Neolithic Comic Rubric 2

Name: ____________________________
SAS 6th Humanities
6LK- ________
Neolithic Comic Life
Look at your notes and homework from the textbook (History Alive) and the Çatal
Höyük Comic Webquest and choose one of the five topics studied to explore
further for this project. Use Comic Life on your computer to create a 1-page
comic/cartoon storyboard about the change from the Paleolithic Era to the Neolithic
Era for the topic you chose.
This comic should be between 4 and 6 boxes that all fit on one side of one page.
Be sure to include one original title for your comic at the beginning. You may use
photos and clipart you find on the internet but all of the writing must be original
Task Rubric
NCAD (a small textbox in any corner on the front)
Original, Creative & Catchy Title
Word Choice (used vocabulary from chapter)
5 – Extremely clear, visual and accurate. I chose the right words for the
right places.
3 – Correct, but not striking. The words get the message across but
don’t capture the reader’s attention.
1 – Confusing or unclear. The reader is often asking, “What did s/he
mean by this?”
Demonstrated understanding of differences between Paleolithic
and Neolithic Age in context writing of speech bubbles and text.
Ideas / Use of Information
5 - Focused, clear and specific. You keep the reader’s attention. All
information is historically accurate. All information fits well into the
story of your comic. Humor used is not distracting from your message
or historical content.
3 - Some really good parts, some not there yet. You generally keep
the reader’s attention. Most information is historically accurate. Some
information fits well into the story of your comic. Humor used may
sometimes distract from your message or historical content.
1 - Just beginning to figure out what you want to say or you may not
know what to say yet. Much of your information may not be historically
accurate. Historical information generally does not relate to your
comic story. Humor used often distracts from your message or the
historical content.
0 - Most / all information used is inappropriate or inaccurate.
3 - Mostly correct. There are very few errors in my comic. Spelling is
accurate; capitals used correctly; punctuation marks are in the right
places; grammar/usage is consistent.
2 - About halfway there. A number of bothersome mistakes need
cleaning up. A few simple/common mistakes have been overlooked.
Problems in punctuation reduce flow.
0/1 - Editing is not under control yet. It would take more than one
reading to get the message. Spelling errors are common. Capital letters
are scattered all over, or not used at all. Punctuation is limited or
overused and makes reading this paper difficult. I haven’t spent time
editing this paper.