Ocean Test Study Guide

Ocean Test Study Guide
Name: ______________________ Period:________
1. Know ALL vocabulary words!
2. Be able to identify all zones of the ocean – know characteristics of each
a. Temperature Zones
1. surface zone:
2. transition zone:
3. deep zone:
b. Depth Zones
1. neritic zone
2. open ocean zone
3. benthic zone
3. Know the difference between the life zones
a. plankton
b. nekton
c. benthos
4. Know the differences between the ocean motions (how are they formed?)
a. tide
b. surface current
c. deep current
d. wave
5. Know the differences between a neap tide and spring tide (what are the relative positions of Earth,
the moon, and the sun)
a. spring tide
b. neap tide
6. Salinity
a. what is salinity?
b. what is the % of salt in the ocean
c. How does salinity affect the freezing point of water?
d. How does salt affect buoyancy?
e. Is salinity higher or lower near melting icebergs?
7. Describe the Coriolis Effect and how it affects currents.
8. Does pressure increase or decrease as you move down in the ocean?
9. Is water more or less dense as you move towards the poles?
10. Which ocean is the largest?
11. What are consumers?
What are producers?
12. Be able to label the parts of a wave
a. wave length
b. crest
c. trough
d. wave height
13. Be able to label each zone of the ocean in a diagram