Unit 4 Lesson 6 Introductory Video Script Course Music 7 Lesson Objective Semester A Unit 4 Lesson 6 The student will be able to identify various accent markings used in music and explain the purpose of each. Visual Audio <Effect—Fade to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/actorpeople-woman-speech-host542726/> Have you ever listened to someone give a speech or lecture and had a hard time staying awake and attentive? <Effect—Drop image in from top> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/cathangover-boredom-radwasabry266095/> It wasn’t that the person was not saying anything important, but his or her voice was so monotone and unexpressive. <Effect—Move image across right to left> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/bookbored-college-education-15584/> When the presenter speaks without feeling or enthusiasm, it is awfully difficult for you to stay interested as you listen. <Effect—Display image at close The same idea applies in music. Each zoom, then zoom out> composition needs to be expressive, interesting, <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/bandand engaging for the audience. music-musical-instruments-691224/> <Effect—Pull image up from bottom> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/guitaristmusician-street-performer-315957/> In the last lesson, we talked about how musicians show expression in music, and particularly how the legato style is used. <Effect—Dissolve to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/celloclarinet-orchestra-music-375369/> Imagine if you went to an orchestra concert and all of the musicians played with no expression at all. <Effect—Move image across left to right> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/hornbugler-hornist-musician-375368/> They played all of the correct notes and rhythms, but never changed dynamics or articulation styles. <Effect—Display image at wide zoom, then zoom in> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/operaorchestra-music-concert-594592/> What would you think? Would it be enjoyable to listen to for an hour or more? <Effect—Fade to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/beautywoman-flowered-hat-cap-354565/> As an art form, one of the major purposes of music is to express feelings. <Effect—Move image across right to left> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/melody-musicnotes-sounds-297686/> If the musicians leave all expression out of their playing, then the music is nothing more than a series of notes, and it loses its meaning. <Effect—Drop image in from top> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/music-nutsmusic-notes-sheet-music-224011/> As we have previously discussed, composers use many different types of notations to indicate when and how musicians should show expression. <Effect—Display image at wide zoom, then zoom in> <Image: http://www.morguefile.com/archive/di splay/849430> Accent markings are just one type of notation that can be used, but they are very important to how each note sounds. <Effect—Pull image up from bottom> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/military-fifermusician-ceremonial-606195/> Accents dictate how each note should be articulated. <Effect—Dissolve to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/soloviolinist-playing-artist-619154/> For wind and string instruments, they also tell how air or the bow should be used through the whole note. <Effect—Move image across left to right> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/trumpetersailor-military-navy-569862/> Accents also tell you how long to hold each note. <Effect—Drop image in from top> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/stavemusic-notation-notes-156439/> This may seem strange, since the type of note already tells you how long it is supposed to be. <Effect—Fade to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/music-clefnotenblatt-texture-665603/> Think about a measure with four quarter notes. <Effect—Display image at wide zoom, then zoom in> <Image: http://www.morguefile.com/archive/di splay/172628> If these notes were all marked legato, you would make each note last all the way up to the next, avoiding any gaps. <Effect—Dissolve to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/sheet-musicmusic-melody-sheet-277277/> If, however, they are marked staccato (Stahkaw-toh), you would play each note short and light. <Effect—Move image across right to left> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/melody-notesmusic-singing-black-297358/> Staccato (Stah-kaw-toh) means detached. So each note should be disconnected from the next. <Effect—Display image at close zoom, then zoom out> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/musical-notemusic-clock-notenblatt-668879/> Another type of marking, often just called an accent mark, or sometimes marcato (Mar-kawtoh), indicates that the note should be attacked strongly, then quickly taper off. <Effect—Pull image up from bottom> The word marcato (Mar-kaw-toh) means <Image: marked, but it also sounds a bit like march. http://pixabay.com/en/checkboxcheck-mark-mark-check-303113/> <Effect—Fade to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/marchingband-military-band-usa-568740/> If you listen to a march, you will likely hear a lot of notes played in the marcato (Mar-kaw-toh) style. <Effect—Move image across right to left> <Image: MU7_A_4_6_VS_pic1> The legato style we talked about in the last lesson is indicated by a marking called tenuto. <Effect—Dissolve to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/grapes-bunchfruit-person-holding-690230/> Tenuto (Teh-new-toh) comes from the Italian word for “to hold.” <Effect—Drop image in from top> <Image: MU7_A_4_6_VS_pic2> With many different types of accent marks to tell you how to play each note, you could create very different styles while playing the exact same notes. <Effect—Fade to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/pressconference-speaker-media-304776/> Now think about that speaker with the monotone voice again. <Effect—Move mage across left to right> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/martin-lutherking-jr-i-have-a-dream-572586/> If he or she had infused the speech with more expression, letting the voice rise and fall, changing speed and volume, it likely would have held your attention more. <Effect—Pull image up from bottom> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/trumpetermusician-street-music-590380/> Just like in speech, expression in music draws your attention to particular sections and creates interest. <Effect—Dissolve to image> <Image: http://pixabay.com/en/lindsey-stirlingmusic-violin-391613/> These markings also serve as a guide for musicians to infuse music with their natural expressions of feeling.