EDUC 1301 Lesson Plans Project


EDUC 1301, Introduction to the Teaching Profession

Lesson Plans Project

Key Assessment

NAEYC Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning a. Students know and understand young child ren’s characteristics and needs c. Students use developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments

NAEYC Standard 4: Teaching and Learning b. Students use developmentally effective approaches d. Students build meaningful curriculum

NAEYC Standard 5: Becoming a Professional

c. Students engage in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice.

NAEYC Supportive Skills

Supportive Skill 2 : Mastering and applying foundational concepts from general education.

Supportive Skill 3: Students possess strong skills in written and verbal communication. Students possess strong technological literacy.

Project Instructions:

Write 3 separate lesson plans that each covers a one-hour class period. For each lesson plan, type the Lesson Plans Template , below, on a separate page. Use the information from your course textbook and Ch. 4, First Class Teacher , as a guide. Using teacher resource books and Internet sites, including

is also permitted for help and ideas. You may use individual activities that you find, but you may not use or copy an entire lesson plan that you find in other sources. Write one lesson plan for EACH of the following:

1. A literature or reading skill lesson for the age group you have chosen. Include an accommodation to meet the needs of students with reading disabilities.

2. A math lesson for the age group you have chosen. Include an accommodation to meet the needs of gifted students.

3. A lesson of your choice for the age group you have chosen. Include an accommodation to meet the needs of a child with limited intellectual ability (Down’s Syndrome, autism, etc.)

In the Learning Objectives section, include ONE major objective, and any skills that students may demonstrate throughout the lesson, such as working successfully in cooperative groups, orally presenting a project to the class, etc. Be sure each objective is measurable. Refer to your text and First Class

Teacher for help writing these. Write the Learning Objectives in list form, NOT a paragraph.

In the Materials section, include ALL materials that will be used by the teacher AND students in list form.

In the Lessons section, write step-by-step Lesson instructions that tell exactly what the teacher will do to teach the major objective of the Lesson as a whole class or in small groups. Make the Lesson only about teaching the major objective. Make the Lesson cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically age appropriate. Actively involve all students in the Lesson. Differentiate the Lesson to appeal to diverse learning styles and to meet the needs of exceptional learners (learning disabled, gifted, limited intellectual ability, etc.)

In the Application Activity section, write step-by-step Application Activity instructions that tell exactly what the students will do to practice the major objective independently or in small groups. Make the Application Activity only about practicing the major objective. Make the Application Activity cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically age appropriate. Actively involve all students in the Application Activity. Differentiate the Lesson to appeal to diverse learning styles and to meet the needs of exceptional learners (learning disabled, gifted, limited intellectual ability, etc.)

In the Follow-up/Homework section, write step-by-step Follow-up/Homework instructions that tell exactly what the students will do to practice the major objective independently or in small groups. Make the Follow-up/Homework cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically age appropriate. Actively involve all students in the Follow-up/Homework. Differentiate the Lesson to appeal to diverse learning styles and to meet the needs of exceptional learners (learning disabled, gifted, limited intellectual ability, etc.)

Provide full documentation such as author, website, and title of where each activity came from at the bottom of your lesson plan using APA format.

Lesson Plans Template

Major Concept Grade/Age

Learning Objectives


2. etc.





Application Activity


Resources Used to Create this Lesson (in APA format)

EDUC 1301 Lesson Plans Project Assessment Rubric

Student Name:

Standards Meets or Exceeds All Expectations

1. a. Students know and understand young children’s characteristics and needs.

1. c. Students use developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments.

Each of the lesson plans is appropriate for the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development of the specified age group. (6-8 pts.)

Student’s lesson plans require active participation of every student in all parts of the plans. (6-8 pts.)

Student’s Lessons, Application Activities, and Follow-up/Homework are differentiated to appeal to diverse learning styles and to meet the needs of exceptional learners. (6-8 pts.)

4. b. Students know, understand, and use effective approaches, strategies, and tools for early education.

4. d. Students design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum to promote positive outcomes.

5.c. Students engage in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice.

Each of the student’s lesson plans focus only on one major objective; all objectives are measureable. (6-8 pts.)

Student’s Application Activities require the learner to practice each lesson’s skills based on the major objective.

(6-8 pts.)

Student’s Follow-up/Homework activities require the learner to practice each lesson’s skills based on the major objective. (6-8 pts.)

Student’s lesson plan activities accommodate children with exceptionalities. (6-8 pts.)

Student wrote lesson plans that include step by step instructions telling exactly what the teacher and students will be doing during each part of the lesson; lesson plans are clearly written and could be easily followed by a fellow teacher or substitute. (6-8 pts.)

Student clearly identifies and uses credible professional, Internet, and library research; sources are cited in

APA style. (7 pts.)

Supportive Skills

Supportive Skill 2:

Applying foundational concepts from general education

Supportive Skill 3:

Strong skills in written and verbal communication

(punctuation, capitalization, grammar, spelling).

Professor Comments:

Meets or Exceeds All Expectations

Student wrote a reading/literature lesson plan, a math lesson plan, and a lesson plan on a subject of choice. (16 pts.)

Student has few to no English mechanics errors. (6 pts.)

Student has used the lesson plan template as described in instructions; all parts are included. (7 pts.)

Levels of Mastery

Meets Most Expectations

Each of the lesson plans is somewhat appropriate for the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development of the specified age group. (5 pts.)

Student’s lesson plans mostly require active participation of every student in all parts of the plans. (5 pts.)


Meets Few or No Expectations

Each of the lesson plans is rarely or not at all appropriate for the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development of the specified age group.

(0-4 pts.)

Student’s lesson plans rarely or never require active participation of every student in all parts of the plans.

(0-4 pts.)

Student’s Lessons, Application Activities, and Follow-up/Homework are rarely or never differentiated to appeal to diverse learning styles and to meet the needs of exceptional learners. (0-4 pts.)




Student’s Lessons, Application

Activities, and Follow-up/Homework are somewhat differentiated to appeal to diverse learning styles and to meet the needs of exceptional learners.

(5 pts.)

Each of the student’s lesson plans mostly focus only on one major objective each; some objectives are measureable. (5 pts.)

Student’s Application Activities mostly require the learner to practice each lesson’s skills based on the major objective. (5 pts.)

Student’s Follow-up/Homework activities mostly require the learner to practice each lesson’s skills based on the major objective. (5 pts.)

Student’s lesson plan activities somewhat accommodate children with exceptionalities. (5 pts.)

Student wrote lesson plans that include some step by step instructions telling exactly what the teacher and students will be doing during each part of the lesson; lesson plans are somewhat clearly written for a fellow teacher or substitute to follow. (5 pts.)

Student clearly identifies and uses credible professional, Internet, and library research; sources not cited in

APA style. (4 pts.)

Meets Most Expectations

Student wrote two of the required plans. The other plan is missing.

(8 pts.)

Student’s lesson plans rarely or never focus only on one major objective each and/or objectives are not measureable.

(0-4 pts.)

Student’s Application Activities rarely or never requires the learner to practice each lesson’s skills based on the major objective. (0-4 pts.)

Student’s Follow-up/Homework activities rarely or never require the learner to practice each lesson’s skills based on major objective. (0-4 pts.)

Student’s lesson plan activities rarely or do not at all accommodate children with exceptionalities. (0-4 pts.)

Student wrote lesson plans that rarely or do not at all include step by step instructions telling exactly what the teacher and students will be doing during each part of the lesson; lesson plans are not clearly written for a fellow teacher or substitute to follow. (0-4 pts.)

Student does not identify and/or use credible professional, Internet, and library research sources. (0-3 pts.)

Meets Few or No Expectations

Student wrote one of the required plans.

The other plans are missing. (4 pts.)

Student Self-


Student has less than 7 English mechanics errors. (4 pts.)

Student has used the lesson plan template as described in instructions; some parts are missing. (4-5 pts.)

Student has more than 7 errors in

English mechanics. (0-3 pts.)

Student has not used the lesson plan template as described in instructions.

(0-3 pts.)

TOTAL (100 Points Possible):




