A method of starting seeds during the winter using recyclable

A method of starting seeds during the winter using recyclable containers (plastic or
metal) to create miniature greenhouses.
Protected environment (from hungry birds/rodents)
Inexpensive (using containers usually recycled)
Plants germinated in this way are hardier than plants started indoors
Plants grow when nature tells them to
Gardening activity during the winter!
Select containers that will hold about a 4 inch depth of potting soil
Perforate bottoms for water drainage (Photo #1)
Jugs - cut 3 sides, leaving the fourth as a "hinge" - discard caps (Photo #2)
Cut 3-4 vertical slits towards the top (2-3" long) for venting (Photo #3)
Foil pans - prepare top: metal screen or perforated plastic top
Pour in 3 inches of soil, leaving one inch below lip (Photos #4A & 4B)
Add water; drain
Place seeds (Photo #5)
Finish with 3/4-1 inch of soil; pat down (Photo #6)
Identify contents with either name (Photo #7) or number corresponding to a list
Close container: tape jugs/add screen (top) to pans: set aside
After 3-4 hours, moisture should appear inside container - if not, add more water
Place outside (Photo #8)
Wait for spring
PERENNIALS - first week of January
When sprouts appear, widen the vents
After second set of leaves appear, transplant to their permanent bed
Presented by Ron Willer
Page 1
Put in drain holes
Cut 3 sides, leaving 4th side as hinge
Add Vents
# 4A
Add Soil
Presented by Ron Willer
Page 2
# 4B
Fill to 3 inches
Add Water; Drain; Place Seeds
Top Off; Pat Down
Presented by Ron Willer
Page 3
Identify Contents
Place Outside
Presented by Ron Willer
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