Research Staff Appraisal Form [DOCX 28.24KB]

Portfolio-led Review
University of Sussex
SCHOOL OF ……………………………
Research Staff Appraisal Review Document
Annual Performance and Achievements
Contract end date (if fixed-term):
This appraisal form should be used to summarise your achievements and development over the past 12 months. In addition it includes a review of your
career and personal development and a plan toward your future programme of work and consideration of the support, resources and skills that would assist
you in meeting your goals and objectives.
You may attach and refer to other supporting evidence for example personal research plans, publication lists, details of awards, grant approval, feedback
from students etc.
The appraisal meeting should comprise a frank, confidential two-way discussion with your appraiser, who in most cases will be your direct line manager. It is
an opportunity to reflect on your work, your role at Sussex and your future. The finalised and agreed version of this appraisal document is for you and your
appraiser and may also be shared with the Head of School. You should keep a copy for your own records. Supporting information and best practice guidance
for research staff Appraisees and Appraisers can be found at:
For more information about the University Appraisal Scheme refer to the scheme guidance: .
Part 1 - Review of Previous Year
For the period from:
A – Review of Last Year’s Work: To be completed by the Appraisee before the meeting
Objectives/Main Areas of Responsibility
Your Achievements/Outputs/Your comments
Please add/amend objectives as appropriate
for your role
What has gone well/not so well and why? What gave you the
most/least satisfaction? What has caused you problems or
difficulties? What was your approximate time commitment on
these tasks (%)?
Appraiser’s comments
Research (e.g. milestones reached, quality of
output, technical skills, time management,
barriers/obstacles to work. You may wish to
attach your Personal Research Plan as
supporting evidence)
Internal Contribution (e.g. grant writing, lab
management, reviewing colleague’s draft
publications, mentoring other researchers,
representation at committees/other admin
responsibilities, equality and diversity)
Publications/Conference Attendance
(publications list may be attached as a separate
document if appropriate)
Teaching and Student Supervision
(U/PG teaching, UG/PG research project
supervision, demonstrating)
Networking and collaboration
External Visibility (e.g. public engagement,
outreach, peer reviewing, research blogs,
impact and knowledge exchange)
Broader contribution (for example to
School/University strategy and wider research
Do you have any comments to make on
your working environment? (e.g.
resources issues, working relationships,
department, organisation, equality and
B – Review of Career and Personal Development: To be completed by the Appraisee before the meeting
Objectives/Main Areas of Responsibility
Your Achievements/Outputs/Your comments
Appraiser’s comments
Please add/amend objectives as appropriate
for your role
Career development (Career planning, CV,
web profile, fellowship/grant applications,
external placements)
Personal development (development
courses, online learning, mentoring etc)
Have you recently updated your CV? Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
Have you recently updated your Sussex Web profile? Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
Have you recently updated your publications on Sussex Research Online? Yes/No (delete as appropriate) If no, please refer to the SRO Guidance
about how to do this:
Part 2 - Plans and objectives for forthcoming year
For the period from:
C – Performance objectives for the forthcoming year: To be completed by the Appraisee before the meeting
These may be amended following discussion at the meeting. You will probably have more than one objective for some areas of your work
Objectives/Main Areas of Responsibility
Each objective should specify opportunities for involvement and tangible
outcomes/outputs, along with estimated time commitments (%). Consider
numerical/quality measure; consider how success will be judged.
Add amend objectives as appropriate for your role
Target Date
Whose help will be required to meet each
objective? Do you need any additional
Research (You may wish to attach your Personal Research Plan as supporting
Internal Contribution
Publications/Conference Attendance
Teaching and Supervision
Networking and collaboration
External Visibility
Broader contribution
D –Outline of career and personal development, aspirations and goals (short, medium and long term) : To be completed
by the Appraisee before the meeting – This section should form an important part of the appraisal discussion. In this section you should consider
your career and development goals both during and beyond your current research contract/project at Sussex. You should consider what your next steps
might be in order to achieve these goals and discuss these with your appraiser during the meeting in order to complete the development plan in Section E.
You may also wish to give an indication of whether your aim would be to remain at Sussex or to develop your career elsewhere upon completion of your
current contract/project and discuss relevant options with your appraiser accordingly.
E – Career and Personal Development Plan – Agreed Actions: To be agreed and completed at the meeting
Development objective(s)
What knowledge or skills do I want/need to
develop? How will I know I have been
Short term
To meet the short-term objectives
relating to your role and your
Medium/Long Term
To meet the changing needs of your
Planned development
How will I do this? What support/resources
can I use?
Target Date
When will I achieve
this? Do I need interim
Part 3 - Signatures and Summary Comments
F - Signatures
Please sign to confirm that you have met to discuss the Appraisee’s development and achievements over the past 12 months and their
performance, career and personal development objectives for the forthcoming year.
G – Summary comments: To be completed by Appraiser and Appraisee after the meeting
Appraiser Comments:
Appraisee Comments: (optional – use space provided to document any points of clarification/respond to appraiser comments following the appraisal