APPLICATION FOR SHIP REPAIRERS' LEGAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Please answer all questions using block capitals 1. Name and address of applicant: 2. Address(es) of ship repair yard(s): 3. Number of years in ship repair business under present management: 4. Number of employees: 5. Please attach brief information about the number of years' ship repairing experience of principals (a) Full Time (b) Part Time and senior operation personnel. 1 6. Percentage of annual ship repairing gross receipts generated by repair of vessels with hulls made of: (a) Steel: % (b) Wood: % (c) Others specify hull material: 7. % Type of work performed: Hull (non - "Hot Work") % Engine % Welding/burning/"Hot Work" % Boiler % Painting/Scraping/Sandblastin % Electrical % g Other: 8. % Do you do ship conversion/reconstruction work? YES NO If “Yes”, what percentage of annual ship repairing gross receipts does this account for? 9. % Please advise the following information for each type of vessel worked on: Type of Vessel No of Vessels Average / % of annual GR worked on Maximum Vessel generated by work Value * on each Vessel Type % % % 2 * Put down length and G.R.T. if values not known. 10. Number of Vessels in yard at any one time: Yard Location Average No. Vessels in Yard Maximum No.Vessels Yard can Accommodate 11. Are any vessels repaired under cover of a repair shed or other shelter? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO If "Yes", what is the published fire and E.C. rate? 12. Do you employ, or subcontract in, divers to do work underwater? If “Yes”, how often? 13. Do you ever do work on navy vessels involving the firing or testing of weapons systems? 14. Does your work ever involve lifting and/or moving vessels using cranes, hoists etc.? If “Yes”, please advise: (a) How many times a year? (b) Lifting capacity of each crane? 3 15. (a) Are gas-freeing operations performed at your yard(s)? YES NO (b) If "yes", do your own employees or outsiders perform gas-freeing YES NO YES NO certification work? (c) If outsiders do gas freeing, do you have any contractual liabilities related thereto? (d) If your own employees do gas freeing work, please attach a list of their names, professional qualifications and experience. (e) 16. How many gas freeings are done annually? Within how many kilometres of the yard are following operations performed? (a) Vessel Tests/Trials: (b) Vessel movements in connection with repair kilometres. operations. (Such as from one repair pier to another): (c) kilometres. Describe the extent of any assumed contractual liabilities arising out of vessel movements, tests or trials: 17. (a) Describe the nature of any repairs carried out away from the yard: 4 (b) Describe the extent of any assumed contractual liabilities arising out of vessel movements, tests or trials: (c) What percentage of your total annual ship repairing gross receipts does this account for? 18. % Do you do any work on vessels that is not repair, reconstruction or conversion work? YES NO If "Yes", describe the nature of such work, and note the value of gross receipts it generates: 19. (a) How close is the nearest Public Fire Department Station? kilometres. (b) Is Public Fire Department paid, or volunteer? (c) Please note the number of fire hydrants and their proximity to your yard: (d) Describe fully all private fire protection facilities available, including number of hand-held fire extinguishers and the nature of any sprinkler system: 5 20. 21. (a) Is yard fenced? YES (b) Describe nature of security measures, including watchmen: NO Please enclose copies of any property and/or liability insurance surveys done at your yard within the past 18 months, plus diagrams or maps of the yard lay out. 22. Please enclose a copy of your standard contract terms, and any contracts extending your contractual liabilities beyond the terms of your standard contract. 23. Please note what percentage of your total ship repairing gross receipts from work: (a) Sub-contracted in % (b) Sub-contracted out % Please provide full copies of all sub-contracts entered into. 24. Please provide details of your annual gross receipts for the last 7 years: Year Annual Gross Receipts 6 25. Estimated gross receipts for the next 12 months: 26. Please provide details of all ship repairing losses, insured or not, for the last 7 years: Date of Loss Amount of Loss* Status of Loss (i.e. Brief description of circumstances before application if paid or reserved surrounding Loss of any deductible 27. Limit of liability insurance required: 28. Current insurer: 29. Current insurance broker: 30. Has any insurer ever cancelled or refused to renew your insurance? YES NO If “Yes”, please explain: 7 31. When does your current insurance expire? I understand that the above information and supplemental information enclosed, which is correct to the best of my knowledge, is to be the basis of insurance if a policy is issued, but does not obligate me to accept the insurance nor oblige the insurer to effect insurance on the risk. Signature of applicant: Title: Date: Name and address of insurance broker / agent: CONTACT DETAILS: Tri – Marine Acceptances (Pty) Ltd 67 Dreyersdal Road, Bergvliet 7945 P.O Box 347, Plumstead, 7801 Tel No: (021) 7131910 Fax No :(021) 7131910 Cell No: 083 309 3334 – Ian Smith 8 Email Address: Company Registration No: 2012/089555/07 Juristic Representative of Infiniti Insurance Ltd. FSP 35914 9