STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT Name Appraisal Period: Post/Grade: School/Office: Name of Appraiser: Date of appraisal meeting: SECTION A - To be completed by the staff member 1. SELF-ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW Read Section B part 6 of your last appraisal ‘The Year Ahead’ (or job description and probation review if this is your first appraisal) and consider your key achievements for the year. It may be helpful to think about your agreed objectives from your last appraisal, tasks that you feel you did/do very well and also any tasks that you may have found challenging and if so, why? To help complete this section, consider the following questions:– How do you feel about your performance What specifically have you over the year? achieved over the past year? To what extent have your performance and achievements met the activities and objectives agreed at your last appraisal? What impact have your achievements had on your team and/or the wider University community? How have your achievements impacted on your work area? Have there been any constraints which have influenced your performance and achievements? How have you embedded the University’s Equality and Diversity and Sustainability policies? How have you developed over the last year and what effect has that had on what you do and how you do it? REVIEW OF PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – record here courses or training sessions attended, whether around work skills or more general self-development courses, conferences, presentations, volunteering and other continuous professional development activities. 2. Development activity What did you learn from this? Endorsed by the Human Resources Committee 16 March 2012 How have you used/will you use this? Page 1 of 5 3. THE YEAR AHEAD – draft for discussion at the appraisal meeting. What do you see as your key targets for achievement for the coming year? This can be around activities attached to your current role or about extending your role or about overcoming any challenges you have identified in part 1. Make a list of up to 10 key activities/tasks/responsibilities and what needs to be achieved by each one. For example: Complete all Health and Safety Assessments within the department by March 2012 or successfully implement a new undergraduate programme to start 2013/14. Use the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) when preparing the objectives. (Consider how you will incorporate the University’s core policy requirements of Health and Safety; Equality and Diversity and Sustainability in relation to the 10 key activities/tasks/responsibilities) Priority Support required to Timescale: Objectives (High, How will I know I’ve been enable me to achieve When will I achieve the Medium, successful? the objective objective? Low) 4. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT NEEDS – draft for discussion at the appraisal meeting. Now that you have completed parts 1-3, you should consider what you need to learn and or what new skills you need to develop to carry out the activities you have listed in item 3. Remember to consider not just the skills you need that are specific to your area of work but also those to do with your own personal and professional development (as indicated in part 2). NB All staff are expected to undertake continuing professional development relevant to their role. What do I need to learn/What development do I need? What will I do to achieve this? What resources or support will I need? Endorsed by the Human Resources Committee 16 March 2012 What will my success criteria be? How will I measure it? Priority (High, Medium, Low) Target dates for review and completion Page 2 of 5 S SECTION B - To be completed by the appraiser after discussion with the staff member 5a. REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE AND ACHIEVEMENT AGAINST INDIVIDUAL AGREED OBJECTIVES Record here the main points of discussion at the appraisal meeting with reference to parts 1and 2 in Section A. This should include identification of particular strengths and areas requiring improvement or development, and the support required. 5b. ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF APPRAISAL OBJECTIVES Using the definitions below, please indicate which category most closely describes the staff member’s performance over the past year: INSERT HERE Highly effective Effective Improvement needed Unsatisfactory Most appraisal objectives met or exceeded. Most appraisal objectives met. One or more appraisal objectives were not met. Most appraisal objectives were not met. Comments: Please comment here on the overall assessment making reference to the discussion of strengths and areas for improvement recorded in 5a. In the case of improvement needed, the appraiser should develop a plan with the appraisee to improve performance, including timelines and monitoring to measure progress. In the case of unsatisfactory performance the appraiser should record here specifically the areas of shortfall, any mitigating circumstances , what discussions about performance and review periods have already taken place and what further actions have been taken or are proposed. NB In cases in which no mitigating circumstances apply an unsatisfactory marking should normally only be given where there have already been specific discussions with the member of staff about their performance, and appropriate support and review periods have been put in place and have been judged as not having produced the necessary improvement. Endorsed by the Human Resources Committee 16 March 2012 Page 3 of 5 6. THE YEAR AHEAD. Identify the key activities, responsibilities and objectives or standards for the next year, indicating target dates where appropriate,(linking to School/Office and University objectives), indicating prioritisation, how the objectives will be measured, support required and target dates. These should be consistent with the requirements of the role, University policy (e.g. Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity and Sustainability) and, for academic staff, should include proposals for Research and Scholarly Activity (RSA). The University places an expectation on academic staff that they will, as a part of their normal duties, undertake RSA and that this will contribute to, and be a special focus of, their continuing academic and professional development. For academic staff the agreed workload allocation for the next academic year should be appended. Objectives 7. Priority (High, Medium, Low) How will the objectives be measured? Support: What support is required to achieve the objectives? Timescale: Target dates for achievement TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT NEEDS Record here what training or professional development is required in order for the staff member to be able to achieve the objectives agreed in part 6. Indicate, where possible, the priority and timescales for the development and the ways in which the development is to be achieved. All staff are expected to undertake continuing professional development relevant to their role. What development is required? What activity will achieve the development? What resources or support is required? Endorsed by the Human Resources Committee 16 March 2012 What will the success criteria be? Priority (High, Medium, Low) Target dates for review and completion Page 4 of 5 8. APPRAISEE COMMENTS Record here any comments arising from the appraisal and not noted elsewhere Please sign to confirm completion of the appraisal Staff Member: Signature: Date: Appraiser: Signature: Date: School/Office: Once completed and signed a copy of the whole form should be sent to the Human Resources Office, Southwood House. Endorsed by the Human Resources Committee 16 March 2012 Page 5 of 5