FIRST IMPRESSIONS “You never get a second chance to make a

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”.
As economic development becomes increasingly competitive, the first impression of your
community can be a deal maker or breaker. This checklist is designed to help communities
focus on their image – objectively noting areas for pride and those needing attention. A few of
the items may require local government or private business or property owner attention and
cooperation. Some areas of concern can be addressed by volunteers. Many of the checklist
items are for community improvement consideration and future planning while others are
critical first impression factors.
Some sections of the questionnaire will be more applicable to specific audiences. For instance,
businesses looking for a location may be more concerned with streets and lighting, shoppers
may be more concerned about streetscapes and store signage, tourists will be looking for help
in finding community parks or services, and sports teams may be looking for signage to the ball
field or school. Use this self-administered questionnaire as a starting point for community
improvement discussions by selecting the portions relevant to your target audience.
Suggestion: Ask service providers and other visitors to your community to fill out the
survey to give you impartial input.
ENTRANCE (repeat this section for each entrance into your community)
There is a community welcome sign
The sign is in excellent condition
The entrance to town is not cluttered with signage
The entrance sign area includes maintained landscaping
The entrance sign includes appropriate lighting
The entrance area is free of litter
If the entrance is through an industrial part of town, there are appropriate
screening fences or landscaping
Billboards are well-maintained
Obsolete or outdated signage has been removed
Entrance corridor does not include views of dumps, junk cars, or other
questionable items
Sidewalks are in good condition
Sidewalks are debris, litter and weed free
Streets are well maintained
Sidewalks comply with ADA standards (can a wheelchair or baby stroller access
the sidewalk at street crossings or corners?)
Streets are debris and litter free
Street signage is in good condition
Streetscapes include maintained landscaping (pots, plants, etc.)
Street usage patterns (turning lanes, one-way, round-about, 4 way stop, etc.) are
well marked
Street signs are easy to read
There are appropriate directional signs
Hospital signage is evident
Signage directs a new community resident or guest to athletic fields and school
There is signage for essential service offices such as utilities and city offices.
Main business district includes pedestrian benches
All visible American flags are in good repair
Storm sewers and drainage areas are properly maintained
There is an easily identified free computer “hot spot”
There is a “feeling” of security and safety
There is good cell phone reception
Community facilities (parks, pools, green spaces) look modern and wellmaintained (clean restrooms, etc.)
Business buildings are in good condition
Buildings do not have vegetation sprouting from the structure or adjacent
Vacant buildings have clean windows and entryways
Second story windows are clean and in good repair
Clean drapery and/or screening is artfully used on second floor windows and any
empty buildings to minimize empty look
Business window displays or signage have eye appeal
Window displays are current and clean
Business signage is current, appropriate and well maintained
Advertising signage is aesthetically pleasing
There are no unnecessary wires or obsolete signage hardware visible
Business hours of operation are visible
Street lighting is attractive
There are attractive and welcoming street banners
Inviting green spaces are evident in business area
Alleyways are free of debris and litter
Vacant lots are debris and litter free (and mowed if appropriate)
Community litter receptacles are available and neat
A commitment to a “green” community or recycling is evident
RESIDENTIAL AREAS (while individual homeowners are responsible for some of the items in
this section, the overall curb appeal in the residential area is important to the First IMPRESSion
survey. Communities can encourage improvement through a variety of local programs to
encourage neighborhood pride.)
Majority of homes are in good repair
Street lighting is appropriate
Residential area streets are litter and debris free
Community includes inviting green spaces
Vacant lots debris and litter free
Yards are mowed and debris free.
AIRPORT (many business visitors will get their first impression of your community at your local
airport so it is critical that the community work with the airport authority/fixed base operator
for this section)
The airport terminal/fixed base operator building is in good repair
The facilities are clean and in good repair
The airport terminal/fixed base operator building is a comfortable place to meet
There is a deli or beverage and snack machines
The arrival area and parking lot free are from debris and litter
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS – this list could quickly become burdensome. Each community will
need to decide their area(s) of focus and should feel free to add appropriate items to this