. The survey was designed in a way the three groups (stated in selection 2.4) were evaluated by equal numbers of respondents, i.e., each profile group evaluated by 108 respondents (54 respondents from each district). The data was collected in the period from May to July 2011 through face-to-face interviews of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire had two parts. The first part contained general questions on demographic characteristics and agricultural activities undertaken by the respondent with more emphasis to seed potato production and marketing activities. At the end of the introduction questionnaire the respondents were asked to give the maximum anticipated seed potato yield they could produce if they had all necessary inputs. The anticipated maximum yield was used as a reference point to evaluate the profiles for yield. To evaluation the profiles for quality, three seed potato quality variables defined by respondents themselves were used. The quality variables are 1) proportion of tuber size in total produce (the higher the proportion of medium sized tubers the higher the quality of the produce), 2) disease burden (the higher the infestation of the potato plant by late blight, bacterial wilt and other diseases the lower the quality of the produce), and 3) physical damage (the higher the proportion of bruised and cracked tubers the lower the quality of the produce).We collected the data using 0-10 Juster scale. The data is mean centred to minimize individual differences in the use of the scale. The data was analyzed using factorial analysis of variance. 2.6. Description of seed potato farmers In both districts, seed potato farmers allotted substantial area of total operated land for potato production, i.e., 25% (0.74 ha) in Jeldu and 21% (0.58 ha) in Welmera (Table 2). Of the total land area allotted for potato production more than 94% was allotted for seed potato production indicating that seed potato production was among the most important agricultural activities in the districts. It was also the main source of cash income to seed potato farmers in both districts (Table 3). The area of rented in land and the area of land allotted for seed potato production were equivalent indicating farmers rented in land mostly to seed potato (Table 2). Land is scarce and fragmented. The problem of land fragmentation is more severe in Welmera district (more than 7 plots) than in Jeldu district (about 4 plots) and average area per plot of own land was also smaller in Welmera (0.21 ha) than in Jeldu (0.39 ha). Table 2. Demographics, agricultural land, production activities of seed potato farmer Jeldu Walmera Items Mean±Std. dev. Range Mean±Std. dev. Range Age 40±11.9 20-79 38±10.9 20-73 Household size 7.0±2.74 1-15 5.9±2.59 1-14 Total operated land (ha) 2.80±1.79 0.5-16.5 2.62±1.55 0.5-10 Landholding (ha) 1.69±1.23 0-8 1.58±1.17 0-6.5 Rented in land (ha) 0.71±1.45 0-14.5 0.73±1.30 0-9.5 Sharecropped land (ha) 0.35±0.62 0-4 0.27±0.51 0-3 Land cultivated under potato (ha) 0.74±0.74 0.13-5.5 0.58±0.62 0.10-6 Number of plots 4.36±2.55 1-15 7.53±4.54 1-20 6 Land poughing frequency 3.91±0.58 1-5 3.93±0.58 Spacing (cm) between potato plants 29±5.2 15-50 31±6.7 Spacing (cm) between rows 62±13.7 30-100 69±11.7 Hoeing frequency 2.14±0.468 1-3 2.03±0.294 DAP (Mg/ha) 15.5±6.88 0-42.5 13.5±7.15 Urea rate (Mg/ha) 9.0±5.9 0-30 10.2±5.6 Fungicide application frequency Gudene a 2.4±0.58 1-5 2.2±0.63 a Jalene 2.6±0.72 1-5 2.2±0.55 Experience in seed potato 4.56±2.13 2-12 4.78±2.33 production (years) Number of years the farmers had been growing the seed potato once they obtained Jalene 4.06±1.6 1-7 4.39±1.34 Gudene 3.42±0.95 1-5 3.56±1.02 Number of seasons between seed 1.56±0.71 0-4 1.73±0.64 production on the same plot Actual seed potato yield (Mg/ha) 15±11 1-50 10.3±6.8 Anticipated maximum yield (Mg/ha) Gudene 33.3±9.3 6-50 25.3±9.6 Jalene 35.7±11.5 6-60 27.4±10.4 Ox holding (number) 2.3±1.68 0-18 2.7±1.72 a Jalene and Gudene are potato varieties. 3-5 15-60 40-100 1-4 1.6-40 0-26.7 0-5 1-4 1-12 1-7 1-5 0-3 0.6-37.7 8-50 8-50 0-14 There was difference in seed potato production activities between the farmers in the two districts. For instance, farmers in Jeldu district used higher fertilizer rate, narrower inter- and intra-spacing, and more frequent fungicide application than the farmers in Welmera district. There was considerable gap in the actual reported yield and anticipated maximum yield between the districts. Farmer in Jeldu reported higher actual and anticipated yields than farmers in Welmera district. According to the 2010 harvest, farmers produced only 45% and 40.71% of the anticipated yield in Jeldu and Welmera districts respectively indicating seed potato yield can be increased by 122% in Jeldu district and 145.63% in Welmera district. Table 3. Education level, farm income and seed potato production activities of seed potato farmers (in %) Items Jeldu Welmera Education level Illiterate; primary (1-6); secondary (716; 47; 37; 0 30.2; 41.4; 27.8; 12);college (>12) 0.6 Total cash income per farmer – ETB 33137 for Jeldu and ETB 20722 Welmera Seed potato; other crops; livestock 75.4; 19.6; 5.0 78.0; 12.8; 9.2 Occupation Sole farming; farming and other 82.1; 17.9 91.4; 8.6 activities Seed source Own; market; institution 90.7; 1.9; 7.4 96.3; 1.9; 1.8 Seed size Small; medium; mixed 0.6; 81.5; 17.9 1.2; 77.2; 21.6 Storage methods Local; DLS 18.5; 81.5 28.4; 71.6 Planting date 7 Recommended; earlier than recommended Seed size for seed rate adjustment No; yes Negative selection No; yes Reason for negative selection Bacterial wilt; other 18.5; 81.5 60.5; 39.5 26.3; 73.7 11.8; 88.2 100; 0 34; 66 - 99.1; 0.9 NB: ETB=Ethiopian Birr (1 USD equivalent to ETB 17) 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Effects of management attributes Before running a main analysis, Leveve’s test was made on yield and quality scores, to check for homogeneity of variance between groups. The Levene’s test was significant at p < 0.001 for both yield and quality scores indicating assumption of homogeneity of variance is violated. However, for large sample size like the one used in this study, significant difference between groups is expected and a double check for homogeneity of variance by using variance ratio is recommended (Andy, 2005). If the quotient of the largest variance divided by the smallest variance is less than two it is safe to assume homogeneity of variance. For data used in this study the variance ratios were 1.24 for the yield scores and 1.27 for quality scores indicating that it is safe to assume homogeneity of variance between the groups indicating possible for undertaking parametric analysis. Besides, equal sample size per group are used. In this case ANOVA gives fairly robust result even when assumption of homogeneity of variance is broken. Table 4 shows the main effects and effect sizes of seed potato management attributes (conjoint attributes) on anticipated seed potato yield (from now on referred as yield unless specified) and anticipated seed potato quality (from now on referred as quality unless specified) scores. The main effects of the conjoint attributes on yield and quality were significant for all attributes except the effect of land ploughing frequency on yield. That is, farmers gave significantly different scores to the levels of all attributes with respect to their effect on yield and quality except for the levels of land ploughing frequency with respect to their effect on yield. This indicates, keeping other attributes levels constant, a shift from one level to other level of an attribute significantly affected yield and quality. The interaction effect between fertilizer rate and fungicide application frequency on yield and quality was significant indicating that for a given level of fertilizer rate farmers gave lower scores for anticipated yield and quality as the fungicide application frequency increased and/or vice versa. For instance, for twice fungicide application the estimated marginal mean was -0.283 when combined with below recommended fertilizer rate, 1.584 when combined with recommended fertilizer rate and 0.174 (Table 7). The interaction effect between seed source and district, planting date and district, and fertilizer rate and fungicide application frequency and district on yield were significant at p < 0.001 and same held true for interaction between seed source and district, planting date and district, fertilizer rate and district, fungicide application frequency and district on quality. These significant interaction effects between the attributes and the district indicates that farmers in the two districts perceived the effects of the levels on yield and quality differently and thus gave different scores to the levels. For instance, the highest estimated marginal means for seed source was highest for institution seed farmers in Jeldu and the same was highest for own seed in Welmera (Table 6). 8 The values of Eta squared shows the effect sizes. The model explained 27.20% of the total variation in yield due to conjoint attributes and their interactions. The same was 30.10% for quality. The values of ‘per cent Eta Squared explained by the model’ show effects sizes of the conjoint attributes and their interactions relative to the values of Eta Squared explained by the model. Of the total variation in yield explained by the model 26.73, 17.98, 17.93, and 13.71% were due to fertilizer rate, storage method, combined hoeing frequency and hill size, and fungicide application frequency, respectively. Storage method, fertilizer rate, combined hoeing frequency and hill size, fungicide application frequency had shares of 21.65, 18.19, 15.57 and 10.40% of the total variation of quality explained by the model in their respective orders. The interaction between conjoint attributes and district contributed below 1% to the total variation explained by the model for anticipated seed yield and quality even the significant interactions. The results of the effects and the importance score of the Delphi results (Appendix 2) are more or less similar. Table 4. Main and interaction effects of seed potato management attributes on anticipated seed yield and quality (0 - 10 scale) Source Yield a df F Corrected model f1 (seed source) f2 (seed size) f3 (storage method) f4 (sprouting method) f5 (ploughing frequency) f6 (planting date) f7 (hoeing frequency and hill size) f8 (fertilizer rate) f9 (fungicide application frequency) f8 * f9 district * f1 district * f2 district * f3 district * f4 district * f5 district * f6 district * f7 district * f8 district * f9 district * f8 * f9 Error Total Corrected Total Quality b Eta % Eta F Squared explained by the model 0.272 100 57.33*** 0.011 4.18 99.87*** 0.005 1.68 36.67*** 0.049 17.98 509.50*** 0.013 4.73 81.03*** 0.000 0.00 26.70*** Eta % Eta Squared explained by the model 0.301 100 0.026 8.49 0.009 3.13 0.065 21.65 0.021 6.89 0.007 2.37 42 2 2 1 2 2 49.72*** 42.65*** 17.13*** 367.12*** 48.31*** 0.42ns 1 2 102.94*** 0.014 183.08*** 0.049 5.04 17.93 93.90*** 0.012 183.19*** 0.047 3.99 15.57 2 2 272.90*** 0.073 139.96*** 0.037 26.73 13.71 213.97*** 0.055 122.31*** 0.031 18.19 10.40 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 5467 5832 5831 19.87*** 7.11*** 4.74** 2.15ns 0.33ns 5.96** 14.17*** 0.66ns 2.13ns 1.09ns 4.93*** 0.011 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.003 3.89 0.70 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.69 0.00 0.21 0.00 1.00 29.94*** 7.61*** 5.15** 6.48** 0.45ns 2.76ns 23.29*** 0.003ns 7.22*** 6.53*** 2.62** 0.015 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.001 5.09 0.65 0.44 0.28 0.00 0.23 0.99 0.00 0.61 0.55 0.44 a = R Squared = 0.272 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.266); b = R Squared = 0.301 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.296) *** = significant at p < 0.001; ** = significant at p < 0.01; * = significant at p < 0.05; ns = non-significant 9 3.2. Effect of attribute levels The F-ratios in table 4 show only whether the conjoint attributes have significant effects on yield and quality or not but do not show where the differences lie. For the significant effects it is important to know where the difference between the attributes’ levels lie. Pairwise comparisons of attribute levels were made using Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welch (REGWQ) Post hoc procedures to know where the differences lie. REGWQ post hoc procedure was used because it has good statistical power and tight control of the Type I error rate. Besides, Games-Howell procedure was also used to compare the means for there is a little doubt in the homogeneity of variance and Games-Howell test gives best performance when there is a doubt of unequal variance. Table 6 shows estimated marginal means of levels and pairwise comparisons. The estimated marginal means are the means predicted based on original values for mean centred data of the dependent variables (yield and quality). The estimated marginal means for yield and quality were below observed mean (for yield 3.526 in Jeldu and 4.270 in Welmera; and for quality 3.522 in Jeldu and 4.243 in Welmera) for local storage method, below recommended fertilizer rate and one time fungicide application, in both districts. Besides, estimated marginal means for earlier than planting date in Jeldu and market seed and once hoeing combined with small hill size in Welmera were below observed means for both yield and quality. The highest estimated marginal means were scored by medium seed size, DLS storage method, in store sprouting method, recommended planting date, twice hoeing combined with big hill size and recommended fertilizer rate for yield and quality in both districts. The estimated marginal means for planting dates are not in line with the prevailing farmers practice in Jeldu because 81.5% of the seed growers in Jeldu district plant seed potato in earlier than recommended planting date which is contrary to the values of estimated marginal means given in Table 7. According to some well experienced and well benefited seed potato producing farmers in the two districts earlier than recommended planting date is preferred to recommended planting date because when seed potato are planted in recommended planting date 1) the yield becomes lower because of high incidence of diseases and lower intensity of field management (e.g. not convenient for hoeing for the field gets muddy due high rainfall), 2) the cost of production becomes higher (e.g. farmers estimated the cost of hired labour and fungicide to double because a) one day hoeing roughly takes two days due to inconvenience to work and discontinuity of work when rain comes b) wage rate is higher because higher demand for labour from other agricultural activities; and because of high incidence of diseases due to high intensity of rainfall fungicide application frequency increase). The estimated marginal mean for market seed was the lowest among the seed sources for the anticipated yield and quality in both districts. Farmers had no trust on market seed for they think the seed has problem of disease and impurity. Furthermore in Welmera the estimated means were below observed means for both yield and quality because of incidence of diseases, especially bacterial wilt, in the district. Farmers gave significantly different and high score for medium seed size compared to small and mixed seed sizes for yield and quality in both district except for anticipated yield in Welmera. Farmers in Welmera had attached less importance to seed size compared to farmers in Jeldu which is evidenced by the not significant difference between the seed sizes for yield in the district. There was interaction effect of between ploughing frequency and district, but the interaction was not significant for yield and significant for quality in both districts. Four and five ploughings had no significant difference on yield and quality in both districts. For hoeing frequency combined with hill size, estimated marginal mean for big hill size was significantly different from for small hill sizes for yield and quality in both districts. Moreover, the three levels of hoeing frequency 10 combined with hill size were significantly different for anticipated quality in both districts. Similar situation was true for fungicide application frequency. The three fertilizer rate levels were significantly different for anticipated yield and quality in both the districts. Majority of the farmers did not believe that use of above recommended fertilizer rate increase their yield. The estimated marginal means were highest for interaction between recommended fertilizer rate and twice fungicide application followed by the interaction between recommended fertilizer rate and thrice fungicide application (Table 7). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Table 6. Estimated marginal means for main effects seed potato management attributes on yield and quality in Jeldu and Welmera districts Estimated marginal means for Estimated marginal means for yield quality Attributes Jeldu Welmera Jeldu Welmera Seed source Own 0.251a 0.390a 0.306a 0.323a b b a Market 0.061 -0.169 0.005 -0.306b Institution 0.453c 0.313a 0.494a 0.488c Seed size Small 0.145a 0.171a 0.081a 0.102a a a a Mixed 0.105 0.105 0.140 0.088a Medium 0.516b 0.257a 0.584b 0.316b Storage method Local -0.202a -0.214a -0.242a -0.238a b b b DSL 0.713 0.570 0.778 0.575b Sprouting method De-sprouted 0.053a -0.014a 0.080a 0.017a Special action 0.151a 0.109a 0.087a 0.000a b b b In store 0.561 0.439 0.638 0.488b Ploughing frequency Three 0.312a 0.079ac 0.034a 0.008a Four 0.154a 0.269b 0.440b 0.214b a bc b Five 0.299 0.185 0.331 0.284b Planting date Earlier -0.053a 0.036a -0.026a 0.070a Recommended 0.564b 0.319b 0.563b 0.267b Hoeing frequency and hill size Once and small 0.046a -0.087a -0.097a -0.194a a a b Twice and small -0.068 -0.151 0.132 0.029b Twice and big 0.788b 0.772b 0.769c 0.671c Fertilizer rate Below -0.302a -0.452a -0.151a -0.448a Recommended Recommended 0.881b 0.756b 0.689c 0.635b Above 0.186c 0.230c 0.267c 0.319c Recommended Fungicide application frequency Once -0.202a -0.354a -0.048a -0.343a Twice 0.492b 0.412b 0.344b 0.349b b b c Thrice 0.476 0.476 0.508 0.500c 11 Std. error is 0.052 for yield and 0.047 for quality except for local storage and earlier than planting date 0.037 for yield and 0.034 for quality and DLS storage and recommended planting date 0.51 for yield. Table 7. Estimated marginal means for fertilizer rate and fungicide application frequency interaction effects on yield and quality in Jeldu and Welmera districts Interaction of fertilizer rate (FR) and fungicide application (FA) frequency Below recommended FR and once FA Below recommended FR and twice FA below recommended FR and thrice FA Recommended FR and once FA Recommended FR and twice FA Recommended FR and thrice FA Above recommended FR and once FA Above recommended FR and twice FA Above recommended FR and thrice FA Estimated marginal means for yield Jeldu Welmera -0.527 -0.969 -0.283 -0.336 -0.095 -0.052 0.087 -0.040 1.584 1.201 0.973 1.108 -0.166 -0.052 0.174 0.371 0.550 0.371 Estimated marginal means for quality Jeldu Welmera -0.040 -0.719 -0.398 -0.550 -0.016 -0.074 0.055 -0.062 1.163 1.065 0.849 0.901 -0.158 -0.247 0.268 0.531 0.691 0.673 Std. error equals 0.087 for yield and 0.080 for quality 4. 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Weight (%) of management attributes regarding their importance to yield and quality of seed potato production given by farmers Yield Quality Attributes Mean±Std.dev Degem Jeldu Welmera Degem Jeldu Welmera (n=3) (n=4) (n=8) (n=3) (n=4) (n=8) Seed source 6.0±1.7 25.0±10.0 7.6±2.9 9.7±5.5 22.0±8.0 7.5±1.8 Seed size 4.0±1.0 5.5±1.7 5.0±1.9 6.7±4.7 4.3±3.0 5.1±2.7 Storage method 3.0±1.0 4.0±1.4 7.8±2.5 4.7±3.1 8.7±4.5 6.6±1.8 Sprouting method 6.7±3.2 5.0±3.8 6.0±1.9 5.3±0.6 2.7±1.7 5.8±1.0 Land ploughing frequency 5.3±1.2 6.5±1.7 8.0±3.7 9.3±6.0 4.7±1.7 8.1±3.4 Spacing 5.0±3.5 4.7±2.1 6.6±1.7 4.3±2.1 4.0±1.8 5.9±2.7 Seed rate 5.7±3.5 3.7±1.5 4.9±1.5 4.7±2.9 5.1±1.3 5.4±2.3 Planting date 6.3±2.1 4.3±1.0 6.5±1.5 8.3±2.9 4.0±0.8 6.4±1.6 Hoeing frequency 7.0±2.6 4.5±1.7 7.4±1.6 6.3±3.2 5.0±1.4 6.3±2.0 Hilling 6.0±2.6 3.3±1.5 7.1±1.4 5.3±4.0 5.8±2.5 6.8±2.1 Fertilizer rate 8.0±1.5 6.0±1.7 5.8±2.5 9.3±0.6 7.5±2.4 6.6±3.1 Fungicide application frequency 11.0±5.3 5.0±0 8.0±2.2 8.0±3.5 4.5±2.4 7.5±1.3 Negative selection na Na 6.4±1.6 na na 6.7±1.6 Harvesting tools 3.7±1.5 3.0±1.4 0.9±2.1 3.0±1.7 5.0±3.6 4.7±2.3 Rotation 4.7±4.0 4.5±1.0 6.2±0.9 6.0±2.6 6.5±3.1 4.9±2.1 Difference in variety 6.7±2.3 6.5±4.0 2.6±1.8 5.4±2.5 3.7±2.1 3.1±1.2 Haul killing na na 1.0±2.5 na na 1.6±1.2 Sorting 5.3±1.5 3.0±1.4 na 5.3±5.1 4.5±1.3 1.0±2.8 Type of transportation 4.3±1.2 2.0±1.4 na 1.7±0.6 3.7±2.5 na Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 Note: na means not applicable Table 2. Weight (%) of management attributes regarding their importance to yield and quality of seed potato production as given by experts Yield Quality Attributes Mean±Std. dev. Round 1 (n=5) Round 2 (n=4) Round 1 (n=5) Round 2 (n=4) Seed source 7.9±2.4 8.3±1.2 6.6±3.8 6.8±0.5 Seed size 6.4±2.0 6.4±1.0 5.8±1.8 5.8±0.9 Storage method 7.5±2.9 6.8±2.9 7.2±1.9 6.8±1.3 Sprouting method 7.2±2.3 6.5±1.7 6.7±2.6 5.9±2.2 Land ploughing frequency 6.0±1.5 6.6±0.4 5.2±1.3 5.5±1.0 Spacing 6.5±1.2 6.1±0.9 5.9±0.7 5.9±0.3 Seed rate 6.1±1.9 5.5±1.7 5.3±2.7 4.4±2.3 Planting date 5.2±0.8 5.4±1.1 5.4±0.9 5.2±0.5 14 Hoeing frequency Hill size Fertilizer rate Fungicide frequency Negative selection Harvesting tools Rotation Difference in variety Haul killing Sorting Total Note: na means not applicable 5.6±2.2 6.9±1.6 11.0±4.0 8.6±2.0 7.9±3.5 1.0±2.2 2.4±1.4 2.8±1.4 1.0±2.2 na 100 5.6±1.4 6.8±0.9 9.0±4.0 8.8±2.2 6.0±0.9 na 5.6±1.3 6.6±0.9 na na 100 4.4±0.9 5.4±0.9 9.0±3.8 6.0±1.2 8.2±1.3 8.2±3.1 na na 5.8±3.3 na 100 4.2±1.0 5.7±0.5 7.0±3.4 6.8±1.5 6.5±1.3 6.9±1.4 4.5±2.1 5.6±0.9 4.5±2.4 2.0±2.4 100 15