POLICY CURRICULUM AND CURRICULUM STATEMENT (Including Curriculum groups) REVIEWED BY C Thomas January 2014 GOVERNOR APPROVED P Moss DATE 21.1.2014 Aims of the school To create a secure, caring, happy, healthy environment within which pupils can develop both as individuals and as members of a community To equip each individual with the appropriate skills of literacy, numeracy and oracy; and to develop full academic potential through the study of a wide, but integrated, range of subjects To stimulate an appreciation of aesthetic, literary, scientific, mathematical, technological, environmental, linguistic, physical and spiritual values. To provide a foundation for further study by developing an enquiring mind and an ability for independent study To encourage pupils to understand and accept discipline and to develop the power of self-discipline COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE CURRICULUM Complaints in the first instance can be made to the Headmaster who will attempt to resolve them. If this proves impossible, the complaint will be forwarded to the Chairman of the Governors. EXAMINATIONS All pupils are expected to follow a course prescribed by the school at all levels. At present, Key Stage 1 and 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) and Year 11 General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE’s) are governed by external agencies. The school has a right to amend its curriculum as it sees fit. CURRICULUM STATEMENT We endeavour to provide our pupils with an academic environment which is conducive to learning and which caters for the needs of each pupil and promotes individual success. Our aim is to encourage pupils to enjoy and achieve by developing new skills, broadening their knowledge and growing in confidence. In the Early Years an integrated curriculum covers the following: Mathematics Expressive Art and Design Understanding the World Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy Physical Development Communication and Language At Babington House we follow an enriched National Curriculum where pupils acquire skills in speaking and listening, literacy and numeracy. Pupils are able to study French throughout the school from EYFS to key stage 4 and German and Spanish at key stage 2, 3 and 4. Pupils from age 5 are able to follow a full-time supervised education which gives pupils experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical, and aesthetic and creative education. Teachers of Years 1 to 12 prepare their lessons whilst taking into account National Curriculum requirements at each Key Stage (1-5). The subject matter is appropriate for the ages and aptitudes of pupils. Where the principal language of instruction is a language other than English, lessons in written and spoken English are provided through the school’s learning support programme. There is an opportunity for students to take examinations early. At key stage 4 all students continue to study the core subjects: English Language English Literature Mathematics Science And a selection of subjects from the following options Modern Foreign Languages – French, German and Spanish Humanities – Geography, History and RS Creative – Art, Drama, Music, Textiles, Business, Communication studies, PE, ICT, Triple Science GCSE Pupils also experience the non-examination subjects of Physical Education and Personal, Social, Citizenship, Health Education (PSHCE), of which the latter reflects the school’s aims and ethos. Pupils are set according to their ability for senior mathematics and key stage 4 Science and English. Staff monitor and track the performance of pupils throughout the school and this is coordinated by the Assessment Manager Coordinator who records data on the intranet. At key stage 4 each pupil has an IPPP (Individual Pupil Performance Profile) and their performance in each GCSE subject is regularly monitored. An appropriate structured programme of Careers Education and Work Experience is delivered to all students at key stage 4 and students have access to the Connexions Resource Area part of the Library. In Year 11 all students take part in a week’s work experience. Key stage 4 culminates with pupils sitting their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations at the end of Year 11. Liaison between our school and local sixth forms and colleges ensure a smooth transition into higher education. At Key Stage 5, A Level subjects in Government and Politics, Law, Business Studies, Mathematics and Further Mathematics, Geography and Critical Thinking have been introduced in 2014. The Sixth Form programme also includes a number of nonexamined enhancement subjects including financial skills, communication for business use and languages, if such things are appropriate for an individual student's future ambitions. The focus on work experience is an important part of the programme and is arranged in consultation with our careers advisor and committed staff. This range of subjects allows for pupils to have scope for their talents and interests and helps them to prepare for further opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Prep pupils will be assessed at key stage 1 using PIPs(Primary Indicators Performance) SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are taken at the end of each of two key stages: End of Key Stage 1 in Year 2, (English and Maths marked internally) End of Key Stage 2 in Year 6 (English, Maths marked externally) CATs (Cognitive Ability Tests) are taken in Years 4, 7, 9 and 12. The CAT is an assessment of a range of reasoning skills. The tests look at reasoning with three types of symbols: words, numbers and shapes or figures, i.e. verbal, quantitative and nonverbal reasoning. Where a pupil has a statement, the school provides an education which fulfils its requirements. Pupils are tested accordingly. The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) supports the less able pupils and there is a More Able Pupil (MAP) Co-ordinator who monitors the more able pupils. All pupils have the opportunity to learn and make progress. There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities available throughout the school and these include football, horse riding, rock climbing, fencing, cricket, children’s golf, tag rugby, debating, Textiles Club, Musical Theatre, Tennis etc. The school prides itself on its strong links with the community and charitable activities which also enrich the curriculum. The main curriculum aims are underpinned by our: Curriculum policy Marking and Assessment policy Learning Support policy Gifted and Talented Pupil Policy Examination and Examination Appeals policies Preparatory and Senior School Reporting Policies Homework Policy Teaching and Learning Policy Individual subject policies