Create a comic book that uses the characters of Neolithic Nel and

Create a comic book that uses the characters of Neolithic Nel and Neolithic Nick to tell the story of life in
the Neolithic Age as compared to life in the Paleolithic Age.
Cover Page
Your comic book will need a colorful cover page with a title and drawings of the main characters, Nel
and Nick.
Story Pages
The inside of the comic book should have four story pages. Each story page will be related to one of the
topics you studied (food supply, shelter, community, jobs, or trade). Select the topics you think
represent the most important changes in life from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age.
Each story page must include one or two sentences that explain what life was like in the Paleolithic Age.
Each story page must also have a funny, four-part comic that shows the ways life changed from the
Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age and explains why these changes are important.
To create this four-part comic, follow these steps:
• Cut, glue, and color drawings from Student Handout 3D: Comic Book Characters.
• Add your own drawings of other animals, objects, and background scenery.
• Write funny and informative speech or thought bubbles for the characters.
• Add other details to make your comic book more realistic.
To get a 4 you can do some or all of the following:
Add a fifth page with the final chapter topic.
Do an additional animated version of your comic (Edmodo might work for this).
Create a flipbook to show the change from Paleolithic to Neolithic.
Your own idea.
For any additional work, be sure to get my approval before starting.
We’ll start this in class on Fri., 10/11. We’ll have at least part of two other class periods to work on it.
The final product will be due on Wed. 10/16.