THE MARY R. NORTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD FOR WOMEN Administered by ASTM, COMMITTEE E04 ON METALLOGRAPHY PURPOSE - Committee E-4 of ASTM is sponsoring a scholarship to encourage women college seniors or first-year graduate students to pursue the study of Physical Metallurgy or Materials Science with emphasis on the relationship of microstructure to material properties. ELIGIBILITY - Student must be registered full-time and must expect to be classified as a senior or firstyear graduate student during that specific academic year. SELECTION CRITERIA - The winner will be chosen based on her interest or potential interest in a career in Physical Metallurgy or Materials Science as evidenced by her application statements and faculty recommendation. AWARD - The award, in the amount of $1000.00, is intended to be used for educational expenses during the current academic year. Selection and notification of the winner will be sent to the student and school on or about January 10th. AWARD SPONSORS - The following companies recognized the value of women in engineering and have provided financial support for the continuation of this scholarship: Allvac, Chaparral Steel, Buehler Ltd., Struers, Clemex, Definitive Imaging, Ford Motor Company, Wyman Gordon Foundation, Nikon, Crown Cork & Seal, Cummins Engine Company, ASM-Carolina Southern Piedmont Chapter and ASM-South Central PA Chapter. APPLICATIONS DUE DECEMBER 15 MARY R. NORTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND STUDENT APPLICATION (Please type or print clearly) 1. NAME DATE OF BIRTH ________________ 2. CURRENT ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Phone - ( 3. PERMANENT ADDRESS ) ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Phone - ( 4. )____________________________________________________ During the current academic year you will you be enrolled as (check one): Senior ____ First year graduate student School and Major _____ _______ Grade Point Average for 2 preceding years for related Metallurgy or Materials Science Courses (include Math, Physics, Metallurgy, Chemistry, Materials Science & Engineering) Total GPA achievable ______ 5. Please attach separately a faculty recommendation. Required faculty recommendation completed by: NAME _____________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PHONE* ( )______________________________________________________________ 6. Attach a separate sheet (one typed page) with a statement reflecting your interest in, and any experience or accomplishments toward, a career in physical metallurgy or materials science. Attach a listing of any honors you have received. 7. Attach a transcript of your grades for the two preceding academic years. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PROVIDED ACCURATE INFORMATION AND THAT I WILL USE THE SCHOLARSHIP TO HELP MEET MY EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR _______________ (Applicant Signature) ______________________________(Date)____________ (Signature of Faculty Recommender)_________________________(Date) ___________ Due on or before December 15th Return To: Margaret P. Willis ALLVAC 2020 Ashcraft Ave. Monroe, NC 28111