HB 292 - The People, LLC

Analysis of HB 292 by Terri Timmcke
This bill "provides" for the Louisiana Environmental Education Commission which will promote
"environmental concepts " (which are un-defined in the bill ) by working with the Department of
Education to implement "environmental education" programs (un-defined !) in ALL public and PRIVATE
elementary and secondary schools. This Commission will also work to develop guidelines for
incorporating environmental education into college teacher education requirements.
This bill also indefinitely continues the current $1.00 fee (tax) on every driver's license (and renewal).
This fee is now set to expire on August 15,2011.
Also : "The funds in this account shall be used
solely for litter abatement and enforcement; public service announcements; develop,
review, and approve a plan for statewide environmental education and training of
operators of vehicles regarding littering; to finance local littering enforcement
activities in order to promote public safety, order, and general welfare by making the
streets, roads, rivers, streams, bayous, lakes, waterways, and highways of Louisiana
clean, safe, and free of debris, litter, and other material falling from or being thrown
from vehicles; and to award grants to nonprofit organizations and public agencies for
the development, dissemination, and assessment of such education programs."
Funds will also be used to fund the State Police Retirement Pension Fund.
WHY do we need government to spend our money on commissions and agencies to teach us not to
litter??? Can't parents do this?? If you litter...we have laws to deal with it already. Do we need a
costly statewide education program to stop littering from cars????
Shouldn't education on the environment come from SCIENTIFIC disciplines..... based in facts and
scientific study??? Why does government need to spend our money on commissions, agencies , and
"non-profits" to teach the teachers ???? All these groups will be "chosen" by bureaucrats!!! This is
another opportunity for the PPP cycle that takes taxpayer money and gives it to politically connected
Is this a way for government bureaucrats to "regulate" information on "environmental education" and
push the "global warming"-"climate change"- eco-socialist agenda in our schools?? WHY does this
"education" also apply to private schools???? In many schools already,the "green agenda" and saving
Mother earth is already being used to attack our capitalistic society and to push social justice. (Van
jones now wants 'equal rights" for plants and animals... no kidding!)
Let's SHRINK GOVERNMENT, stop spending on nonsense, and get government out of our everyday
lives.... even at the State level!! We MUST be wary of these "structure" bills that lay the foundation for
more government control.