Action Plan - Strathdearn Primary School Blog

Action Plan
Clear litter policy written and displayed in class and dining room
Display reward for healthy snack
Confirm that all break time snacks and lunch snacks are eaten in class
and nothing is taken outside
Find out the date of last and next Community Litter Pick /national Spring
Clean – school to be involved in this
Mention in assembly what is waste – look at labels on packaging
1 week collect and weigh amount of litter and waste brought at break
Confirm that skins etc are put in the compost bins provided
Mention in assembly what is waste – not anything that can be recycled –
juice cartons, and skins
Decide on a day for a waste free lunch – children to present an assembly
about a waste free packed lunch.
Collect and weigh all white paper collected in blue bins
1 week collect and weigh amount of litter/waste brought every day in
dining room.
Confirm that it is just white paper not waste
Make signs for photocopier – Use both sides of paper where possible
Recycle paper by using it to print information off which will be mounted
School Office and Head Teacher to use paper for messages etc
Home School communications improved by introduction of school blog
site – children in P6/7 to update every day.
Siblings will take home one copy of information where appropriate
Waste Minimisation
Timescale Evaluate
School Grounds
School to use new system EVOLVE for risk assessments stored
All school documents to be uploaded – newsletters, handbooks.
Confirm that recycling bins are used for glass, plastic bottles, and clothes.
Contact Blythswood for bin at school (need to confirm site)
Draw up a new rota for daily collection of waste for compost bin.
Confirm that school buys recycled photocopier paper
Confirm that all paper towels are made from recycled fibre
Children to use large jotters for several subject areas –
Discuss possibility of hand gel for general-purpose hand washing rather
than paper towels.
Water butt sited and all rainwater used to water plants and vegetables
A rota drawn up for watering
Read and record water usage include nursery water play
Children to present an assembly on the water cycle
Install hippos in the toilets
Find out about flush control in the toilets
Check out the times operations for low volume spray taps
Ensure that pupils are aware of water purification from reservoir to tap
Children to investigate sources of water pollution
Improve the yard by having a free standing basket ball net sited in a
suitable place
Discuss the possibility of art work for the gates and fences
Provide area for climbing and balance by installing a free standing
traversing wall in the yard / field area
Re-paint the painted games on the school yard
Continue to use the school grounds for teaching and learning
Continue to grow vegetables and use in some way for children to taste in
Health and Well
Food and the
a variety of ways
Check out the usage of the xylophone – buy new beaters and ensure it is
tuned – contact Steve Sharp
Next job is to improve school grounds by designing a sensory garden
Re-visit the topic of biodiversity
Ensure all children are aware of wild life specific to the area
Research plants to be planted which will encourage butterflies to the
Ensure the squirrel rope is up in grounds adjacent to the school.
Ensure a log pile in school grounds for study of mini beasts
Buy suitable identification information about wildlife to the grounds.
Begin some recording of wildlife that comes into the garden
Consider a marshy area to study wildlife
Continue to ensure all blinds are closed at night
Provide signs and monitor that all computers, smart boards etc. are
switched off at night
Monitor that all lights are switched off – charts with rota
Monitor all taps are switched off – charts with rota.
Find out what the school’s ‘Energy Performance Rating’ is
Data collection of percentage of children who chose school lunches
Data collection about fruit brought into school for snack / lunch
Ask children which school meal is a favourite
Start the Healthy Tuck shop – member of staff to discuss snacks –
Ask Cook about the possibility of toast one day a week
Fruity Friday
Design posters to encourage children to eat fruit
Lower classes to continue to grow vegetables and use in class in
interesting ways
Sustaining our
Continue to look after the soil by using the compost that has been made
Continue to find opportunities for all children to prepare drink and food
products by using raw ingredients.
Link with waste minimization topic by collecting food packaging waste
Establish the date of next cycling proficiency course
Establish what school vehicles run on
Children take part in a ‘Walk to school ‘ week – short distance from bus
Staff to go on the UNICEF ‘Rights respecting Schools’ initiative
Healthy Tuck Shop to establish fair trade products