
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Lab #2: Causes, Effects, and
Solutions to Air Pollution
LAB: “Water Filtration System”
- 1 bag of Charcoal Carbon
- 1 bag of Sand
- 1 bag of Pebbles
- 1 Empty water bottle
- 1 pair of Scissors
- Cotton balls (5x)
- 1 bag of Green Super-food mix
- 2 cups of Water
Step 1: Cutting the Water Bottle (Watch Teacher)
- Use the scissors to cut the bottom of the water bottle, about 1/10 inch down
the bottle (watch the instructor).
Step 2: Cotton Balls (x3-5)
- Pack all the cotton balls down the water bottle as shown by the teacher.
Step 3: Turn Over the Water Bottle
- Next, place the water bottle upside down onto the glass cup/jar.
Step 3: Put in Charcoal Carbon
- Next, dump in the carbon charcoal. The carbon charcoal will purify the water
for drinking.
Step 4: Put in the Sand
- Next, add the sand on top of the charcoal mix. The sand will filter out
bacteria unable to be seen by the naked eye.
Step 5: Put in Pebbles
- Next, dump the pebbles on top of the sand. The pebbles will pick up any
large particulate matter within the water.
Step 6: Mix Green Super-Food into Water Provided
- Mix ¼ teaspoon of green super-food into the water as instructed. After you
apply the green super-food to the water, mix thoroughly.
Step 7: Pour in Mixture to Filtration System
- Pour the Green Super-Food mix (with water) into the filtration system.
Watch the water turn from green to clear.
Questions for Lab #2: “Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Air Pollution”
**Use complete sentences** **Cross-Reference with the Atmosphere”**
1.) What would be the air pollutant within the given experiment? Give an example
of an air pollutant currently in our atmosphere?
Answer: The air pollutant within the given experiment would be the green superfood. An example of an air pollutant currently in Earth’s atmosphere would be
carbon monoxide.
2.) Who is the cause of the air pollution within the lab experiment?
Answer: Human activity is the cause of air pollution within the given lab
3.) What was the effect of the green super-food mixture on the water? How can you
cross-reference this with the atmosphere (give an example of the poisonous gas)?
4.) How does this lab show an example of how air pollution is introduced into the
atmosphere? Give an example of an unnatural cause of air pollution.
5.) If you were a meteorologist, what would you say the air quality of the
experiment would be (Orange, Red, or Purple)? Why? (there is no correct answer)
6.) Do you think it is important to have air filters/Clean Air Act on cars, industrial
chimneystacks, and power plants? Explain? Is this a solution to solving air pollution?