New Logo Email Weekly Witness 3-8-15

Sunday, March 8 at 10 AM
Baptism Service and special recognition for Carol Days
and the Chancel Choir and Carolin Auvil
Looking ahead:
75 Year Membership Recognition for Pearl Miller following the Worship service on
Sunday, March 15. Special recognition for Westminster Bells.
Sunday, March 22 at 10:00 a.m. special recognition for those who present
special music
Palm Sunday, March 29 at 10 AM, One Great Hour of Sharing
offering will be collected. Please bring your child’s fish bank to this service.
Maundy Thursday Service with Communion at 7 PM on Thursday, April 2.
Easter Sunday, April 5 at 10 AM with an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.
Annex Ramp Project Underway—Your Patience is Appreciated!
Honor Carol Days and Chancel Choir and Carolin Auvil
March 8, the 160th Committee wishes to Honor Carol Days, music director and
Carolin Auvil accompanist and the Choir for their dedications and beautiful music.
In 1855, when our church was started Phoebe Judson, daughter of Rev.
Goodell, had the only instrument, a melodian, which she played while the
members sang. The 4th minister, Rev. Brouillette, started a singing school which he
taught each summer. From 1886-1892 Mrs. Herndon directed the choir and
played the pump organ in the State Street Church. Mrs. Lipscomb directed from
1917-1951. Clarice Steffon, Ron Simpson, and Lilis Nogler were involved
from1966-1991, Mary Zanger, Lora Foxwell and many others preceded Carolin
Auvil and Carol Days over the years. Carol Days started directing the choir in 1999,
and has directed ever since. There have been many incidental soloists we
remember fondly.
Today we honor Carol Days director, and the choir, and Carolin Auvil
accompanist for their dedication and beautiful music. The red choir robes were
donated in 1978 by John and Alma Thompson. In 2001, Millie Lofberg donated the
green robes in honor of her husband Carl. The present choir will be singing this
Sunday, and we honor and appreciate them each time they sing, but this Sunday
we especially honor all they do to make our service a living tribute to Christ.
If you are computer savvy, enjoy Facebook and have an interest in the church
website. Contact the church office. We will be looking into changing website
formats and possibly programing. If you would like to join with us on this new
endeavor, please contact the church office at 748-0091.
Please bring candy, stickers, easers etc. (small enough to fit inside a plastic Easter
egg) are needed for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Due to allergies please do not
purchase anything with nuts. Please drop off donations by Sunday, March 29.
WPC 2015 Lenten Service
Every Wednesday 12:00-12:30 during Lent, we will meet in the Westminster
Presbyterian Church to praise the Lord. Please come early to pray together for
God’s will in the service. A short sharing, music, and a closing prayer will be the
order of the service. This year we have chosen the theme, “Sharing our stories.”
Please take an invitation card and invite someone to these services with you.
March 11: Jean Bluhm will share her faith journey.
March 18: Andrea Roe will share how she met God through a customer and
how that affected her wedding.
March 25: Guest speaker, TBA
Please let us know what the Lord has done for you. We would like to praise Him
with your story. If you wish to share it with others let us know. The best way to tell
others the Good News is by our personal story. This Lenten service is a start.
Westminster Presbyterian Church offers a scholarship of $1000 per year for up to
four years to the students in the WPC family who are attending a Christian
college. Applications and additional information can be obtained from the church
office. Applications are due by March 15, 2015for the 2015-2016 school year.
Thursday, March 19 at 7 PM at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Chehalis. This event
is free and everyone is welcome. A free-will offering will be taken and childcare
will be provided. Call 748.4953 for more information.
Thursday, March 26 at 6 PM If you are experiencing the loss of a loved one, share
the pain of your grief with people who will listen to you and appreciate what you
have lost. Please contact Pat Patrick for more information at 807.0127.
Rev. John M. Paxton served as pastor at WPC for 2 years from July 26, 1928
– May 5, 1930. Imagine! He was our 18th pastor since the church started in 1855.
Times were hard, but Rev. Paxton moved out on faith and directed repair to the
furnace and the organ at a cost of $3,000.
The session ruled that it was against holding card parties to raise money
for church purposes. Jean H. Smith recalled her brother and his friends playing
poker at home. Rev. Paxton came to the door, and by the time Mrs. Laughton
greeted him and he entered the hall, the boys and their cards had disappeared.
Smart move! In 1929 the stock market crashed, and every bank in the state
closed – except one in Chehalis.
The church had no money to pay ministers. The Sunday School continued
however, and lay ministers preached on Sundays. Although Hank Kirk and Mike
Dwyer weren’t WPC members back in 1930, they were glad that the Ford Motor
Co. hung in there and produced those great 1930 Ford automobiles during that
time. Despite these hard times the Ladies Missionary Society was very active, and
contributed $1,038.16 in 1929 alone!
Hey, we are moving along! The church was already 75 years old! Stay
tuned – you don’t want to miss any part of the exciting WPC story!
Presbyterian Workers will have lilies for sale in March. Please submit payment
along with your order form by March 22 to the Presbyterian Women/Workers.
The Presbytery of Olympia Welcomes~Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
Worship as Spiritual Formation: Exploring Worship and Community Song as
Lifelong Cultivation of the Missional Life
Saturday, March 14 from 10AM-4PM at University Place Presbyterian Church.
Church members, friends, pastors, elders, musicians and worship leaders are all
encouraged to attend! Cost including lunch is $15. Register online at
Please share your talents! If you are interested in being on the technology team or
a sound board operator and are a church member or regular attender, please
speak with Pastor Ed as he will be having a training session for these service
opportunities. Also, if anyone would like to perform “special music” during a
Sunday worship service, call 360.269.0545 or email Pastor Ed at
NEW!~Facility Request Form, available electronically or hard copy, is the new way
to request the use of the fellowship hall for meetings, get-together etc. These
forms will help us assist with set-up/tear-down of tables/chairs etc. and will better
support our church family and custodial staff. If you need a form, please contact
the church office at 748.0091 or email
Sunday mornings at 9 AM in the Giffey room. This class is facilitated by Don
& Judy Wilson.
Every Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM, at the Sunbird’s restaurant. We are
studying the Book of Matthew. Join Us!
Please call or email to request a
Deacon visit, communion, meal, or other personal needs.
Deacon Moderator: Peg Warren
Phone: 360.996.4040
2015 Per Capita $39: per member
$7.07 General Assembly, $2.50 Synod of Alaska-Northwest, $29.43 Olympia
Presbytery. Please help us by paying this member charge. Thank you.