LEONARD MIZEREK, Fellow-ASMA, NEWS, ISMP, CWS Artist in Residence, Museum -Yvonne-Jean Haffen, France, Jun 06 Shaw Gallery One Man Show, February 2007 Admiralty Gallery One Man Show, November 2006 New England Plein Air Painters Annual Exhibition Lyme, CT Sep 06 ISMP Ventura County Maritime Museum, CA Feb, 06 ASMA Cold Spring Harbor Museum NY April, 06 Marine Paintings Exhibition, Newman Galleries, July 05, May 06 Two Artist Show, JM Stringer Gallery, NJ May 05, May, 06 Two Artist Show, Admiralty Gallery, FL Jan. 05 Guild of Boston Artists 90th Anniversary Exhibit, Oct. 04 Modern Marine Masters Exhibition, Mystic, CT’95 thru 2006 Guild of Boston Artists Annual Members Exhibit, April 04, 05, 06 Mystic International, Mystic, CT 1988-20056 Coos Bay Museum of Fine Art, July 04, 06 Cape Museum of Fine Art, July 04 Vero Beach Museum of Art ASMA 13th Natl. Exhibition, Apr. 04 Harvard Club of Boston Exhibition, April 04 ASMA Exhibition, Cape Museum of Fine Arts, June – Aug. 04 Guild of Boston Artists New Member Exhibit, Mar. 04 Featured Artist show, JM Stringer Gallery, NJ July 03, Aug. 04 One Man Show- Shaw Gallery, Naples, FL, Jan. 04 The Everlasting Sea: Marine Artist Past &Present- 23 artists Invitational, Newport Museum of Art, RI, Maine Maritime Museum, Bath, ME, CT River Museum, Essex, CT ‘03-‘04 Artist of the Month, Artist’s Magazine Web site, 2003 Connecticut River Museum Exhibition, Essex, CT 2002 Two Artist Show- JM Stringer Gallery, Bernardsville, NJ-02 ASMA 12th National Exhibition, Cape Museum of Fine Arts, MA ASMA 12th National Delaware Art Museum, Riverfront Arts Center Museum, Wilmington, DE- 2001 Wet Paint 2000-2005, Mystic Seaport Gallery, Msystic, CT Forbes Museum Invitational, New York City,2000 One Man Show-March 2000- Helwing Fine Art, Naples, FL Featured Artist-March’00, French Ports*- Admiralty Gallery, FL One Man Show-99- Admiralty Gallery, Vero Beach, FL Small Treasures Show-99-Debruyne Gallery, Naples, FL Galerie Jean de Chatillon, St. Malo, France 98 Two Man Show -98- Schaff Gallery, Cincinnati, OH Aubrey’s World-Seaman’s Institute, South St. Seaport, NYC Featured Artist -98-Annapolis Marine Art Gallery, MD Marine D’Autrefois, Paris, France 97 One Man Show -97-Thames Gallery, Newport, RI ASMA- Frye Museum, Seattle, WA-Cummer Museum, FL/97 New England Watercolor Society Natl. Exhibition /95/98/99 ASMA - San Diego Maritime Museum, San Diego, CA /95 ASMA- National, Mystic Seaport Museum 1992 Int’l Society of Marine Painters Annual 1991-2002 National Academy of Design Annual Exhibition 92/94 Realism 97, Parkersburg, VA US Naval Academy Museum, 95, Annapolis, MD U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY Operation Sail, Tall Ships Exhibition, Boston, MA Norwalk Maritime Museum, Norwalk, CT- 4 Artist Show Museum of Arts and Science, Bridgeport, CT Stamford Museum, Stamford, CT University of Delaware Exhibition, Newark, DE Virginia Museum, Local Exhibition, Richmond, VA Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford, PA EDUCATION Art Student’s League, New York, NY Delaware Art Center, Wilmington, DE Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA /BFA National Academy of Design, New York, NY AWARDS Solidor en Peinture Competition – Finalist 06 France Couleurs de Bretagne – Finalist 06 France Coos Bay Museum- Merit Award 06 Sea Heritage Marine Art Exhibition, New York/ First Place Artitudes International Competition / Certificate of Excellence Delaware Art Center Scholarship Award, Wilmington, DE One of 16 Artists selected to paint at the Forbes Ranch, CO -99 Artist’s Magazine 95 , 97, 2000, 02 Competition Finalist Virginia Commonwealth University, Graduate Art Award Northeast Watercolor Society / Napa Honor Award GALLERY AFFILIATIONS The Admiralty Gallery, Vero Beach, FL Edgartown Art Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Hampton Road Gallery, South Hampton, NY Mystic Maritime Gallery, Mystic, CT Newman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA J. Russell Jinishian Gallery, Southport, CT Shaw Gallery, Naples, FL J.M. Stringer Gallery, Bernardsville, NJ J. Todd Galleries, Wellesley, MA Susan Powell Fine Art Gallery, Madison, CT Quidley & Co., Nantucket, MA MEMBERSHIP The Guild of Boston Artists, Elected Artist Member American Society of Marine Artists, Fellow, Board Member New England Plein Air Painters, Artist Member International Society of Marine Painters, Artist Member Lyme Art Association New England Watercolor Society, Signature Artist Member NorthEast Watercolor Society, Signature Artist Member Connecticut Watercolor Society, Signature Artist Member COLLECTIONS Griswold Collection Forbes Permanent Collection Bell Helicopter American Yacht Club Collection Tauck Tours Lexmark International Deloitte Touche Vanderbilt Home Furnishings, Inc. FedEx Forge Oaks Thoroughbred Stables Berwind Collection Museum Yvonne-Jean Haffen , France PUBLICATIONS Cover - Mystic Maritime Gallery 25th Exhibition Catalog, 2004 ASMA Newsletter, Fall Edition 2004 Sea History Magazine, Autumn 2004 Bound for Blue Water, Greenwich Workshop Press, 2003 Sea History Magazine, Autumn 2002 Arts & Antiques Magazine, November 2001 American Artist Magazine, Cover August 2001-contest 2002 Marine Art Quarterly Magazine, Winter 2001 Maine Boats & Harbors Magazine, May 2001 Watercolors in a Weekend David Charles Ltd, England, 2000 Watercolor Magazine Spring 2000 A Gallery of Marine Art, 1999, Rockport Publishers Painting Ships, Shores, and the Sea ,1998, Northlight Books The Best of Colored Pencil- III, 1996 by Rockport Publishers Making Your Watercolors More Professional, ‘95 North Light Splash 3, 1994 Ideas & Inspirations