HURRICANE CENTRAL Due to an approaching hurricane and possible evacuation, it is absolutely essential that we be able to contact our employees and check on their safety and whereabouts. Therefore, we ask that you please complete the information below. If at any time this information should change, please let your supervisor know so that we can update our records. 1. Employee Name:____________________________________________ 2. Spouse’s/Partner’s Name:____________________________________ 3. Home Phone:_______________________________________________ Employee Cell Phone:_________________________________________ Spouse Cell Phone:___________________________________________ 4. If a Category 2 or bigger storm is approaching in the Gulf of Mexico, how likely are you to evacuate from the area? o o o o Definitely will evacuate Probably will evacuate Not sure Will not evacuate 5. If you do evacuate, where are you most likely to go? City:______________________________________ Contact Name_______________________________ Contact Number at Evacuation Location:______________________________________________ Date:_____________ 1|Page FirstService Residential | Texas