Technology and Operations Management

Technology and Operations Management
Completed and Ongoing Studies
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef conducted experiments in the Veconlab of the Economics Department at
the University of Virginia with over 200 subjects for her papers on identity and parochialism
with Jonah-Schulhofer Wohl. This research project was financed by the AHSS Research Support
Spring 2014 and the Quantitative Collaborative Seed Grant.
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef conducted experiments with over 300 subjects in the Veconlab of the
Economics Department at the University of Virginia for her paper “Leadership Styles and FreeRiding: An Experimental Investigation” with Charlie Holt and Melissa Thomas-Hunt.
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef and Robert Donze conducted experiments with 45 subjects for their
paper “A risky prediction: The effect of risk aversion on prediction market accuracy”.
Graciela Kuechle, Béatrice Boulu-Reshef and Sean Carr conducted experiments for their paper
"Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Decision-Making: Prediction and Control Strategies".
Tim Kraft, Leon Valdes and Karen Zheng conducted experiments at MIT and at the
Veconlab of the Economics Department at the University of Virginia with over 200
subjects for their paper “Measuring Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay for Socially
Responsible Products: The Roles of Information Precision and Reciprocity”.
Published and Forthcoming Articles
Anton S. Ovchinnikov, Béatrice Boulu-Reshef and Phillip E. Pfeifer (2014). "Balancing
Acquisition and Retention Spending for Firms with Limited Capacity", Management Science,
Published online in Articles in Advance.
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef (2013). "Economics of the Firm and Economics of Identity: Why
and How their Main Questions Overlap", Journal of Institutional Economics, 9(3): 363379.
Raul Chao, K. Lichtendahl and Y. Grushka-Cockayne. (2013). “Incentives in a Stage-Gate
Process," Darden School of Business working paper, in Production and Operations
Raul Chao and Kavadias, S. (2013). "R&D Intensity and the New Product Development
Portfolio," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat and Raul Chao (2013). “Tolerance for Failure and Incentives
for Collaborative Innovation”, Production and Operations Management.
Kraft T., F. Erhun, R. Carlson, D Rafinejad (2013). “Replacement Decisions for Potentially
Hazardous Substances.” Production and Operations Management (POM). This is for a
special issue on new product development, innovation and sustainability, 22(4): 958–
Raz G., Druehl C., and Doctori-Blass, V. (2013). “Design for the Environment – Life Cycle
Approach Using a Newsvendor Model.” Production and Operations Management, 22
(4), 940-957.
Other research publications
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef (2013). Book review of Individuals and Identity in Economics. By
John B. Davis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011, Review of Social
Economy, 71(4): 543-546.
BRAD Lab Newsletter │ 2013-2014 | Darden School of Business