INTERNSHIP PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND AGREEMENT FORM Medical Teams International is a volunteer-driven international humanitarian aid organization. We provide internships to give students an opportunity to work in an atmosphere that will introduce them to practical work experiences in their area of interest. Students learn first-hand from professional staff members while providing valuable support to our organization. Internship Program Descriptions We classify internships as credit based internships. An intern is someone who seeks to gain knowledge and experience to benefit his or her career exploration or development. An MTI internship does not guarantee or assume future employment. In exchange for this benefit, the intern donates his or her service to our organization. The following are some definitions of volunteers and our relationship to them: Volunteer A volunteer agrees to perform duties for Medical Teams International without compensation. Medical Teams International expects volunteers to meet the requirements of their assigned tasks and to conduct themselves in a considerate and appropriate manner as outlined in the Volunteer Handbook. Volunteers, including internships, work “at will” and are free to terminate their involvement with Medical Teams International at any time. Credit-Based Intern A credit-based intern is a student enrolled in a program that monitors and gives credit for hours served at Medical Teams International. This student is looking for either practical experience to enhance classroom learning or is exploring career opportunities. To be considered an intern, there must be a predetermined schedule, length of service and set of learning objectives. The intern’s teacher/advisor and the Medical Teams International staff member responsible for the intern’s supervision must approve an internship. By agreeing to accept the responsibilities related to an intern, our Medical Teams International staff member agrees to meet the learning objectives for the intern and their reporting requirements. Medical Teams International does not monetarily compensate interns for the services they perform. Internship Process The internship program at Medical Teams International is designed to provide internship experience to local students, while meeting staff needs. We will strive to offer flexibility in intern placement. Students who are interested in applying for an internship with Medical Teams International should take the following steps: 1. The candidate should submit the following application information to the Manager of Volunteer Services: Medical Teams International volunteer application Supplemental internship application Resume and cover letter, outlining the expectations for and internship, and how the internship will fit into the applicant’s career and educational goals. College or university requirements for for-credit internships. 2. The Manager of Volunteer Services will review all applications. If the candidate is a match for an existing internship position, an interview will be scheduled. If the candidate isn’t a match for a current position but the candidate’s qualifications and experience may be of interest to another department, the Manager of Volunteer Services will forward the application materials to that department. 3. The Manager of Volunteer Services or the internship supervisor will interview each candidate before final placement. 4. The internship supervisor will make the final decision on whether to offer the position to the candidate. If the position is offered, a job description will be finalized. 5. Once the internship is agreed upon, the intern, his or her supervisor, and the Manager of Volunteer Services will complete and sign all school forms and a Medical Teams International Intern Agreement Form. 6. At the end of the internship/work-study, a formal letter of recommendation and acknowledgement of program participation can be given if requested. 2 INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT FORM Name: Date: Address: Phone number: E-mail: School: School’s address: Curriculum or program: College teacher or advisor: GPA: Medical Teams International supervisor: Department assignment: Internship/Work-Study dates Required program hours From: To: Total hours: Weekly hours: Position Title: Essential duties: I, the undersigned, agree to follow the requirements outlined in the Medical Teams International Volunteer Handbook. I also agree to meet the time schedule and expectations, as outlined above, to the best of my ability. I understand that an internship with Medical Teams International does not guarantee or assume future employment. Name Date 3