HANAHAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4000 MABELINE ROAD HANAHAN, SC 29410 Phone: 843-553-3290 Cafeteria: 843-820-4062 Fax: 843-820-5421 E-mail: HES@bcsdschools.net School website address: http://www.berkeley.k12.sc.us/Hanahan.cfm THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE WILL BE IMPORTANT TO YOUR CHILD IN SCHOOL: TEACHER: ______________________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…Mr. Tom Sparkman ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mrs. Sonja Saturday ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mrs. Glenda Ward GUIDANCE COUNSELORS…………………………..……………………..….Mrs. Lauren Johnson, Mrs. Lakisha Middleton SCHOOL NURSE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Ms. Lois Roberts ATTENDANCE OFFICER………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...Mrs. Janet Howe FRONT OFFICE RECEPTIONISTS……………………………………………….Mrs. Peggy Sabback and Mrs. Jeannie Keller SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER………………………………………………………………………………………..Mrs. Darlene Workman INSTRUCTIONAL COACH……………………………..………………………………………………………………Mrs. Jennifer Shuffler A MESSAGE TO PARENTS FROM THE PRINCIPAL On behalf of the staff at Hanahan Elementary we are happy to welcome you to the 2015-16 school year. We hope that the information we are sending you will help answer many of the questions you may have about our school. Please take time to read the policies and procedures cited in the agenda and refer to them as needed. One of our goals is to see that our parents and guardians, like the students, feel at home at Hanahan Elementary. Parent newsletters will be sent home throughout the year providing you with information about events and activities. We are looking forward to a successful school year. We have a very active and supportive PTA and hope that you will join and participate in their many activities. Your support of Hanahan Elementary is a major reason for the school’s success. If you have any concerns about any aspect of your son's or daughter's education, please feel free to contact the teacher concerned, the guidance counselors, or the administration. We welcome your inquiries. We are pleased to have you as partners in education this year. We want to assure you that we will do our best to help your child experience academic, social, and emotional growth. With your help and cooperation, this will be an excellent school year. School Hours: School opens: 7:00 AM First Bell: 7:25 AM Tardy Bell: 7:30 AM Dismissal: 2:00 PM BUS OFFICE (Goose Creek): 843-820-3703; 843-820-3793 VISION To challenge and empower our students to be successful in a highly competitive world. MISSION Building upon our rich Lowcountry traditions, we will ignite, in every student, a passion for life-long learning. Through dynamic instruction, creative partnerships and exceptional support, we will foster opportunities for each student to build a legacy of success. Core Values: Student and Learning Emphasis Focusing on quality teaching and learning, with the priority on the student, our CENTERPOINT. Valuing Quality Faculty and Staff Respecting the value of quality team members who make a difference in our school district. Teamwork and Partnerships Developing and refining a team concept throughout the district that values the role of our community partnerships in meeting the needs of our CENTERPOINT. Continuous Improvement Focusing on becoming a great school system with a constant dissatisfaction with just being good. Management by Fact and Focus on Results Using reliable data to make decisions that address the needs and expectations of our community. Social Responsibility Promoting and maintaining ethical, professional, fiscal, and personal accountability in all that we do. Systems Perspective Committing to our CENTERPOINT through the alignment and coordination of strategies, processes and resources. ACCREDITATION Hanahan Elementary is accredited by the South Carolina State Department of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. To meet these standards all faculty members are required to have college degrees and be fully certified by the South Carolina State Department of Education. ATTENDANCE The Compulsory School Attendance Law requires children who are five years old by September 1 to attend private or public kindergarten. Parents who elect not to send their children to kindergarten must sign waivers, which are kept on file at the local elementary schools. Students must attend school a minimum of 170 days. Any absence in excess of 10 must be reviewed by the appropriate school and district administrators before students may be promoted to the next grade or receive credit for courses. Regular school attendance is essential if each student is to make maximum progress. It is necessary for each student to learn and master one skill before proceeding to the next. A day of absence may cause a delay or loss in the developmental skill sequence. Excessive absences will result in slow academic progress or even failure. Parents are urged to leave their children in school all day. Doctor or other appointments should be scheduled outside school hours and on school holidays whenever possible. Parents should notify the school of any planned and anticipated absences. The school then knows where the child is and why he is not in school. Teachers may also be able to plan activities to help the student during the absence. A written excuse from the parent or guardian is required after each absence. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all make-up work within five days after returning to school after an absence. Failure to accomplish this will result in the student receiving a zero grade for the material covered during the absence. ATTENDANCE AWARD Attendance is important to student success. Students who have 3 or more tardies (excused or unexcused) or early sign-outs in a nine week period will not be considered for a Perfect Attendance award. AWARDS Celebrating the accomplishments of students is emphasized throughout the year in a variety of ways. Schoolwide awards include Perfect Attendance, Student of the Month, Personal Best Behavior, Special Area Class of the Month, and Reading Incentives. Additional awards for students in grades 3 & 4 include A Honor Roll, A-B Honor Roll and BUG (Bringing Up Grades). Individual classroom teachers may give additional awards. Hanahan Elementary believes that celebrating the success of our students is an important part of the educational experience. BEHAVIOR The following are some examples of student behavior that violate school policy when they occur at school or during school activities. This list is not intended to be all inclusive. Students may be disciplined or suspended for any of the following: 1. The possession, transmission, and/or use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol 2. Insolence, disrespect, or insubordination 3. The use of improper language or gestures 4. Fighting 5. Inappropriate displays of affection 6. Rowdy behavior-running, pushing, shoving, yelling, and whistling 7. Leaving a classroom or leaving school without permission 8. Class tardiness or truancy 9. Vandalizing, damaging, or stealing school or private property 10. Threatening, intimidating, or causing bodily harm to any person 11. The possession of any kind of weapon (gun, knife, blackjack, etc.) BUS TRANSPORTATION School bus transportation is a privilege that may be withdrawn for inappropriate behavior. A student is to ride the bus to which he/she is assigned. Any emergency request to ride a bus or a different bus must be requested IN WRITING by the parent or guardian and submitted to the principal's office by 8:00 AM. Students will be allowed off the bus only at school, home and locations requested in writing by parents. The bus driver is in complete charge of the bus and its occupants at all times. Students riding the bus must comply with the requests of the driver. BUS OFFICE (Goose Creek): 843-820-3703; 843-820-3793 BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP Hanahan Elementary is proud to participate in the Business Education Partnership program. Our business partners include ADC Engineering Co., Anchor Sign, Applebee's, Bi-lo-Tanner, Blackbeard’s Cove, BP Cooper River Chemical, Bucca’s, Carrabba’s, Charleston Asset Management, Charleston Neck & Back Center, Northwood Mall Chick-fil-A, Centre Point Chick-fil-A, Cintas - The Uniform People, Coastal Kids Dental, Coca Cola, Inc., Creative Spark Center for the Arts, Crevar Chiropractic, David Clemmons of Baxter Agency – Nationwide Insurance, EpicGamin.com, Firehouse Subs/Montague, First Citizens Bank of Hanahan, Hanahan Exchange Club, Gilligan’s Steamer & Raw Bar, Jimmy’s Auto, Heartland Health Center, HES PTA, Hubner Manufacturing Corp., LSquared Landscaping Services and Lawn Care, Life Care Center of Charleston, Loftis Coin Laundry, Lowe's Home Improvement, Marie’s Diner, O'Charley's, Oriental Cuisine, Palmetto Cardiovascular & Thoracic Associates, Papa JohnsRivers Avenue, Price Wise, Raising Cane’s, Restoration Community Church, Reliable Pool Service, Sam’s Club, Sonic Drive In, Stardust Skate Center, Sticky Fingers, Subway/Tanner, Swasty’s Orthodontics, Texas Roadhouse, Aviation Waffle House, River’s Wal-Mart, Centre Point Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market-Redbank Road, The WreckFish, Ye Old Fashioned Ice Cream & Sandwich Café. By supporting these businesses you are also supporting Hanahan Elementary School. Anyone interested in forming a business partnership with the school can contact the school office. CARE OF BUILDINGS , GROUNDS, AND SCHOOL PROPERTY Our custodial staff works hard to keep our building and grounds neat and clean. We ask for the cooperation of students and parents to keep them that way. Students are expected to take good care of books, desks, and other furniture and equipment. If a student willfully damages school property, parents will be expected to make restitution. CHECKS Checks written to pay for your child’s lunch, field trips, lost or damaged books, and any school fund raising event should be made payable to Hanahan Elementary. Please write your child’s name on the check so we can ensure that your child receives proper credit for your payment. Your Check is Welcome. Your check is welcome at all schools and locations in the Berkeley County School District. The Berkeley County School District recognizes that occasionally a parent may inadvertently overdraw a checking account and a check may be returned by your bank. In order to recover these funds in a private and professional manner, the Berkeley County School District has contracted with Nexcheck, LLC, for collection of returned checks. Each person writing a check to a school or the School District should write the check on a commercially printed check with your name, address, and one phone number. Counter or starter checks will not be accepted. When a person writes a check to a school or the School District, the person writing the check agrees that, if the check is returned that it may be represented electronically on the same account, and that the fee established by law, now $30, may be debited from the same account. If the check and fee are not collected electronically, then Nexcheck will contact you by mail and by telephone in order for you to make arrangements to pay. All payments need to be made directly through Nexcheck, P.O. Box 19688, Birmingham, AL 35219. For a convenience fee, payments of both check and fee may be made electronically at www.nexcheck.com or over the phone using a credit card, debit card or electronic check. CLINIC/DRUGS/MEDICINE The school clinic is limited to handling minor first aid cases. If a child becomes sick at school, he/she will be sent home as soon as parents can be contacted. We ask that you keep your child at home if he/she is not feeling well. A sick child does not perform well in class and may expose his/her classmates to childhood diseases. Medicine will not be administered by school staff members unless authorized by a physician. The physician's permission must include the required dosage and any pertinent information. Students are not allowed to transport medication to or from school. MEDICATION SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY AN ADULT IN THE SAME CONTAINER IN WHICH IT WAS PURCHASED. THIS IS FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL STUDENTS. The Berkeley County School District Parents Request for Giving Medicine at School Form must be completed and on file in the school office before medication can be administered by school personnel. CLASS PREPARATION In order for significant educational progress to take place in school, much responsibility rests on the individual student and parents. It is expected that students come to class on time with completed homework assignments and the necessary supplies needed for learning. Please encourage your child to be responsible for his/her materials. COMMUNICATIONS From time to time notices are sent home with all students. Please encourage your child to bring home all notices from school. During the year, issues of the school newsletter and calendar will be sent home. You may also access school information through the school website. Teachers will send papers and communication home every Wednesday in the Wonderful Wednesday Folders. In addition, an automated telephone message system will be used to contact parents by phone with special announcements. CONFLICT/PROBLEM RESOLUTIONS In an effort to teach conflict resolution and to reduce referrals, a student who has a problem with another student is expected to resolve the difficulty in a peaceful way. If necessary, the student should address the problem with the teacher or guidance counselor who can help resolve the conflict. DAILY SCHEDULE School starts at 7:25 am with the late bell ringing at 7:30 am. Students are not to arrive before 7:00 am; teachers and staff are not on duty until 7:00 am. The school cannot be responsible for the supervision of your child before 7:00 am. Children are to go directly to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast. Otherwise, students in grades K-3 are to report to the hallway outside their classroom. Fourth grade students are to report to the multipurpose room. Students arriving by bus will enter the school through the doors by the bus loop into the cafeteria. All other students will enter through the front entrances. Students are expected to be settled into the classroom and ready to learn at 7:30 am, the beginning of the school day. DESIGNATED WAY HOME Each student must have a designated way to go home each school day. Parents should let each teacher know in writing how and where the student will be going after school. For example, if your child is going to day care, please inform the teacher of the name of the day care. If your child will be a car rider, please inform the teacher that he/she will be going home in a car every day. If the child will be going home with someone other than the parent, please let the teacher know the name of the person transporting your child. If you need your child to be transported any way other than his/her normal way at the end of a school day, you must write the teacher a note indicating this. Otherwise, your child will be dismissed his/her normal way. For example, if your child normally goes home on Bus 6 but you want him to be a car rider today, you must send the teacher a note informing her of this change. If your child simply tells the teacher he is supposed to be a car rider today and does not have a note from the parent, the teacher will send him home on the bus. DISCIPLINE POLICY To guarantee a good social and educational climate, it is important that students understand that acceptable standards of behavior will be expected at all times. Discipline will be administered when any individual's actions interfere with the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn. HES discipline policy consists of five steps. Steps II-V start over at the beginning of each nine weeks. The only exceptions to the policy will be for infractions which are considered to be of a serious nature by the administration. Step I - Any disruptive behavior or behavior interfering with the learning of other students will be documented and a disciplinary referral will be sent home for the parents to sign. This disciplinary referral should be returned to the teacher the following school day. This report will be kept on file by the teacher. Step II - Step II is similar to Step I. A disciplinary referral will again be sent home to be signed and returned. In addition, a conference will be scheduled between the parents and the teacher. Step III - Step III will also be documented on a disciplinary referral. In addition, the student will be sent to an administrator at which time the referral will be discussed. The referral form will be signed by an administrator and returned to the student's teacher for filing. In addition, the teacher will send home a "Detention Form" notifying parents of the date and time of an after-school detention. Parents will be notified in advance to allow them to make any necessary travel arrangements. Step IV – The student will be sent to the office with the disciplinary referral. The student will receive either an out of school suspension or other disciplinary action as determined by the administration. In each case, the referral will be sent home to inform the parents of the consequence administered. Step V – The student will be sent to the office to receive a notice of "Automatic Suspension." Parents will be notified in advance to allow them to make the necessary preparation. On the day following the suspension, the parents must return to school with their child. This policy starts over at the beginning of each 9 weeks. However, during the second, third and fourth 9 weeks, students who have previously received a discipline notice will begin at Step II. DOGS ON CAMPUS Dogs (on or off leashes) are not allowed on school grounds. Please do not walk your pet with you to pick up (or bring) your child to school. DRESS CODE Students will dress and groom in a clean, neat manner which does not distract or interfere with the operation of the school. Health and safety will also be considered when determining appropriateness. DRILLS Fire drills are conducted once each month and tornado drills are conducted once each semester. Detailed escape plans are posted inside the classroom near the door. Each classroom has an escape route to an outside area a safe distance from the building. Each class has an assigned area in the building for tornado drills. Children are escorted to these designated areas in a safe, quiet, orderly manner. Intruder and earthquake drills are also conducted periodically. EMERGENCIES In case of an emergency, parents will be called. Please make certain that the school has the telephone number of your family physician and telephone numbers where you can be reached in case of emergency. The school will call EMS in an extreme emergency or if a situation warrants and the school is unable to contact parents. EARLY DISMISSAL Berkeley County School District has scheduled Early Dismissal Days throughout the year. At that time, all faculty members will participate in professional development opportunities. EMERGENCY CLOSING OF SCHOOLS Announcements will be made to local media if schools are closing early or opening late. Automated telephone calls will also be used. These Early Dismissal hours are spent improving instructional practices and methods in core content areas in order to meet the needs of every child in the classroom and ensure each student’s success. Teachers continue to commit to many additional hours of professional development beyond the school day and during the summer at their own expense. We recognize that sometimes this causes an inconvenience for parents. However, these days will be used to provide teachers with valuable training. As educators, we serve the most valuable clients possible – your child and you. EARLY SIGN-OUT PROCEDURES Early sign-out of students is handled in the main office. If a parent wishes to pick up his/her child during the day, he/she must come in to the office to properly sign the child out of school. The parent will be asked to show identification. Should the parent send another adult to pick up his/her child, written authorization from the parent is required. Departure procedures of students will not be altered without written instructions from parents. If you need your child to be transported any way other than his/her normal way at the end of the day, you must write the teacher a note indicating the change prior to 1:00 pm. This is a preventive security measure designated to protect your child. An excessive number of early sign-outs will prevent a student from receiving perfect attendance. If a child needs to be dismissed early, he/she should bring a note to his/her teacher stating dismissal time and reason. Parents must sign the child out in the school office prior to 1:30 pm. EMERGENCY INFORMATION Parents must provide the school with current and accurate emergency information about each student. This should include a home telephone number, parents’ work/daytime numbers, and any friend or relative’s number who is authorized to assume care of the student. All emergency information is to be current. If changes occur, records must be updated. Your cooperation in responding immediately to a call concerning your child will be greatly appreciated. EXCUSES When a student of the Berkeley County School District returns to school after being absent, the student is required to present a written excuse to the homeroom teacher within three days after returning to school. The excuse must contain the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the signature of the parent or the guardian. Failure to present a written excuse after an absence will result in the absence being declared UNEXCUSED. EXPULSIONS Students are recommended for expulsion for a number of reasons (possession of a weapon, sexual misconduct, etc.). Please refer to BCSD Policies JCD and JCDA-R for further information. Students recommended for expulsion will have a hearing with the BCSD Hearing Officer who will render a decision on the expulsion status. CRITERIA FOR STUDENTS REMAINING HOME DUE TO ILLNESS There are times when a student should remain at home for his/her own welfare and for the protection of other students. Students should remain at home if they have any of the following symptoms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fever, temperature of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours, with or without other symptoms. A cold in the contagious stages, severe nasal discharge that is not clear in color. Any communicable disease (chicken pox, measles, etc.) Undiagnosed rash or skin eruptions. Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 12 hours. Untreated head lice or scabies. FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 The Family Rights and Privacy Act is intended to protect the accuracy and privacy of student educational records. Without your prior consent, only you and authorized individuals having legitimate educational interests will have access to your child's educational records. You may schedule an appointment to inspect and review your child's records by calling the school office. Upon review of the records, if you have reason to believe that information contained therein is inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate, you may have the right to challenge that information. If the challenge cannot be resolved to your satisfaction at the time of the review, the principal will explain the school's challenge procedure. FAMILY NIGHTS HES Family Nights and PTA meetings will be held throughout the school year. Please check the school’s calendar/newsletter for specific dates. Students and parents will be able to visit the school and participate in a variety of activities in an effort to enhance the home/school relationship. GRADING SCALE (Primary & Elementary) Kindergarten, Grade One, Grade Two The report card is aligned to State Standards for English Language Arts and Math. It also reflects updates in our curriculum and instruction. On the report card, you will find: ptors reflecting the State Standards. -1) reflecting student progress toward State Standards and district units of instruction. reflecting student skills necessary to be a productive learner and citizen in the classroom. Grades 3 - 4 Student progress in Grades 3-4 for related arts and work habits are reported by letter grades as follows: S+ S SN U Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory For the core academic subjects, numerical averages are reported as follows: Numerical Average Letter Grade 93 - 100 A 85 – 92 B 77 – 84 C 70 – 76 D Below 70 F GUIDANCE Guidance services are available to parents, students, and faculty members within the school setting. The purpose of guidance is to serve as a support and resource service. The program includes small/large group and individual counseling, as well as parenting and safety programs. You may contact the school counselor by calling the school office. HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION Homebound instruction may be available for students who cannot attend school because of illness or accident. Forms are available at the school. They must be signed by a MEDICAL DOCTOR and returned to the school immediately if home-bound instruction is to be authorized by the district. HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is an extension of classroom instruction and students are regularly required to complete homework assignments. Students are given homework in order to strengthen skills or concepts previously taught in the classroom, to supplement learning activities, and to develop independent study habits. Homework assignments should take approximately 30 minutes to an hour to complete. The time may vary somewhat according to the speed at which a child works. Please contact the teacher if your child experiences problems completing the assignments in a reasonable period of time. Additional time should be spent on recreational reading. Parents are also encouraged to read to their child whenever possible. LOST AND FOUND A designated area will be set aside for lost and found items. Please label your child's coats, sweaters, lunch boxes, and book bags so they can be returned to your child if found. Unclaimed items are donated to charity. LUNCH AND BREAKFAST PROGRAM The school cafeteria is a non-profit operation that serves well-balanced meals at cost. All students are required to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Participation in the breakfast program is optional. Students are asked to pay on the first day of the week. Parents are asked to pay by check and to put their child's first and last name on the check. If lunches are brought from home, milk or bottled water can be purchased. Free or reduced price meals are provided for children whose family income falls below established criteria. Applications can be obtained in the school office and should be returned promptly when completed. MEDIA CENTER The Media Center program provides open and equal access to information and resources to support the standards and patron needs. Students have an opportunity to visit the Media Center weekly. Students are permitted to check out up to three books for a period of two weeks. There is no fine for overdue books, but the cost of damaged or lost books must be paid for by the patron. 1. 2. 3. 4. MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES Chewing gum is not permitted anywhere at school. Class interruptions must be kept to a minimum. Canned drinks are not to be brought to school. Students are urged not to leave money or valuables in desks, cubbies, restrooms, etc. Students are asked not to bring any more money than that which is required for school purposes. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Regular conferences between parents and teachers provide an excellent opportunity to discuss many details about the child's school experiences that cannot be conveyed on the nine weeks report card. These conferences may be requested by either teacher or parent, in order to share knowledge about the child and gain a better understanding of his/her needs and interests. Regular contact between the home and school will help the child see that both his/her parents and teachers care about his/her academic progress and that they have confidence in him/her. We hope that each parent will be able to confer with their child's teacher on a regular basis during the school year. Please call the school office if you would like assistance in scheduling a conference with your child's teacher(s). A parent/teacher conference can be scheduled so that students do not miss valuable instructional time. Teachers are usually available for conferences during their planning time and at the end of the school day. PARTIES The BCSD is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well- being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. Parties are an important part of the social development of all students. In keeping with the BCSD commitment, parties will be limited to three per year. Surprise and birthday parties, as well as balloons and flowers are not permitted. We request that parents assist us by sending only healthy snacks for our children. (See Visitors) PROMOTION AND RETENTION POLICY The Berkeley County School District must provide each pupil an opportunity to move along in a continuous growth pattern of academic achievement in harmony with normal chronological, intellectual, social and emotional development. Standards for promotion and retention of students at Hanahan Elementary School will be determined by the State Board of Education and the Berkeley County School District. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION Teachers supervise students during school hours on the playground. Contact sports such as wrestling, football, and boxing are prohibited. Games and toys may not be brought from home for play during recess. 2. 3. 4. 5. PTA (Hanahan Elementary) The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) provides many important services to our school. The annual dues are $3.oo per membership. Plan to join and support the PTA in meeting school goals. Meeting dates are listed on the HES calendar. PTA OBJECTIVES 1. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship. 2. To raise the standards of home life. 3. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. 4. To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth. 5. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education. REPORTING STUDENT PROGRESS Report cards will be sent home each nine weeks. Progress reports will be sent home the middle of each nine week period. Please sign and return the reports the next day. You are requested not to call your child's teacher at home to discuss his/her report card or school work. (See Parent/Teacher Conferences) SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL The 1977 Educational Finance Act mandates the formation of the School Improvement Council to improve communications between the community, the schools, and the school board. Each council will be made up of parents elected by parents, teachers elected by teachers, and other community representatives appointed by the principal. Members are elected for a two-year term and can be reelected. Please contact the school office if you would like to serve on our SIC. 1. SCHOOL RULES We will show respect for others and their possessions. We will keep hands, feet, and other objects to ourselves. We will use acceptable language. We will follow directions. We will not prevent the teacher from teaching, or other students from learning. STUDENT SEARCH POLICY As authorized by State law, District and school administrators and officials may conduct reasonable searches on District property of lockers, desks, vehicles and personal belongings, such as purses, bookbags, wallets, and satchels, with or without probable cause, subject to the limitations and requirements of District policy. Any person, including students, entering the premises of any school in the District will be deemed to have consented to a reasonable search of his/her person and effects. A reasonable search is one, which is both based on a reasonable suspicion and is reasonably related in scope. The District provides lockers, desks, and other school property to students for their use. Because the District retains ownership of this property, school officials may conduct searches of such property, including random and unannounced searches, with or without reasonable suspicion, when such search is determined by school officials to be otherwise reasonable in light of the needs of the school. TARDIES A student who arrives in the classroom after 7:30 am is considered tardy. Parents are required to sign their child in at the office when tardy. If tardiness is due to a late school bus, the tardy is excused and will not be recorded. After the third UNEXCUSED tardy the parents will be notified. A parent conference will be scheduled and the attendance social worker notified if the tardies continue. Excessive tardies will prevent a student from receiving perfect attendance. TESTING Various assessments are administered throughout the school year to provide teachers and parents with information about a student’s progress. It is important that during testing dates students are present at school. We recommend that any necessary appointments be made after testing for that day. A schedule for testing will be listed in the school newsletters/calendars. The school will use the results of the tests to strengthen the instructional program and to assess academic needs. TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are provided rent-free by the State of South Carolina. Students are responsible for textbooks issued to them and must pay for any damaged or lost textbooks. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost textbooks. TOYS AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Toys and audio equipment of any description and for any age group are not to be brought to school. In the event that toys are brought to school, they will be collected by the teacher and sent to the office to be returned at a later date to the parent, not to the child. See cell phones in Berkeley County School Policy Manual/Student Behavior Code (Policy JCDA, JCDA-R and JAC-E(3). WITHDRAWAL/TRANSFER Parents should use the following procedures concerning withdrawing or transferring a student from Hanahan Elementary: 1. The student must return all textbooks, library books and other school property. 2. Lunchroom fees, library fees, and other school fees must be paid. 3. Parents must come to the main office or send a written note to the office stating the withdrawal date and the location of the new school. We ask that parents notify the school office at least three days in advance of a student transfer. Failure to clear all records before leaving school could result in your child's permanent school records not being forwarded to the next school. VISITORS Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to visit the school at any time. All other visitors to the classroom must be listed in the school data system and provide proper identification. We ask that you park in the visitor parking area and enter the building by the front entrance. For security, before going to any area of the building, all visitors MUST sign in at the office to obtain a visitor’s pass that is to be worn while in the building. A short period of observation in the class will give you insight into your child’s educational program. Children respond well to a parent’s interest. A conference may be scheduled later when the teacher is not instructing the class. Student visitors are not permitted. State law decrees that class interruptions be held to a minimum. According to South Carolina law, any person entering the premises of any school in South Carolina shall be deemed to have consented to a reasonable search of his/her person and effects. Anyone failing to comply with the “check-in” procedures with the office will be asked to leave our campus. After a warning, the police will be called and the violators will be prosecuted. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are a great help with our instructional program and also assist with other activities. Volunteers may be used in many capacities including: Listening to students read or reading to students Assisting with field trips Helping in the lunch room, media center, or in learning centers Organizing parents for special projects If interested, please contact your child’s teacher or HES PTA. See BCSD Policy IFCD and IFCD-R.