Combined 11-12 CH Annual Report - Caring House

Income 2011 - 2012
Grants $426,231
Cash Donations $30,541
Donated Materials $66,144
Net Fund Raising $8,121
Other $454
October 2011 – September 2012
Assistance Provided:
 2,573 Shelter Bed-nights
 13,806 Units of Individual Counseling
 718 Group Units
 1,353 Crisis Calls
 140 Individuals Living in Shelter
 328 Individuals Not Living in Shelter
 92 Individuals with Sexual Assault Related Concerns
 141 Children Received Counseling and Advocacy Services
Quotes from service recipients:
 Thank you for my stay. It provided me a safe haven
 I’m grateful for everyone’s help & concern. You are beautiful people
 There is support, guidance & love here – professional people, my friends
 Staff is extremely helpful
 Everyone is so kind, I felt I was actually listened to and supported. It was good to hear
I am not alone others are going through similar circumstances
 I learned to openly express my concerns and problems instead of keeping it to myself
 Caring House is awesome and I am happy to have met everyone here
 Wonderful experience
 I would recommend every women to come here
 I was given the ability to move forward
 I really appreciate everyone here – so helpful
 I love and appreciate everyone – thank you all so much for your support and caring
 I feel I have the strength to deal with the situation
 I hope Caring House remains in operation for a long time. The services provided are
invaluable to those in need. I came here feeling lost, devastated and alone; I’m
leaving here feeling purposeful, valuable, loved, strong and worthy. I know, without
a doubt, that I can achieve anything and I will succeed at whatever I set my mind to.
 Angels everyone – thank you for being here
 I don’t know what I would have done without this place – God bless you all
Current Board Members: Seated left to right: Linda Zastrow – Advisory Board Chairperson,
Jayna Huotari, Prosecuting Attorney-Lisa Richards, Carla Anderson
Standing: Sheriff-Scott Celello, Philip Gardiepy-Hefner – Board Chairperson, Chad Harrison –
Board Vice Chairperson, Robert Sauld – Board Secretary/Treasurer, not pictured: John Kriegl
Current Staff Members:
Cheryl O’Neil – Executive Director
Martha Swisher – VOCA Coordinator
Tara Wery – Child/Teen Advocate
Fay Arnold – STOP Advocate
Donna Fayas-Johnson – Outreach Advocate
Jessica Coron – DV Advocate – Vol. Coord.
Karen Druschke – Finance Manager
Linda Seelund – Facility Coordinator
Susan Huotari – Administrative Assistant
Shelter Staff: Stephanie White, Teresa Malner, Mariea Dixon, Cathy Lesandrini, Nicole Paquin,
Darcy Kalkofen, Leslie Johnson, Judee Verette
Fund Raising Activities
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Event
Celebrity Waiters Dinner & Silent Auction
Annual Mystery Theater
Rock to the Rescue
Carla Anderson and Hannah from Styx
Awareness Activities
Sexual Assault Awareness Month’s Candle Light Vigil
Domestic Violence Awareness Month’s – End Domestic Violence Parade
Volunteers the Heart of Caring House
There are numerous volunteer opportunities to include:
 Fund Raising
 House coverage – assisting shelter residence
 Answering the crisis line
 Child Care
 Office – filing, making copies, data input, etc
 Maintenance – small repairs
 Lawn Care
 Snow Plowing
Volunteers beautify the
shelter: Women of Our
Savior’s Lutheran Church
MJ Halloween
Fund Raiser
Caring House
Caring House More Than a Shelter
In addition to safe shelter for families afraid to live in their homes, Caring
House provides:
24/7 Crisis Line Coverage
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
Assistance with Personal Protection Orders
Safety Planning
Lethality Assessments
Direct Response to the Scene of an Assault
Court Accompaniment
Sexual Assault Services
New Directions Program – women charged with DV
Child/Teen Individual Counseling
Child/Teen Group Counseling
Referrals – housing, medical, financial, legal
Transportation – to shelter, legal appointments
Systems Change
Educational Workshops and Seminars
Curriculum Development
Awareness Activities
Expert Testimony
Duplex Project
All services are free and strictly confidential. To learn more about our
services or what you can do to help call Caring House at 774-1112 or 1-800396-7839