Humanities Mural Research Showcase
Getting Started:
1. Choose your group. The bigger the group, the larger and more complex the mural must be. Some large groups will end up
painting multiple murals.
2. Assign each group member a job(s):
Group Communication Master
Attendance Spreadsheet Master
Portfolio Master: Create/Organize/Submit Portfolio to Mrs. Lang for grading
Plaque Master(s): research, compose and purchase
Hanging Location Master
Mentor liaison
Permission and Approval Forms and Signatures
Donations and Fundraising
Email Master/ Liaison to Mrs. Lang: Send weekly updates to Mrs. Lang
· 1st send a group email to everyone in the mural group and Mrs. Lang with instructions "To Reply" to the
email master in order for the email master to ascertain that everyone is receiving the email.
· The subject line of all Monday Reports must read: “MuralMR#_/Artist or
Painting (date)”
· 2/11/13 1st Monday Report (MR) must include:
contact sheet with individual photos, names, phone numbers, and emails
mural & plaque timeline (beginning to hanging)
jobs list and who is responsible
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, fun and mural in progress
research and composition assignments for the list plaque
possible mentors
possible donators list (supplies or money) and visit assignments
purchases and suppliers lists and buyers assignments
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
· 2/25/13 2nd MR must include:
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, & fun
photo of mentor agreement/commitment letter (Letter must include: name, phone #, credentials and
signature of your mentor.)
2 BEST model plaques highlighted and annotated with changes to implement for your plaque (Take
photos of the best plaques.)
Plaque rough draft due (Schedule Writing Center appointment with Mrs. Lang for approval signature:
Salem A&B lunch M-Th /C lunch Monday only.)
donations received
photos of mural in progress
photo blank permission form with locations for all 5 signatures
photo of each of the 3 proposed locations with photo-shopped image of the painting to scale and a clear
map with locations identified
purchases made
work location established
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
· 3/4/13 3rd MR must include:
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, & fun
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
photos of mural in progress
photo of permission form with all 5 signatures (signed & dated)
Plaque final draft due (Schedule Writing Center appointment with Mrs. Lang for approval signature:
Salem A&B lunch M-Th /C lunch Monday only.)
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
3/11/13 4th MR must include:
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, & fun
photos of mural in progress
photos of portfolio in progress
Plaque purchased
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
3/18/13 5th MR must include:
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, & fun
photos of mural in progress
photos of portfolio in progress
Plaque Plexiglas, rubber spacers, and screws purchased
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
3/25/13 6th MR must include:
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, & fun
photos of mural in progress (7 coats of varnish applied)
portfolio completed
Plaque Plexiglas, rubber spacers, and screws purchased
Arrangements for transportation to school
Arrangements with Mrs. Lang to store mural
Type up individual and peer evaluations and grade recommendations
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
3/25/13 6th MR must include:
photo(s) of your group meeting(s), work, & fun
photos of mural & plaque being hung
portfolio completed with empty pockets for additional photos of group with the hanging mural
Meet with administration for final location
Meet with maintenance to hang mural & plaque (usually 2:15 pm exactly)
Arrange with Mrs. Lang to grade mural and portfolio
Turn in (confidential) individual and peer evaluations and grade recommendations
numbered, bullet point list of all additional decisions and accomplishments
numbered questions for Mrs. Lang
· Do not sending anything in a link (including photos); make them part of the email itself or an attachment.
· All emails must include a picture/s of each member of the group doing work. The more pictures, the better. In the
beginning, there will be less pictures and more notes and in the end there will probably be more pictures and
fewer notes. A photo of everyone at a meeting is great.
3. Select an artist and a painting. Obviously, your grade will reflect the size, difficulty and the quality of your painting.
Once you have your painting, you need to get Mrs. Lang’s approval. When applying for approval, bring a 1/2 page picture of the
mural include the title, artist, museum where located, number of people in group, approximate size of proposed mural, signature lines
for Mrs. Lang and the facilitator (all on one page).
Your portfolio chronicles what you did and how you did it
including goals, deadlines, photos, etc. Creating this portfolio is part of the grade. Each member of the group may want a copy of the
portfolio for future job and internship interviews. **Each major/ important category requires XL labeled tabs.**
Your portfolio should include:
A) A cover sheet with a photo of the painting or a photo collage with the mural artist and title. This should be flashy.
B) A table of contents
C) The approved proposal signed by Mrs. Lang and the Facilitator
D) A commitment letter with a paragraph indicating your understanding and responsibility for the mural, time commitment
and categories of what must be done. Include the picture of the painting and typed names of members as well as their
signatures and Mrs. Lang’s signature.
E) A contact sheet with the names, photos, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all group members.
F) Mentor Letter: an agreement to advise/help with the name, address, phone number, credentials and signature of your
mentor. Your mentor can be an artist, art teacher or college art student. They should be available to answer questions, give
advice and help solve problems. Your mentor should NOT paint.
G) Page listing the credentials of each group member. List three to five things per person. Include things like GPA, college
acceptances, NHS, leadership positions, etc.
H) Materials: Create a list of materials needed for your group, even if you already own it. Indicate when you get it and from
whom. Update the list weekly by Friday so it can be included in the Lang Monday Report.
I) Location Pages: You need at least three prioritized choices for where your mural could be located, as one might not be
approved. Search all three schools for a blank wall that you think needs some art. Never propose a location that you really
do not want; if you get it, you’re stuck! One page should be dedicated to one location. Include:
A computer-generated diagram of the location. Include close by room numbers and other
important rooms (library, The Den, etc.)
A photograph of your location with your mural digitally superimposed on that wall. The
painting MUST be to scale.
Bullet point justifications of why this is an appropriate location for this particular piece of art
and how it will enhance/add to the Park.
Remember: a vertical space is appropriate for a vertical painting and the bigger the painting is
the closer to the ground it must be hung.
J) Plaque and plaque page:
§ Use an easy to read font that suits your work of art.
§ Name of artist (18 pt. Font size)
§ Year of birth and year of death of artist(10 pt. Font size)
§ The title of the painting you are reproducing (11 pt. Font size).
§ Year painting was recreated (9 pt. Font size).
§ Art Period (9 pt. Font size).
§ Write a paragraph (five to seven sentences) about the painting and the artist (12 pt. Font size). The
plaque should be read as a speech:
· Start off with an attention grabber
· Convince them this is a great painter
· Help the viewer to understand and hopefully love the painting
· End with a bang
§ In lower right corner place Humanities (11 pt. Font size) and your year of graduation (12 pt. Font size)
on two lines.
§ Below Humanities and year, place the names of the group members (10 pt. Font size).
§ You must follow the format and it must be computer-generated.
§ You must use the spacing as shown on the example.
§ You must include parenthetical references if needed
§ Mrs. Lang is not your editor or co-writer. You must have two existing plaques photographed and used
by you as templates/models for your plaque. Bring with your first draft. You must have at least two
drafts edited by college graduates along with your first draft.
§ If you are having problems, set up a Writing Center appointment with Mrs. Lang to discuss the content.
With you bring the packet passed out at the initial, mandatory meeting, about five photos of those
plaques around the Park you want to emulate, and copies of all pertinent research with work cited
information done by all group members highlighted with passages and quotes that could potentially
be used for the plaque.
§ To actually create the plaque, go to Engraving Connection (1205 S. Main Street, Plymouth (734) 4593180). Arrange for creation of plaque to exact specifications; ask for the Humanities design; $25+.
Pick up plate when finished. Buy Plexiglas, rubber spacers and screws.
K) Approval/Signature Forms: Create (and type) signature sheets for the following approvals/agreements:
Signature Sheet 1/Mural Choice Approval
· Title of Painting & Artist Name & Museum Location
· Picture of Painting
· Brief list of major museums that own works by your artist/If not yet in a major museum bring in copies
of at least 3 articles about this artist from “expert/professional” journals or newspapers (i.e. the
· Number of people in your group
· Approximate size
· Four Signature Slots for:
1. Mrs. Lang and date
2. Facilitator and date
3. Associate Principal of building where you want your mural hung and date
English Department Associate Principal (Jay Blaylock, Plymouth) and date
LANG “GO-AHEAD” SIGNATURE: After you have the first four
signatures, you must return to Lang for a “go ahead” and paint signature.
Signature Sheet 2/Plaque Approval: Mrs. Lang
1. ** Note: you must have two pictures of plaque models, editing done by two college educated people,
and proof from before meeting with Mrs. Lang.
Signature Sheet 3/Location Approval:
Mrs. Lang
Associate Principal of building where you want your mural hung and date
Head of Maintenance of building where you want your mural hung and date
**At this point, you need to have most of your portfolio completed, especially with the location
pages. Maintenance is likely to sign if the principal has signed. Maintenance will check the mural
sites for structural issues. If a structural problem is discovered, you must start over getting
signatures for site two.
Signature Sheet 4/Hanging/Storage Appointments
Include a place for the date, time, and location of when/where your mural will be stored and hung.
Also have the Head of Maintenance sign this and a date
Also signed by Mrs. Lang and date
**Remember to be standing there when they screw the painting into the wall, as well as when they
screw in the plaque.
Signature Sheet 5/Mural, Plaque and Portfolio Grading Appointment
Include date, time, and location for the appointment
Signed by Mrs. Lang
**Note: At this time, your mural and plaque must be hanging in place on the wall and you also need
to turn in your completed portfolio.
Remember to make appointments ahead of time to meet with the APs and Maintenance of the
school of your location and explain to them your project. Only two to three people in your
group should attend this meeting. Dress nicely!
**Allow plenty of time to get all of your signatures. It can take up to two or three weeks to get all
of them. You must show all of these people your portfolio with the color copy. You must take
all these people to the proposed site and make sure that they put side by side the actual site
and your scale drawing.
L) Now you can paint!
M) Research Pages
§ This section is marked by an XL tab. Each individual research paper marked by smaller tabs
§ Final research must be in PERFECT condition: no incorrect content, spelling, punctuation, formatting. Spell check
does not get everything! If there are typos in the end product it hurts your grade.
§ Order your drafts as final draft, plagiarism sheet, rough drafts. Should be last to first. First draft, first edit, second
draft, second edit, final draft on top.
§ You need parenthetical referencing for EVERY FACT in the paper. (Author pg#) e.g. (Norris 27)
§ Your paper must be edited by at least two college educated adults; juniors and seniors in college are fine. Choose
people who you know will do a good job; this is a big part of your grade. Include the name, college attended,
degree obtained, and phone number of each of each editor at the top of the page of the rough drafts.
§ Your paper must include an annotated works cited. This must be edited with the paper. The length of the annotated
works cited will depend on the # of sources used.
§ Put paper through Keep running the paper through until it says that it is 100% not plagiarized. Print
that page.
After the Mural is Completed: At the completion of your mural, your portfolio must be turned in to Mrs. Lang
before spring break. The portfolio must include:
N) Completion of Group Grading
O) The finished MURAL photos (pictures of event/mural & plaque alone/& some with group)
P) Time Logs:
· Mark if group members are present, excused or not excused.
· Not everyone has to make it to every meeting.
· Include individual and group hours
· Final tally of individual hours
Q) Cost Sheet:
· Who spent what?
· Divide costs equally.
· Include all receipts organized in a closable, plastic, 3-hole envelope.
· If a business/person donates funds or supplies, the school secretary will type up a letter with official charity
donation tax deduction code. There is a minimum amount.
R) Final Timeline of the steps taken to accomplish this project. Be meticulous: include names, dates, times, and activity.
S) Include all of the weekly project reports.
T) Mrs. Lang’s FINAL signature: (painting & plaque secured to wall; portfolio turned in, grading accomplished)
U) All miscellaneous materials that never made it into other categories: unused ideas or drawings, drafts never used, rough
drafts, etc.
5. Arrange to hang your mural (Do this as soon as you have a final location from the Principal.)
1) Contact the building Principal for your final location.
2) Place your mural in the maintenance room of your building. Arrange when and where with maintenance.
3) Label (with excellent penmanship) the back of the mural with a large, permanent, black sharpie marker:
§ Title
§ Artist
§ Location to be hung (Building, Floor & Nearest Room #)
§ In smaller print: students' names and graduation year
4) Put plaque, Plexiglas, screws, and rubber spacers (2 for each screw) in a STRONG zip-lock bag.
5) Attach the zip-lock bag VERY SECURELY with lots of DUCT TAPE to the back of the mural.
6) Draw a rough picture of your mural and plaque hanging in their final location in a you-are-here map on the back of your
mural with a permanent marker.
8) Contact your Building Principal for your final location.
9) Make an appointment agreement for hanging your mural. It must be typed, prearranged, signed and dated by
Actually Painting &Advice from Previous Muralists
1. Use every minute to finish the painting. (Also plan time for mistakes). The mural should be hung before Spring Break! If you fail to
finish by Spring Break, type an extension request include a photo of the painting thus far and an absolute plan with a new
finish date.
2. You cannot paint directly on the brick!!
3. Past students suggest using ½ or ¾ inch medium density fiberboard (MDF) for the mural. They bought it at Home Depot.
4. Use acrylic paint.
5. Never paint with just one color even if it is black. You will need to blend!
6. Some stores will donate paint. Sherwin Williams is recommended for paint and Sears has donated brushes. Some stores like
Meijer sells returned or mistinted paint at reasonable prices. ACO has good prices. D&M Art Studio on Lily near Joy has
given 50% discounts before and is willing to lend some brushes and offer advice. You really need to explore all the area
stores for your best prices.
7. The quality of your original is important! Make sure that you have the highest quality copy available. You may need to even buy a
poster of the painting from an art museum online. This is because the paint you buy needs to accurately match the painting.
Some stores have computers to help you match colors. Your mentor or the stores may be able to assist you in mixing paint
and matching colors.
8. Do not buy cheap brushes. You must use a good paint brush for the finished work. With proper maintenance, good brushes can be
used throughout the entire project; cheap ones will need to be thrown away after only a couple of uses.
9. The art teachers will give you advice.
10. Bring a radio to keep you occupied on long days, because you will often spend three hours or more painting at one time
(Remember: set-up and take-down take up a lot of time).
12. You must cover with drop cloths all walls and the floor at your work location. Use professional drop cloths. Some construction
companies will lend them to you. Cover every piece of the floor where your equipment will set or you may stand or walk.
13. You will be responsible to clean any paint found anywhere. Be careful. Successful groups do not have drips, smudges, or spills to
clean up.
14. You may want a frame. Use wood or plastic molding to create a frame. See the Degas ballerinas on Salem’s 2nd floor.
15. After painting you need to apply at least five - seven coats of acrylic varnish to help preserve your mural. You also need Plexiglas,
screws and rubber stoppers to preserve your plaque.
16. You HAVE to paint the sides of your painting (the edges). Black or white are the best choices.
17. Be appreciative and respectful to parents and the house where you spend time.
Necessary Items
1. Bucket
2. Extra plastic containers
for paint, lids
3. Lots of rags
4. Drop cloths
5. Ladder, step ladder
6. Paint stirrers
7. Acrylic Paint
8. Painter’s tape
9. Paint opener
10. Old clothes
11. Music
12. FOOD
13. Plastic cups
14. Water
15. Rollers
16. Gesso
17. Acrylic Varnish
18. FOOD!