Chapter 6 Earthquakes

Talent Management Division
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333 South Beaudry Avenue, 14th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Telephone: (213) 241-6608 Fax: (213) 241-8442
Revised Lesson Design Template
Class Profile
Subject/Grade Level:
Lesson Date/Time:
Science/6 Grade
November 2013
Class Composition (Record in numbers)
Language Proficiency Levels:
Teacher Name:
Mr. William A. Martin
Female: BB:
Instructional Goals and Objectives
Standards (1a El.1): What standard(s) or portion of a standard does your lesson address?
Learning Outcomes (1a El. 1; 1c El. 2): What are the conceptual understandings, content, and/or procedural
knowledge that you want students to learn? What do you want students to understand, know or be
able to do in relation to the standard(s)?
Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure
Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure
1. Plate tectonics accounts for important features of Earth’s surface and major geologic events. As a
basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know evidence of plate tectonics is derived from the fit of the continents; the location
of earthquakes, volcanoes, and midocean ridges; and the distribution of fossils, rock types, and
ancient climatic zones.
b. Students know Earth is composed of several layers: a cold, brittle lithosphere; a hot,
convecting mantle; and a dense, metallic core. c. Students know lithospheric plates
the size of continents and oceans move at rates of centimeters per year in response to
movements in the mantle.
d. Students know that earthquakes are sudden motions along breaks in the crust called faults and
that volcanoes and fissures are locations where magma reaches the surface.
e. Students know major geologic events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and
mountain building, result from plate motions. f. Students know how to explain major
features of California geology (including mountains, faults, volcanoes) in terms of
plate tectonics.
g. Students know how to determine the epicenter of an earthquake and know that the effects of an
earthquake on any region vary, depending on the size of the earthquake, the distance of
the region from the epicenter, the local geology, and the type of construction in the
Assessment (1e El. 1): What formal or informal assessment at the close of the lesson will serve as evidence that
students have met the lesson objectives (e.g.: student work, exit slip, etc.)
Evidence that the students have met the lesson objectives is when they are able to explain what an
earthquake is; describe how faults and earthquakes are related; understand that most earthquakes occur at
plate boundaries; explain how energy released during earthquakes travels in seismic waves; distinguish
among primary, secondary, and surface waves; describe how seismic waves are used to investigate Earth's
interior; explain how a seismograph records an earthquake; understand how to locate an earthquake's
epicenter; distinguish among ways earthquakes are measured; describe the various hazards from
earthquakes; five examples of ways to reduce earthquake damage; list ways to make your classroom and
home more earthquake safe.
Language Objective (1b El. 1; 1c El. 2): What language forms and functions will make content comprehensible
for English Learners and Standard English Learners?
We will be implementing the English Learner Master Plan fully in each lesson plan. Our sources will be SDAIE/Access to CoreInstructional/Observation Tools, using the LAUSD Teaching & Learning Framework Rubrics, Blended Learning, AVID
strategies, and incorporating the seven Earth Science standards establish by Common Core Content Standards.
For English Language learners we will be decoding the vocabulary throughout the lesson. Each student will work in Cooperative
Learning teams and be required to make a word web. Students write the words on a large sheet of paper and they must provide
the main concepts, supporting elements, and bridges showing relationships between ideas in a concept. The Math and Science
Department has developed a "Story Problem" template. It works perfectly for English Language learners. The template has 6
main areas as follows:
Rewrite the problem (1 point) - students are required to rewrite the formal standard in their own words.
Restate the Final Question (4 points) - Students must put the final question in this area and put it in their own words.
They are asked "What are you solving for?"
Model/Picture/Graph (4 points) - This area is for Kinesthetic Learners where they can visualize the problem.
Show Your Work (4 points) - In this area of the template the students puts down all their math work and calculations.
Solution (4 points) - What is the final solution? Write in 1 sentence.
Reflection & Analysis (3 points) - In this area we check for understanding from our English Learners. What was the
TOPIC of this problem? What did you learn from this problem? What was easy or hard? Why was it easy or hard?
Academic Language taught or reviewed (1a El.1; 1c El. 1; 1c El. 2): What academic language will be taught or
In data-driven differentiated instruction we have noticed students who need work on their everyday English patterns. We will
form collaborative learning groups so that these English Learners can see peer-editing from other students with similar grammar
needs. The teacher will read the lessons aloud and have students use the vocabulary words in a sentence and paste them on a
word web.
The vocabulary words in this lesson are listed below:
Elastic strain
Primary wave
Secondary wave
Seismic wave
Home Language
Academic English
Rock break to make an earthquake.
The rocks are breaking to form an earthquake. (Gerund)
Its the San Andreas fault for cracking the ground.
The San Andreas Fault is responsible for cracks in the ground (Acad. Voc)
The shaking machine measures the earthquake.
The seismograph measures the size of an earthquake. (target vocabulary)
Some other methods we will be using to decode the English language for our English learners are listed below:
Students will highlight words and phrases they do not know before the lessons.
We will emphasize root words, break them apart and show what the prefix and suffix of words mean.
Students will be required to read out loud in class at least 5 minutes per period and 30 minutes at home.
Teachers will provide immediate feedback if words are mispronounced or spelled incorrectly.
Model pronunciation of math vocabulary, formulas, and graphic displays.
Give verbal praise to all students each and every day.
Give examples of showing past tense.
Give examples of the correct possessive patterns.
Give examples of subject-verb agreement.
Give examples of making negatives.
Student Progress
Prerequisite Skills (1a El. 1): What prerequisite skills are essential for students to be successful in accomplishing
the objectives?
Some prerequisite skills that students need is their ability to use and understand the Scientific method. They
must be able to recognize the problem, form a hypothesis, collect data and make observations and finally
analyze and make a conclusion on what they have discovered. Students must be able to construct charts and
compile data accurately an in an logical manner. They must be able to communicate what they have
discovered in a verbal and written format. They finally must be able to safely use scientific apparatus in the
Science lab to model their findings so they can be performed by other students and also be critiqued by their
Prior Knowledge (1b El. 1; 1c El. 2; 1e El. 4): What do students know and understand in relation to the
objectives? What data (formal or informal) provides evidence for their prior knowledge?
In order for students to know and understand the objectives, they must understand the Scientific
method and Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful
investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other
three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations. Students
a. Classify objects (e.g., rocks, plants, leaves) in accordance with appropriate criteria.
b. Develop a testable question.
c. Plan and conduct a simple investigation based on a student-developed question and write
instructions others can follow to carry out the procedure.
d. Identify the dependent and controlled variables in an investigation. e. Identify a
single independent variable in a scientific investigation and explain how this variable
can be used to collect information to answer a question about the results of the
experiment. f. Select appropriate tools (e.g., thermometers, meter sticks, balances, and
graduated cylinders) and make quantitative observations. g. Record data by using
appropriate graphic representations (including charts, graphs, and labeled diagrams)
and make inferences based on those data. h. Draw conclusions from scientific
evidence and indicate whether further information is needed to support a specific
i. Write a report of an investigation that includes conducting tests, collecting data or examining
evidence, and drawing conclusions.
What student misunderstandings/misconceptions do you anticipate, and how will you address those (1d, El. 4)?
Many students are unaware of how the earth's surface changes over time. To address these misunderstandings I will do the
1. Some students believe their are monsters fighting under the ground and that causes the ground to shake. I will make sure
they understand the dynamics of plate boundaries and how stress and pressure in the crust and mantle causes these
tectonic forces to move the ground with tremendous pressure.
Students believe they can predict when an earthquake occurs or they believe in "Earthquake season". I will make sure
that these fallacies are not true and scientist use complex equipment to measure the movements of the continents and
also monitor plate activity at the plate boundaries. They use seismic waves to provide information about the
characteristics of an active earthquake event.
Students believe that their homes and schools are earthquake proof. I will ensure that they understand how much
destruction and earthquake can pose on a wide variety of building structures and land formations. They will learn how
liquefaction can amplify the energy of an earthquake and that other natural events such as volcanoes and atomic
explosions can cause earthquakes as well.
Materials (1d El. 2): What materials, resources, and/or technology will be used in the lesson? How will they
support the instructional outcomes for this lesson?
Students will need:
Paper and pencil
models of planet earth
Teacher will need:
on-line PhET interactive simulations experiment website (
thermal and heat experiments
Science Lab preparation
Video on the Continental Drift Theory
Journey to the Center of the Earth movie.
Interactive Classroom CD-ROM
Computer and LCD projector
Technology Tools for Students
Extra Examples, Chapter 6, Lesson 1 to 4
Self-Check Quiz, Chapter 6, Lesson 1 to 4.
Structures/procedures (1d El. 4): What structures and classroom routines/procedures will increase academic
engaged time in this lesson?
Capture the Kids' Heart Social Contract - this contract is an agreed upon norms on how students will behave
and interact with other students as they learn the lessons in the classroom.
Class Rules - defines the classroom routine and daily procedures which are common in most classrooms with
respects to using the restroom, medical emergencies, acquiring classroom material, etc.
Kagan's Cooperative Learning strategies - this program contains a self-contained body of structures used to
engage and motivate students. Each structure is designed to engage students in team and class building
activities. The specific structures we will use in this lesson plan to engage students to process information is as
Rally Coach
Round Robin
In and Out Circle
Balloon bounce
Grouping (1d El. 3): How will you group students (whole class, small groups, pairs)? How will you use data to
assist you in forming these groups?
Students will sit in small groups of four students per team. Kagan Cooperative Learning program recommends the first group be
randomly selected. They should remain in this small group for about 6 weeks. The structures activities are perform in pairs and
the culminating activities are whole class involvement. Each four student team has been assigned a job. At each table, there is a
Coach, Recorder, Material Monitor, and a Quiet Captain. I will continue to use the data acquired from the "My Data" website to
assist me in forming groups when the students are able to work effectively as a team and a class. I will also monitor their progress
on homework assignments and the data acquired from weekly tests on the Science curriculum.
Instructional Sequence
Consider the following questions when designing your plan:
What opportunities will you provide for students to make sense of what they are learning and construct new
knowledge? (1d El.1)
How will you make content relevant to students’ interests and cultural heritage? (1b El.4)
What strategies, linked to lesson objectives, will you use to maximize participation of all students for the
entire instructional block? (e.g. discussion, student talk, inquiry, questioning, reflection) (1d El.1; 1a El. 2)
What opportunities are you providing for students to engage in higher level thinking (e.g. analysis, synthesis,
application) (1d. El1)
What questions do you plan to ask students so that they can demonstrate their reasoning? (1d. El 1)
(These questions do not need to be answered directly but are important guiding questions to support your
lesson design. You may be asked to respond to these questions during your pre-observation conference.)
Grade Level: 6th grade
Subject: Earthquakes
Standard: CCSS.Science.Content.6.SC.1d.e.g.
Length of Time: 4 Weeks
Students will know that earthquakes cause seismic waves that can be devastating to humans and
other organisms.
Motivating activity:
Have students discuss how they think the continents of the Earth were formed. Make sure they
understand the following objectives.
1. Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries when rocks break and move along falults.
2. Earthquakes cause seismic waves that provide valuable data.
3. Data from seismic waves are recorded and interpreted to determine the location and size
of earthquakes.
4. Effects of an earthquake depend on its size and the types of structures and geology in a
Procedure: (4 Week activity)
Monday - Students will have a lecture on Earthquakes and have a discussion. There will we be an
open discussion amongst teams on Earthquakes and they will also see a Brain pop video. (60
Tuesday - Students will perform the mini-lab making models of Earthquake faults using blocks and
other building materials and show the three stresses that rocks deform. They will produce and
Earthquake video. (60 min)
Wednesday - Students will watch a 40 minute video explaining Earthquakes and also see the
movie "Earthquake 10.0". (180 min)
Thursday - Students will collaborate on teams to complete the homework assignments on
Earthquakes and Plate Boundaries, Earthquakes and Seismic Waves, Measuring Earthquakes,
and Earthquake Hazards and Safety. They will make team presentations showing how they
believe the forces of the continents shifting and moving to show evidence of the existence of the
earthquake faults and methods to measure seismic waves. They will also correct their written
homework assignments. (60 min)
Friday - Student assessment will be a written test covering the material in Chapter 6, Earthquakes.
Mr. Kovach will set up various Science lab explorations so that students learn how to use a
seismograph and record data on a seismogram. I will also provide a lab on the seismograph and
have students produce a movie which will be the culminating activity for all the knowledge they
have compiled in Chapter 6: Earthquakes. Students will also be asked to assess their homes and
see if they are prepared for an Earthquake. They will learn that earthquake-resistant structures
save lives and property.
Students will learn the following:
1. An earthquake is a sudden rupture and movement on a fault.
2. Seismic waves travel outward in all directions from the focus. Primary and secondary
waves travel through Earth's interior.
3. Instruments called seismographs produce records of seismic waves called seismograms.
4. Scientists use knowledge of faults and ground conditions to determine earthquake hazard.
Each problem is worth 1 point.
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
Additional Support for Specific Groups of Learners
English Learners/Standard English Learners (1d El. 1): What strategies will be used to help English Learners
and Standard English Learners access the content?
In this lesson to help English Learners and Standard English Learners access the content will be using essential techniques as
defined Doug Lemov's book called "Teach Like a Champion: The essential Techniques. In the Structuring and Delivering Your
Lessons section, our group has decided to use the following techniques:
Technique 12: The Hook
Technique 13: Name the Steps
Technique 16: Break it Down
Technique 18: Check for Understanding
Technique 20: Exit Ticket
As our English Learners perform their Science work, we will look at the following processes:
Show students and model the work - we will tell students what they have to do each day by having a White Board
Configuration Model that shows what is expected of them each day and in every class. We will also provide them with
an agenda and class syllabus so they can take it home so that their parents can monitor their progress.
Start each day by having students read their work and share with other students. An Alpha Smart word processer is
available for each student so they can type their work in the unit and use the spell checking application to check for
misspelled words. A Spanish/English Dictionary is available for each students as well as the Science curriculum is
bilingual in text.
Define Pattern - I will help the students find their way through their text book. They will have a Scavenger Hunt
exercise that is designed for them to explore all the areas of their science book so they know how to use the Table of
Contents, Glossary, Appendix, workbooks and on-line material that is provided with their text books.
English Learners will not be required to read a large amount of text at one time.
Students will be encouraged to mark up the text, use highlighters, post-its and Cornell notes to highlight important
Teachers will use their personal experiences if appropriate to enhance the learning experience.
English learners will be able to illustrate what they have learned by creating stories or using the Story Problem
There will be a daily review of the math vocabulary words, formulas, symbols, and technical training using Science
Students will be provide a feedback "Parking Lot" area where they can post matters of concern on the board to get help
before and after class.
Students with Disabilities (1b El. 3): What modifications and/or accommodations are needed for students with
disabilities in this lesson?
As a rule of thumb, we allow these students to have more time to master the material. Some strategies we are using that seems to
increase productivity in these students are:
We do not take off for spelling and minor mathematical errors.
Allow them to read with a study buddy
Encourage peer-tutoring with students that have similar abilities.
Do not require oral reading or physical presentations.
Give constant praise each day.
Allow students to access and leave the classroom at an earlier time.
Place these students closer to the front of the classroom.
Allow students to make up the test or take an oral assessment.
Limit classroom distracters.
Stand by the student when giving the lecture or classroom directions.
Look for limiting or aggressive body language.
Enrichment (1b El. 3): How will you enrich and deepen learning opportunities for students who have already
achieved mastery?
Students that have already achieved mastery are encouraged to participate in Blended Learning. They have a great opportunity to
enrich and deepen their learning opportunities by accessing the Science curriculum which is available on-line. Students can work
on a wide variety of science investigations in the science lab located on campus or they can use their computers at their homes if
one is available. They may even ask their parents to take them to the variety of Science museums in our community.
Students were given a challenge by the Principal to develop a Power Point Presentation that illustrates their ability to learn while
using technology. Students will be encouraged to use Microsoft Power point to showcase what they have learned and teach their
fellow class mates. Any successful work produced by these students will be assessed as extra credit to increase their Grade Point
If the entire class achieves mastery, they usually rewarded with a Class Pizza Party at the end of five weeks. The Earth's Interior
models and research paper will be placed on the bulletin board to model extraordinary work for other students.
How will you communicate to students what proficiency or mastery looks like? What distinguishes
mastery/proficiency from non-mastery/below proficiency) (1e El. 2)
1. The Science Department routinely engages science teachers to collaborate and develop Science Rubrics that are used to
distinguish mastery/proficiency from non-mastery/below proficiency. As a general rule, the Department has used 70%
mastery of the material as a proficient level.
Graded work is posted in the classroom so that the student can clearly see what an "A" paper ranks and how an "F"
paper ranks by the teacher's assessment. Graded work in combination with the Grading Rubrics is the best tool for
students to gauge their work.
Science teachers should model out the procedures and techniques before allowing students to perform them.
Through Differentiated Instruction, teachers should be able distinguish mastery and proficiency on a given standard.
Usually students are successful with Core and Advanced level questions on their homework and assessment challenges.
In this lessons, students will be required to construct an Earth's interior model using a styrofoam ball.
The data for class performance is routinely placed on performance spreadsheets and analyzed by the Science
Department. Each Science teacher is able to print out these performance spreadsheets and post them in their classroom.
There are spread sheets available for:
LAUSD Periodic Science Assessments
Common Core Science Assessments
Science Laboratory
Science Text book Tests
What evidence will let you know that all (EL, Sp Ed, etc.) students understand how to demonstrate
proficiency/mastery?(1e El.2)
Special Needs and English Language learners will show evidence that they have demonstrated proficiency/mastery if they can
perform the following tasks:
Be able to construct a simple diagram showing how an earthquake is formed and label the seismic waves.
Be able to use the target vocabulary in this lesson to form simple word sentences.
Be able to identify which seismic wave is the primary, secondary, and surface wave.
With 50 percent accuracy be able to answer the test questions for this lesson.
What opportunities will students have to self- or peer assess? (1e El. 3)
At the end of each week, students are given an opportunity to provide feedback on their learning experiences for that week.
Students are given an Alpha Smart word processer where they can type their concerns or critique their peers performance. Each
Alpha Smart is downloaded to the teacher's main computer for quality control purposes and editing. The classroom composition
can be published in a weekly progress report or projected on the screen and read by an electronic word recognition reading
program. Students are also allow to grade their peers quizzes, homework, and test. They are provided with a 10 week course
syllabus that requires them to chart their daily homework, test grades, and work habit grades. Parents are required to initial the
syllabus each week showing evidence they are aware of their child's academic progress. In the Blended component of the science
curriculum, students engage in experiments in the Science Laboratory in room 54. Each time they engage in experiments, they
will work on teams to reinforce cooperative learning and promote differentiated learning to meet all students needs to master the
standards. Students sit in four person teams based on their academic abilities. Each team has a High, High Medium, Low Medium
and Low level student. They are encouraged to work as teams based on the Kagan Cooperative Learning model.
During the lesson, what are some of the different strategies you will use to check for understanding? (1e El. 3, El. 4)
1. Thumbs Check - if students are understanding the lesson I will tell them to give me a "thumbs up". If they do not understand,
then they will give me the "thumbs down". If they are a little confused, then they give me the "sideways thumb" and swing it back
and forth.
2. Body Language Check - if students are easily distracted, yawning, sleeping, appear easily frustrated, not completing the work,
consistently failing the tests, exhibiting excessive motor activity, grimacing, frequently tardy or absent from class, and shy, this
gives me clues that they are not understanding the lesson. In these situations, students are asked to repeat the directions verbally
or write them down on a piece of paper so that I can check for understanding.
3. Pointing - students are told to point to a required text or problem so that I know they are focused on the material.
4. Showcasing - students are allow to pick a science vocabulary word or process they can explain and use that for their "exit
ticket" when it is time to leave the classroom.
5. Stand-by-the-door - I stand by the door and ask the students a warm up question before they enter the classroom. If they fail to
answer the question, they must fall in the back of the line.
6. Wiggle the Pencil - this technique is much like the thumb check except for the student is required to wiggle their pencils in
their fingers if they understand the material.
Next Steps
What will be your next steps after this lesson? (1c El. 1)
I will prepare the class for the next lesson which is "Volcanoes". Students have already made their volcanoes a month in advance
for this chapter. They will be taught how to safely explode their volcanoes using baking soda, vinegar, and red food die.
How will you record and utilize evidence of student learning to inform your next steps? (1e El. 4, 1e El. 3)
All grades are recorded on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which tells the following?
Computes the student G.P.A.
Computes the classroom passing rate.
Charts a visible Pie Graph illustrating students who are passing or failing the curriculum.
Records the progress scores for each student for the entire school year.
Student Portfolios - students are require to file their work in their student portfolios to provide evidence of their work in case it is
need for academic intervention with the School Counselors, Parents, Dean, RSP teachers, or for an IEP and re-designation.
Grades Verification - all grades are recorded on ISIS. Teachers can print out student grades and analyze the measure of central
tendency for grade marks per classroom. With a normal distribution of grade marks, if the data is distributed in the D and F
range, I will have to revisit the this standard for at least two more days in the following week.