SRS PWL Corporate Brochure

Environmental Sciences
Scott Resource Services has been providing environmental consulting services for 30 years for large and small scale infrastructure and
development projects for municipalities, industry, commercial sector businesses and private landowners.
SRS has assisted clients by identifying environmental impacts at the preliminary design phase and recommending strategies to
avoid/mitigate these impacts. Where environmental impacts cannot be avoided, SRS can
develop practical and comprehensive fish and wildlife habitat compensation plans, and/or
Construction Environmental Management Plans to address the negative impacts. Based
on the mitigation and compensation plans, our clients have been able to justify their
For more information and updates on
projects to environmental regulators and move them through regulatory permitting and
approval processes in a timely manner.
our Environmental Science Division:
We provide expert advice on environmental components pertaining to development
planning, design, permitting and construction of development and infrastructure projects.
Key roles and expertise that has been provided for similar projects includes the following:
 Liaison with project engineers and planners to assess potential environmental issues
related to development projects
 Environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment
 Liaison with municipal, federal and provincial regulatory agencies
 Federal and provincial environmental approvals and notifications
 Preparation of Environmental Management Plans for implementation during construction
 Environmental monitoring during construction
 Fish and amphibian salvages
Ryan Anaka, Senior Project Manager
Scott Resource Services
Tel: 604.820.1415
Our areas of expertise are:
Fish and aquatic environmental assessment (EA)
Wildlife and vegetation EA
Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
Environmental regulatory permitting and approvals
Development of environmental mitigation and/or compensation strategies
Environmental Management Plans and Environmental Protection Plans
Environmental Monitoring
Sediment Erosion Control
Archeological Services
Scott Resources Inc.
31856 Silverdale Avenue, Mission, BC V2V 2K9
Tel: (604) 820-1415 Fax: (604) 820-1621 /
Education and training
Environmental Sciences
Fish and Aquatic Environmental Assessment
Assessments of potential project impacts on aquatic ecosystems, including conducting fish species inventories, benthic invertebrate
sampling, aquatic habitat and riparian vegetation inventories, detailed Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) surveys, water quality testing
and monitoring, watercourse approvals under the Water Act and Fisheries Act, culvert\bridge replacement/installation approvals, instream and emergency works approvals and sediment quality studies.
Wildlife Inventories, Wildlife Habitat Characterization and Impact Assessment
Our wildlife specialists are experienced in a wide range of inventory techniques, including:
Breeding and migratory bird surveys
Waterfowl and songbird surveys
Rare and endangered species and habitat assessments
Amphibian and reptile surveys
Winter aerial surveys and snow track surveys
Ungulate behavioural assessments
Large and small mammal surveys (e.g., moose, caribou, bear, sheep, marmots)
Environmental Impact Assessments
Scott Resources environmental and socioeconomic baseline and impact assessment experience, related to government sectors (i.e.,
municipal, provincial and federal), the mining sector, forestry, hydroelectric reservoirs, military projects, oil and gas
development, marine infrastructure, airport redevelopment, commercial agricultural projects, energy generation (gas, wind,
bio-energy, geothermal), transportation infrastructure (bridges, highways, terminals, light and heavy rail), waste disposal (landfills
and waste treatment facilities), resorts and manufacturing / processing facilities.
Scott Resources offers environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and environmental management
services (EMS), including the preparation of aquatic and terrestrial baseline reports, environmental management plans EMPs,
environmental protection plans (EPPs), along with experience in community consultation and First Nations consultation. We effectively
liaise with project engineers to assess potential environmental issues related to project issues and have extensive experience in
providing presentations at municipal public meetings and hearings on behalf of our clients.
Permit Authorizations and Approvals
Scott Resources provides environmental permit acquisition services to all levels of government and private sector clients.
Environmental Assessment Certificates (EACs) are required for a range of projects under the British Columbia Environmental
Assessment Act (BCEAA). Many projects also trigger assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). Our
team has a strong working knowledge of the applicable provincial and federal environmental legislation such as the Environmental
Management Act, Wildlife Act, Water Act, Species at Risk Act and Fisheries Act.
Services that our team can offer to help a project receive the proper environmental permits in a timely manner include:
Project coordination and management
Regulatory liaison
Public and First Nations consultation
Preparation of Project Description documents
Preparation of Terms of Reference
Scott Resources Inc.
31856 Silverdale Avenue, Mission, BC V2V 2K9
Tel: (604) 820-1415 Fax: (604) 820-1621 /
Preparation of EAC applications
Environmental Sciences
In addition, SRS has established an excellent working relationship with various specialist environmental consulting firms providing
services such as GIS/GPS, Archaeology and Arborist Services. Depending on the particular needs of a project, these specialists can be
added to our team as required.
Habitat Restoration and Compensation Plans
We are experienced at designing and implementing habitat restoration projects and habitat compensation designs for impacted areas.
We can provide habitat restoration and compensation planning services for streams, road corridors, cleared landings, decommissioned
sites, dump sites and landfills.
Our team offers sound rehabilitation, restoration and re-vegetation options for disturbed ecosystems and also provides other related
environmental services ranging from ecological baseline assessments, environmental management plans, environmental monitoring
during construction and contractor management.
Environmental Management Plans
Scott Resources can provide a site-specific plan developed to ensure that all necessary measures are identified and implemented in
order to protect the environment and comply with environmental legislation.
Environmental Protection Plans
Scott Resources will provide a road map to the responsibilities, expectations and methodologies for environmental protection measures
associated with the proposed activity and be involved in the construction, inspection, reclamation and monitoring of activities.
Environmental Monitoring
Scott Resources environmental monitoring is designed to establish the current status of an environment and to establish trends in
environmental parameters.
Sediment and Erosion Control
When a project has a land disturbance or excavation component, it is a requirement of the project to effectively manage soil surfaces
and stormwater to prevent discharge of turbid water.
We can prepare and implement Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plans that meet all regulatory requirements and project
Our ESC services include:
Erosion prevention measures to minimize mobilized soil load
Sediment control strategies to passively remove or actively treat turbid water
Water quality monitoring to assess discharge water quality
Site inspections and mitigation recommendations
Scott Resources Inc.
31856 Silverdale Avenue, Mission, BC V2V 2K9
Tel: (604) 820-1415 Fax: (604) 820-1621 /