1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Protection systems such as relays play an important role in protecting the power system. A protection system is a series of equipment including but not limited to: relays, switches, batteries, auxiliary devices, meters, telecommunication devices, transducers, all of which maintain the integrity and reliability of the bulk electric system. Short circuits occur in power systems when equipment insulation fails due to system overvoltage caused by mechanical or natural cause such as lighting. Currents can be several orders of magnitude larger than normal operating current which can cause insulation damage, fire, and explosion. The design, maintenance, and operation can minimize the occurrence of short circuits but cannot eliminate them. Faults must be quickly removed from the power system. A relay is defined as “A device whose function is to detect defective lines or apparatus or other power system conditions of an abnormal or dangerous nature and to initiate appropriate control action.” According to Blackburn, protection is defined as “The science, skill, and art of applying and setting relays and/or fuses to provide maximum sensitively to faults and undesirable conditions, but to avoid their operations on all permissible or tolerable conditions” [1]. In this project we will focus distance and ground overcurrent protection which are used to protect high voltage 230kV system. Problems can occur within the protection equipment itself. For example faults that occurs out of the range of a directional relay. Backup relays would be used as a second line of defense to prevent protection equipment problems from happening. Backup protection should coordinate with the primary relays that are assigned to protect 2 equipment in particular zones. It is important to coordinate relays because it is inefficient to have multiple relays operating together. For our project, we will focus on distance relay being the primary relay and an overcurrent relay as a backup relay. A distance relay detects the change in impedance on a line by measuring the voltage and current flowing through the line. An overcurrent relay operates or picks up when its current exceeds a predetermined value. An overcurrent relay would operate as a backup to the distance relay. Our system involves two sample power plants which feeds power into two three phase transmission lines. The goal is to determine proper relay settings for distance and ground overcurrent relaying on the present system configuration. 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 Line Protection Line protection schemes associate the relative practices to provide adequate protection for distribution or transmission lines. The typical consideration involved with line protection include: line voltage classes, line length to consider voltage drop across the entire line (SIR) surge impedance ratio, and radial or loop configuration. 2.1.1 Voltage Classes The following voltage levels indicated below sets the criteria for lines categories: Industrial distribution – 34.5 kV and lower Sub-transmission – 34.5 – 138 kV Transmission – 115kV and higher o High voltage (HV) – 115 – 230 kV o Extra high voltage (EHV) – 345 – 765 kV o Ultra high voltage (UHV) – 1000 kV and higher. In the distribution voltage range (34.5 kV and lower), lines ranging in 10-20 mile, are connected from substations to various load densities ranging from industrial loads/customers (some requiring three phase power tapped from all three phase lines), business districts, and rural loads/customers. Protection provisions for the distribution class of lines generally require outages to affect the fewest number of customers, device 4 settings to consider equipment and personal safety due to large currents in the low voltage ranges, and an automatic restoration circuits to clear temporary faults and reestablish service to customers. In specific applications with low voltages in the 480 – 120 V limit, fuses are the primary devices to disconnect a portion of the faulted zone from the circuit, while circuit breakers and reclosers are typically applied at the substation region. Reclosers and sectionalizers are other devices used in disconnecting faulted zones. The sub transmission classes (34.5 – 138 kV) are lines exposed between the transmission and distribution voltage range which feed power through distribution substations, or feed large loads directly from the generation level. The Protection provisions for this class combine aspects of distribution and transmission classes which depends on the configuration and level of importance. The transmission line class (115kV and higher) functions as the interconnection between multiple generating units, and medium to transport power to the substation where distribution lines are connected. The protection provisions for this class involve fast operation of protection devices, and only devices that are affected by the fault should operate to isolate a zone. The settings for the protection devices should be calibrated to allow short term loading conditions, and restores itself automatically for temporary faults. Unlike the distribution class, circuit breakers are the main devices because they eliminate arcing currents. 5 2.1.2 Radial and Loop Systems Identifying radial and loop classifications for lines contributes largely to relay coordination by implementing the appropriate time delays for the relay to operate. Radial lines are defined with having one positive sequence source connected to one end and loads connected on the other. In the case when the source on the line end is grounded, a ground fault will result in current fed from one direction; unless both opposite ends of the line are grounded. Eliminating the ground fault requires isolation of the source unit without having to interrupt any equipment on the opposite line end. Loop lines differ from radial lines by having sources connected to both ends of the line. Both ends of the line must be isolated when a ground fault occurs since both ends will feed into the fault. Mutual induction will facilitate zero sequence current in parallel lines for both radial and loop lines and will require isolation of all ground sources. 2.1.3 Short Lines Line lengths have three categories such as short (up to 50 miles), medium (up to 150 miles), or long (above 150 miles) lines. For fault studies there are special considerations when applying the line length in determining fault currents near the beginning or far end of the lines. This is due to the shunt capacitances of the lines, and their degree of contribution to the fault current in short, medium, and long lines. A distinct property with short lines is the advantage to neglecting shunt capacitances with the ground which modifies calculations for self and/or mutually coupled line impedances. Long lines tend to experience the Ferranti effect resulting in distorted actual fault impedance measured through the distance relays, and operate the incorrect zone relay. Overcurrent relays are 6 also affected by the line length in terms of magnitude of current when a fault occurs on any length of the line. This instance requires proper time delays between relays protecting opposing ends of the line, including regards to radial or loop configured systems. In addition to short lines which affect the settings of line protective relays, other influences include: in-feed from tapped lines into other generating sources, considering fault resistance in fault analysis, load encroachment, and multi-terminal lines where current can traverse in multiple paths. Refer to [13] for additional information regarding line length classifications. 2.1.4 Typical Relaying Techniques The protective relays typically applied in all line classes due to their commutative application for the distribution, sub-transmission, and transmission classes are: 1) Distance, 2) Overcurrent, 3) Current Balance, and 4) Pilot communication schemes. There are other properties with these relays such as directional and instantaneous or time delayed operation that applies to their protective function. The first two relays will be discussed in further detail to familiarize their function as this project relates to their settings. 2.2 21 Distance Relay Distance relays operate when the ratio between the measured system voltage and current value is less than a preset value. The ratio represents the impedance of the line which is then compared with a fixed impedance of the system. How the relay applies the voltage 7 and current properties towards initiating a trip status is explained through the function of a balance beam type distance relay; currently out of production. Similar to most electrical/mechanical protective relays still used in some utility systems, magnetic induction and attraction is what generates the force that initiates the operation from the voltage and current inputs to the distance relay. In the example of a balancebeam type distance relay, the principle of this type of relay utilizes induced forces from electro-magnets produced from a measured voltage and current. Depending on where the fault is located on the line, the measured voltage or current will be greater than the other, and offsets the force produced by the measured voltage or current quantity. The induced forces act on a balanced beam that is set on a pivot, and two electromagnets induced by a voltage and current are position at both ends. Only when the current induced force exceeds the voltage induced force, will the relay operate. The value of current and voltage that operates the relay defines the impedance “balance point”, “operating threshold”, or “decision point”. This impedance is a function of the distance on the line, a property describing the reach of the relay. 8 Bus G CT Line, ZL Relay 21 PT (a) Contacts Pivot V I (b) Figure 2.1: Relay Connection to the Grid (a) and Balance Beam Type Distance Relay (b) To represent the protection of a line, impedance diagrams will visually describe the setting and characteristics of the relay, and used in coordinating with other neighboring 21 relays. Impedance diagrams show circles or various shapes signifying the reach for the relay to operate. An example of a common type of impedance circle is a mho circle (offset from the origin), which defines a range of measured impedance in a specific direction to operate against faults. The direction of measured impedance depends on the direction of current flow, or leading or lagging current, during a fault. Figure 2.2 shows three mho circles on an impedance diagram with x and y axis representing a resistance and reactance quantity, respectively. The three circles define the reach or protection capability of each circle, indicating a zone of protection. The line extending from the origin to point H is the measured impedance on a transmission line during a fault. The mho circle zone 2 has a larger diameter than zone 1’s circle and is dependent on the CT’s 9 and PT’s turns ratio modified with a resistor; example IabZc, and line voltage, Vab. Zone 2 should be larger than zone 1 according to distance relay settings standards, and an additional zone 3 should be even larger. This implies more of the line’s distance is monitored by the relay. When faults are closer to the relay, the relay will measure larger currents than voltage. For line faults farther away from the relay, the voltage will be larger relative to the voltage close to the relay. The ratio of the two properties defines where the fault falls within any three zones of protection. Measured impedances outside any of the zones means relays will not operate. Zone 3 in a step-distance relay scheme is used to provide remote back-up protection in the event of a failure of the protection system that is normally expected to operate for the fault condition. In this particular project, Zone 3 is set to look in the reverse direction with an additional 20% to 30% reach beyond the protected terminal's Zone 2. A blocking instruction has to be sent by the reverse looking relay elements to prevent instantaneous tripping of the remote relay for Zone 2 faults external to the protected section. Otherwise there is the possibility of Zone 2 elements initiating tripping and the reverse looking Zone 3 elements will fail to see an external fault. It is essential that the operating times of the relays be skillfully coordinated for all system conditions so that sufficient time is allowed for the receipt of a blocking signal from the remote end of the feeder. In order for this to happen, the reverse-looking elements and the signaling channel must operate faster than the forward-looking elements. From figure 2.2, zone 2 and 3 relay will operate with the measured impedance located at point H. In order to prevent all three zones from operating at once, time delays are set for zone two and three, and zone 1 will operate on the instantaneous setting. 10 X Zone 3 distance protection H Zone 2 distance protection Line Zone 1 distance protection R Figure 1.2: Impedance Diagram with Mho Circles In regards to the mho circle as a type of impedance circle, there are numerous types used in the industry that defines different protection capabilities, and discriminates against operating on certain faults that induce measured impedances represented on the impedance diagram. This includes but not limited to the following shown in figure 2.3: Figure 2.3: Various Distance Relay Characteristics 11 Special applications involve the semi-plane type characteristics for distance relaying, however the mho type characteristic is applied for the distance relay in this project. Refer to [1] for determining relay reach mho circle calculations. In this particular project, we are setting proper relay settings for Westinghouse KD-10 and KD-41. An illustration of the relay KD-10 is shown below. Figure 2.4: Type KD-10 Relay Chassis Application of KD-10: The application for KD-10 relay is quite simple. The KD-10 type relay is a polyphase compensator type relay which provides a single zone of phase protection for all three phases. This relay provides instantaneous tripping for phase-to-phase, double phase to ground, and three phase faults within the reach setting and sensitivity level of the relay. 12 Characteristic of KD-10: Distance characteristics for phase-to-phase units: This unit responds to all phase-to-phase faults and two-phase-to-ground faults. It does not respond to load current, synchronizing surges, or out-of-step conditions. Distance characteristics for three phase units: The three-phase unit has a characteristic circle which passes through the origin as shown in Figure 2.5 [10]. This circle is independent of source impedance. The three-phase unit is also inherently directional and does not require a separate directional unit. Figure 2.5: Impedance Circle for Three Phase Unit in KD-10 Relay 13 Application of KD-41: The application of the KD-41relay is similar to KD-10 relay. This relay is applied as the third zone of protection in pilot schemes. It may also be used for time-delayed tripping in distance relaying. Characteristic of KD-41: Distance characteristics for phase-to-phase units is similar to KD-10 as stated above. Distance characteristics for three phase units: The three-phase unit has a characteristic circle which passes through the origin as shown in Figure 2.65 [9]. Figure 2.6: Impedance Circle for Three Phase Unit in KD-41 Relay 2.3 Overcurrent Relay Overcurrent relay is a relay that operates or picks up when its current exceeds a predetermined value. Lines are protected by overcurrent, distance, or pilot-relaying 14 equipment, depending on the requirements. Overcurrent relays are used for primary ground-fault protection on most transmission lines where distance relays are used for phase faults. Overcurrent relays are also for ground back-up protection on most lines having pilot relaying for primary protection. Overcurrent or distance relays are the primary when differential protection is not used. “Since faults produce an increase in the phase and ground, overcurrent protection is widely applied to all voltage levels for all currents in the system.” [1] Overcurrent relays are the simplest of all relay devices. Only current needs to be measured to operate an overcurrent relay. An overcurrent relay uses an electromagnet (a coil wire that becomes a magnet when electricity flows through it) to link two circuits together. In general, when this circuit is activated, it feeds current to an electromagnet that pulls a metal switch closed and activates the second output circuit. The relatively small current in the input circuit thus activates the larger current in the output circuit. The input circuit is initially in the off position and no current flows through the circuit until the closing of the switch turns it on. When a small current flows in the input circuit, it activates and produces a magnetic field all around it. The energized electromagnet pulls the metal bar in the output circuit toward it, closing the switch and allowing a much bigger current to flow through the output circuit. The output circuit operates the trip coil for the breaker. The minimum operating criteria for overcurrent relay is shown in Figure 2.7 [1] below. 15 Figure 2.7: Overcurrent Minimum Operating Criteria Overcurrent relays may also operate instantaneously; with fixed or inverse time delays. Instantaneous overcurrent relays activate with a small time delay, 16-20 milliseconds, through induced forces to lift the solenoid. Inverse time characteristic is the combination of producing fast operation at high current and slow operation at light current. This is shown in Figure 2.8 [1] below. 16 Figure 2.8: Inverse Time Characteristic The figure above shows the abscissa of the characteristic curves in multiples of tap or pickup current. Typical inverse-time–overcurrent relay characteristic is typically provided by the manufacturer. In general, all relays have several taps, each of which represents the minimum current at which the unit will start to operate. This is also called the minimum pickup value. For example, a current relay set on tap 5 will begin to operate at 5.0 A, plus or minus the manufacturer’s tolerances. In addition to the taps, the spacing for the contact travel is adjustable and marked by a scale known originally as a time dial. Overcurrent relays have time dial settings that vary the time duration for the relay to operate. Time dial provides different operating times at the same operating current level. Transients in the current magnitude will affect rate of how the relay will operate. Most 17 instantaneous overcurrent or time-overcurrent relays will not start to reset until the current drops below 60% of the pickup current. Not only that, overcurrent relays are not directional. Measuring current gives no indication of the current direction. Directional properties in relays apply current and/or a reference voltage or current. The unit operates when the measured and reference quantity are in phase. For this particular project, our power system is radial where the current of flow is always known. 2.4 Carrier Scheme Pilot protection is a type of differential protection for which the quantities at the terminals are compared by a communication channel, rather than by a direct-wire interconnection of the relay input devices [1]. Pilot protection schemes speed fault clearing time. A variety of schemes such as Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) and Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) have been developed to meet the requirements of dependability, security, cost, and other factors. In this particular project, we focused on Directional Comparison Blocking scheme. This is the most popular pilot relaying scheme. This scheme is more dependable than permissive transfer trip (POTT) scheme because it trips the breaker when there is no carrier signal from the remote end pilot relay. Unlike permissive schemes that send a signal when a fault is detected in the forward direction, DCB scheme sends a block trip signal when a fault is detected in the reverse direction. An advantage of this scheme is relays do not rely on trip signal from remote end substation to provide 18 protection for internal faults on transmission line. Ho wever, to check the integrity of the communication channel, a test signal is transmitted. Figure 2.9 below shows how a Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) operates. Z3 Z2 Z1 L R Z1 Z2 Z3 Zone 3S Loss of Channel TX RX RX NOT Delay Zone 2S Zone 3R TX NOT AND Trip S Trip R AND Delay Zone 2R Figure 2.9: Directional Comparison Blocking Local Breaker o Reverse looking zone 3 elements sends a block trip signal if a fault is detected. o Zone 3 must exceed the reach of the remote terminal zone 2. Remote Breaker o Zone 2 element is allowed to high-speed trip after a coordinated time delay unless a block trip signal is received. 2.5 Relay Coordination Relay coordination plays an important role in protection. Proper application and coordination of over-current relays and other protective devices is vital in a system 19 requiring reliable electrical service. The proper selection and coordination of protective devices is mandated in article 110.10 of the National Electrical Code. “The overcurrent protective devices, the total impedance, the component short-circuit current ratings, and other characteristics of the circuit to be protected shall be selected and coordinated to permit the circuit-protective devices used to clear a fault to do so without extensive damage to the electrical components of the circuit. This fault shall be assumed to be either between two or more of the circuit conductors or between any circuit conductor and the grounding conductor or enclosing metal raceway. Listed products applied in accordance with their listing shall be considered to meet the requirements of this section.” One important device that distance relays require is a voltage source. “Three-phase voltage is required and provides reference quantities with which the currents are compared.” [1] Phase distance relays require coupling capacitor voltage transformers which is also known as CCVTs to be connected either to bus or to the line that is protected. A loss of one or more phase voltages may result in an unwanted relay operation. To prevent this from happening, overcurrent fault detectors can be added to supervise the trip circuit of the distance relays. One down fall for overcurrent fault detector is overcurrent units would not operate for a loss of voltage in the absence of an actual fault. 2.6 Reliability Reliability of a protective system is defined as the probability that the system will function correctly when required to react. “It is important that the protective system be designed with due regard for its own unreliability.” [Anderson pp.8] This means that the 20 backup protective system should be installed to operate in case the primary protective equipment fails so that system damage could be minimized and restoration of normal service can be achieved quickly. Local back up relays are an alternate set of relays in a primary protection zone that operate under prescribed conditions in that protection zones. Backup protection and redundancy is crucial in system protection. According to Blackburn, “Backup is defined as protection that operates independently of specified components in the primary protective system. Backup up protection may duplicate the primary protection, or may be intended to operate only if the primary protection fails or is temporarily out of service.” [1] If the independence is not provided, there is the possibility that a failure in the protection will prevent the opening of the local breakers to clear the fault. Clearing the fault under these circumstances could be achieved only by backup protection. Time solution is a key factor when working with relays. Setting criteria is intricate when coordinating primary and backup relays. Delays are applied to relays to allow the primary protection to operate first. Settings must ensure that the phase and ground protection do not operate in the back up area until the primary phase and ground protections assigned to that area have the opportunity to clear the fault. The objective is to set the protection to operate as fast as possible for faults in the primary zone, yet delay sufficiently for faults in the backup zones. “The settings must be below the minimum fault current for the relay to operate, but not to operate on all normal and tolerable conditions.” [1] 21 CHAPTER 3 MATHEMATICAL MODEL 3.1 System Characteristic (Refer to figure C.1 in Appendix C to follow along with the description of the plant) The Marriot is a hydro pumping/generating plant consisting of pumping and generating units to offset some of the cost to pump water up a head of approximately 600ft. Three out of the six units are pumping/generating units, while the other three units are synchronous hydro generators. Ratings of all equipment will be introduced in chapter 4. Each unit is connected to a wye-delta three-phase transformer which steps up the voltage to 230kV. Each transformer is connected to the Marriot main-transfer bus scheme switchyard through a 2400 foot long three phase pipe-type cable circuit. The purpose for this configuration is to allow multiple paths for current to flow to the pumping/generating units in the event that one out of the three transmission lines connecting into the plant were to be removed out of service. The main bus is sectioned into three groups using two sectionalizers (1061 and 861), and connected to a circuit breaker. The transfer bus breakers (788, 564, and 266) are normally open until power is redirected away from one line, and in some instance these breakers are closed such that current flows away from out of service main bus breakers. Energizing the transfer bus is also used for pumping units during low frequency startup. The main bus breakers are 266, 265, 264, 263, 262, and 261. Transmission line breakers 2161, 269, and 267 are also connected to the main bus. The three sets of 230kV three-phase transmission lines extending out of the plant are 22 identified with the following ID’s: Melanie Line 1, Johnson Line 2, and Bell Line 3. Alternate Plant is a neighbor to the Marriot plant, and taps into the utility substation through lines 1 and 3. Since Alternate Plant and Marriot plants are separate entities, the only information regarding the Alternate Plant is their power injection to the associated lines 1 and 3. Restrictions on the plant include the provision that two units may only feed into one of the transmission lines, and their feeding order is determined as: 1) Line 1 is fed by units 1 and 2. 2) Line 2 by units 3 and 4, and 3) Line 3 by units 5 and 6. Line loading restrictions are also set for certain times of the year to account for the thermal ratings of the transmission lines. Alternate Plant has 2 tapped lines; one going to Melanie Line 1 (tap 1) and the other going to Bell Line 3 (tap 3). A restriction on the Alternate Plant is only one transmission line tap 1or tap 3 is in service for typical operating conditions. 3. 2 Fault Analysis The fault studies are implemented to determine relay settings limitations on the protection criteria’s, and determine adequate settings due to special conditions based on system configurations. Equipment ratings are collected from equipment nameplate data, and converted to per unit impedances. The fault studies will be performed through forming the Z-bus matrix to circumvent typical network reductions through circuit analysis, and facilitate computations. The general procedures to forming the Z-bus matrix and performing systematic fault analysis are described below. 23 3.2.1. Z-Bus Matrix The simplified properties of the Z-bus matrix are as follows: The Z-bus matrix dimensions for a system with “n” buses will be n x n. The diagonal elements in the Z-bus matrix constitute the thevenin equivalent impedance of the system with respect to the element’s row and column. Example: Matrix element, Z2,2 , is the thevenin equivalent impedance of the system with respect to bus 2. Forming the matrix involves determining the connections between buses through a branch or links (transmission lines, cables, a transformer with two buses on the primary and secondary winding, etc.) In fault analysis, the positive, negative, and zero sequence impedances is represented by their own individual Z-bus matrix (i.e. Z0matrix, Z1matrix Z2matrix). The procedure to forming the Z-bus matrix is proposed by following 3 rules: 1. Rule 1: Grounded equipment attached to Bus/nodes – Begin forming the matrix by including equipment impedance values connected to the reference bus (ground). Begin forming the Z-bus matrix with the following elements, Znew bus Z11 = Z m1 0 Z1m 0 Z mm 0 0 0 0 zq 0 (3.1) 24 where Z11 and Zmm represents equivalent equipment impedances connected to bus 1 or bus m, respectively. zq0 = additional equivalent equipment impedance connected to bus q. 2. Rule 2: Adding new bus with a branch to existing bus – The next rule accounts for all remaining buses not represented from rule 1. The impedance between the new and old bus is represented by the off-diagonal elements depending on the system configuration (i.e. transmission line connects bus a and b, defining the impedance between bus a and b, Zab). The addition of new buses interconnected with existing buses modifies the previous Z-bus matrix from rule 1 to the following model; considering the addition of line impedance, zpq, between old bus p, and new bus q. new Z bus Z11 Z = pp Z m1 Z p1 Z1 p Z1m Z pp Z pm Z mp Z pp Z mm Z pm Z pp Z mp Z pp + z pq Z1 p (3.2) where zpq is the impedance to be added between old bus p, and new bus q. Elements represented with upper case Z, defines matrix elements from the pre-modified matrix. 3. Rule 3: Adding branch between two existing buses – This step considers all connections between buses developed from rules 1 and 2. The equation to include 25 a branch (i.e. transmission line connection ) zpq between existing buses p and q is shown as, old Znew bus = Zbus - ΔZ ΔZT Zll (3.3) where Zll = z pq + Z pp + Zqq - 2Z pq (3.4) Z1q Z ΔZ = pq Z qq Z mq (3.5) and, - Z1 p - Z pp - Zqp - Zmp where zpq is the impedance connected to bus p and q, and “Z” elements pertain to the previous Z-bus matrix . 3.2.2 3 Phase and Single-Line-To-Ground Fault The fault studies will apply 3-phase and single-to-ground fault data to determine specific values for the distance and ground relays settings. This can be accomplished with the developed Z-bus matrix of the system’s positive, negative, and zero sequence impedances (Z0matrix, Z1matrix Z2matrix). 3-phase faults only apply the positive sequence impedances due to its symmetrical current characteristic. To determine the fault current on a faulted bus, k, is determined as, 26 I 31 phase,bus k ( f ) = Vf Z 1 k ,k + Zf (3.6) where Z1k,k is the positive sequence Z-bus element from row k, column k, and Zf is the fault impedance (this value is omitted to consider the case of highest fault current). 1 Single-line-to-ground fault current at bus k, I SLG ,bus k ( f ) , is calculated below as, 1 I SLG ,bus k ( f ) = Vf Z 1 k ,k +Z 2 k ,k + Z k0,k + Z f (3.7) where Z2kk and Z0kk are the negative and zero sequence Z-bus matrix elements from row k, column k, respectively. Fault studies with the Z-bus matrix simplifies the process in analyzing multiple fault cases on various buses, and allows matrix evaluations to calculate the magnitudes of bus voltages and fault currents throughout the system. Determining sequence bus voltages, Vi0, Vi1, Vi2 , on bus i, due to a fault on bus k with sequence fault currents,I0k , I1k , I2k , is provided as, Vi 0 0 Z ik0 I k0 1 1 1 1 Vi = Vi (0) - Zik I k Vi 2 0 Z ik2 I k2 (3.8) where Vi1(0) is the positive sequence pre-fault voltage on bus i (typically 1 PU), and Zik0,1,2 is the Z-bus matrix element on row i, column k. The values of the sequence current, Iij0, Iij1, Iij2, flowing through line connection between buses i and j can be calculated as, 27 Vi 0 V j0 0 zij 0 I ij 1 1 1 Vi V j I = ij z1 ij I ij2 Vi 2 V j2 2 zij (3.9) Ground fault distribution current, 3I0, through line connection between bus I and j due to ground fault is defined as, I groundfault Iaij Ibij Icij 3Iii0 (3.10) ij Fault current distribution through transmission lines will be useful towards distance and ground overcurrent settings; current through CT inputs to each relay will dictate the tap settings towards each application. 3.3 Mho Relay Setting Typical transmission line protection schemes for short line applications include current differential, phase comparison, permissive overreaching transfer trip (POTT), and directional comparison blocking [15]. The current differential application is to address issues discriminating between fault currents due to close-in faults and line end faults [1]. However, cost considerations and disturbance factors associated with differential protection includes: six pilot conductors including neutral and DC connections if applicable, cabling with heavy insulation if exposed to outside weather, errors relating to CT saturation, and transmission line charging current and voltage drops due to line lengths and large secondary currents [12]. The aforementioned concerns with differential relaying for transmission lines have limited its application to line lengths less than two 28 miles. Mho relaying is preferred for primary protection of 3-phase and line-to-line faults for transmission lines up to at least ten mile in length. Distance relaying is also applied in generator backup protection and briefly described to have the following general settings criteria: 1.5 – 2 times the generator(s) MVA rating at rated power factor, but this setting should be analyzed for de-sensitivity to line faults [19]. For Generator thermal protection: 50% - 66.7% of load impedance (200% - 150% generator capability curve) at rated power factor angle. Applied in Generator protection - 80% - 90% load impedance at (125% - 111% generator capability curve). Zone 1 and 2 relays consists of a time delayed function longer than the associated unit, transformer, bus, transmission line, and breaker failure relays, respectively. Extreme system loading or stable swings should not cause naissance false tripping or interrupt normal generator loadability Typical mho distance specifications (not necessarily applied to Marriot’s system configuration) observed and used in industry applications include: Settings coordinated with transmission owner regarding setting and time coordination. For some system configurations such as in-feed, other means of protection must be applied aside from distance relays which necessitate overlapping between zones of protections. 29 Fundamentals for setting mho protection is the following (radial lines): o Zone 1 set to 85-90% of positive sequence line impedance intended for instantaneous operation [1]. o Zone 2 50% beyond the next adjacent line including a time delay, T2. [1], or 120% of longest line with in-feed [19]. o Zone 3 (if applicable) 25% to adjacent line beyond with a time delay, T3 [1]. o A general rule for coordinating between primary to secondary, and additional back-up relays is allow .2 sec (12 cycles) plus the coordinating time interval (CTI, typically .3 sec or 18 cycles is frequently used) for the far-bus fault [1]. When applying distance protection with multi-terminal transmission lines, such as Marriot’s line configuration, is best protected with pilot relaying, and can mitigate relay redundancy and delayed fault clearing conditions [1, 15]. 3.3.1 Coordination The following concerns regarding coordination with mho relay settings include: Distance relay as back-up generator protection must coordinate with generator excitation protection (over-excitation limiter, voltz per hertz limiter). Application of line or generator protection, generator and transmission owners should approve of applicable settings and time delays between equipment. 30 Any settings modifications between one transmission/generation owner(s) will require validation with other transmission/generation connected owner(s). Transmission line impedance data on generator high side, and relay settings should be exchanged between generator and transmission owner. Coordinating pilot protection functions with distance relay associated tripping on multi-terminal lines can mitigate over-reaching adjacent protection zones at remote ends when in-feed sources are removed. 3.3.2 Applied Settings The transmission system for the sample power system is categorized with three zones of protection. Zone 1 protection relates to fault sensing approximately 90% of the transmission line between Marriot plant and either the Utility Bus or Alternate plant. Zone 2 protection is fault sensing of the entire transmission system between Marriot and Utility bus and Alternate plant together, with a small margin beyond the two remote buses. Zone 3 protection is reverse sensing, and looks into Marriot switchyard and possibly into the step-down transformers. Based on in-feed properties present in Marriot/Alternate Plant/Utility shared transmission system, the settings standard will consist of the following: Zone 1 forward looking setting is the primary line protection for 3-phase and lineto-line faults. All phases should be isolated from the fault to protect the generating units rated for 3-phase power operation. Zone 1 settings are set for K times the lowest actual impedance to any remote terminal [15]. As the primary line 31 protection, no intentional delay is set, and should operate within 1 – 2 cycles. The value of K is typically 80-90% percent of the shortest line impedance between the local bus and any remote buses. Because the KD-10 refers to 90% as the default calculation [10], the value of K for zone 1 setting will be, Kzone1 = .9 (3.11) Zone 1 setting will be based on the line connecting from any Marriot bus to the utility bus since the line distance between Marriot plant and Utility Bus is the shortest. Zone 1 setting is determined as. Zzone1 = K ( ZTL Marriot bus - tap 1 or 3 + ZTL tap 1 or 3 - Utility ) (3.12) or in terms of secondary impedance, Zzone1secondary = Z zone1 CTR PTR (3.13) where CTR and PTR are the input CT and PT ratio’s to the relay. Zone 2 forward looking setting as back-up protection for zone 1 detecting 3-phase and line-to-line faults will consider effects of in-feed, and set 120% of the largest apparent impedance seen on the longest line impedance between the local bus (Marriot) and any remote bus (Alternate plant) [12]. This method of setting considers the possibility of over-reaching the remote buses’ zone 1 setting in absence of pilot protection when Alternate plant‘s in-feed effects is disconnected from the tap line. A typical time delay of 20 (.33 sec) to 30 cycles (0.5 sec) is applied to allow coordination with Marriot, alternate plant, and utility buses zone 1 operation [5]. Figure 3.1 describes the in-feed effect from a fault condition, and 32 including additional generation plant taped onto a line. Further sections will discuss Zone 2 supervision through directional comparison blocking scheme. Fault Ia Za Ic Zc a c Ib Zb b Figure 3.1: Current In-feed Equation for apparent impedance, ZR, of a line seen by the relay located at breaker “a” is defined as, ZR = Ea I Z + I c Zc = a a , Ia Ia (3.14) where Ia and Ic are line currents shown in figure 3.1. Use equation 3.14 to convert to an secondary impedance, and the final zone 2 setting becomes, ZZone2 = 120% (Z R ) (3.15) Johnson Line 2 does not consists of taps on its line, and its zone 2 setting is, Line 2 ZZone2 = 120% (ZZ.1_ TL.L2.Marr ) (3.16) 33 Zone 3 is commonly used in a Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) communications scheme. In this particular project, we focused on Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) scheme. This is the most popular pilot relaying scheme. This scheme is more dependable than permissive transfer trip (POTT) scheme because it trips the breaker when there is no carrier signal from the remote end pilot relay. Unlike permissive schemes that sends a signal when a fault is detected in the forward direction, DCB scheme sends a block trip signal when a fault is detected in the reverse direction. Section 4.9 will explain in-depth on the carrier scheme. From figure 3.2 below, the zone 3 element reach at breaker 1 must be selected to detect all out-of-section faults also detected by the overreaching elements at breaker 2. At a minimum, Zone 3 reach setting must equal the impedance of the overreaching element at breaker 2. If Zone 2 reach for the line protection at breaker 2 is set for 120% of the line impedance, Zone 3 reach at breaker 1 is set at 120% of the Zone 2 overreach from breaker 2. Z2 Z1 1 2 Z1 Z2 Z3 Figure 3.2: Zone 3 Protection The requirements for Zone 3 calculations are provided below, Line impedance of the protected line 34 Zone 2 setting of the remote relay CT ratio of and PT ratio of both local and remote relay Below shows the basic steps that are needed to calculate reverse Zone 3 setting. Please refer to Figure 3.2 as a reference. 1. Calculate Zone 2 setting of the remote relay. Zone 2 at breaker 2 has a set reach of 120%. The effective reach can be calculated as Z2Breaker2 =1.20× line impedance (3.17) 2. If Zone 2 setting is in secondary ohm, convert to primary ohms using provided CT ratio and PT ratio. 3. Breaker 2 overreach is equal to Breaker 2 Zone 2 setting minus the line impedance. Breaker 2Overreach = Z2Breaker2 - line impedance (3.18) 4. Zone 3 Breaker 1 is equal to 120% of Breaker 2 Zone 2 overreach. Therefore, Zone 3 reach can be calculated as Zone 3Reach = 1.2 Breaker 2Overreach (3.19) 5. Convert Zone 3 reach to secondary ohms using the provided CT ratio and PT ratio. Even though we were unable to get transformer protection data, Zone 3 time delay will coordinate with the transformer protection to avoid over tripping. A common practice is 35 to set the zone 3 reach with a 60-cycle time delay, provided that it does not reach beyond any zone 2 setting of the remote station’s line sections. Setting Zone 3 on the electromechanical KD-41 relay is quite simple. For zone 3 reverse tripping direction, the primary step is to reverse the current connection meaning swap the lead coils. This will allow the relay to see in the reverse direction for reverse zone 3 faults. 3.3.3 21Z1, 21Z2, 21Z3 Mho Relay Application - KD-10 Setting The procedure to implementing zone 1-3 impedance settings to KD-10 relays is provided in the associated manufacture leaflet [10]. Internal relay settings include adjustable compensator tap setting, T, auto-transformer primary tap, S, and auto-transformer secondary tap setting, M [10]. The three adjustable settings is applied in the equation representing the impedance setting referenced on the CT and PT secondary side: ZSetting(Secondary) = S T 1 M . (3.20) The value from equation 3.20 should be within 1.5% of the calculated setting from section 3.3.3, or select alternative relay settings to produce a closer margin [10]. Other KD-10 relay settings will not be discussed in this application. 3.3.4 PRC-023-1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued the Transmission Relay Loadability standard in May 2009 to approve PRC-023. FERC stated that “The 2003 blackout report cited Zone 2 and Zone 3 relays tripping for overload and stable power swings, instead of faults, as a major contributor to the blackout.” [11] This blackout 36 report mandated that all Zone 3 relays on lines operated at 230kV and above must be reviewed to ensure that the relay would not operate for extreme emergency loading condition. Transmission relay loadability requires transmission owners to follow criteria to prevent its phase protective relay settings from limiting transmission system loadability while maintaining reliable protection of the Bulk Electric System for all fault conditions. “Protective relay settings shall not interfere with system operator taking remedial action to protect system reliability.” [11] Protective relay settings should be set to reliably detect fault conditions and protect the system from faults. If the relay settings that protect the Bulk Electric System are more limiting than the Facility Rating, then the Facility Rating need to reflect this constraint. Some applicable relays are: phase distance, over current, communication-aided protection schemes, and switch-on-to-fault just to name a few. Relays that are not applicable are: ground fault, generator relays that are susceptible to load, and relays in special protection scheme just to name a few. PRC -023 states each transmission owner shall evaluate relay loadability at 0.85 per unit voltage and a power factor angle of 30 degrees. Requirement R1.1 mandates transmission owners to set line relays to not operate below 150% of the highest seasonal facility rating duration nearest to a 4 hour interval. Certain requirements are needed to calculate PRC023-1. These requirements are listed below, Line voltage Line Rated Current Line Loading MVA 37 Line impedance angle Calculation of PRC-023-1 is defined as, Zrelay = .85VLL 1.5× 3×Irating (3.21) PRC-023-1 equation can be re-written as: Zrelay = 2 .85VLL 1.5MVA[cos(θ-30° )] (3.22) To get MVA, Line loading MVA = 3 × Irating × VLL (3.23) The above criteria will prevent phase protective relay settings from limiting transmission system loadability while maintaining reliable protection of the Bulk Electric System for all fault conditions. 3.4 Directional-Non Directional Ground Overcurrent Relay Principle operating quantity for ground overcurrent relays of the directional or nondirectional type is dependent on zero sequence currents contributed from, system stability swings, unbalanced loads, or ground faults. Some system applications utilize ground overcurrent relays as the primary protection against single-line (SLG) and double-line-toground (DLG) faults. Directional relays, through negative sequence polarizing quantities (V2 or I2), applies protection concentrated in one direction, with taps defining the distance of the zone of protection. These relays are typically required for lines consisting of a weaker source at its receiving end. Non-directional elements offer similar protection 38 without polarizing quantities. General settings for ground overcurrent relays apply selective operations for primary zones of protection, and delay action for faults in backup zones. Typical settings regarding directional and non-directional types include: Ground settings are 1/5 to 1/10 of the phase relay settings, and consist of instantaneous and time delayed operation [14]. In general, close in faults induce higher fault current distribution with respect to the local bus than faults at the end of the transmission line. Line lengths and source impedances can influence the fault magnitude for internal and external faults. Instantaneous settings are established by fixing the tap higher than the maximum fault current due to faults external of the protected line. This also ensures coordination with time overcurrent pickup settings, and defines parameters for backup protection with time delay settings [15]. Instantaneous settings should only actuate for internal ground faults (close to the local bus) up to the remote bus. For instances with transmission lines with taps, actuation should be permitted up to the location of the tap [18]. Time-overcurrent pickup settings should inhibit tripping on max loading conditions and temporary unbalances. Coordination should be based on protection in-front of the directional relay, or protection in both forward and reverse directions for non-directional relays. Similar relay characteristics (inverse or veryinverse) should be used for coordination purposes with similar downstream relays. Time-overcurrent settings should only operate for ground faults on or near the 39 remote bus; only after the protective relays on the remote bus has the opportunity to clear the fault [18] 3.4.1. Coordination Coordinating provisions are similar to what is stated in section 3.3.1 mho distance relaying. However the time-overcurrent settings should use time curves similar to other time-overcurrent relays to limit miss-coordination between zones of protection [18]. 3.4.2. Applied Directional-Non Directional Ground Overcurrent Relay The three zones of protection also apply for ground overcurrent relays as alluded to section 3.3.2. Applying directional quality relays will concentrate ground fault clearing actions for specific protection zone (with carrier supervision). The following criteria for directional and non-directional ground overcurrent relays, respectively: Residual currents of phase CT’s, 3I0, is based on single-line-to-ground fault studies, and should be considered in ground settings [1]. Instantaneous setting is “k” times the maximum far bus fault current, or a fault at the tap location [1]. The range of “k” is typically set between 1.1 – 1.3, however 1.2 will align with zone 2 protection limits. In terms of secondary current, the 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒 instantaneous setting, 𝐼𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛. , is determined as Line IInstan. = k Ibase 3I0max 1 CTR (A) (3.24) where CTR is the input current transformer ratio to the ground overcurrent relay. 40 In carrier ground relay applications such as directional comparison blocking scheme, tap sensitivity should be less than the remote bus settings. Ground fault studies should show the minimum ground fault induced in protected line is three times the tap value current [5], it’s operating quantity is on sensitive ground faults Typical ground time-overcurrent pickup setting (directional or non-directional) can be set to 0.5-1 A tap, however the calculated minimum ground fault, 3I0, distributed in the line should be at least three times the relay tap value to verify applicability [5]. This verification may not always be applicable, and depends on the coordination of associated relays used as primary or backup protection. In terms of secondary current, the pickup setting is represented as, Line 0 1 ITime O. = I base 3I min CTR (A) (3.25) and can be compared with the 0.5A tap pickup setting for verification. Referenced fault data is provided according to equations in section 3.2.2. The carrier blocking pilot scheme is described in the following section. 3.4.3 67N Directional Ground Overcurrent – Type IRQ Relay Application The type IRQ relay is a directional overcurrent negative sequence ground protection relay, for applications where zero sequence quantities are not reliable polarizing quantities due to mutual coupling from parallel lines [18]. An instantaneous and timeovercurrent unit within the IRQ relay allows differences between close-in and remote ground faults. Setting the time-overcurrent unit requires a tap setting and time dial position, describing the operating characteristics of the unit. The instantaneous unit only 41 requires a pickup setting. Characteristic time curves for the time-overcurrent unit ranges from short time to extremely inverse. For consistency and better coordination between downstream overcurrent relays at Marriot plant, the very inverse curve will be used. 3.4.4 67 Carrier Directional Ground – Type KRQ Relay Application Similar to the 67N IRQ relay, however the KRQ only has instantaneous settings, and functions as a carrier start relay in pilot protection. The application of this relay is intended for zone 1 primary protection of ground fault, 3I0, instances. Relay settings will be applied in section 4.8.1. 3.5 Directional Comparison Carrier Supervision Pilot protection has in transmission line protection as portion of coordination and method to. For mho distance relay applications, the pilot scheme renders a transfer signal to a remote bus based on fault current comparison between the local and remote buses. The pilot scheme will discern between internal and external faults from the local bus. Pilot schemes are generally unique to each generation and owner, and apply to the type of relaying implemented for each zone of protection. Typical guidelines for applications from Directional comparison schemes will accompany directional distance relays (mho) and directional ground overcurrent relays. Pilot assisted zone 2 settings will not trip faults effecting adjacent equipment, and therefore does not usual require time delay settings or coordination. 42 Directional ground relays operate nearly instantaneously in pilot schemes, however under-reaching overcurrent relays should actuate instantaneously. General rule for ground overcurrent relays is to set quite sensitive. Directional schemes for over-reaching distance and ground overcurrent relays will prevent operation from external faults. Reverse looking pilot schemes at a local bus should extend protection beyond forward over-reaching protection from a remote bus. Adequate margins should consider the current dividing into tapped lines, or multi-terminal lines [15]. 3.5.1 Applied Carrier Logic Components of the pilot protection system or communication mediums will not be discussed, however the function and logic to describe the relay operation is discussed in figure 4.6. Section 2.4 describes the basic principle of operation for directional comparison blocking schemes. 3.5.2. 85 Carrier Ground Start – Type KA-4 Relay Application The carrier ground start relay is a component of the pilot scheme that initiates the blocking signal to the remote buses for faults internal to Marriot bus sections. As backup protection for downstream devices, this relay should sense the lowest ground fault current, 3I0, flowing in the direction of Marriot plant to prevent nuisance instantaneous tripping on external faults (effecting Marriot plant only) by the remote bus. The carrier signal should be actuated without intentional delay to allow downstream protection to clear the fault. Adjustable or calculated pickup values are not required for this relay. 43 Coordination with remote bus directional carrier starts is necessary, similar to the directional carrier start (67) relay at Marriot plant intended to be blocked for external faults. Typical operating current for this relay is 0.5 A actuating from ground fault currents, 3I0 [5]. 44 CHAPTER 4 MODEL APPLICATION AND RESULTS 4.1 Equipment Ratings A total of 10 generator/motor units, 10 power transformers, 7 transmission line sections, and 1 equivalent utility load are associated to the sample power system. Station service loads are omitted due to their small contributions to fault current values on the 230kV transmission level. The rated specification for each component is described in the following tables below. Table 4.1: Generator/Motor Units Electrical Specifications Plant Equipment Type MVA kV rated pf X/R Xd"(%) Xd'(%) X0(%) Marriot Unit 6,4, and 2 Synchronous Salient Pole w/ Amortisseur Winding 115 12.5 0.85 95.90 21 28.2 16.1 Marriot Unit 5 and 3 Synchronous Salient Pole w/ Amortisseur Winding 123.16 12.5 0.95 117 23.5 27 12.95 Marriot Unit 1 Synchronous Salient Pole w/ Amortisseur Winding 123.16 12.5 0.95 99.24 23.5 27 12.95 A.P. Unit 4,3, and 2 Synchronous Salient Pole w/ Amortisseur Winding 30.555 13.8 0.8 50.39 30 38 18 A.P. Unit 1 Synchronous Salient Pole w/ Amortisseur Winding 34.316 13.8 0.9 53.11 30 37 21 Note: A.P. – Alternate plant. 45 Table 4.2: Transformer Electrical Specifications Plant Equipment Mar. Trf. K1A Mar. Trf. K2A Mar. Trf. K3A Mar. Trf.K4A Mar. Trf. K5A Mar. Trf. K6A A.P. Trf. 4 A.P. Trf. 3 A.P. Trf. 2 A.P. Trf. 1 Type FOW-force oil and water FOW-force oil and water FOW-force oil and water FOW-force oil and water FOW-force oil and water FOW-force oil and water Wye-g / Delta OA/FA Wye-g / Delta OA/FA Wye-g / Delta OA/FA Wye-g / Delta OA/FA MVA Turns ratio (kV) Tap Setting X/R Ratio Z (%) Z0 (%) 127 230/12 230/12 39.66 14.1 11.985 127 230/12 230/12 39.66 13.78 11.713 127 230/12 230/12 39.66 13.9 11.815 127 230/12 230/12 39.66 14.08 11.968 127 230/12 230/12 39.66 14.08 11.968 127 230/12 230/12 39.66 14.1 11.985 24.4 230/13.2 235.75/13.2 24.03 9.9 8.415 24.4 230/13.2 235.75/13.2 24.03 10 8.5 24.4 230/13.2 235.75/13.2 24.03 9.9 8.415 26.25 230/13.2 230/13.2 24.69 9.8 8.33 Note: A.P. – Alternate plant, Mar. = Marriot plant, Trf. = Transformer Table 4.3: Transmission Line Electrical Specifications Plant Equipment Mar. Line 1 – Mar. to Tap Line 2 – Mar. to Utility Mar. Line 3 – Mar. to Tap Uty. Line 1 - Tap to Uty Uty. Line 3 - Tap to Uty A.P. Line 3 - Tap to A.P. A.P. Line 1- Tap to A.P. Mar. Type ACSR 1113 BlueJay ACSR 1113 BlueJay ACSR 1113 BlueJay ACSR 1113 BlueJay ACSR 1113 BlueJay ACSR 1113 BlueJay ACSR 1113 BlueJay Rated Current kV Length (mi) R1 (/ mi) X1 (/ mi) R0 (/ mi) X0 (/ mi) Xc (M /mi) Xc 0 (M /mi) 1110 230 8.05 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 1110 230 9.22 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 1110 230 8.05 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 1110 230 2.3 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 1110 230 2.3 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 1110 230 2.3 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 1110 230 2.3 0.08 7 0.36 9 0.73 0 2.58 6 0.171 0.320 Note: A.P. – Alternate plant, Mar – Marriot Plant, Uty - Utility 46 4.2. System Impedances Tables 4.1 - 4.3 describe equipment ratings and impedances for Marriot power plant, Alternate power plant, and equivalent Utility system. Impedances were converted on a common MVA base defined in table 4.4. Unit sub-transient reactances is the positive sequence impedance to consider the highest rated fault current during the 2-4 cycle duration of the fault. Negative sequence impedances are considered equal to the positive sequence impedances to produce conservative fault studies. Unit and transformer zero sequence impedances will consist of the reactive component as the real portion will not significantly contribute discrepancies in fault calculations. Recall from the previous section of station service load specifications are neglected for the manual fault calculations. These loads will be included for the simulated fault current data to verify accuracy of the fault studies. Table 4.4: System Base Values Base Values MVA kV I Z 100 MVA 230 kV 251.022 A 529 47 Table 4.5: Marriot Plant Equipment Impedance Data Equipment Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Marriot Plant Equipment Impedance PU Positive Sequence Zero Sequence Impedance Impedance Z.subtran_Marr.U1 = Z.zero_Marr.U1 = 0.1051i 0.0019+0.1908i Z.subtran_Marr.U2 = Z.zero_Marr.U2 = 0.14i 0.0019+0.1826i Z.subtran_Marr.U3 = Z.zero_Marr.U3 = 0.1051i 0.0016+0.1908i Unit 4 Z.subtran_Marr.U4 = 0.0019+0.1826i Z.zero_Marr.U4 = 0.14i Unit 5 Z.subtran_Marr.U5 = 0.0016+0.1908i Z.zero_Marr.U5 = 0.1051i Unit 6 Z.subtran_Marr.U6 = 0.0019+0.1826i Z.zero_Marr.U6 = 0.14i Transformer K1A Z.1_K1A = 0.00280+0.111i Z.0_K1A = 0.0943i Transformer K2A Z.1_K2A = 0.0027+0.1085i Z.0_K2A = 0.09220i Transformer K3A Z.1_K3A = 0.0028+0.1094i Z.0_K3A = 0.09300i Transformer K4A Z.1_K4A = 0.0028+0.1108i Z.0_K4A = 0.0942i Transformer K5A Z.1_K5A = 0.0028+0.1108i Z.0_K5A = 0.0942i Transformer K6A Z.1_K6A = 0.0028+0.111i Z.0_K6A = 0.0943i Melanie line 1 Marriot E. Section to tap 1 Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus Z.1_TL.L1.Marr._tap = 0.0013+0.0111i Z.1_TL.L2.Marr. = 0.00155+0.0127i Z.0_TL.L1.Marr._tap = 0.0056+0.0394i Z.0_TL.L2.Marr. = 0.00644+0.0451i Bell line 3 Marriot W. Section to tap 3 Z.1_TL.L3.Marr._tap = 0.0013+0.0111i Z.0_TL.L3.Marr._tap = 0.0056+0.0394i 48 Table 4.6: Alternate Plant Equipment Impedance Data Equipment Unit 1 Alternate Plant Equipment Impedances PU Positive Sequence Zero Sequence Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U1 = 0.018+0.9555i Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U1 = 0.6689i Unit 2 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U2 = 0.0213+1.073i Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U2 = 0.6439i Unit 3 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U3 = 0.6439i Alternate Trf. 1 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U3 = 0.0213+1.073i Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U4 = 0.0213+1.073i Z.1_Alt.Trf.1 = 0.0151+0.373i Alternate Trf. 2 Z.1_Alt.Trf.2 = 0.0169+0.4054i Z.0_Alt.Trf.2 = 0.3446i Alternate Trf. 3 Z.1_Alt.Trf.3 = 0.017+0.4095i Z.0_Alt.Trf.3 = 0.3481i Alternate Trf. 4 Z.1_Alt.Trf.4 = 0.0169+0.4054i Z.0_Alt.Trf.4 = 0.3446i Alternate line 1- tap 1 to Alternate plant Z.1_TL1.Alt_Tap = 0.000377+0.0032i Z.0_TL1.Alt_Tap = 0.0112i Alternate line 3- tap 3 to Alternate plant Z.1_TL3.Alt_Tap = 0.000377+0.0032i Z.0_TL3.Alt_Tap = 0.0112i Unit 4 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U4 = 0.6439i Z.0_Alt.Trf.1 = 0.3171i Table 4.7: Utility Equipment Impedance Data Utility Impedances PU Equipment Positive Impedance Zero Sequence Impedance Utility impedance Z.1_Utly = 0.000593+0.0115i Z.0_Utly = 0.000163+0.0041i Transmission line utility bus to tap 1 Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap = 0.00038+0.0031i Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap = 0.00161+0.0113i Transmission line utility bus to tap 3 Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap = 0.00038+0.0031i Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap = 0.00161+0.0113i 4.3 Sample 3-Phase Fault Study Perform a study to calculate the flow of positive sequence 3-phase symmetrical fault current through Melanie line 1, Johnson line 2, and Bell line 3. Alternate line tap 3 is 49 removed from the system, and one Alternate plant transmission line is in-service for typical operating conditions. Figure 4.1 illustrates the system configuration for this study. Marriot Plant: Transformers: K1A, K2A, K3A, K4A, K5A, K6A Units: 1 - 6 3 1 6 3-phase fault Z.1_K1A Z.0_K1A Tap 1 Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap Z.1_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.0_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.1_K2A Z.0_K2A 4 Z.1_K3A Z.0_K3A Z.1_TL.L2.Marr Z.0_TL.L2.Marr. Z.1_Utl Z.1_K4A Z.0_K4A y Z.0_Utly 5 7 Tap 3 Z.1_K5A Z.0_K5A Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap Z.1_TL.L3.Marr._tap Z.0_TL.L3.Marr._tap Z.0_K6A Z.0_K6A Z.1_TL3.Alt_Tap Note: Dashed lines represent out of service equipment. Z.subtran_Marr.U1 Z.zero_Marr.U1 Z.subtran_Marr.U2 Z.zero_Marr.U2 Z.subtran_Marr.U3 Z.zero_Marr.U3 Z.subtran_Marr.U4 Z.zero_Marr.U4 Z.subtran_Marr.U5 Z.zero_Marr.U5 Z.subtran_Marr.U6 Z.zero_Marr.U6 Z.0_TL3.Alt_Tap 2 Alternate Plant: Transformers: Trf. 1, Trf. 2, Trf. 3, Trf. 4 Units: 1, 2, 3, 4 Z.1_Alt.Trf.4 Z.0_Alt.Trf.4 Z.1_Alt.Trf.3 Z.0_Alt.Trf.3 Z.1_Alt.Trf.2 Z.0_Alt.Trf.2 Z.1_Alt.Trf.1 Z.0_Alt.Trf.1 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U4 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U3 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U2 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U1 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U4 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U3 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U2 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U1 Legend: Bus 1 = Marriot East Bus Section Bus 2 = Alternate Plant Switchyard Bus 3 = Utility Bus Bus 4 = Marriot Middle Bus Section Bus 5 = Marriot West Bus Section Bus 6 = Line 1 Tap 1 Bus 7 = Line 3 Tap 3 Figure 4.1: Marriot, Alternate Plant, Equivalent Utility Power System As indicated on figure 4.1, the system orientation is arranged as follows: Alternate plant units 1 – 4 is in service. Marriot plant units 1-6 is in service. Alternate line 1- tap 1 to Alternate plant is in service Alternate line 3- tap 3 to Alternate plant is disconnected 3-phase fault on bus 3 (Utility Bus) The calculated values for 3-phase fault distribution through line sections referenced from appendix B are provided below: 50 Table 4.8: Mathcad Calculations for 3-Phase Fault Study 1. Melanie line 1 Marriot E. Section bus to tap 1 fault current (current flow from bus 1 to 6) 2. 0.155-6.103i (pu) Alternate line 1- tap 1 to Alternate plant bus fault current (current flow from bus 2 to 6) 3. 0.078-2.678i (pu) Transmission line utility bus to tap 1 fault current (current flow from bus 6 to 3) 0.233-8.782i (pu) 4. Bell line 3 Marriot W. Section to tap 3 fault current (current flow from bus 5 to 7) 5. Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus fault current (current flow from bus 4 to 3) 0.147-6.205i (pu) 0.149-6.132i (pu) Notice the current from line section between tap 1 and utility bus is approximately the sum of the currents from columns 1 and 2 in table 4.8 (refer to figure 4.1). Comparison of fault data between manual calculation and Easypower simulation is organized in table 4.9 below. Fault study will assist in verifying the apparent impedance seen from Marriot bus sections (section 4.6) for a 3-phase fault on the Utility bus. Table 4.9: Easypower and Mathcad Data Comparison – 3-Phase Fault Method System Configuration Tap Easy power Mathcad sheet Easy power tap 1 on tap 1 on tap 1 on SS Loads Fault Bus Fault Type Alt. Plant Units Mar. Plant Units All All units units No on on All All 3 units units No phase on on Percent difference (%) of Current Magnitude Uty. bus Uty. bus Utilit y bus On 3 phase 3 phase All units on All units on Fault Current Distribution (in pu) Tap 1 Tap Line Bell line to Alt. Line 3 Melanie plant John3 to Alt. Line 1 to to tap son Tap plant Tap 1 1 Line 2 3 0 0.149-5.8i 0.0762.6i 0.1465.9i 0.1505.8i 0.1556.103i 0.0782.678i 0.1476.205i 0.1496.132i 5.09 2.955 5.038 5.563 0 -0 0.152-5.8i 0.0802.6i 0.1465.9i 0.1505.8i Note: SS = Station Service (No implies “removed”), Uty. = Utility, Alt. = Alternate, Mar. = Marriot. 51 According to Table 4.9, values compared between Easypower simulation and Mathcad calculations have a small percent difference (about 5 % difference), and indicates accurate data between both methods. The last row in table 4.9 is a simulated fault study including station service loads. There is a slight increase in fault current distribution on Melanie line 1 to tap, however all other currents remain the same. Fault data gathered from Easypower simulation will be considered for distance relay zone 1, 2, and 3 settings. 4.4 Sample Single-Line-To-Ground Fault Study Perform a study to calculate the flow of ground fault current, 3I0, current through Melanie line 1 and Johnson line 2. All Alternate line taps 1 and 3 is removed from the system to induce the highest ground fault current, 3I0, through Johnson line 2 during a single-lineto-ground (SLG) fault on the utility bus. Alternate plant units will be out-of-service for this study, and shown in figure 4.2. 3 1 Z.1_K1A Z.0_K1A Tap 1 SLG fault Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap Z.1_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap Z.0_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.1_K2A Z.0_K2A 2 Z.1_K3A Z.0_K3A Z.1_Utl y Z.subtran_Marr.U1 Z.zero_Marr.U1 Z.subtran_Marr.U2 Z.zero_Marr.U2 Z.subtran_Marr.U3 Z.zero_Marr.U3 Z.0_Utly Z.1_TL.L2.Marr Z.0_TL.L2.Marr. Note: Dashed lines refer to equipment removed from system. Z.1_K4A Z.0_K4A Z.subtran_Marr.U4 Z.zero_Marr.U4 Legend: Bus 1 = Marriot East Bus Section Bus 2 = Marriot Middle Bus Section Bus 3 = Utility Bus Fig 4.2: Marriot and Equivalent Utility Power System Subject to SLG Fault Study. As indicated on figure 4.2, the system orientation is arranged as follows: Alternate plant units 1 – 4 removed from service. Marriot plant units 1-4 is in service. 52 Equivalent Utility load is removed from Utility bus. Alternate line 1 and 3 - tap 1 and 3 to Alternate plant is removed SLG fault on bus 3 (Utility bus) The calculated values for SLG fault referenced from Appendix A for the following transmission line sections are provided below: Table 4.10: Mathcad Calculations for SLG Fault Study Ground fault current, 3I0, through Marriot Line 1 to tap 1 Ground fault current, 3I0, through Johnson Line 2 to Utility Bus 0.199-6.15i (pu) 0.185-6.375i (pu) Table 4.11: Easypower and Mathcad Data Comparison – SLG Fault Method System Configuration Easy power Mathca d sheet Tap lines All off All off Easy power tap 1 on SS Loads No No On Marriot Fault Fault Alt. Plant Plant Bus Type Units Units Uty. All units Units 1-4 bus SLG off on Uty. All units Units 1-4 bus SLG off on Percent difference (%) of Current Magnitude Uty. bus SLG All units off Units 1-4 on Fault Current Distribution (in pu) 3I0 3I0 Current Current Melanie Line Johnson 1 to Tap 1 Line 2 0.253-6.7i 0.199-6.15i 0.285-7.1i 0.1856.375i 8.596 11.384 0.255-6.7i 0.286-7.1i Note: SS = Station Service (No implies “removed”), Uty. = Utility, Alt. = Alternate, Mar. = Marriot. Computed values from the Mathcad calculations show a high percent difference for Johnson line 2 ground fault current, 3I0. The larger than 10 % differences may be contributed to a select few neglected resistive components in the zero-sequence Z-bus 53 matrix. The last row in table 4.11 show fault data with station service loads included to the system; minimal fault current is contributed from this additional load, however should be considered in fault studies as normal operating conditions. The collected data will be applied to assist with establishing ground fault settings for the ground overcurrent relays (instantaneous and time-delay), in addition to the ground carrier start relay. Easypower simulation data will be considered for the settings for the relays. 4.5 Distance (Mho) Relay Study Zone 1 To restate section 3.3.2 zone 1 setting, the primary protection basis of setting is independent of in-feed effects from contributing sources, and set to 90% of the shortest line impedance between the local and remote buses. The line distance is similar between Marriot buses to Utility bus, and Marriot bus to the Alternate plant bus. Melanie Line 1 and Bell line 3 are the same distance towards their associated taps (1 and 3), and will have similar zone 1 settings. Johnson Line 2 connects directly to the Utility bus, and is shorter than the other two respective lines, if including line sections connecting associated taps to the Utility bus. Melanie Line 1 and Johnson Line 3 Zone 1 setting, using equation 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13 to define secondary zone 1 setting using line data in pu. ZLine1and3 = K Zbase Z.1_ TL.L1.Marr._ tap + Z.1_ TL.Uty _ Tap Zone1 0.9 529 0.0013 0.0111i + 0.00038 0.0031i 0.7998+6.7602i () and, (4.1) 54 CTR PTR Line1and3 ZLine1and3 Zone1Secondary = Z Zone1 0.7998+6.7602i 1000 5 230000 115 . (4.2) 0.681 () The associated KD-10 relay settings derived from ABB relay manual is: S = 1, T = 0.690, M=0. To verify the settings is within 1.5% of ZZone1Secondary (equation 3.20), S T 1 0.690 1 M 1+0 0.690 1.35% 1&3 ZZLine = 1 (4.3) The relay setting is valid according to ZZ1 and is less than the 1.5% limit. Procedures for zone 1 setting of Johnson Line 2 are demonstrated in a similar manner: ZLine2 Zone1 = K Zbase Z.1_ TL.L2.Marr. 0.9 529 0.00155 0.0127i (4.4) 0.7380 + 6.0465i () Line2 ZLine2 Zone1Secondary = Z Zone1 CTR PTR 0.7380 + 6.0465i 1000 5 230000 115 (4.5) 0.6091 () The associated KD-10 relay settings derived from ABB relay manual is: S = 1, T = 0.690, M=0.12. To verify the settings is within 1.5% of ZZone1Secondary (equation 3.20), S T 1 0.690 1 M 1 + .12 0.616 1.149% . 2 Z ZLine = 1 (4.6) 55 The relay setting is valid according to ZZ1 and is less than the 1.5% limit. A summary of Mho relay settings is shown in table 4. 4.6 Distance (Mho) Relay Study Zone 2 Fault studies as demonstrated from section 4.4 will apply to establish the largest apparent impedance seen by Marriot East, Middle, and West Bus sections. Melanie line 1 and Johnson line 3 has a tap connection linking to Alternate plant. The distance from taps 1 or 3 to Alternate plant is the same distance from tap 1 or 3 to the Utility bus. To determine the apparent impedance applicable to zone 2 setting, a system configuration that contributes to the largest apparent impedance (worst case) is considered. The following table describes the two system configurations for the worst case contingency study. Table 4.12: Zone 2 Setting System Configurations Tap System Configuration Station Fault Service Locatio Fault Load n Type Alternat e plant Units tap 3 off On Alt. plant 3 phase All units on tap 1 off On Alt. plant 3 phase All units on Fault Current Distribution, Iaf (in pu) Melanie Tap 1 to Bell Marriot Line 1 Alt. Line 3 Tap 3 to Units to Tap1 Plant to tap 3 Alt Unit 2 off 0.0774.6440.190only. 2.4i 62.3i 3.5i 0 Unit 6 off 0.1900.0754.642only. 3.6i 0 2.4i 62.3i As described in Table 4.12, all Alternate plant units are in-service for each worst case condition with a 3-phase fault on the Alternate Plant Bus. The Utility Bus contributes the most fault current in-feed to the tap, and large currents amount on Alternate line 1-tap 1 to Alternate plant line. The largest apparent impedance seen from Marriot East Bus Section requires Marriot unit 2 source, and tap 3 removed from service. Similarly, 56 Marriot unit 6 and tap 1 is removed from service for Marriot West Bus Section’s largest induced apparent impedance. Equation 3.14 to determine the apparent impedance, ZR, with respect to Marriot East and West Bus’s is demonstrated below including fault data from table 4.12. ZLine1 = R fault 3- fault Zbase (I3-.1_TL.L1.Marr._ Z .1_ TL.L1.Marr._ tap + I1_ TL1.Alt _ Tap Z 1_ TL1.Alt _ Tap ) tap fault I3-.1_TL.L1.Marr._ tap 529 (0.077 2.4i) (0.0013 0.0111i) + (4.644 62.3i) (0.000377 0.0032i) (0.077 2.4i) 4.207+51.786i () (4.7) and, Z Line3 R = fault 3- fault Zbase (I3-.1_TL.L3.Marr._ Z .1_ TL.L3.Marr._ tap + I1_ TL3.Alt _ Tap Z 1_ TL3.Alt _ Tap ) tap fault I3-.1_TL.L3.Marr._ tap 529 (0.075 2.4i) (0.0013 0.0111i) + (4.642 62.3i) (0.000377 0.0032i) (0.075 2.4i) 4.172+51.79i () (4.8) respectively. Proceed to Zone 2 setting for Melanie Line 1 and Bell Line 3 with equation 3.15 and shown as, Line1 ZLine1 1.20 4.207+51.786i Zone 2 = 120% ZR 5.049+62.144i () (4.9) and, Line3 ZLine3 = 1.20 4.172+51.79i Zone 2 = 120% Z R 5.006+62.148i () respectively. Or in terms of secondary impedances (equation 3.13) (4.10) 57 Z Line1 zone2secondary 1000 CTR 5 = Z = 5.049+62.144i 230000 PTR 115 = 6.23484 () Line1 zone 2 (4.11) and, 1000 CTR 5 = 5.006+62.148i 230000 PTR 115 = 6.23494 () Line1 3 Zzone2secondary = Z Line zone 2 (4.12) respectively. To reiterate, determined settings is to account for in-feed which induces the apparent impedance seen from Marriot Bus Sections. Absence of in-feed sources will cause zone 2 to overlap primary protections from remote zones of protection. However, zone 2 activity is coordinated with a time delay and pilot protection. Zone 2 setting for Johnson Line 2 is defined with equation 3.16, and demonstrated below. Line 2 ZZone2 = 120% Zbase (Z Z.1 _ TL.L2.Marr ) = 1.20 529 0.00155 0.0127i 0.984+8.062i () (4.13) or in terms of secondary impedance (equation 3.13), Z Line 2 zone2secondary 1000 CTR 5 = Z = 0.984+8.062i 230000 PTR 115 . = 0.81218 () Line 2 zone 2 (4.14) In-feed properties are not applied since line taps do not exist on Johnson Line 2. Further implementation into KD-10 (Model 0.75 – 21.2) relays contains the following tap settings shown in table 4.13, and applies equation 3.20 to verify calculated secondary impedance values from above. 58 Table 4.13: KD-10 Zone 2 Tap Settings Applicable Line “ S” autotransformer primary “T” compensator tap “ M “ autotransformer secondary tap ZSetting(Secondary) = Melanie Line 1 Johnson Line 2 Bell Line 3 1 5.8 -0.06 6.170 1.04% 1 0.87 0.06 0.821 1.09% 1 5.8 -0.06 6.170 1.04% ST 1 M Percent from Secondary Impedance All KD-10 settings are valid according to “Percent from Secondary Impedance” column values from table 4.13, and are all less than 1.5% tolerance. Summary of mho zone 2 relay settings is organized in table 4.16. 4.7 Distance (Mho) Relay Study Zone 3 As mentioned above, the distance from taps 1 or 3 to Alternate plant is the same distance from tap 1 or 3 to the Utility bus. To determine the apparent impedance applicable to zone 3 setting, a system configuration that contributes to the largest apparent impedance (worst case) is considered. The following table describes the three system configurations for the worst case contingency study for each line. 59 Table 4.14: Zone 3 Setting System Configurations System Configuration Station Service Tap tap 1 off Fault Current Distribution, Iaf (in pu) Load Fault Location Fault Type Alternate plant Units Marriot Units On K1A 3 phase All units on All units on System Configuration Station Service Tap tap 1 off Load Fault Type Alternate plant Units Marriot Units On K3A 3 phase All units on All units on System Configuration Tap tap 3 off Marriot to K1A. 3.835-40.5i 3.902-43.7i Line 1 Fault Current Distribution, Iaf (in pu) Fault Location Station Service Tap to Marriot Line 1 Tap to Marriot Line 1 Marriot to K1A. 4.750-42.5i 4.879-45.7i Line 2 Fault Current Distribution, Iaf (in pu) Load Fault Location Fault Type Alternate plant Units Marriot Units On K6A 3 phase All units on Units 2,4,6 off Tap to Marriot Line 1 Marriot to K1A. 4.355-38.9i 4.473-42.0j Line 3 As described in Table 4.14, all Alternate plant units are in-service for each worst case condition with a 3-phase fault on K1A, K2A, and K3A respectively. The Utility Bus contributes the most fault current in-feed. Equation 3.19 to determine the apparent impedance, ZR, with respect to each line is demonstrated below including fault data. Zone 3 Line 1 Settings: Basis of settings: 120% of Alternate Plant Zone 2 overreach. Provided from Alternate Plant: Zone 2 is given as 5.04 Ω secondary. Alternate Plant CT Ratio= 500/5 60 Alternate Plant PT Ratio= 2000/1 PTR CTR 2000 = 5.04 X 1 500 5 = 100.8 Ω primary Z2AlternatePlant = 5.04 Ω x (4.15) Melanie Line #1 Impedance: ZMelanie =.001321013+.011028j =5.8783.169ο Therefore, Zone 2AlternatePlant - ZA.P.-Marriot = 100.8 Ω - 5.87 Ω = = 94.93 Ω (4.16) According to Schweitzer standard [8], 1.2 Zone 2remote end overreach = 1.2 94.93 = 113.92 Ω primary (4.17) Marriot Zone 3 setting can be calculated as CTR PTR 1000 5 = 113.92 primary X 230, 000 115 = 11.39 Ω secondary ZRelay = 113.92 primary Ω x Since Zθ = desired ohmic reach of the relay in secondary ohms, (4.18) 61 Z = Zθ = 11.39 Ω secondary Z is found to be 11.6 which is 102% of the desired value. S, T and M, are found to be S=2 T=5.8 M=+.03 To check the correct settings for Z, plug in the values of S, T, and M into TS 1+M (2) (5.8) = 1 + (.03) Z= = 11.6 263.17 (4.19) ο Proceed to Zone 3 setting for Johnson Line 2 is found as Zone 3 Line 2 Settings: Basis of settings: 120% of Utility Zone 2 overreach. Provided from Alternate Plant: Zone 2 is given as Z2Utility = 16.15 Ω primary Johnson Line #2 Impedance: ZJohnson =.001513+.012717j =6.7783.215ο Therefore, Zone 2 Utility - Z Utility-Marriot = 16.15 Ω - 6.77 Ω = = 9.38 Ω (4.20) 62 According to Schweitzer standard [8], 1.2 Zone 2remote end overreach = 1.2 9.38 = 11.25 Ω primary (4.21) Marriot Zone 3 setting can be calculated as CTR PTR 1000 5 = 11.25 primary X 230, 000 115 = 1.12 Ω secondary ZRelay = 11.25 primary Ω x (4.22) Since Zθ = desired ohmic reach of the relay in secondary ohms, Z = Zθ = 1.12 secondary Z is found to be 1.13 which is 101% of the desired value. S, T and M, are found to be S=1 T=1.16 M=+.03 To check the correct settings for Z, plug in the values of S, T, and M into TS 1+M (1) (1.16) = 1 + (.03) Z= = 1.13 263.22ο In-feed properties are not applied since line taps do not exist on Johnson Line 2. (4.23) 63 Proceed to Zone 3 setting for Bell Line 3 is found as Zone 3 Line 3 Settings: Basis of settings: 120% of Alternate Plant Zone 2 overreach. Provided from Alternate Plant: Zone 2 is given as 5.04 Ω secondary. Alternate Plant CT Ratio= 500/5 Alternate Plant PT Ratio= 2000/1 PTR CTR 2000 = 5.04 X 1 500 5 = 100.8 Ω primary Z2AlternatePlant = 5.04 Ω x (4.24) Bell Line #3 Impedance: ZBell =.001321+.011103j =5.9183.218ο Therefore, Zone 2AlternatePlant - ZA.P.-Marriot = 100.8 Ω - 5.87 Ω = = 94.93 Ω (4.25) According to Schweitzer standard [8], 1.2 Zone 2remote end overreach = 1.2 94.93 = 113.92 Ω primary Marriot Zone 3 setting can be calculated as (4.26) 64 CTR PTR 1000 5 = 113.92 primary X 230, 000 115 = 11.39 Ω secondary ZRelay = 113.92 primary Ω x (4.27) Since Zθ = desired ohmic reach of the relay in secondary ohms, Zθ = 11.39 secondary Z = Zθ = 11.39 secondary Z is found to be 11.3 which is 102% of the desired value. S, T and M, are found to be S=2 T=5.8 M=+.03 To check the correct settings for Z, plug in the values of S, T, and M into TS 1+M (2) (5.8) = 1 + (.03) Z= (4.28) = 11.6 263.22ο 4.7.1 PRC-023-1 Transmission relay loadability requires transmission owners to follow criteria to prevent its phase protective relay settings from limiting transmission system loadability 65 while maintaining reliable protection of the Bulk Electric System for all fault conditions. PRC-023-1 can be calculated as, Zrelay = .85VLL 1.5× 3×Irating (4.29) Line loading MVA can be computed as, Line loading MVA = 3 × I rating × VLL = 3 × 1110 A × 230,000 = 442MVA (4.30) The impedance for Melanie Line 1 is found to be, Melanie Line #1 Impedance: ZMelanie =.001321013+.011028j =5.8783.169ο PRC-023-1 equation can be re-written as: 2 .85VLL Zrelay = 1.5MVA[cos(θ-30° )] (.85)(230,000) 2 (1.5)(442x106 )[cos(83.169-30° )] = 113.14 Ω primary = (4.31) To convert to secondary impedance, CTR PTR 1000 5 113.14 × 230,000 115 11.314 Ω secondary Secondary Ω = Primary × (4.32) 66 In a similar fashion, calculating PRC-023-1 for Line 2, referring back to equation 4.29, Line loading MVA can be computed as, Line loading MVA = 3 × I rating × VLL = 3 × 1110 A × 230,000 = 442MVA (4.33) The impedance for Johnson Line 2 is found to be, Johnson Line #2 Impedance: ZJohnson =.001513+.012717j =6.7783.215ο PRC-023-1 equation can be re-written as: Zrelay = 2 .85VLL 1.5MVA[cos(θ-30° )] (.85)(230,000) 2 (1.5)(442x106 )[cos(83.215-30° )] = 113.26 Ω primary = (4.34) To convert to secondary impedance, CTR PTR 1000 5 113.26 × 230,000 115 11.326 Ω secondary Secondary Ω = Primary × (4.35) In a similar fashion, calculating PRC-023-1 for our Line 3, referring back to equation 4.29, Line loading MVA can be computed as, 67 Line loading MVA = 3 × I rating × VLL = 3 × 1110 A × 230,000 = 442MVA (4.36) The impedance for Bell Line 3 is found to be, Bell Line #3 Impedance: ZBell =.001321+.011103j =5.9183.218ο PRC-023-1 equation can be re-written as: Zrelay = 2 .85VLL 1.5MVA[cos(θ-30° )] (.85)(230,000) 2 = (1.5)(442x106 )[cos(83.218-30° )] = 113.27 Ω primary (4.37) To convert to secondary impedance, CTR PTR 1000 5 113.27 × 230,000 115 11.327 Ω secondary Secondary Ω = Primary × (4.38) Below shows the comparison of our calculated PRC-023-1 with our Zone 2 settings Table 4.15 PRC-023-1 Relay Settings Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 PRC-023-1 (W) 11.314 11.326 11.327 Zone 2 Setting (W) 6.17 0.821 6.17 68 The table above shows that our line settings are in compliance with the criteria of PRC023-1. Transmission owners shall follow criteria to prevent its phase protective relay settings from limiting transmission system loadability while maintaining reliable protection of the Bulk Electric System for all fault conditions. The table below shows a summary of Zones 1, 2, and 3 settings for each specified line. Table 4.16: Mho Relay Settings Lines Zone #1 Zone # 2 Zone # 3(Reverse) Melanie Line 1 () 0.690 6.170 11.6 Johnson Line 2 () 0.616 0.821 1.13 Bell Line 3 () 0.690 6.170 11.6 Representation of the mho circles for Melanie Line 1, Johnson Line 2, and Bell Line 3 zones 1, 2, 3 protections is shown in figure 4.3 and 4.4 respectively. 69 Figure 4.3: Line 1 and 3 Mho Circle – Zone 1, 2, 3 70 Figure 4.4: Line 2 Mho Circle – Zone 1, 2, 3 4.8 Ground Overcurrent Setting Study Referencing ground fault studies from section 4.4, the simulated maximum and minimum single-line-to-ground fault studies is recorded in table 4.17. 71 Table 4.17: SLG Minimum and Maximum Fault Data System Configuration Fault Current Distribution (in pu) Fault Bus Alt. Plant Units Mar. Plant Units Melanie Line 1 to tap 1 3I0 current Utilit y Bus All Units off Unit 1 on only 0.0571.8i Utility load off, Station Service on Utilit y Bus Utilit y Bus All Units off All Units off Unit 3 on only Unit 5 on only Tap 3 disconnected Station Service on. Tap 1 All Units on All Units on Utility load and taps 1 and 3 disconnected Station Service load on. Utilit y Bus All Units off Unit 1 – 4 on only -- -- Tap 1 disconnected Station Service on Tap 3 All Units on All Units on -- -- Special system conditions Utility load off, tap 1 disconnected Station Service on Utility load off, tap 1 disconnected Station Service on Melanie Line 1 to tap 1 I0 current 0.0190.6i -- -- -- -- 0.57211.1i Johnson Line 2 to Utility bus 3I0 current Johnson Line 2 to Utility bus I0 current Bell Line 3 to tap 3 3I0 current Bell Line 3 to tap 3 I0 current -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.0621.8i 0.1913.7 0.0210.6i -- -- -- -- 0.2867.1i 0.0681.8i 0.0952.4i -- -- 0.62811.0i 0.0230.6i -- -- -- -- 0.2093.7i Note: Reference Appendix B for complete fault current data. Alt. = Alternate, Mar. = Marriot. Results from table 4.17 show the necessary operating conditions to produce the minimum (first three rows) and maximum (last three rows) residual ground fault currents, 3I0, through the transmission system. The instantaneous pickup setting is determined per section 3.4.2 by analyzing the max SLG fault on tap 1 and 3 for Melanie Line 1 and Bell Line 3. Instantaneous setting for Johnson Line 2 requires a SLG fault placed on the 72 Utility bus because there is no tap on its line. Applying rows 4 - 6 data from table 4.17, the instantaneous overcurrent setting in terms of secondary current (equation 3.24) is, Line1 I Instan. = 1.2 I base 3I0max 1 CTR = 1.2 251.022 0.572 11.1i 5 1100 (4.39) = 12.682 (A) Line 2 IInstan. = 1.2 I base 3I0max 1 CTR = 1.2 251.022 0.286 7.1i 5 1100 (4.40) = 8.108 (A) and, Line 3 I Instan. = 1.2 I base 3I0max 1 CTR = 1.2 251.022 0.628 11.0i 5 1100 (4.41) = 12.572 (A) respectively. To the time-overcurrent pickup setting is based on the lowest residual ground fault current, 3I0, rows 1-3 from table 4.17 is applied in equation 3.25, and demonstrated below. Line1 0 1 ITime O. = I base 3I min CTR 5 1100 = 2.055 (A) or 452.066 (A) primary. = 251.022 0.057 1.8i (4.42) 73 Line 2 0 1 ITime O. = I base 3I min CTR 5 1100 = 2.055 (A) or 451.107 (A) primary = 251.022 0.062 1.8i (4.43) and, Line 3 0 1 ITime O. = I base 3I min CTR 5 1100 = 2.055 (A) or 452.162 (A) primary = 251.022 0.068 1.8i (4.44) respectively. Relays can be set according to the settings determined above. Table 4.18 below organizes the calculated pickup settings for Marriot Lines 1, 2, and 3. Table 4.18: Calculated Ground Instantaneous and Time-Overcurrent Line Relay Instantaneous Pickup (A) Time-Overcurrent Pickup (A) Melanie Line 1 12.682 2.055 Johnson Line 2 8.108 2.055 Bell Line 3 12.572 2.055 4.8.1 67 Directional Carrier Ground (KRQ) Relay Setting While this is an application in the pilot protection scheme, the pickup setting involves the minimum ground fault current, 3I0, to initiate the relay operation. As the primary protection for primary faults, the minimum SLG fault condition (fault data from table 4.17) will apply to the tap setting. This tap setting should trip instantaneously for zone 1, 90% of internal faults between Marriot bus sections and the Utility bus, and therefore 74 should be set at the lowest setting possible. This relay should restrain from operation for external faults beyond the Utility bus or Alternate plant. A carrier blocking signal is sent from the Utility bus or Alternate plant for external fault conditions. According to KRQ manual leaflet, the instantaneous setting should not be set lower than the remote bus carrier pickup current to allow the blocking signal to be sent, and allow supervisory control of the local 67 relay [21]. Provided specifications indicate remote carrier relays are set at 0.5A, and a reasonable setting of three times this amount will operate the relay for the minimum fault current obtained from table 4.17. The instantaneous tap of 1.5A will induce operation of the 67 for ground faults beyond the Utility bus if a carrier signal is not sensed. Table 4.19 provides the setting the 67 KRQ relay. Table 4.19: 67 KRQ Relay Setting [21] Line Relay Instantaneous Tap (A) Melanie Line 1 1.5 Johnson Line 2 1.5 Bell Line 3 1.5 4.8.2 67N Directional Ground Overcurrent (IRQ) Relay Setting Settings for the instantaneous and time-overcurrent units will be established with the IRQ-9 manual leaflet [22]. The most reasonable tap settings for Melanie Line 1 and Bell Line 3 instantaneous unit between 4 – 16 amps is 12 A, or between 10 -40 amps is 15 A. By selecting a tap of 12, this implies the zone of protection for the instantaneous setting 75 is less than zone 2’s 120% protection, 20% beyond Utility bus at the worst case system configuration. Since the tap is less than the calculated pickup (table 4.18), the sensitivity is therefore increased. A tap setting of 15 will incur the opposite effects, and potentially delay the backup protection for the carrier directional ground relay (67). The tap of 12 will be selected to allow tripping for ground fault currents slightly before taps 1 or 3. The subsequent reasoning will also be applied with Johnson Line 2’s instantaneous setting, and will select a 9 within the 4-16 amp range. To set the Time-Overcurrent unit, the veryinverse time curve is considered as stated in section 3.4.3. To address the delay issue with this unit, it is desired to limit the delay of the pickup value to below 2 seconds. Since additional relay setting specifications regarding coordination with downstream ground fault relays is not provided (transformer or unit ground overcurrent relaying), 67N time dial of 1 will be the basis of ground fault coordination with other associated downstream equipment. Tap settings for the time-overcurrent unit will apply the nearest pickup above the calculated setting and coordinate with the directional carrier pickup (67). Table 4.20 shows the selected values of the time-overcurrent unit, and the instantaneous unit for each line relay. Table 4.20: 67N IRQ Relay Settings Line Relay Instantaneous Tap Time-Overcurrent Tap Time Dial Melanie Line 1 12 1.0 1 Johnson Line 2 9 1.0 1 Bell Line 3 12 1.0 1 76 Figure 4.5 is the time-current curve for the very-inverse characteristic time-overcurrent unit of the IRQ relay for lines 1, 2, and 3. Min SLG Fault Utility Bus (approximately 452 A) Approximately 1.3 sec (78 cycles) delay for time-overcurrent unit pickup setting. 220 (A) Tap = 1.0 440 (A) 660 (A) 880 (A) 1100 (A) 1320 (A) 1540 (A) 1760 (A) 1980 (A) 2200 (A) 2640 (A) 3080 (A) 3520 (A) 3960 (A) 4400 (A) Fig 4.5: Very Inverse Time-Overcurrent Curve [22] According to figure 4.5, a 1.3 second delay is expected for the minimum ground fault pickup alluded to in table 4.20. This time delay allows coordination with the instantaneous pickup tap of 1.5A from the directional carrier ground (67). While the minimum ground fault current does not result in three times the tap value, section 3.4.2, the coordination between this relay with the primary directional carrier ground (67) allows this setting. 77 4.9 Directional Comparison Blocking Carrier Logic Scheme The supervision of the zone 2 mho relay (21Z2), directional carrier ground (67), in addition to initiating carrier blocking relays (21Z3, 85L) is discussed. Functions and application of each relay in the directional comparison blocking scheme is described below. Forward zone 1 mho distance relay (21Z1) operates instantaneously for all internal three phase and line-to-line faults. No blocking signal is generated from this relay, nor is this relay carrier supervised. Forward zone 2 mho distance relay (21Z2) will trip instantaneously for external and internal three phase or line-to-line faults unless a carrier blocking signal from Alternate plant or Utility bus is received. If carrier is sensed, a delay of 0.3 seconds (18 cycles) will elapse before the carrier is superseded and trips the line breaker. Reverse zone 3 mho distance relay (21Z3) instantaneously generates a carrier blocking signal to the remote plant (1-5 cycles) on three phase or line-to-line faults in the Marriot plant. Zone 3 delays for 0.4 seconds (24 cycles) then trips associated line breaker if downstream relays fail to clear the fault. Carrier directional ground (67) relay operates instantaneously on low ground faults (3I0) toward Alternate plant and Utility bus unless blocked by carrier blocking signal from remote locations. Directional ground overcurrent (67N) relay has two modes of operation: First mode of operation will be instantaneously for large internal ground faults (3I0) 78 and disrupt the carrier blocking signal from remote buses. Second mode will consider low ground faults with a time-delay as backup for the 67 relay. No carrier blocking supervision is applied for this relay. Carrier ground start (85L) relay actuates the carrier blocking signal if the pickup of 0.5A ground residual current (3I0) is sensed in the reverse direction (towards Marriot Plant). A delay of 2-16 milli seconds occurs before the signal is generated. Alternate Plant Utility Load Trip Marriot Line Breaker OR 21Z1 Forward Zone 1 Distance Trip Yard Breaker 21Z2 Marriot Carrier Block Signal 02 Time Delay = 0.3 sec Forward Zone 2 Distance Time Delay IF Carrier Block Signal Sensed; Else, Instantaneous trip Transmitter 21Z3 Reverse Zone 3 Distance. Start Carrier Block Signal Time Delay Receiver Pilot Communication System 02 Time Delay = 0.4 sec AND 67N Forward Directional Ground Overcurrent. Instantaneous Pickup at 12A Secondary = Trip Breaker Time-Overcurrent Pickup at 1A Secondary = 1.3 sec, Trip Breaker 67 Alternate Plant, Utility Bus Carrier Block Signal Forward Carrier Directional Ground. Instantaneous Pickup at 1.5A Secondary = Trip Breaker Unless Carrier Block Opposes Tripping. 85L Reverse Carrier Ground Start @ 0.5 A Secondary = Start Carrier Block Signal Fig 4.6: Directional Comparison Blocking Carrier Scheme Figure 4.6 shows a logic diagram to represents the aforementioned details above. 79 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION Protection systems such as relays play an important role in protecting the power system. In this project we focused on distance and ground overcurrent protection of transmission lines. A distance relay detects the change in impedance on a line by measuring the voltage and current flowing through the line. An Overcurrent relay operates or picks up when its current exceeds a predetermined value. Overcurrent relay would operate as a backup to the distance relay. Our system involved two sample power plants which fed power into three-phase transmission line. A total of 10 generator/motor units, 10 power transformers, 7 transmission line sections, and 1 equivalent utility load were associated to the sample power system. We were able to determine the proper relay settings for distance and ground overcurrent relaying on the present system configuration after indepth fault analysis. We provided step distance protection and used a ground overcurrent relay as backup protection for the sampled power plant. We set distance relay settings for Zones 1, 2, and 3. Zone 1 was set at 80% while Zone 2 was set at 120%. Zone 2 saw beyond the utility bus and the Alternate Plant. Zone 3 was a reverse sensing relay. We also set ground overcurrent relay and a select few of those relays were supervised by directional comparison blocking scheme. Carrier scheme is a type of differential protection for which the quantities at the terminals were compared by a communication channel, rather than by a direct-wire interconnection of the relay input devices. Proper application and coordination of distance relays and ground over-current relays is vital in a system requiring reliable electrical service. The expected results gave us line protection 80 for 230 kV transmission lines. We have learned that each power system is unique. Not all protection schemes are applicable to all power systems. One cannot apply a general scheme to a specific power system. Typical relay settings do not apply to all application. With the lack information about other power plant relay settings, we could have achieved a more reliable relay coordination. After completing this project, we now know more information about electromechanical relays even though most are not being used nowadays. The important key is we know the fundamentals on how to set distance and ground overcurrent relays. 81 APPENDIX A MATHCAD SHEET FAULT STUDY Mathcad 3-Phase Fault Study The sub-transient reactance will be taken as the positive sequence reactance to account for the highest fault current possible, and to typically consider safety for equipment design (Gonen, pp. 462)(Std. 399-1997 pp. 194). The transient reactance is considered in fault studies mainly for relay settings, and with impedances slightly larger than the sub-transient values, fault currents are in turn smaller. The study will begin with redefining the equipment impedances. Refer to chapter 4 for equipment specifications, and figure 4.1 for system configuration and fault location. Marriot Plant: Transformers: K1A, K2A, K3A, K4A, K5A, K6A Units: 1 - 6 3 1 6 Z.1_K1A Z.0_K1A Tap 1 Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap 3-phase fault Z.1_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.0_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.1_K2A Z.0_K2A 4 Z.1_K3A Z.0_K3A Z.1_TL.L2.Marr Z.0_TL.L2.Marr. Z.1_Utl Z.1_K4A Z.0_K4A y Z.0_Utly 5 7 Tap 3 Z.1_K5A Z.0_K5A Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap Z.1_TL.L3.Marr._tap Z.0_TL.L3.Marr._tap Z.0_K6A Z.0_K6A Z.1_TL3.Alt_Tap Note: Dashed lines represent out of service equipment. Z.subtran_Marr.U1 Z.zero_Marr.U1 Z.subtran_Marr.U2 Z.zero_Marr.U2 Z.subtran_Marr.U3 Z.zero_Marr.U3 Z.subtran_Marr.U4 Z.zero_Marr.U4 Z.subtran_Marr.U5 Z.zero_Marr.U5 Z.subtran_Marr.U6 Z.zero_Marr.U6 Z.0_TL3.Alt_Tap 2 Alternate Plant: Transformers: Trf. 1, Trf. 2, Trf. 3, Trf. 4 Units: 1, 2, 3, 4 Z.1_Alt.Trf.4 Z.0_Alt.Trf.4 Z.1_Alt.Trf.3 Z.0_Alt.Trf.3 Z.1_Alt.Trf.2 Z.0_Alt.Trf.2 Z.1_Alt.Trf.1 Z.0_Alt.Trf.1 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U4 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U3 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U2 Z.subtran_Alt._Plt.U1 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U4 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U3 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U2 Z.zero_Alt._Plt.U1 Legend: Bus 1 = Marriot East Bus Section Bus 2 = Alternate Plant Switchyard Bus 3 = Utility Bus Bus 4 = Marriot Middle Bus Section Bus 5 = Marriot West Bus Section Bus 6 = Line 1 Tap 1 Bus 7 = Line 3 Tap 3 Fig 4.1: Marriot, Alternate Plant, Equivalent Utility Power System. 82 Step 1: Define impedances to new PU values Base voltage on transmission line side (Line to line value) Vb 230 10 Base apparent power S b 100 10 Base current Ib Sb 3 v 6 va 251.022 3 Vb A 2 Base impedance Vb Zbase Sb 529 W All impedances are reflecting on a common MVA base. Alternate Plant equipment ratings (New PU values) Positive (sub-transient) and zero sequence impedances of Alternate plant generating/pumping units 1 - 4. Transformer positive and zero sequence impedances of Alternate plant transformers 1 - 4. Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U1 0.018 0.9555i Zzero_Alt._Plt.U1 0.6689i Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U2 0.0213 1.073i Zzero_Alt._Plt.U2 0.6439i Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U3 0.0213 1.073i Zzero_Alt._Plt.U3 0.6439i Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U4 0.0213 1.073i Zzero_Alt._Plt.U4 0.6439i Z1_Alt.Trf.1 0.0151 0.373i Z0_Alt.Trf.1 0.3171i Z1_Alt.Trf.2 0.0169 0.4054i Z0_Alt.Trf.2 0.3446i Z1_Alt.Trf.3 0.017 0.4095i Z0_Alt.Trf.3 0.3481i Z1_Alt.Trf.4 0.0169 0.4054i Z0_Alt.Trf.4 0.3446i 83 Marriot Plant equipment (New PU values): Marriot plant generator/motor positive (sub-transient) and zero sequence impedances for units 1 - 6. Marriot plant transformer positive (sub-transient) and zero sequence impedances K1A - K6A. Zsubtran_Marr.U1 0.0019 0.1908i Zzero_Marr.U1 0.1051i Zsubtran_Marr.U2 0.0019 0.1826i Zzero_Marr.U2 0.14i Zsubtran_Marr.U3 0.0016 0.1908i Zzero_Marr.U3 0.1051i Zsubtran_Marr.U4 0.0019 0.1826i Zzero_Marr.U4 0.14i Zsubtran_Marr.U5 0.0016 0.1908i Zzero_Marr.U5 0.1051i Zsubtran_Marr.U6 0.0019 0.1826i Zzero_Marr.U6 0.14i Z1_K1A Z0_K1A 0.0943i 0.00280 0.111i Z1_K2A 0.0027 0.1085i Z0_K2A 0.09220i Z1_K3A 0.0028 0.1094i Z0_K3A 0.09300i Z1_K4A 0.0028 0.1108i Z0_K4A 0.0942i Z1_K5A 0.0028 0.1108i Z0_K5A 0.0942i Z1_K6A 0.0028 0.111i Z0_K6A 0.0943i Transmission Line impedances (New PU values): Line impedances Melanie line 1 to tap 1, Johnson line 2 to Utility bus, and Bell line 3 to tap 3. Z1_TL.L1.Marr._tap 0.0013 0.0111i Z1_TL.L2.Marr. 0.0014 0.0114i 0.000151 0.0013i Z1_TL.L3.Marr._tap 0.0013 0.0111i Z0_TL.L1.Marr._tap 0.0056 0.0394i Z0_TL.L2.Marr. 0.000643 0.0045i 0.0058 0.0406i Z0_TL.L3.Marr._tap 0.0056 0.0394i 84 Line impedance UtilityZ1_TL.Uty_Tap 0.000208 0.0017i 0.00017 0.0014i 0.00038 0.0031i bus to tap 1 or 3. Z0_TL.Uty_Tap 0.000883 0.0062i 0.000722 0.0051i Line impedance Alternate line 1 and 3 positive and zero sequence impedances. Equivalent Utility positive and zero sequence impedance. 0.00161 0.0113i Z1_TL3.Alt_Tap 0.000377 0.0032i Z0_TL3.Alt_Tap 0.0112i Z1_TL1.Alt_Tap 0.000377 0.0032i Z0_TL1.Alt_Tap 0.0112i Z1_Utly 0.000593 0.0115i Z0_Utly 0.000163 0.0041i Step 2: Construct Z-bus Matrix This fault study positive sequence impedance for transformers, lines, and utility equal the negative sequence impedances to represent the highest fault current possible. The system configuration is represented in figure 4.1, comprising of 4 alternate plant units (U1, U2, U3, U4) and 6 Marriot units (U1 - U6) inservice. Alternate line 1 is connected to tap 1 and declared in-service. Alternate line 3 is disconnected from the system through an associated line circuit breaker. Station service loads for each plant is disabled to simplify the fault study. Considering a 3-phase fault instance, the positive sequence impedances is considered for analysis. Equivalent impedances for bus 1 , 2, 3, 4, and 5 from figure 4.1 will form the diagonal elements of the Z-bus matrix by apply rule 1, equation 3.1. Z11 Z22 1 Z subtran_Marr.U1 Z1_K1A 1 Z subtran_Alt._Plt.U4 Z1_Alt.Trf.4 1 Zsubtran_Marr.U2 Z1_K2A 1 Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U3 Z1_Alt.Trf.3 1 1 Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U2 Z1_Alt.Trf.2 Zsubtran_Alt._Plt.U1 Z1_Alt.Trf.1 1 1 85 Z33 Z1_Utly Z44 1 Z subtran_Marr.U3 Z55 1 Z subtran_Marr.U5 Z1_K3A Z1_K5A 1 Zsubtran_Marr.U4 1 Zsubtran_Marr.U6 Applying rule 1, equation 3.1 with the equivalent impedances above: : Z1_K4A Z1_K6A 1 1 Z1bus Z11 0 0 0 0 0 Z22 0 0 0 0 Z33 0 0 0 0 Z44 0 0 0 0 Z55 0 0 0 0.002 0.148i 0 0 0 0 0 0.009 0.36i 0 0 0 Z1bus 0 0 0.001 0.012i 0 0 0 0 0 0.002 0.148i 0 0 0 0 0 0.002 0.149i Introduce bus 6 from figure 4.2 by using rule 2, equation 3.2, to connect Marriot E. Section bus to tap 1 between bus 1 and bus 6: Z2bus Z1bus0 0 Z1 bus1 0 Z1bus2 0 Z1bus3 0 Z1bus4 0 Z1bus0 0 Z1bus 0 1 Z1bus 0 2 Z1bus Z1 0 3 bus0 4 Z1bus 1 1 Z1bus 1 2 Z1bus Z1 1 3 bus1 4 Z1bus 2 1 Z1bus 2 2 Z1bus Z1 2 3 bus2 4 Z1bus 3 1 Z1bus 3 2 Z1bus Z1 3 3 bus3 4 Z1bus 4 1 Z1bus 4 2 Z1bus Z1 4 3 bus4 4 Z1bus 0 1 Z1bus 0 2 Z1bus Z1 0 3 bus0 4 Z1bus 1 0 Z1bus 2 0 Z1bus 3 0 Z1bus 4 0 Z1bus Z1_TL.L1.Marr._tap 0 0 Z1bus 0 0 86 Introduce bus 7 using rule 2 to connect Bell line 3 Marriot W. Section to tap 3 between bus 5 and bus 7: Z3bus Z2bus0 0 Z2 bus1 0 Z2bus2 0 Z2bus3 0 Z2bus4 0 Z2bus5 0 Z2bus4 0 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 0 1 bus0 2 bus0 3 0 4 0 5 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 1 1 bus1 2 bus1 3 1 4 1 5 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 2 1 bus2 2 bus2 3 2 4 2 5 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 3 1 bus3 2 bus3 3 3 4 3 5 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 4 1 bus4 2 bus4 3 4 4 4 5 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 5 1 bus5 2 bus5 3 5 4 5 5 Z2bus Z2 Z2 Z2bus Z2bus 4 1 bus4 2 bus4 3 4 4 4 5 Z2bus 1 4 Z2bus 2 4 Z2bus 3 4 Z2bus 4 4 Z2bus 5 4 Z2bus Z1_TL.L3.Marr._tap 4 4 Z2bus 0 4 All buses are included, and branch impedances connecting existing buses remain. Applying rule 3, equation 3.3 - 3.5 to include Transmission line utility bus to tap 3 between bus 3 and 7: Z48 Z1_TL.Uty_Tap Z3bus Z3bus 2 2 6 6 Z4bus Z3bus 2Z3bus 2 6 Z3bus0 6 Z3bus0 2 Z3bus0 6 Z3bus0 2 Z3 Z3 Z3bus Z3bus bus1 6 1 2 bus1 6 1 2 Z3bus2 6 Z3bus2 2 Z3bus2 6 Z3bus2 2 Z3bus3 6 Z3bus3 2 Z3bus3 6 Z3bus3 2 Z3bus4 6 Z3bus4 2 Z3bus4 6 Z3bus4 2 Z3bus5 6 Z3bus5 2 Z3bus5 6 Z3bus5 2 Z3bus6 6 Z3bus6 2 Z3bus6 6 Z3bus6 2 T Z48 Including branch Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus connecting bus 3 to 4 using rule 3: Z58 Z1_TL.L2.Marr. Z4bus Z4bus 2 2 3 3 2Z4bus 2 3 87 Z5bus Z4bus Z4bus0 3 Z4bus0 2 Z4bus0 3 Z4bus0 2 Z4 Z4 Z4bus Z4bus bus1 3 1 2 bus1 3 1 2 Z4bus2 3 Z4bus2 2 Z4bus2 3 Z4bus2 2 Z4bus3 3 Z4bus3 2 Z4bus3 3 Z4bus3 2 Z4bus4 3 Z4bus4 2 Z4bus4 3 Z4bus4 2 Z4bus5 3 Z4bus5 2 Z4bus5 3 Z4bus5 2 Z4bus6 3 Z4bus6 2 Z4bus6 3 Z4bus6 2 T Z58 Including branch Transmission line utility bus to tap 1 connecting bus 3 to 6 using rule 3: Z68 Z1_TL.Uty_Tap Z5bus Z5bus 2 2 5 5 Z6bus Z5bus 2Z5bus 2 5 Z5bus0 5 Z5bus0 2 Z5bus0 5 Z5bus0 2 Z5 Z5 Z5bus Z5bus bus1 5 1 2 bus1 5 1 2 Z5bus2 5 Z5bus2 2 Z5bus2 5 Z5bus2 2 Z5bus3 5 Z5bus3 2 Z5bus3 5 Z5bus3 2 Z5bus4 5 Z5bus4 2 Z5bus4 5 Z5bus4 2 Z5bus5 5 Z5bus5 2 Z5bus5 5 Z5bus5 2 Z5bus6 5 Z5bus6 2 Z5bus6 5 Z5bus6 2 T Z68 Including branch "Alternate line 1- tap 1 to Alternate plant bus" connecting bus 2 to 6 using rule 3: Z78 Z1_TL1.Alt_Tap Z6bus Z6bus 1 1 5 5 2Z6bus 1 5 88 Z7bus Z6bus Z6bus0 5 Z6bus0 1 Z6bus0 5 Z6bus0 1 Z6 Z6 Z6bus Z6bus bus1 5 1 1 bus1 5 1 1 Z6bus2 5 Z6bus2 1 Z6bus2 5 Z6bus2 1 Z6bus3 5 Z6bus3 1 Z6bus3 5 Z6bus3 1 Z6bus4 5 Z6bus4 1 Z6bus4 5 Z6bus4 1 Z6bus5 5 Z6bus5 1 Z6bus5 5 Z6bus5 1 Z6bus6 5 Z6bus6 1 Z6bus6 5 Z6bus6 1 T Z78 0.002 0.021i 0.001 0.011i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.011i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.011i 0.001 0.015i 0 0.009i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.012i 0 0.009i 0 0.008i 0 0.009i 0 0.009i 0 0.009i 0 0.008i 0 0.009i 0 0.009i Z7bus 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0 0.009i 0.002 0.02i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0.002 0.021i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.011i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.011i 0.001 0.012i 0 0.009i 0 0.008i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.012i 0 0.009i 0 0.009i 0 0.009i 0 0.008i 0.001 0.011i 0 0.009i 0.001 0.012i 0 0.008i Step 3: Fault Calculations Calculating a 3-phase fault on bus 3 (Utility bus) is completed by using Z-bus matrix element on row 3, column 3; this is the system equivalent impedance referenced from bus 3. Mathcad executes matrix calculations by assigning the first element with 0 row, 0 column. Therefore element Z3,3 is represented as, Z2,2. Prefault voltage at bus 3: Vf Equation 3.6, 3-phase fault at bus 3 (Utility bus): Vf Ia1 Z7bus 2 2 1 pu 5.001 107.844i pu 89 Equation 3.8 to determine the bus voltages during the 3-phase fault: V1 1 Z7bus I 0.095 0.009i 0 2 a1 pu V2 1 Z7bus pu V3 1 Z7bus V4 1 Z7bus I 0.036 0.003i 1 2 a1 I 0 2 2 a1 pu I 0.079 0.008i 3 2 a1 V5 1 Z7bus I 0.087 0.008i 4 2 a1 pu V6 1 Z7bus pu V7 1 Z7bus pu I 0.027 0.003i 5 2 a1 I 0.019 0.002i 6 2 a1 pu Equation 3.9 to determine fault currents through associated line sections: Melanie line 1 Marriot E. Section bus to tap 1 fault current (current flow I.16 from bus 1 to 6): Alternate line 1- tap 1 to Alternate plant bus fault current (current flow from bus 2 to 6): V1 V6 Z1_TL.L1.Marr._tap V2 V6 I26 Z1_TL1.Alt_Tap 0.155 6.103i 0.078 2.678i Transmission line utility bus to tap 1 fault current (current flow from bus 6 to 3): V6 V3 I63 Z1_TL.Uty_Tap 0.233 8.782i Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus fault current (current flow from bus 4 to 3): V4 V3 I43 Z1_TL.L2.Marr. 0.147 6.205i pu pu pu pu 90 Bell line 3 Marriot W. Section to tap 3 fault current (current flow from bus 5 to 7): V5 V7 I57 Z1_TL.L3.Marr._tap 0.149 6.132i pu Compare calculated fault currents with Easypower simulated data. Mathcad Single-Line-to-Ground Fault Study From subsequent analysis, positive and negative sequence impedances are equal to determine the highest fault current through the system. SLG fault studies assists with ground fault protection criterions such as overcurrent, instantaneous, and carrier start settings. Refer to figure 4.2 for system configuration and fault location. 3 1 Z.1_K1A Z.0_K1A Tap 1 SLG fault Z.1_TL.Uty_Tap Z.1_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.0_TL.Uty_Tap Z.0_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z.1_K2A Z.0_K2A 2 Z.1_K3A Z.0_K3A Z.1_Utl y Z.subtran_Marr.U1 Z.zero_Marr.U1 Z.subtran_Marr.U2 Z.zero_Marr.U2 Z.subtran_Marr.U3 Z.zero_Marr.U3 Z.0_Utly Z.1_TL.L2.Marr Z.0_TL.L2.Marr. Note: Dashed lines refer to equipment removed from system. Z.1_K4A Z.0_K4A Legend: Bus 1 = Marriot East Bus Section Bus 2 = Marriot Middle Bus Section Bus 3 = Utility Bus Fig 4.2: Marriot and Equivalent Utility Power System subject to SLG fault study. Step 1: Define impedances to new PU values Marriot : equipment ratings (New PU values) Previously defined above. Z.subtran_Marr.U4 Z.zero_Marr.U4 91 Step 2: Forming Positive and Zero Sequence Z-bus Matrix Alternate plant is disconnected from line taps 1 and 3, and Marriot units 1 - 4 is connected. Station service loads for each plant is disabled to simplify the fault study. Develop the positive sequence Z-bus matrix: Apply rule 1, equation 3.1 to define diagonal elements of the positive sequence Z-bus matrix. Equivalent positive sequence impedances at Marriot East Bus Section (Bus 1): Equivalent impedances at Marriot Middle Bus Section (Bus 2): Z 1bus Z 11 Z 44 1 Z subtran_M arr.U1 Z 1_K1A 1 Z subtran_M arr.U3 Z 1_K3A 1 1 Z subtran_M arr.U2 Z 1_K2A 1 Z subtran_M arr.U4 Z 1_K4A Z 11 0 0 Z 44 Including bus 3 (Utility Bus) and connecting line sections, Melanie line 1 Marriot E. Section to tap 1 and Transmission line utility bus to tap 1, to bus 1 (Marriot East Bus Section) using rule 2, equation 3.2: Z13 Z 2bus Z 1bus 0 0 Z 1bus1 0 Z 1bus0 0 Z 1bus Z 1bus Z 1bus 0 1 1 1 0 1 Z 1bus 1 0 Z 1bus Z 1_TL.L1.Marr._tap Z 1_TL.Uty_Tap 0 0 Z 1bus 0 0 Adding branch connection (Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus) between bus 3 (Utility bus) and 4 (Marriot Middle Bus Section) applying rule 3, equation 3.3: Z23 1 92 Z 34 Z 1_TL.L2.Marr. Z 2bus Z 2bus 2 Z 2bus 1 1 2 2 1 2 Z 3bus Z 2bus Z 2bus Z 2bus Z 2bus Z 2bus 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 Z Z Z Z 2bus1 2 2bus1 1 2bus1 2 2bus1 1 Z 2bus2 2 Z 2bus2 1 Z 2bus2 2 Z 2bus2 1 T Z 34 Forming the Zero Sequence Impedance Matrix Z0: Applying rule 1 to define diagonal elements for zero sequence Z-bus matrix: Equivalent zero sequence impedances for Marriot East Bus Section: Equivalent zero sequence impedances for Marriot Middle Bus Section: Z 01bus Z 110 1 Z Z 0_K1A zero_Marr.U1 Z 440 1 1 Z zero_Marr.U2 Z 0_K2A 1 Z Z 0_K3A zero_Marr.U3 Z zero_Marr.U4 Z 0_K4A 1 Z 110 0 0 Z 440 Including bus 3 (Utility Bus) and connecting line sections, "Melanie line 1 Marriot E. Section to tap 1" and "Transmission line utility bus to tap 1", to bus 1 (Marriot East Bus Section) using rule 2, equation 3.2: Z013 zero sequence impedances 1 93 Z 02bus Z 01bus 0 0 Z 01bus1 0 Z 01bus0 0 Z 01bus Z 01bus Z 01bus 0 1 1 1 0 1 Z 01bus 1 0 Z 01bus Z 0_TL.Uty_Tap Z 0_TL.L1.Marr._tap 0 0 Z 01bus 0 0 Adding branch connection (Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus) between bus 3 (Utility bus) and 4 (Marriot Middle Bus Section) applying rule 3: Z23 zero sequence impedance. Z 034 Z 0_TL.L2.Marr. Z 02bus Z 02bus 2 Z 02bus 1 1 2 2 1 2 Z 03bus Z 02bus Z 02bus Z 02bus Z 02bus Z 02bus 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 Z 02bus1 2 Z 02bus1 1 Z 02bus1 2 Z 02bus1 1 Z 02bus2 2 Z 02bus2 1 Z 02bus2 2 Z 02bus2 1 T Z 034 Step 3: Fault Calculations SLG Fault on Utility bus 3 Pre-fault voltage at bus 3 Vf 1 Equation 3.7 single-line-to-ground fault on bus 3 (Utility Bus) assuming equal positive and negative sequence impedances: pu I012f Vf 2 Z 3bus Z 03bus 2 2 2 2 0.128 4.175i pu 94 Sequence Bus Voltages during SLG fault on bus 3: Equation 3.8, sequence Bus 1 voltage during fault on bus 3: Equation 3.8, sequence Bus 2 voltage during fault on bus 3: Equation 3.8, sequence Bus 3 voltage during fault on bus 3: 0 Z 03bus I012f 0 2 1 Z V01 3bus0 2 I012f 0 Z 3bus0 2 I012f V02 0 Z 03bus I012f 1 2 1 Z 3bus1 2 I012f 0 Z 3bus1 2 I012f 0 Z 03bus I012f 2 2 V03 1 Z 3bus2 2 I012f 0 Z 3bus2 2 I012f 0.22 0.007i 0.692 0.005i 0.308 0.005i pu 0.228 0.007i 0.689 0.005i 0.311 0.005i pu 0.324 0.004i 0.662 0.002i 0.338 0.002i pu V01 V02 V03 Sequence fault current distribution: Equation 3.9, sequence fault current through Melanie line 1 Marriot E. Section to tap 1: I01213 V01 V03 0 0 0 0 Z Z 0_TL.Uty_Tap 0_TL.L1.M arr._tap V01 V03 1 0 1 0 Z Z 1_TL.Uty_Tap 1_TL.L1.M arr._tap V01 V03 2 0 2 0 Z 1_TL.L1.M arr._tap Z 1_TL.Uty_Tap 95 Equation 3.9, sequence fault current through Johnson line 2 Marriot Middle Section to Utility Bus: I01223 V02 V03 0 0 0 0 Z 0_TL.L2.M arr. V V 021 0 031 0 Z 1_TL.L2.M arr. V02 V03 2 0 2 0 Z 1_TL.L2.M arr. Ground fault current, 3I0 branch currents through Marriot Lines 1, and 2 (pu): Equation 3.10, ground fault current through Marriot Line 1 to tap 1: i13 3 I01213 0.199 6.15i 0 0 pu Equation 3.10, ground fault current through Johnson Line 2 to Utility Bus: i23 3 I01223 0.185 6.375i 0 0 pu Compare fault current calculations with Easypower simulation data. 96 APPENDIX B EASYPOWER FAULT DATA Table B.1: SLG Fault Study Data System Configuration Tap Tap 3 off Tap 3 off Tap 3 off Tap 1 off Tap 3 off SS Load Alternate plant Units Marriot plant units Line 1 3I0 Line 1 I0 Line 2 3I0 Line 2 I0 Line 3 3I0 Line 3 I0 SLG All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on 0.57211.1i 0.75011.3i 0.4424.4i 0.4294.8i 0.3152.3i 0.1913.7 0.2503.8i 0.1411.5i 0.1431.6i 0.1050.8i 0.3442.5i 0.3892.6i 0.4645.1i 0.4645.1i 0.3522.7i 0.1150.8i 0.1300.9i 0.1151.7i 0.1551.7i 0.1170.9i .3302.4i 0.3722.4i 0.4494.8i 0.4404.3i 0.63511.8i 0.1100.8i 0.1240.8i 0.1501.6i 0.1471.4i 0.2123.9i SLG All units on 0.5237.1i 0.1742.4i 0.2561.6i 0.0850.5i 0.2451.5i 0.0820.5i Tap 1 SLG All units off 0.56311.6i 0.1883.9i 0.2081.8i 0.0690.6i 0.2051.7i 0.0680.6i Tap 3 SLG All units on 0.1861.6i 0.0620.5i 0.2101.8i 0.0700.6 0.2957.5i 0.0982.5i Tap 3 SLG All units on 0.1891.6i 0.0630.5i 0.2061.7i 0.0690.6i 0.2987.0i 0.0992.3i Tap 3 SLG All units on 0.1901.6i 0.0630.5i 0.2081.8i 0.0690.6i 0.2967.5i 0.0992.5i Tap 3 SLG All units on 0.3342.4i 0.1110.8i 0.2171.9i 0.0720.6i 0 0 Tap 1 SLG 0.2001.6i 0.0670.5i Tap 1 SLG Tap 1 SLG 0.0812.3i 0.0650.5i 0.0812.3i 0.0792.5i 0.0690.6i SLG 0.2447.0i 0.1951.6i 0.2446.9i 0.2377.4i 0.2061.7i Tap 3 All units on All units on All units on All units on Tap 3 SLG All units on All units on Unit 3 & 5 off only Units 2, 4 & 6 off only Units 2 ,4 & 6 off only Units 1, 3 & 5 off only Units 4, 5 & 6 off only Units 1, & 3 on only Unit 1 on only Unit 1 on only Unit 1 on only Units 2, 4, & 6 off only 0.1891.6i 0.0630.5i 0.2061.7i Fault Location Fault Type Tap 1 SLG Tap 1 UTY. BUS UTY. BUS DLG Tap 3 Alt. Plant Bus Off Off Off Off SLG SLG On Off Tap 3 off Off Tap 3 off Off Tap 3 off Off Tap 1 off Off Tap 3 off Off Tap 3 off Off Tap 3 off Tap 3 off Tap 3 off Tap 1 off Off Off Off Off Tap 1 off Fault Current Distribution (in pu) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2987.0i 0.0992.3i 0.0690.6i Note: Alt. = Alternate plant, Uty. = Utility, Mar. = Marriot plant, SS = Station Service 97 System Configuration Tap Tap 1 off ALT. 1 and 3 off ALT. 1 and 3 off SS Load Off Fault Current Distribution (in pu) Fault Location Fault Type Alterna te plant Units UTY BUS SLG All units on Tap 1 SLG Tap 1 SLG All units off Unit 3 & 4 off only Tap 3 SLG All units on Tap 1 SLG Tap 1 SLG Tap 3 UTY BUS SLG Off Off Off Tap 1 off Off Tap 1 off Tap 1 off Tap 1 off Tap 1 off Tap 1 off Tap 1 off Tap 1 off Line 2 3I0 Line 2 I0 Line 3 3I0 Line 3 I0 0.2283.1i 0.0761i 0.2553.2i 0.0851.1i 0.2482.8i 0.0830.9i 0.2377.5i 0.0792.5i 0.2141.8i 0.0710.6i 0.2091.7i 0.0700.6i 0.2377.5i 0.0792.5i 0.2141.8i 0.0710.6i 0.2091.7i 0.700.6i 0.1931.7i 0.0640.6i 0.2101.7i 0.0700.6i 0 0 0.0782.5i 0.0782.5i 0.0650.6i 0.0781i 0.1070.8i 0.1924.0i 0.1070.8i 0.2111.8i 0.0700.6i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3442.5i 0.3532.7i 0.3442.5i 0 0.1150.8i 0.1180.9i 0.1150.8i 0 0.62811.0i 0.3252.3i 0.62811.0i 0 0.2093.7i 0.1080.8i 0.2093.7i 0.0460.2i 0.9937.7i to plant 0.1330.7i 0.0440.2i 0.1510.8i 2.72520.6i to plant 0.0500.3i 0.1310.7i 0.0440.2i 0.1430.8i 2.76721.2i to plant 0.0480.3i Tap 3 SLG Tap 1 SLG Tap 3 SLG HY E Section SLG All units on All units on HY Mid Section SLG All units on All units on 0.1400.8i 0.0470.3i 0.1390.7i 2.97923.0i to plant SLG All units on All units on 0.0420.2i 0.1440.8i 0.0480.3i HY E Section SLG All units on All units on 0.1270.7i 2.79620.4i to plant HY Mid Section SLG All units on All units on 0.1480.9i 0.0490.3i 0.1460.8i 2.97923.0i to plant 0.0490.3i 0.9937.7i to plant HY W Section SLG All units on All units on 0.1280.7i 0.0430.2i 0.1370.7i 0.0460.2i SLG Off Off Tap 3 off Line 1 I0 0.2347.5i 0.2357.4i 0.1951.7i 0.2333i 0.3212.4i 0.57611.9i 0.3212.4i 2.84021.0i to plant Off On Off Line 1 3I0 All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on Off Off Marriot plant units Units 2, 4, & 6 off only Units 2, 4, & 6 off only Units 2, 4, & 6 off only Units 1 & 3 on only Units 1 & 3 on only Unit 1 on only Unit 1 on only Unit 1 on only All units on All units on All units on 0.9477.1i to plant Off Tap 3 off Off Tap 3 off HY W Section Off Tap 1 off 0.9326.3i to plant Off Tap 1 off Off Tap 1 off 0.9086.9i to plant 0.9227.1i Note: Alt. = Alternate plant, Uty. = Utility, Mar. = Marriot plant, SS = Station Service 98 Tap SS Load Off Tap 3 off System Configuration Alternate Fault Fault plant Bus Type Units HY Mid All units Section SLG on Off Tap 1 off All units on Line 1 3I0 Line 1 I0 Line 2 I0 Line 3 3I0 Line 3 I0 0.0280.2i Line 2 3I0 2.92122.6i to plant 0.0850.5i 0.9747.5i 0.0940.6i 0.0310.2i 2.74621.1i 0.9156.7i 0.0900.5i 0.0300.2i 0.0820.5i 0.0270.2i 0.0800.5i 0.0270.2i 0.0840.5i 0.0280.2i 2.71720.9i 0.9067.0i All units on 0.4184.3i 0.1391.4i 0.4605.0i 0.1531.7i 0.4464.7i 0.1491.6i HY E Section SLG HY W Section SLG UTY BUS SLG All units on Units 1 and 2 on only UTY BUS SLG All units on All units on 0.2536.4i 0.0842.1i 0.2836.7i 0.0942.2i 0.39810.9i 0.1333.6i Off UTY BUS SLG All units off All units on 0.2516.8i 0.0842.3i 0.2837.1i 0.0942.4i 0.2856.7i 0.0952.2i On UTY BUS SLG All units off Units 5 & 6 off only 0.2556.7i 0.0852.2i 0.2867.1i 0.0952.4i 0 0 On UTY BUS SLG All units off Unit 1 on only 0.0571.8i 0.0190.6i 0 0 0 On UTY BUS SLG All units off Unit 3 on only 0 0 0.0210.6i 0 0 On UTY BUS SLG All units off Unit 5 on only 0 0 0 0.0681.7i 0.0952.4i 0 Off Tap 1 off Off Tap 3 off Tap 1 off, Uty. load off Uty. load off Uty. load off, Tap 1 on UTY. load off, Tap 3 on UTY. load off, Tap 1 on UTY. load off, Tap 1 on Tap 1 and 3 off, UTY. load off Fault Current Distribution (in pu) Marriot plant units Units 2 & 5 off only Units 4 & 5 off only Units 1 & 3 off only Off Off UTY. BUS SLG All units off Units 5 & 6 off only 0.2536.7i 0.0842.2i 0 0.0621.8i 0 0.2857.1i 0.0230.6i Note: Alt. = Alternate plant, Uty. = Utility, Mar. = Marriot plant, SS = Station Service 0 99 Table B.2: 3-Phase Fault Study Data System Configuration Alternate Fault Fault Plant Bus Type Units All units UTY 3 on bus phase Tap SS Load tap 1 on No tap 1 on All on UTY bus 3 phase tap 3 on No UTY bus 3 phase tap 3 on tap 1 on tap 3 on tap 3 on All on All on All on UTY bus Alt. plant Alt. plant 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase All units on All units on All units on All units on All units on Marriot Plant Units All units on All units on All units on All units on Unit 2 off only Unit 6 off only Line 1 Marriot to Tap Fault Current Distribution (in pu) Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 Tap to From Marriot Line 3 Alt. Marriot to tap Tap to Alt 0.1495.8i 0.0762.6i 0.1465.9i 0.1505.8i 0 0.1525.8i 0.0802.6i 0.1465.9i 0.1505.8i 0 0.1465.9i 0 0.1465.9i 0.1535.8i 0.075-2.6i 0.1495.9i 0 0.1465.9i 0.1535.8i 0.080-2.6i 0.1893.6i 0.1903.5i 0 0.1893.6i 0.0752.4i 0.0772.4i 0.1903.6i 4.64462.3i 0 4.64262.3i No Note: Alt. = Alternate plant, Uty. = Utility, Mar. = Marriot plant, SS = Station Service 100 APPENDIX C SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 101 102 103 104 REFERENCES [1] Blackburn, Lewis J., Protective Relaying Principles and Application, Florida: CRC Press, 2006. 166, 167, 169, 172, 419-421, 423, 440, 443, 447, 448, 475 [2] Anderson, P.M., Power System Protection, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999 [3] Noble, J.O., Power System Protection 2, London: MacDonald Companies, 1969 [4] Saadat, Hadi, Power System Analysis, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002 [5] Roemish, William Russell, Bureau of Reclamation Protective Relaying Practice, Thesis, University of Colorado. 1967. 295, 316, 331 [6] Stevenson, Grainger, Power System Analysis, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1994 [7] Beeman, Donald, Industrial Power System Handbook, Massachusetts: General Electric Company, 1955 [8] Schweitzer Protection and Automation System, Washington: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., 2003-2006 [9] Type KD-4 and KD-41 Compensator Distance Relay, I.L. 41-491.4N, New Jersey: Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1975. 9 [10] Type KD-10 and KD-11 Compensator Distance Relay, I.L. 41-490J, Florida: ABB Inc., 1999. 7, 8, 42 [11] “Transmission Relay Loadability Standard PRC-023-1.” North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 1 July 2011. <http://www.nerc.com/page.php?cid=2|20>. 105 [12] Horowitz, Stanley H., Phadke, Arun G., Power System Relaying Third Edition, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008. 121, 133 [13] Gonen, Turan, Electric Power Transmission System Engineering Analysis and Design 2nd Edition, Florida: CRC Press, 2009 [14] Relay-Instrument Division, Applied Protective Relaying, Florida: Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1982. 10-46, [15] IEEE-SA Standards Board. 1999. 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