2014 APPLICATION FORM BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 Website: http://www.montana.edu/~wwwami DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 21, 2014 Return application packet to your college’s Bridges Program Coordinator OR MSU-AIRO: Bridges Program Coordinators: Aaniiih Nakoda College: Jessica Stiffarm Blackfeet College: Mike McKay Chief Dull Knife College: Mary Noel Ft Peck College: Paula Firemoon Little Big Horn College: Neva Tall Bear Salish Kootenai College: Doug Stevens Stone Child College: Doug Crebs/Larry Gomoll MSU-AIRO: PO Box 173820, 312 Roberts Hall Montana State University-Bozeman Bozeman, MT 59717-3925 amy.stix@coe.montana.edu PH: (406) 994-5567; Fax: (406) 994-5559 NOTE: Applicants have the option to participate in the Bridges summer research program at Salish Kootenai College (SKC). Contact Program Coordinator Doug Stevens for program specifics. You may use this application for the SKC program. Phone: (406) 275-4800 / Email: doug_stevens@skc.edu 1. Name: (Last) 2. (First) Birthdate:___________________ 3. (Middle) Banner ID: __________________________ (MSU-AIRO Office use only) 4. 6. Female Male 5. Tribal Affiliation: Permanent Address: (Street / PO Box) 7. Contact Number (Include Area Code): Please provide the most reliable phone number(s). 8. (City, State) Email address: ___________________ HOME _____ Please provide the most reliable email. 9. Tribal College: (Zip) 10. Major: 11. Date of your expected graduation from Tribal College: 12. Four-year university you plan to attend: 13. Intended major at four-year university: 14. Please list any coursework completed in math or science and grades received: CELL 2014 APPLICATION FORM (Page 2) BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BOZEMAN (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 15. Check the kind of housing you will need this summer: Family housing (will bring spouse and/or children) Dorms (will come alone) Off campus (will take care of own housing off campus) 16. MSU REQUIRED SAFETY & SECURITY INFORMATION (All applicants must complete this section.) 1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony (please include instances of deferred sentencing)? A felony in Montana State law is defined as a crime for which more than one year in prison may be imposed. 2. Have you ever been subjected to court-ordered confinement for threatening or causing physical or 3. Have you ever been disciplined, suspended from, or placed on probation at any educational institution Suspension is defined as a sanction imposed for disciplinary reasons that results in a student leaving school for a specified time period. Dismissal from a college for disciplinary reasons is defined as permanent separation from an institution of higher education on the basis of conduct or behavior. 4. Have you ever been required to register as a sexual or violent offen NOTE: Answering “Yes” to any of these questions will not automatically prevent admission, but you will be asked by the university to provide additional information. This information will be reviewed by a campus committee to ensure campus safety. Any falsification or omission of data may result in a denial of admission or dismissal. 17. Research area of interest. Indicate your research interests for 2014 summer research project: Agriculture Cell Biology and Neuroscience Engineering Microbiology Environmental Science Immunology & Infectious Natural Resources Biology Fish & Wildlife Community Health Biofilm Engineering Psychology Other: Diseases 2014 APPLICATION FORM (Page 3) BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BOZEMAN (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 18. Please tell us about yourself, including your career interests and goals, why you want to participate in the Bridges program, and your interest in pursuing a career in science or engineering. Include any academic and/or personal achievements and how these relate to your goals. (You may include additional pages if necessary.) 2014 APPLICATION FORM (Page 4) BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BOZEMAN (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 19. Please meet with your tribal college’s Bridges Program Coordinator before submitting your application to discuss the BRIDGES program and program expectations. 20. Submit transcripts from all colleges you have attended. 21. Submit two recommendations completed by: 1) your Bridges Program Coordinator and 2) an instructor or college counselor (both recommendation forms are attached). 22. Your application packet must be completed and submitted to MSU-AIRO office by February 21, 2014. All accepted applicants should plan to attend the Bridges Program Orientation at MSU-Bozeman during the spring 2014 semester. Date to be announced. 23. Please call 406-994-5567 or send an email to Amy Stix amy.stix@coe.montana.edu if you have any questions about the application process. STUDENT WAIVER FORM FOR 2014 SUMMER BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BOZEMAN (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 A. This section is to be filled out by student (print or type name): NAME: Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, you may decide whether letters of reference are to be held confidential or are to be available for your personal inspection. Please sign one of the following statements: □I DO NOT WAIVE my right of access to the form. It shall be made available to me for inspection upon written request. □I DO WAIVE my right of access to this form and grant permission for it to be held confidential. ___________________________________________ (Signature of applicant) STUDENT RECOMMENDATION FORM FOR 2014 SUMMER BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BOZEMAN (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 A. This section is be filled out by the tribal college instructor or counselor recommending the student. A Excellent B Good C Average D Poor E Don’t Know A B C D E 1. INITIATIVE: Promptness, perseverance, self-discipline. 2. MOTIVATION: Seriousness, interest, commitment. 3. MATURITY: Common sense, sound judgment, decision-maker. 4. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Oral expression, writing ability. 5. ABILITY TO LEARN: Potential for growth, self-development 6. SCIENCE BACKGROUND 7. MATH BACKGROUND 8. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY: Observance of requirements. 9. FLEXIBILITY: Team-player, open-mindedness. B. For Student Evaluators: Please comment in the space below on the Bridges applicant’s: academic performance; experience in STEM fields; career goals; motivation; and readiness to participate in an intensive science research program. (You may include additional pages if necessary.) Print Name of Tribal College Coordinator Tribal College STUDENT RECOMMENDATION FORM FOR 2014 SUMMER BRIDGING TRIBAL COLLEGE STUDENTS TO MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BOZEMAN (BRIDGES) JUNE 2 – JULY 27, 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (AIRO), PO BOX 173820 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN, MT 59717 A. This section is be filled out by the tribal college instructor or counselor recommending the student. A Excellent B Good C Average D Poor E Don’t Know A B C D E 1. INITIATIVE: Promptness, perseverance, self-discipline. 2. MOTIVATION: Seriousness, interest, commitment. 3. MATURITY: Common sense, sound judgment, decision-maker. 4. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Oral expression, writing ability. 5. ABILITY TO LEARN: Potential for growth, self-development 6. SCIENCE BACKGROUND 7. MATH BACKGROUND 8. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY: Observance of requirements. 9. FLEXIBILITY: Team-player, open-mindedness. B. For Student Evaluators: Please comment in the space below on the Bridges applicant’s: academic performance; experience in STEM fields; career goals; motivation; and readiness to participate in an intensive science research program. (You may include additional pages if necessary.) Print Name of Tribal College Coordinator Tribal College