Mike retires – Joanne and Jane take the reigns

Shropshire LPC Newsletter, Winter 2013
From our Chairman....
I firstly wish to thank Terry Harte for
Whilst networking is vital, good local two-
steering the LPC through the previous two
way communication is essential. We are in
years, during which I served as Vice-
the process of developing a Contractor
Chairman. The LPC continues to work
Survey, through Survey Monkey, which we
tirelessly to represent local community
hope to circulate shortly. I urge you to
pharmacy during these times of
please feedback to us, as your responses
unprecedented change and financial
are really important and will inform our
uncertainty. As examples, at the local
forward business planning.
level, we have recently presented to
Finally, in the next few months,
Telford & Wrekin Health and Wellbeing
Independent contractors will receive detail
Board representatives and are in
about forthcoming LPC elections. Every
discussion with Shropshire Public Health,
four years, the LPC committee is re-
to ensure pharmacy remains integrated
elected. Whilst CCA places are appointed
within local pathways of care. At Area
centrally, independent representatives are
level, we are part of the Pharmacy Local
nominated and voted on locally. If you
Professional Network and regularly meet
wish to find out more about the process,
with Staffordshire LPC’s to ensure
please contact our Secretary, Lindsey, for
consistent approach to the Area Team,
an informal discussion.
and explore potential joint service
development opportunities. At Regional
level, five West Midlands LPC’s, including
ourselves, met with national PSNC
Executive for a round table discussion of
current contractor issues. And nationally,
we have participated in the recent LPC
LPC Events
Heart AGE
practical training and enrolment onto Heart
Age. Full details will be given on the night but
this is a scheme supported by the Council that
In conjunction with Shropshire’s Public Health
encourages patients to use pharmacy for blood
team we are launching the Heart Age project.
pressure and cholesterol checks. Kit will be
Following an evening on blood pressure
provided to participating pharmacies.
training, we will be having an evening on
cholesterol testing in pharmacy, to include
Watch your e mail for your invitation.
Telford pharmacists are more than welcome to For example, ICE pay £90 for a 4 week quit. NRT
attend for CPD.
*** Tuesday 3rd December, 7pm start,
refreshments 6.30pm, SECC, RSH,
Substance Misuse update Shropshire
We have recently met with the Substance
patches alone will cost £40 over this period. If
gum or spray is added the costs increase.
Nothing will be paid for failed quits. As a result
you will need to ensure at least a 50% success
rate (at a minimum NRT cost of £80) to make
the service financially viable as you have to pay
for all NRT.
Misuse Team (Shrewsbury) and they have
North 51 have via email written to you asking
agreed to arrange a training update for spring
you to become part of their delivery team. If
2014. Details will be confirmed by e mail.
you have not received this please contact
The LPC will shortly be asking you to complete a
questionnaire as to how they can assist you in
meeting your training and communication
needs. Please find time to let the LPC know your
Influenza vaccinations
We are speaking to both Local Authorities about
areas where they cannot meet their flu vacc
ICE will also be contacting you. We endorse the
contract offered by North 51 but are unable to
endorse that contract issued by ICE. Please
consider the contracts carefully.
In Shropshire, all smoking cessation continues to
be provided by Help2Quit and all NRT is
reimbursed whether a quit is achieved or not.
Controlled Drug Destruction
targets. Lynne has requested you tell her if you As you are aware out of date or damaged CDs
are accredited to provide flu vaccs. Please
have to be destroyed in front of an authorised
respond ASAP.
witness. The Area Team now have a CD support
Meanwhile, Telford Local Authority is
signposting its staff to pharmacy in order to get
Smoking Cessation
We have recently written out to all Telford
contractors about the provision of smoking
cessation in Telford & Wrekin. The Local
Authority have contracted North 51 to provide
stop smoking services in pregnancy and ICE to
provide all other services.
Whereas North 51 reimburse the full cost of
officer, Eleanor Carnegie, who can visit your
pharmacy to perform this task. Please contact
her directly at Eleanor.carnegie@nhs.net.
Local Professional Network
Shropshire LPC have been invited to take part in
the LPN, a newly formed body that comprises
pharmacy representatives from the hospitals,
CCGs, Area Team and Pharmaceutical
Committees. Five workstreams have been
chosen to improve practice and patient care:
Professional leadership & workforce; mental
health; Respiratory; Self Care; Pharmacy
NRT and pay a fee per quit, ICE pay a fee which Interface;
includes NRT costs. The LPC were disappointed
at this approach which is highly risky for
Shropshire LPC will be involved in the self care,
mental health and pharmacy interface
(cut out and paste on your noticeboard)
Contact Us
Chair: Nicky Roe
contact via Secretary
Vice Chair: Joanne McMurray
contact via Secretary
Secretary: Lindsey Fairbrother
01785 280238, 07740 582482
Service Development Manager:
Lynne Deavin
7970 069453
Webmaster: Phil Ryan
Contact via Secretary
Treasurer & Rx collection service: Jane Davies,
01952 253190, aranajane.davies@gmail.com