Electronic Supplementary Material E.F. Leifheit, S.D. Veresoglou, A

Electronic Supplementary Material
E.F. Leifheit, S.D. Veresoglou, A. Lehmann, E.K. Morris, M.C. Rillig*
Multiple factors influence the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil aggregation - a meta-analysis. Plant and
* corresponding author: e-mail: matthias.rillig@fu-berlin.de, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Biologie, Plant
Ecology, Altensteinstr. 6, D- 14195 Berlin, Germany. Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity
Research (BBIB), D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Sensitivity Analysis: Fig. S1 – S12
Additional information for the moderators ‘plant’ and ‘aggregate size fraction’ (Fig. S13)
List of articles used in the meta-analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
We performed a sensitivity analysis on our dataset to test whether there have been studies with a disproportionally
high impact on the effect size (Copas and Shi 2000). The sensitivity analysis was only conducted for the moderators
that showed significance in the permutation test: i) duration of experiment, ii) pot size, iii) soil pH, iv) sand content,
v) sterility and vi) setting.
The moderators were meta-analyzed individually while sequentially excluding single studies from the dataset. In
cases where the bias-corrected CIs of the retrieved effect did not include the mean effect of the entire dataset, we
concluded that the excluded study had a disproportionate impact on the effect size. Results of the sensitivity analysis
are presented Fig. S1 – S12.
Fig. S1 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘duration of the experiment’: mean value for the slope and squared
standard error. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S2 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘setting’ - group field, and the effect size (ln(R)): means and biascorrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S3 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘setting’ - group pot and the effect size (ln(R)): means and biascorrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S4 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘sand content’ -group fine texture and the effect size (ln(R)): means
and bias-corrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the
respective means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study
with a disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S5 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘sand content’ -group medium texture and the effect size (ln(R)):
means and bias-corrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are
the respective means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No
study with a disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S6 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘sand content’ -group coarse texture and the effect size (ln(R)): means
and bias-corrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the
respective means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study
with a disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S7 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘pot size’: mean value for the slope and squared standard error. On the
x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective means for the analysis
with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a disproportionate impact
on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S8 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘sterility’ - group non-sterilized and the effect size (ln(R)): means and
bias-corrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the
respective means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study
with a disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S9 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘sterility’ - group sterilized and the effect size (ln(R)): means and biascorrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S10 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘soil pH’ - group high and the effect size (ln(R)): means and biascorrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S11 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘soil pH’ - group low and the effect size (ln(R)): means and biascorrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Fig. S12 Sensitivity analysis for the moderator ‘soil pH’ - group medium and the effect size (ln(R)): means and biascorrected CIs. On the x-axis first the mean for the entire dataset is shown. The following values are the respective
means for the analysis with one study omitted. Axis labels represent the ID of the omitted study. No study with a
disproportionate impact on the effect size was detected.
Additional information for moderators ‘plant’ and ‘aggregate size fraction’
Fig. S13 Means and bias-corrected CIs of the effect size for the moderators ‘plant’ and ‘aggregate size fraction’.
Numbers in parentheses refer to the number of trials present in the class. The reported p-value was obtained from the
permutation test
List of references used in the meta-analysis
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