Word - Bio-Link

This exam is worth 150 points. Note the point values for each question are
indicated. Good luck.
A. Please define the following terms. (40 points)
1. (5 pts) Hazard:
Equipment, chemicals, conditions with potential to cause harm
2. (5 pts) Risk:
Probability that a specific hazard will cause harm
3. (5 pts) Inflammable:
Relatively easy to ignite and burn
4. (5 pts) Flashpoint:
Temperature at which a chemical will produce enough vapor to burn in the presence of an
ignition source
5. (5 pts) Pyrophoric:
Will ignite on contact with air
6. (5 pts) Corrosive:
Destroys tissue or equipment on contact
7. (5 pts) Carcinogen:
Cancer causing agent
8. (5 pts) Teratogen:
Substance causing embryonic malformations
B. Please provide short answers to the following. (60 points)
1. (8 pts) Describe the hierarchy of responsibility for workplace safety. (Include the
responsibilities of the groups indicated.)
Federal agencies: Create regulations governing workplace safety
Employers: Provide safe environment, stress safety, training, develop an emergency
response plan
Employees: Apply training, implement institutional safety plan
2a. (5 pts) What is the purpose of the Right-to-Know Law?
Regulates availability of information about employees: hazard exposure and safety
measures in industrial workplaces.
b. (8 pts) List TWO responsibilities of employers under the Right-to-Know Law.
Hazard identification, Written hazard communication plan, MSDS, Clear labeling,
Worker training
3a. (6 pts) What is an Safety Data Sheet?
Safety Data Sheet = legally required document providing hazard information and
handling information for chemicals.
b. (12 pts) List FOUR pieces of information found on a Safety Data Sheet.
Answers vary. Chemical information, Health and emergency information, storage and
use information, chemical characteristics, regulatory information
4. (9 pts) What THREE components are required to make fire?
Heat, fuel, oxygen
5. (8 pts) Describe the Hazard diamond system for labeling hazardous chemicals.
Health (blue), Fire (Red), Reactivity (Yellow), Specific hazard (white) Ratings from 1 to
6. (8 pts) What are the FOUR routes by which a toxic chemical may enter the body?
Skin or eye contact, ingestion, injection, inhalation
7. (8 pts) What is LD50 by definition? Which route of exposure does NOT have a
corresponding LD50?
Dose of chemical that will kill 50% of animals exposed. Inhalation
8. (4 pts) What does a Threshold Limit Value represent?
Airborne concentration of chemical that most healthy workers can be exposed to safely
for 8 hours per day repeatedly
9. (4 pts) What does a Threshold Limit Ceiling represent?
Airborne values must NEVER exceed this limit
C. Please provide a summary of the safety precautions you would take in each case
that follows. (30 points)
1. (8 pts) Suppose your task was to make a two liter stock of 0.1 N HCl using the
concentrated HCl stock bottle. What safety precautions would you take?
Fume hood, goggles, face shield, gloves, apron, lab coat
2. (6 pts) What would you do to ensure you wore the PROPER gloves?
1. Check chart for type of glove to wear. 2. Check chemical resistance chart for glove
3. (8 pts) Suppose you know that a labmate has used Ethidium bromide (a carcinogen
that fluoresces under UV light) at your lab bench. How could you check for
contamination? What safety precautions would you take?
Check with UV light. Gloves, long sleeves, goggles, face shield
4. (8 pts) Your supervisor wants you to arrange the chemical storage facility which has
been neglected for some time. What types of things would you look for to help you
decide which chemicals to discard? List FOUR things.
1. Past expiration date. 2. Damaged container 3.Pressure buildup 4. Moisture 5. Color
change 6. Cloudy solution which should be clear 7. Poor labeling