Unit 6: Measurement & Evaluation of Human Performance ‘Progress depends on effort not ability’ Unit 6.4 Key learning intention (KLI) Success criteria Principles of Program Design To understand the principles of program design in relation to sports performance. Resources Key words P154 – 156 Specificity, Progression, Overload, Reversibility, Periodisation, Karvonen, RPE scale, To design a cv fitness plan for a client taking into consideration age, maximum heart rate, resting heart rate, fitness goals, risk factors and gym adherence. Describe the essential elements of a general training program Component Why it’s important Warm-up Stretching Endurance training Cool down Flexibility training Resistance training Recreational activities The key principles of training program design PRINCIPLE Explanation SPECIFICITY PROGRESSION OVERLOAD REVERSIBILITY If the training plan is terminated then fitness improvements will return to pretraining values. The effect of Detraining is much faster with muscle endurance in comparison to strength. 10% vs 40% loss over 8 weeks. Unit 6: Measurement & Evaluation of Human Performance PERIODISATION Evaluate the training plan below in term of its adherence to the SPORP principles Advantage’s Disadvantages ‘Progress depends on effort not ability’ Unit 6: Measurement & Evaluation of Human Performance Ways in which exercise intensity can be monitored Heart rate based on VO2 Max – The training Heart rate (THR) The Karvonen Method ‘Progress depends on effort not ability’ Unit 6: Measurement & Evaluation of Human Performance Heart rate zone training ‘Progress depends on effort not ability’ Unit 6: Measurement & Evaluation of Human Performance ‘Progress depends on effort not ability’ Ratings of perceived exertion OMNI Scale Unit 6.3 Key learning intention (KLI) Success criteria Principles of Program Design To understand the principles of program design in relation to sports performance. Resources Key words P154 – 156 Specificity, Progression, Overload, Reversibility, Periodisation, Karvonen, RPE scale, To design a cv fitness plan for a client taking into consideration age, maximum heart rate, resting heart rate, fitness goals, risk factors and gym adherence. You should have completed the training plan for a client prior to completing the end of unit test.