Supplementary Figure Captions: Fig. S1: Precipitation error of CFS


Supplementary Figure Captions:

Fig. S1: Precipitation error of CFS reanalysis (top) and reforecasts and various leads validating during SON, DJF and MAM 1982-2009. Errors are relative to GPCP over ocean and the CPC Unified analysis over land. Units are mm d -1 .

Fig. S2: As in Fig. 2 for volumetric soil moisture (10-40cm layer) forecast errors relative to CFS reanalysis.

Fig. S3: Ratio of the variance across all forecast leads validating in the indicated months, averaged across the three months, to the interannual variance from the

CFS reanalysis. The ratio is expressed as a percentage for each of the variables labeled.

Fig. S4: Discrete rank probability skill score for monthly precipitation forecasts, based on terciles of equal population during 1982-2008, averaged for September,

October and November. The lead-time for the forecasts is shown in the lower left of each panel, and the data used to establish the boundaries of the terciles is shown to the right, including lead-time in the case of model forecasts.

Fig. S5: As in Fig. S4 for December, January and February.

Fig. S6: As in Fig. S4 for March, April and May.

Fig. S7: As in Fig. S4 for layer-2 soil moisture. Note the differences in the forecast lead times and validation terciles from Fig. S4.

Fig. S8: As in Fig. S7 for December, January and February.

Fig. S9: As in Fig. S7 for March, April and May.

Fig. S10: As in Fig. S4 for runoff.

Fig. S11: As in Fig. S10 for December, January and February.

Fig. S12: As in Fig. S10 for March, April and May.

Fig. S1: Precipitation error of CFS reanalysis (top) and reforecasts and various leads validating during SON, DJF and MAM 1982-2009. Errors are relative to GPCP over ocean and the CPC Unified analysis over land. Units are mm d -1 .

Fig. S2: As in Fig. 2 for volumetric soil moisture (10-40cm layer) forecast errors relative to CFS reanalysis.

Fig. S3: Ratio of the variance across all forecast leads validating in the indicated months, averaged across the three months, to the interannual variance from the

CFS reanalysis. The ratio is expressed as a percentage for each of the variables labeled.

Fig. S4: Discrete rank probability skill score for monthly precipitation forecasts, based on terciles of equal population during 1982-2008, averaged for September,

October and November. The lead-time for the forecasts is shown in the lower left of each panel, and the data used to establish the boundaries of the terciles is shown to the right, including lead-time in the case of model forecasts.

Fig. S5: As in Fig. S4 for December, January and February.

Fig. S6: As in Fig. S4 for March, April and May.

Fig. S7: As in Fig. S4 for layer-2 soil moisture. Note the differences in the forecast lead times and validation terciles from Fig. S4.

Fig. S8: As in Fig. S7 for December, January and February.

Fig. S9: As in Fig. S7 for March, April and May.

Fig. S10: As in Fig. S4 for runoff.

Fig. S11: As in Fig. S10 for December, January and February.

Fig. S12: As in Fig. S10 for March, April and May.
