Region: Mountains and Basins Location (Relative): Place: Physical Characteristics High elevation, mountains Dry, little vegetation Human Characteristics Military base Strong cultural ties with Mexico; Spanish and English spoken in many places Cities – El Paso (2/3 of the region’s population live here), Fort Davis Human/Environment Interaction: Depend: How would people in the Mountains and Basins depend on the environment? Adapt: If it’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter, how might people adapt in the Mountains and Basins? Modify: Dams/reservoir Movement: Trades with Cotton Region: Great Plains Location (Relative): Place: Physical Characteristics Plateaus, prairies Medium-high elevation, dry, droughts often occur Human Characteristics Ranching Wheat and cotton farming Cities – Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland, and parts of Austin and San Antonio Human/Environment Interaction: Depend: How would people in the Great Plains depend on the environment? Adapt: Modify: If it’s cool in the summer and very cold in the winter, how might people adapt in Irrigation the Great Plains? Movement: Trades with many parts of the Petroleum Region: North Central Plains Location (Relative): Place: Physical Characteristics Rolling plains, plentiful rain, medium-low elevation Wooded areas Human Characteristics Cattle ranching Corn, wheat, grain, peanut, and cotton farming Cities – Fort Worth, Abilene, San Angelo Human/Environment Interaction: Depend: How would people in the North Central Plains depend on the environment? Adapt: If it’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter, how might people adapt in the North Central Plains? Modify: Dairying Breeding livestock for market Movement: Trades with many parts of the Region: Coastal Plains Location (Relative): Place: Physical Characteristics Flat plains, low elevation, abundant rain Beaches Wooded areas Human Characteristics Business and trade Farming Cities – Houston, Dallas, and parts of Austin and San Antonio 2/3 of the Texas population live in the Coastal Plains! Human/Environment Interaction: Depend: How would people in the Coastal Plains depend on the environment? Adapt: If it’s hot in the summer and mild in the winter, how might people adapt in the Plains? Modify: Skyscrapers Coastal Oil Movement: Trades with many parts of the