THE BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC THEATRE CLUB BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC DRAMA FESTIVAL 2016 Week ending the 24th September 2016 (including Saturday matinee) Pre - Application Form If you are interested in taking part in the festival in 2016, please complete this form and forward it to the festival secretary: Name of company: ……...……………….…………………………………………………………….. Contact name: …………...………………………………………….................................................. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Post code: ……………………….. Email address: ……………….…………………………………………………………………………. Phone number: ………………………….....…………………………………………………………… You will receive a full entry form by the end of March, which should be returned by the end of May. Please find below a copy of the festival rules, marking scheme and a list of awards. THE BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC THEATRE CLUB BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC DRAMA FESTIVAL RULES 1. Each company must consist wholly of members of a bona fide amateur society or school drama club. Full time performing arts students who enter as a group will only be accepted on a non-competitive basis. Musicals (as opposed to a play with a little music) are not allowed. 2. Each entry must be at least 20 minutes in length, but may not exceed 55 minutes duration for a complete play or 45 minutes if an extract only, including the time spent in changing a scene during the course of the performance (but not including the specified times allowed for setting and striking the whole production). Two marks will be deducted for each minute outside these limits. 3. No play may have fewer than 2 speaking parts. 4. An original play is defined as one, which, on the last date for entries, has not been performed before an audience. 5. A copy of the play must accompany each entry (by the closing date for entries) and will be returned after the Festival. 6. Companies are responsible for obtaining permission for the performance of copyright plays and for paying royalties. The licence must reach the Stage Manager not later than the date of the Sunday technical rehearsal. 7. All entrants will be subject to the provisions of the Theatres Act 1968. Entrants are deemed to have full knowledge of the provisions of this Act and the liabilities therein concerning the performance of plays which might be considered by the organisers to be obscene, seditious or libellous or likely to incite racial hatred or a breach of the peace. 8. Each company will be entirely responsible for providing its stage properties and scenery and for ensuring that they are fireproofed and comply with Fire Regulations. 9. All companies must use the curtains provided but may bring additional scenery as it is considered essential to the production. Ordinary flats may not be used instead of curtains as a surround. Complete box sets (ie, completely enclosed sets constructed of flats standing independent of, and unrelated to, the curtain surround and/or cyclorama) are not permissible and will be disqualified. Sound equipment and lighting equipment is provided at the venue and will be available for the technical rehearsal period. 10. Companies must notify the Festival Director if their play requires unusual effects, ie, naked lights, pistol shots, etc. If it is found necessary to place a limit on the proposals with regard to such extra effects, the Festival Director whose decision is final will notify the companies. THE BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC THEATRE CLUB 11. The decision of the Festival Director on all matters relating to the stage in its widest sense shall be final and binding on all companies, but the responsibility of ensuring that the lights are set correctly and that the scenery is correctly set and struck within the allocated time rests with the company concerned. The allocated time is 10 minutes to set and 5 minutes to strike. Two marks will be deducted for each minute in excess of these limits. 12. The use of recorded speech or projection of film or television material is prohibited without the written consent of the Organising Committee. Without such consent, no part of a Festival performance may be recorded, televised or filmed, nor must any mechanical record of the adjudication be made without the permission of the Adjudicator. 13. Any company may enter more than one team, but priority will be given to first entries. If programme space allows, subsequent entries may be accepted. In the case of multiple entries, the preferred choice must be indicated on the entry form. 14. The Organising Committee whose decision is final shall decide any matter not specifically covered by these rules. It must be understood that neither the Organising Committee nor the Brentwood Theatre can be held responsible for any loss or damage to property, or for any injury sustained by members of competing teams during the course of the Festival or the Sunday rehearsal period. 15. Junior Group entries are to provide sufficient supervision of their members upon a ratio of one; five – adult: junior. It must be understood that the Organising Committee can not be held responsible for any inappropriate actions by such members resulting in loss or damage to property, or for any injury sustained by members of competing teams during the course of the Festival or the Sunday rehearsal period. ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Club President - Shealagh White Festival Chairman - Paul Ganney Festival Secretary - Neil Gray Festival Treasurer - Gary Catlin Festival Director - Nicola Stacey Stage Manager - Joanne Gower Marketing - Emily Catlin THE BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC THEATRE CLUB BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC DRAMA FESTIVAL AWARDS Festival Shield Senior winning team Best Actor Senior Best Actress Senior Best Supporting Actor Senior Best Supporting Actress Senior John Scowen Memorial Cup – Best Director Senior/Youth Stage Presentation Senior/Youth Original Play Senior/Youth Costume Senior/Youth Glynne Award – Best Ensemble Spirit of the Festival – Group/Individual Senior/Youth Backstage Award – awarded by backstage team Senior/Youth Michael Dennis Award = Adjudicators Award Senior/Youth Enterprise Award Senior/Youth McCoughlan Trophy Winning Youth Team 9 Medallions of merit Youth individual 1 award for special merit youth individual The Adjudicator will award marks as follows: Stage Presentation Production Acting Enterprise and Dramatic Achievement maximum marks 15 maximum marks 35 maximum marks 40 maximum marks 10 Following the adjudication of the last competing team on Saturday evening, the prizes winners will be announced and awards presented. Youth only awards will be presented at the end of the youth performance session(s) THE BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC THEATRE CLUB The Adjudicator’s decision is final.