FRANCE 1814-1848 Ruler Louis XVIII 1814-1824 minus 100 days in 1815 Charles X 1824-1830 Louis Philippe 1830-1848 Second Republic Type of Government Constitutional Charter – a liberal constitution No seigniorial duties Private property protected Intellectual and artistic freedom Two house parliament created 100,000 men voting, out of the French population of 30 million (though those 100,000 came from a variety of backgrounds) Repudiated the constitutional charter and tried to re-create a constitutional monarchy Stripped people of their voting rights Censored the press Constitutional charter 170,000 could vote Seen as stubborn All adult men voting Slaves freed in cololeis Moderate liberal republicans willing to let all men vote Radical republicans committed to socialism End of Rule Died of natural causes (last French king to die in “office”) Government collapses in 3 glorious days Revolution of 1848 Abdicated REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 France Louis Philippe Austria Ferdinand I Prussia Frederick William IV Pushed out of office Promised reforms Who revolted? What was their cause? Middle and lower classes wanting a say in government Groups that initially worked together: liberal republicans and radical republicans High point of cooperation: Establishment of national workshops Nationalistic Hungarians wanting national autonomy, full civil liberties and universal suffrage Poor demanded socialist workshops and universal male suffrage Nationalistic groups Serfs Urban revolutionaries Serfdom is abolished Promised a liberal Prussian constitution and German unification Prussian liberals want a liberal, unified German state Artisans and factory workers want democracy and socialist support programs Liberals Socialists Crisis: Thousands streamed to Paris to sign up for workshops liberal capitalism vs. socialism After Louis Blanc dropped from his government position the artisans and unskilled workers invaded the National Assembly. Over 10,000 killed in the June Days Workshops dissolved, new government to have a strong executive, Louis Napoleon wins decisively (will declare himself emperor in 4 years. Monarch before revolution Initial Fate of monarch Isms Clash: Conflict: Resolution? Establishment of workshops and a nationalistic Hungary Conservativism vs. Liberalism vs. socialism Habsburg government convinced ethnic minorities in Hungary to revolt against Hungarian rule And Czech and German nationalists feuded Ferdinand abdicated in favor of Franz Joseph Austrian army crushed working class in Prague, students in Vienna and radicals in Vienna. Russian army assisted in subduing Hungary which the Habsburgs ruled as a conquered territory for many years Prussian Constituent Assembly meets in Berlin to draw up Prussian constitution National Assembly meets in Frankfort to draw up a national constitution Battle over Denmark over Schleswig Holstein Conservativism vs. Liberalism vs. Socialism Frederick William not willing to abide by Prussian Constitution or accept a liberal created constitution for a unified Germany Frederick William dismisses the Prussian Constituent Assembly Frederick William will not accept the crown of a united Germany from the “Gutter” (Also Russian and Austria won’t let Germany unite by the princes giving power to Frederick William) Frederick William IV still the conservative king of Prussia with a Constitution, German Confederation reestablished