
Cornell Notes Paper
Topic: Classifying Matter
Date: 10/15/14
Source: ItC, 1.2, 8-13
Main Topics
Detailed Notes
What is matter made of?
 KEY CONCEPT – all matter in the universe is made of
more than 100 different elements.
 Element – a substance that cannot be broken down into
any other substances by chemical or physical means.
o Represented by one or two letter symbols:
 C = carbon
 O = oxygen
 Ca = calcium
 Atom - basic particle from which all elements are made
o has a positively charged center (nucleus)
containing smaller particles
o surrounded by a "cloud" of negative charge
 Molecules – a group of two or more atoms held
together by chemical bonds
o chemical bond – force of attraction between two
 Compound – substance made of two or more elements
combined in a set ratio
 chemical formula – shows the elements in a compound
and the ratio of atoms (H2O)
o a different number of atoms in a formula
represents a different compound (CO is not the
same as CO2 - carbon monoxide versus carbon
o no number after the element means there is only
one atom of an element in the compound
 *** When elements combine chemically they form
compounds with properties different from those of the
Cornell Notes Paper
Topic: Classifying Matter
Main Topics
What are two types of
Separating mixtures
Date: 10/15/14
Source: ItC, 1.2, 8-13
Detailed Notes
 Mixture – two or more substances that are together in
the same place but there atoms are not chemically
bonded. Different than a compound.
o Each substance is a mixture keeps its own
o parts of the mixture are not combined in a set
 heterogeneous – can see the different parts and they
can be easily separated out. Ex - sand, salad, pizza
 homogeneous – substances are so evenly mixed that
you can't see the different parts. Different parts
difficult to separate. Ex - air, honey, soy sauce
 Since substances in mixtures keep their properties, they
can be separated.
o filtration – separated by using a filter
o distillation – liquids are heated until one liquid
boils into a gas – gas cools forming a separate
o magnetic attraction – iron can be separated using
a magnet
o evaporation – liquid solutions can change to gas
leaving solid parts behind
Cornell Notes Paper
Main Topics
Detailed Notes