minutes- ovgc communication & publicity meeting

* Important note: See the end of these minutes for your name. You have committed
to perform a task listed there!
Meeting date: Feb. 11th, 2008. Meeting began at 6:40 pm.
Attendance: Linda Harmon, Sheri Ann Cate, Deborah Pendrey, Angela Ocone, Marilyn
Node, Alice Asquith, and Elana Daley.
(Mark Whelan has resigned from the committee. Anca Colbert will be missing meetings
for about 12 weeks.)
Minutes – No corrections or additions were submitted by email.
Old Business
Timeline for Publicizing Events - Deborah said there should be two different timelines
for publicizing events; one for smaller size events and another for major events, since
each spans a different time horizon. It is important that the Events Committee share as
quickly as possible the Events Form submitted to them by the committee involved in the
event. We are still waiting on info for the committee presentations. Deborah would like
the Events Committee to complete some additional info on a form we would provide to
them as an addendum to the first form. She will work on this.
Committee Presentations update – Linda said the Events Committee may not have a
copy of the Resource Needs form created by Tim Baird. This will help committees with
reimbursement of expenses associated with the presentations. Two committees have
confirmed presentation dates; Food & Ag and Watershed. Kale will get confirmed dates
from two others; Building & Construction and ? She also reported that the Visitors’
Guide will be publishing a ‘green’ issue. Linda has written an article about the OVGC for
In-Service Feb. 20th – At the last board meeting, Vivian said the chairs are volunteers
and there are too many “top-down” procedures for them to follow. The board decided the
use of Google Groups for posting committee documents and minutes is optional, leaving
it difficult to get the committees’ next meeting dates and activity info. We use this info to
write the Newsletter, the Bulletin and the OVN Green column. Deborah jokingly offered
to join every committee just so we can gain access to this info. We need a solution to this
dilemma. Sheri Ann will create a Google Group for our committee so everyone can try it
out and see how it works.
New Business
Earth Day – OVGC will be co-sponsoring Earth Day with Oak Grove School on April
13th. Each action committee will be allotted a classroom or booth to provide information
to the public. The OVGC Board, Joy from Oak Grove and the Events committee will
meet just before the Executive committee meeting to discuss plans. We need info on this
as soon as possible so we can create promotional press releases etc.
Museum Exhibit – The Ojai Valley Museum has offered to show a 4-month-long exhibit
featuring the OVGC and its committees. It would run from Sept. to January. There was
some confusion as to whether this is for 2008 or 2009. If we can get a big name speaker,
we could possibly have a champagne kick-off reception fund raiser associated with this.
Guidelines for co-sponsorship – Cindy Cantle, who is a non-voting member of the
board, will be drafting some guidelines for co-sponsorship of events and publications.
This will help clarify how and when to work with other groups.
Paper Distribution – The dissemination of paper newsletters, brochures, info marks etc.
was discussed. It was generally agreed that less paper is better, but that some posters with
non-time-dated info about the OVGC should be displayed in key places around the
valley. Locations discussed were the library, Rainbow Bridge, the City of Ojai’s bulletin
board behind the Arcade and the Farmer and the Cook. Marilyn offered to design
something. Linda said she could put it on computer after it was designed. As for info
marks, the committee thought smaller was better. Deborah was concerned that the Waste
Management Committee could not fit all the information on such a small piece of paper.
The committee agreed that info should be positive, and provide suggestions for steps that
can be taken locally to make a difference.
Master Invitation List – Deborah would like to create a master distribution list, to
include all local dignitaries and officials. Sheri Ann also suggested a way for each
committee member to invite 10 people to an event.
Sierra Club Article – Elana agreed to write an article about the OVGC for the Sierra
Club Magazine called ‘Condor Call.’
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Due to the school district board room being heavily booked, the only available night for
our next meeting is Wednesday, March 19th, 2008, 6:30 pm. This means we will be
conducting more business than usual via email and hopefully on our new Google Groups
Deborah –
Marilyn –
Linda –
Elana –
Sheri Ann –
Create publicity timeline for both small and large events.
Create additional info form for Events Committee to
Create a list of places to put up informational posters
about the OVGC.
Join every committee just to get minutes and next
meeting info  (Just joking).
Create the design for a poster about the OVGC.
Put Marilyn’s poster in computer document format.
Write article for Sierra Club Magazine.
Create a Google Group for our committee.
Send Marilyn info for poster.
Get correct dates for museum exhibit.