הכנת שמן זית בגן "ארגמן" עכו - The Jewish Agency for Israel

"‫הכנת שמן זית וארכיאולוגיה בגן "ארגמן‬
Preparing olive oil and Archeology at
“Argaman” kindergarten in Akko
‫ נטלי גוריבודסקי‬:‫שם הגננת‬
‫ גאולה שמעוני‬: ‫שם הסייעת‬
The teacher: Natali Goribodsky
The Assistant: Geula Shimoni
‫כל ילד קיבל זיתים בצלחת‬
‫בעזרת האבן נמעכו‬
‫הזיתים והופק השמן‬
Every child got a plate
with olives and a
When the olives were
smashed by the stone,
the oil came out
….."‫"תראו כמה שמן הצלחנו להפיק‬
“Look how much oil we succeeded to
….‫השמן הפך לצבע ליצירה‬
The oil became a color for art
work …
Pps edit by Efrat
We finished our activity with baking Pita
with topping of olive oil and Zaatar
It was yummy!
Archeological digging in our class
In an old jewelry box, in our dolls corner
the children found an old letter from
Mathitiahu. He wrote to us that in our yard
there should be a very old and important
object and he gave some clues as for
finding it
The children found the Menorah
after digging very carefully in our
What a miracle! we found in the class’s yard a gold and old
object and we checked how the people had used it in the past
and maybe we will use it in the coming holiday
The teacher gave the children
brushes and digging tools
“The letter that we found
was real as we really
found in our yard old
jars and on one of them
we found the next clue”
The children glue al
the parts of the
pottery that they
found in the class’s
Pps edit by Efrat Srebro