9th GRADE HUMANITIES AMERICAN STUDIES I MR. WRIGHT – ROOM 260W dwright@crsd.org COURSE DESCRIPTION “This full-year course uses the period of American history from Reconstruction through World War II as the vehicle for teaching various disciplines of social sciences. An emphasis is placed on economics, geography, civics, and government. “ CLASS GOALS 1. To gain empathy (understanding) for those who lived before you. 2. Incorporate a “challenge by choice” attitude - find intrinsic motivation in at least one activity every day in class. 3. To actively participate in class more than 90% of the time. COURSE CONTENT Marking Period 1 – “Thinking Like Historians”, “Reconstruction”, “Closing the Frontier” Marking Period 2 –, “Industrialization”, “The Great Migration”, “The Progressive Era” Marking Period 3 – “America on the Global Stage”, “World War I”, “Return to Normalcy” Marking Period 4 – “The Great Depression”, “World War II and its Aftermath” SKILL OBJECTIVES STUDENTS WILL: 1. Gain empathy through the use of primary sources. 2. Compare and contrast numerous social science concepts (government, politics, sociology, psychology, economics, and geography) in order to acquire a greater comprehension of American history. 3. Effectively communicate educated opinions on current issues through research, reflective writing, and essay writing. 4. Build oral communication skills through individual and group presentations. 5. Develop multiple strategies in organizing a research paper and completing a works cited. NON - NEGOTIABLES 1. Be Punctual and Present 2. Agree to Disagree 3. This is a “Safe Zone” Regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability, and gender identity/expression you will be treated and respected as a human being. BULLYING AND HARRASSMENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. GRADING SYSTEM Simulation 5 pts In Class Formative Assessments 10 pts. Five Homework Checks 10 pts. Current Issues 10 pts Two Quizzes 20pts. Active Participation 20 pts. Unit Exam 25 pts. ___________________________________________________ 100 POINTS Extra Credit opportunities should be proposed to Mr. Wright within the first three weeks of each marking period. Returning of Assessments – please review school board policy in your student handbook HOMEWORK PHILOSOPHY / EXPECTATIONS 1. The purpose of homework is to promote time management, discipline, interpersonal thought, and following directions. 2. In receiving full credit, the student’s homework should: a. Follow the directions of the teacher b. Be fully complete c. Be on time in the classroom MAKE UP WORK 1. You can access missed handouts/assignments through the class folder and/or class webpage (see Mr. Wright if you have questions). 2. Tests and quizzes should be made up before or after school; not during class time CLASS MATERIALS 1. Pencil or Pen 2. Highlighter 3. Class Binder (1’’) w/ folder and notebook paper READING MATERIALS In Class Textbook – The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque Excerpts of The Jungle and Hiroshima (if time allows) MISCELLANEOUS GUIDELINES 1. HALL PASS PRIVELEGE: Please sign in/out and use the class hall pass. The Hall Pass is a privilege, therefore; it can be taken away if abused. 2. FOOD IN CLASS: Water and small snacks are allowed in class. 3. CELL PHONE POLICY: This class will follow school policy on cell phones. Phones/IPods are only allowed with teacher discretion. Consistent violation of cell phone policy can lead to referrals and/or loss of active participation points. **ANY STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS PLEASE SEE MR. WRIGHT**