Hart House Committee Secretary Election Process 2015

Process and Protocols
ELIGIBILITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
NOMINATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
CAMPAIGN GUIDELINES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
REPRESENTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
ELECTION PROCESS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS AND TURNOVER ---------------------------------------- 3
DISQUALIFICATION OF A CANDIDATE -------------------------------------------------------- 3
APPEALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
BY-ELECTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
HART HOUSE ELECTION COMMISSION------------------------------------------------------- 4
1. Student Committee Secretary (President) candidates must have previously served as a
voting member on a Hart House Committee.
2. They must also be a University of Toronto student during their proposed tenure of
1. Each nominee must complete a Hart House sanctioned nomination form.
2. Nominations must be submitted within a specified period of time to be accessed and
publicized by Hart House Election Commission. Nominations received after this deadline
will not be considered.
3. Nominations of Committee Secretaries will occur in the Winter semester - precise dates
to be approved by the Board of Stewards.
1. Prospective nominees may not campaign until the Hart House Election commission has
designated them as an official candidate.
2. Each nominee will provide a 150-word statement of their views to the Hart House
Elections Commission. This statement, along with the statements of other successful
candidates, will be posted on the Hart House website and be clearly visible at polling
stations on Election Day.
3. Candidates may spend no more than $100.00 in direct campaign expenses. Candidates
will be required to provide a written report of campaign expenses with attached receipts
no later than 10 days after Election Day.
4. Active campaigning is to end no later than 9pm on the evening before the election is held.
All University of Toronto students who are registered at the time of the election are eligible to
vote. During their respective term of office, a Committee Secretary (President) must:
a. Maintain registered status at the University for at least two semesters of the term of office
b. Not withdraw or be required to withdraw from the University
If either condition mentioned above is not met then the student member must forfeit their tenure
as Committee Secretary (President).
1. At the close of nominations, the Hart House Election Commission will announce
successful candidates via direct email and on the Hart House website.
2. Candidate campaigning and the voting process will occur in the Winter semester precise date to be determined by the Board of Stewards
3. Balloting procedures will ensure that only eligible voters cast a ballot and that anonymity
is guaranteed for the voter.
4. Voters must present a student card to cast a ballot.
5. Each voter is eligible to successfully vote once.
6. If voters require aid or accidentally spoil their ballot before placing it in the ballot box, they
may ask the Polling Staff for assistance.
7. The Hart House Election Commission will be responsible for the counting of ballots.
8. Should Electronic voting be utilized, previous points 3-6 will be satisfied by the use of
University of Toronto-verified voting software – U-Elect (www.voting.utoronto.ca)
9. Candidates may request a recount if the official count indicates that there is a margin of
difference between the candidates of 5 votes or less.
10. In case of a tie vote, the Hart House Election Commission, in conjunction with the two
candidates, will decide the outcome by toss of a coin.
1. The Hart House Election Commission will be responsible for informing all candidates of
the results via direct emails and the Hart House website.
2. The candidate with the highest number of votes will be declared as the successful
3. Successful candidates assume office during an Executive Turnover meeting to be held
before the last day of classes.
1. The Hart House Election Commission may disqualify any candidate who does not comply
with the campaign guidelines.
2. The decision on disqualification is subject to appeal under the election appeals
1. Any candidate is eligible to file a written request for an appeal within 10 working days of
the announcement of the election results.
2. Appeals must provide specific grounds for the appeal, indicating that due process was
not followed, or other breaches of protocol occurred.
3. A Hart House Election Appeal Committee will convene a hearing. The Committee will
consist of the following:
a. One Hart House Senior Administrator
b. Two Non-Committee Student Members on the Board of Stewards
4. Serving Hart House Election Commission members are not eligible to sit on the Hart
House Election Appeal Committee.
The Warden will sit ex-officio and will be non-voting. In the event of a conflict of interest, another
voting member will be selected in consultation with the appellant. Decisions rendered by the
Appeal Committee are final and binding. The appellant will attend the appeal hearing.
1. By-elections will be held in the event that a candidate cannot complete a term of office.
2. By-elections take place strictly within the respective Committee.
3. A by-election will not be held if there is three months or less to serve in the term.
1. To be appointed by the Board of Stewards during the Winter semester.
2. Must consist of:
a. A Chief Returning Officer – must be the chair of the Board of Stewards
b. Two non-returning student members of 2014-15 committees will serve as the
Deputy Returning Officers.
3. The Hart House Election Commission may hire Polling Staff, as needed, to insure the
successful execution of the election process and strict adherence to the election
protocols detailed above.
4. The Hart House Election Commission and all Polling Staff must remain transparent,
accountable and impartial.
5. The Hart House Election Commission is automatically disbanded 10 working days after
Election Day and/or once all appeals have been resolved, which ever shall come later.