Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 8 October 2014 at
Carlisle Rugby Club, Warwick Road, Carlisle.
Present: (= 12.0% of the total membership (compared to 12.4% attendance in 2013))
Dave Archbold (chair), Keith Bickley, Howard Cain, Kevin Crawley, Graeme Currie, Alex
Forbes, Adam Green, Phil Hind, Brian Hinvest, Chris Irving, Colin Jaggard, Paul King, Bob
McLean, Mike Patrickson, Peter Priestley, David Rawle, Andy Shaddock, Mark Thomlinson,
Anne Tye, Graham Tye, Carol Westmorland, Mike Westmorland, Ali Wilson.
Second claim members in attendance: Nil
Apologies for absence
Ruth Armstrong, Chris Dale, Mike Glaister, Duncan Howlett, Paul Irons, Karen
Jones, Ria Lowrie.
Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 2 October 2013
These were read and accepted as a true and accurate record. It was noted,
however, that the date for the October Reliability Ride had since changed from the
12th to the 26th.
Proposed: Carol Westmorland Seconded: Chris Irving
Matters Arising
Members were aware of the result of the clothing referendum which had been
posted on the Club Website. Howard Cain informed that meeting that he had
samples from the new supplier, and these would be made available at the close
of the meeting for examination and testing.
Committee Reports
Chairperson – Dave Archbold welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a
brief overview of events and activities from the season, with Club membership
again reaching almost 200. He gave thanks to all the timekeepers, organisers and
helpers and participants. He indicated that he was stepping down as Chair at the
meeting and thanked the Committee for their support over his years in post. He
thanked Mike Westmorland in particular and Andy Shaddock, who was also
stepping down from the role as Secretary. He also thanked Peter Priestley who
was stepping down from his position as Welfare Officer, noting his long time
commitment to the Club and Committee. Dave finally wished the Club good luck in
moving forward into the next phase in its history.
Time Trial Secretary – Paul King delivered a written report, thanking chief
marshals, time keepers and all marshals, both rostered and non-rostered.
27 club events had taken place with a total of 888 riders (average of 33 per
event) which was slightly lower than in 2013 (952). Two new courses had been
used (A6 10 miler and Greystoke Forest short course) with both proving very
popular. The Club 50 had also been reinstated, attracting a field of 15 riders.
The 10 Open events had attracted an average of 47.5 riders per event. The
Lazonby '20' had been a new event and had been well received.
Paul then thanked all the 2014 event organisers (Lee Foster, Graham Putnam,
Richard Bickley, Mark Thomlinson, Paul King, Mike Westmorland, Rob Dixon, Kevin
Gibbons, Dougi Hall and Keith Bickley). Paul noted that Rob and Kevin were
stepping aside for next season and he thanked them for their support over all the
events they had organised.
2015 Events: The dates of events for 2015 were circulated, having been
recently agreed with the District (see below for details).
Road Race Secretary – Andy Shaddock read out a written report on behalf of
Mike Glaister, who offered his apologies for the meeting.
Mike's report started with the early season Reliability Ride, which had taken place
in appalling conditions. Around 20 riders started the event with even fewer
finishing the full circuit. The same route was planned for the October ride and,
with Mike unable to attend that date, he thanked those who had agreed to cover
in his absence.
Mike then gave an overview of the Hadrian's Wall 2-Day Stage Race which, once
again, had proved extremely popular. Members had turned out in force to support
and a special mention was given to Chris Spedding who had worked tirelessly over
the two days as well as before and afterwards. Fewer Club riders had taken part
in the actual racing and Mike made special reference to Alex Foster and Alex
Forbes, with the younger Alex winning on the Castle Carrock circuit and placing
second overall.
Zoe Forbes had again promoted the Calthwaite Road Race (despite being now
resident in South Yorkshire) which was a resounding success, with a full field of
riders. Chris Spedding had facilitated the CDNW Lazonby event, which also had a
good turnout of members to marshal.
Mike reflected on the CDNW and that fact that a recent EGM had been held to
resolve some issues for the future. Mike was still unaware of the outcomes of that
meeting but sought any volunteers willing to help promote the Carlisle CDNW
events in 2015, with both Chris Spedding and himself no longer volunteering.
Fewer members of the Club had raced during 2014, although there had been
some tremendous performances from those that had, especially Ellis Kirkbride and
Alex Foster. Alex had been asked to guest ride for a Belgium team at the end of
the season.
Mike provided a brief overview of the Accredited Marshal Course and the fact that
the Club's Accredited Marshals had been used in the Cathwaite Road Race for the
first time. He finished his report by thanking Northern Security for their
sponsorship of the Hadrian's Wall event and all the members who helped make
the BCW road races the success that they are, and the envy of many clubs.
Border City Juniors – Duncan Howlett had provided the following written report.
Unfortunately, Andy Shaddock had not been able to access it in time for the
meeting, and so the following details were not provided at the actual AGM.
Go-Ride: Sessions continued on Friday evenings at VOSA with good numbers
all summer. These had finished on 8th August due to Coaches holidays etc.
Track Cluster Sessions: An average of 6 riders had been attending the
sessions every 8 weeks at Manchester Velodrome together with input from
club coaches and volunteers (Duncan Howlett and Stan Brown).
Regional School of Racing: Two riders were currently meeting the criteria to
attend for Road Racing.
Racing: Four riders were currently racing.
Clothing: Nothing to report apart from Juniors Kit to remain the current one,
as expressed in Committee Meetings
Coaching: Need more Coaches to attend sessions as short handed. No one has
volunteeree to do a Coaching Course as yet.
Finally, Duncan provided the names of the various trophy winners for 2014 and
thanked all the coaches and volunteers who had helped at the sessions
throughout the year (Lauren Brown, Dave Rawle, Stan Brown and especially Sue
Bouch, who's continued hard work was greatly appreciated).
Grass Track Secretary – Andy Shaddock read out a written report on behalf of
Bob McLean.
An average of 20 riders took part in the 15 nights that the Grass Track sessions
were held on Monday evenings with only one session being cancelled due to poor
weather. Bob was pleased to see an increase in young riders trying out Grass
Track, as it was the cheapest and safest entry level into racing.
Three ‘open’ events had been held in 2014; at Bitts Park, Penrith and Ambleside,
attracting a field of over 40 riders in each event, bucking the national trend.
None of the events could have taken place without the team of helpers who
continue to follow the grass track events. Bob thanked the Monday evening team
of Sue and Ian Bouch, Neil Withington and Penny Kingsland (both coaching if
required), John Holliday, Andy Shaddock (at the Bitts Park event) and all the
Treasurer – the written report and accounts were circulated. In summary Mike
Westmorland reported that the club remained in excellent financial health, with a
net worth of £1,3027 (£1,095 higher than last year). The net worth included
£1,089 of “ring-fenced” Junior Section funds compared to £720 last year.
Therefore, “free” funds were £11,938 compared to £11,212 last year. Current
membership was 191 (2013 = 217), of whom 62 were under the age of 18.
Mike then provided an explanation to the Income and Expenditure Account,
including the position in relation to the Junior Section figures.
Mike then
explained the Balance Sheet which, at a very healthy £13,676, (£394 higher than
Mike then outlined his proposals for the 2015 fees (detailed below).
Election of Officers – The following members were elected to represent the
Border City Wheelers on the Club Committee for the 2015 season.
Vice Chair
General Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Time Trial Secretary
Asst Time Trial
Road Race Secretary
Youth Section Secretary
Officer (Youth Section)
Officer (Youth Section)
Chris Irving
Keith Bickley
Ali Wilson
Colin Jaggard
Mike Westmorland
Paul King
Keith Bickley
Mike Glaister
Not filled
Adam Green
Kevin Crawley
Dave Rawle
Not filled
Mike Westmorland
Paul King
Mike Westmorland
Andy Shaddock
Dave Archbold
Alex Forbes
Colin Jaggard
Mark Thomlinson
Howard Cain
Howard Cain
Bob McLean
Paul King
Andy Shaddock
Anne Tye
Mike Westmorland
Howard Cain
Chris Irving
Chris Irving
Mike Westmorland
Adam Green
Dave Rawle
Club Clothing Secretary
Howard Cain
Membership Secretary
Dave Rawle
Press Secretary
Keith Bickley
Welfare Officer
Not filled
Grass Track Secretary
Bob McLean
A brief discussion followed regarding the vacancies on the Junior Section and
Chris Irving undertook to work with the remaining section to try and recruit
suitable volunteers to maintain the section for the future.
Peter Priestley also provided a brief overview of the role and requirements of the
Club Welfare Officer.
Motions – No motions had been received for consideration.
Appointment of Auditors – it was confirmed that Pete Brear continues to
undertake an independent examination of the accounts.
Confirmation of Membership Fees and Time Trial Entry Fees 2015 – Full
Membership Fees, for to remain unchanged for 2015, if paid by 28 th February.
However, this would rise to £15.00 for adults and £7.50 for over 65’s if paid after
that date. The Club Time Trial Entry Fees would remain the same at £3.00 for
adults and £2.00 for under 16’s and youths for 2015. Riders from visiting Clubs, if
not BCW 2nd Claim, would pay £5.00.
John Glaister Trophy
Three nominations were received – (i) Chris Spedding, for his outstanding
contribution to the running of the Hadrian's Wall 2-Day event, together with
ongoing support to all road race events. ii) Andy Shaddock, for his contribution to
the Club over recent years iii) Richard Abram, for his contribution to the Club at
Time Trial events in his role as timekeeper.
A subsequent ballot voted in favour of Andy Shaddock.
Event Date Fixing
Open Time Trials
Following the CTT North DC date fixing meeting, the programme will be as
Hilly 29
Hilly 22
Hartside Hillclimb
Lee Foster
Graham Putnam
Keith & Richard Bickley
Paul King
Mike Westmorland
Kevin Crawley
Carol Westmorland
Dougi Hall
Keith Bickley
Road Races
Dtes in the calendar for 2015 were still to be confirmed but arrangements still
being considered for, Hadrian 2-Day Event, and Calthwaite.
Grass Track
Sunday 7th June 2015
Bitts Park Carlisle
Reliability Rides
Sunday 8th February and Sunday 11th October 2015 (predicted dates)
Saturday 20th December 2014 at the Sheepmount
Notices for Information
Annual dinner and prize presentation – would be on Friday 7th November
2014 at the Skitby House Hotel, Carlisle. Details were on the website and booking
was through Zoe Forbes.
Christmas Club Run - Paul King confirmed that this year’s event was arranged
for Sunday 14th December 2014, again being a Fancy-Dress, Lottery 2-Up Time
Trial, around one lap of the Castle Carrock Circuit. This would be followed by
refreshments at a local hostelry.
Time Trial Matters – following questions, it was confirmed that a new set of race
numbers were being purchased as well as two new stop watches. Paul King sought
clarity if the existing Chief Marshals were willing to continue and whether any
other volunteers would be willing to join the roster. The same question was asked
in relation to new time keepers. A time trial sub-committee meeting was to be
Mike Westmorland provided an explanation about how points would be awarded to
under 18's next season so they were not disadvantaged in the league
competitions. In essence, they would be awarded maximum points on two
occasions (once in the first half of the season and once in the second half) in any
suitable gap where they had not raced.
This led to a discussion about the lower age limit for marshalling with the
viewpoint raised that 18 years was too high. It was agreed to remit the issue to
the time trial sub-committee to review and resolve.
Kevin Crawley then pointed out that a similar inequality also existed in relation to
marshals rostered for the 2-up (where no points were awarded). It was agreed
that the time trial sub-committee would consider this issue as well.
Harraby Multi-Sports Complex – Andy Shaddock provided a brief overview of
the development on the old NCTC (Harraby School) site, where the City and
County Councils were currently building a multi-sports complex. Despite Border
City Wheelers only becoming involved after the project had started, there was an
ongoing opportunity for a 1km closed circuit cycle track to be included. British
Cycling had met with the Council representatives and stated, due to the level of
funding already committed to the project, that the necessary match-funding was
in place to justify BC paying for the entire track. At the time of the AGM, Andy
stated that positive discussions were still ongoing with a clear desire from the
council officers to try and make this happen. BC had spoken of the money being
available over this and the next financial year.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.58 pm.