INNOVATIVE PARTIAL DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE RELIABILITY OF INSULATION SYSTEMS F. Sciocchetti* (TechImp Srl, Italy), A. Caprara (TechImp Srl, Italy), F. Puletti (TechImp Srl, Italy) G. C. Montanari** (University of Bologna, Italy), A. Cavallini (University of Bologna, Italy) Summary: The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to partial discharge detection and analysis that is able to enhance the effectiveness of asset management based on condition assessment of electrical apparatus and components (i.e. cables, motors, generators, transformers, GIS, AIS, insulators, etc.). Diagnosis of insulation system degradation in-factory quality control, on-site afterinstallation tests, and on-line partial discharge monitoring of electrical apparatus are examples of applications of this methodology. The PD analysis tool described here is based on innovative hardware and software solutions. The broadband PD detector is designed to record a large number of partial discharge waveforms and split the acquired pulse dataset into homogeneous sub-groups, characterized by similar pulse shapes. The different sub-groups result to be associated to different PD sources or noise. Artificial intelligence techniques enable noise rejection and identification of the defects generating PD for each sub-group of data. A localization of the defect is achievable as well and this enhances the effectiveness of the condition based maintenance action. Keywords: Partial discharge - Insulation system Electrical apparatus - Diagnosis - Maintenance Asset management - Risk assessment. 1. INTRODUCTION Condition-based maintenance (CBM) of electrical apparatus can be supported by partial discharges (PD) analysis, as PD can be at the same time cause and effect of electrical insulation degradation. In fact, an abnormal presence of PD may indicate that degradation phenomena are occurring. Likewise, organic insulation systems can be significantly affected by PD, which can become the prevailing degradation phenomenon leading to insulation breakdown. In many cases, an outage caused by breakdown of an electrical apparatus might cause serious technical and financial consequences, as it can happen, e.g., for a power transformer in a transmission line or an oil pump in a refinery. The assessment of the state of the insulation system of such equipment helps in preventing fault occurrence. Service experience on electrical apparatus reveals that deep and critical investigation on PD phenomena is necessary. Sometimes, in fact, failures can occur without any apparent change in PD activity, while other times large PD readings are observed, but they are not associated to incoming breakdown. This can be addressed to an inappropriate way of recording PD, rather than to anomalous behaviour of PD phenomena. Ultimately, misinterpretations of PD records lead to unsatisfactory evaluation of the state of the apparatus or component under investigation. Another problem is that PD detectors that provide the apparent charge and the occurrence phase for each PD event may be not able to sort out noise from PD pulses [1,2]. In fact, voltage correlated disturbances and noise (as corona discharges, arc welders, electronic switch commutation) or uncorrelated noise (as broadcasting signals) can propagate into the measurement circuit and affect the PD readings. A misinterpretation of such phenomena as real PD activity in the object under test can lead to stop incorrectly electrical system operation. Further problems may come from the acquisition band of PD detectors, which may be not suited for the frequency content of discharge pulses so that PD __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * - Techimp Srl, Via Toscana 11/C, 40069, Bologna. - Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40123, Bologna. ** Page 2 of 7 activity may be underestimated or missed. Moreover an overlapping of PD patterns relevant to multiple PD sources can occur. When multiple discharge activities are present, some phenomena can be hidden and not always the prevailing activities are the more harmful. In rotating machines, for instance, surface discharges, not particularly harmful, may hide slot discharges, potentially more dangerous for insulation degradation [3]. As a result, ageing can progress up to breakdown virtually unnoticed. Therefore, in many cases, the operator that has to take the responsibility to interpret what is really happening inside the tested apparatus must base his evaluations on insufficient or misleading PD data. Information about PD phenomena can be increased following an innovative approach, presented here, which is based on the sampling of the complete PD waveform for a large number of PD pulses (not only of peak and phase, as it is done by common PD detectors), the separation of the different contributions and the enhanced processing based on statistical processing of PD data and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques able to provide an automatic identification of the defect generating PD. In the following, besides a brief explanation of the of the innovative PD analysis tool, examples relevant to its application on field to different electrical apparatus are presented. (W). These numbers, defined, e.g., in [4] and proposed in [5] as a tool for PD analysis, are sufficient, in most cases, to put in evidence differences between noise and PD pulses, as well as between pulses due to different PD sources and/or PD locations. Thus, they can be successfully employed for achieving noise rejection and source separation. Yet, for particular applications, additional features can be implemented in the DSP firmware. Fig. 1. Acquisition on a pulse-per-pulse basis. TW is the acquisition window length, TP is the pre-trigger time. 2. THE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM The PD analysis tool described in this paper records and stores PD on pulse-per-pulse basis as it is schematized in Fig. 1. The amount of acquired samples is limited by means of a trigger condition that avoids recoding useless signals. A trigger threshold is set and only when the input signal (that may come from any kind of sensor e.g. coupling capacitors, radio frequency current transformers, Rogowsky coils) exceeds it, the system acquires the pulse signal. Each pulse is acquired for a total time TW (window length). A pre-trigger time, TP, is also used to observe the behaviour of the PD pulse before the trigger level has been exceeded. Both TW and Tp can be set by the user. The measurement system is schematized in the block diagram of Fig. 2. A fast analog/digital (A/D) converter and floating point digital signal processor (DSP) allows the system to: Digitize the whole PD pulse shape at a 100 Ms/s rate (the instrument bandwidth has upper limit at around 40 MHz). Evaluate PD pulse apparent charge via digital filters. Extract information about the PD pulse shape. Store the data into 16 Mb memory. Each acquired pulse waveform is processed by the DSP and some information is extracted, such as equivalent time length (T) and equivalent bandwidth A/D: Analog to Digital converter S/H: Sample and Hold Trigger: Trigger system DSP: Digital Signal Processor Fig. 2. Layout of the measurement system. 1: PD pulse signal, 2: digitized PD pulse signal, 3: pulse features, 4: array of PD pulse features, 5: PRPD sub-pattern relevant to one class-homogeneous subset. Once a number of PD pulses sufficient to achieve suitable statistics of PD-associated quantities has been collected, the recorded data are sent to a remote host computer for post-processing. Post-processing consists of: 1. 2. 3. Separation: the original Phase Resolved Partial Discharge (PRPD) pattern is divided into subgroups, each one relevant to one type of impulse signal. The separation is accomplished through clustering of the TW map build with pulse features [6] Noise rejection: it is achieved by analyzing some stochastic characteristics of PRPD sub-pattern [7]. Identification: each subgroup that is not recognized as noise is associated to one or more defect Page 3 of 7 macrocategory analyzing some quantities extracted from the PRPD sub-pattern [7]. Separation Separation is performed by the Unsupervised clustering block in Fig. 2. Thanks to a fuzzy classifier, the block splits the measured dataset grouping together PD pulses having similar equivalent time length and equivalent bandwidth (thus, similar shape). Noise rejection Noise rejection is performed through different algorithms addressing the recognition of different kind of noises. For instance 6-pulse rectifiers are recognizable since the PRPD pattern produced by these devices is given by six groups of pulses having phase angles separated by one sixth of period. A thorough discussion of noise rejection can be found on [6]. Identification Identification is performed by a three level fuzzy inference engine (FIE) [7]. At the first level, PD activities are categorized among three broad categories that are related with the physics associated with PD. This response provides a first indication of the defect harmfulness, then more and more specific information on the phenomena occurring to the considered test object is provided by the second and third level of identification (devised with the purpose of refining risk assessment). a- First level identification The starting point of identification is a group of routines that extracts statistical markers from the PRPD sub-patterns. These markers were selected carefully, trying to reduce ambiguities in defect identification [7], as well as robustness regarding defect location in the apparatus under test. At the first level, defects are addressed to three macro-categories, that is: Internal PD: discharges occurring in air gaps surrounded by solid dielectric or solid dielectric and metallic electrodes, involving significant components of electric field orthogonal to electrode surfaces. Surface PD: discharges that develop on air/solid insulator interfaces or liquid/solid insulator interfaces, involving significant field component tangential to the surface. Corona PD: discharges produced by metal electrode in open air (gas). b- Second level identification The second level identification becomes accessible if the defect has been tagged as predominantly internal. This level provides indication about the closeness of internal defects to either HV or LV electrodes, as well as on the possible presence of electrical trees, which is particularly useful for assessing fault severity in polymeric insulation systems [8]. c- Third level identification In order to provide a more informative output regarding PD source typology, the first and second level identification results are specialized for a given type of apparatus, such as cables, rotating machines or transformers. As an example, in the case of rotating machines, PD relevant to delamination, slot, endwindings defects can be assessed [9]. 3. APPLICATION TO CABLE SYSTEMS In this section the results relevant to MV polymeric cable testing are presented. The cable was supplied off line by a resonant test set. An example of phaseresolved PD (PRPD) pattern recorded at a joint is reported in Fig. 3. Fig. 3. PRPD pattern due to PD activity inside a HV cable joint plus pulsed interference due to the resonant test set supplying te cable for the off line test.. This pattern shows different contributions due to pulses generated by the electronic components of the power supply system and PD activity. It is noteworthy that electronics interference has a so large height that it can hide the real PD activity. Therefore, when using PD detectors that report only the maximum PD amplitude per phase channel (an option available on some commercial apparatus), the PD contribution shown in the pattern reported in Fig. 3 might appear as completely undetectable. The measurement approach here described, on the contrary, puts in evidence the difference in the recorded pulse shapes by analyzing the relevant T-W map. Figure 4 shows that PD pulses have larger frequency content (therefore larger equivalent bandwidth) than power electronics pulses. It is thus easy to separate power electronic pulses in order to achieve only the subpatterns characteristic of the PD contribution, as shown in Fig. 5. As the last step, the sub-pattern shown in Fig. 5 was processed by the fuzzy identification system, which provided 100% likelihood of internal discharges (see Fig. 6). Intensity and nature of discharges suggested substitution of the defective joint (risk assessment). After joint replacement, PD tests on all the Page 4 of 7 cable system did not provide anymore evidence of PD. Further joint analysis carried out in laboratory confirmed the internal nature of the recorded PD activity. signals originated within other machines connected to the same busbars in the plant. Moreover, cross talk phenomena make acquired data often difficult to be analysed. By means of the PD diagnostic system here presented these issues can be successfully addressed. In the following, the results of an on-line PD test carried out on an hydraulic generator running close to full power are presented. An example of phase resolved PD pattern obtained from one phase is presented in Fig. 7. Fig. 4. Equivalent time length and equivalent bandwidth (T-W map) for the pulses that generate the pattern shown in Fig. 3. The contribution of PD is indicated (the remaining data are relevant to noise). Fig. 7. PRPD pattern recorded at the coupler of an hydraulic generator The pattern reported in Fig. 7 exhibits an interesting behaviour. By analysing the PD pulse shapes, it was possible to realize that three different kind of pulses (A, B and C) were detected, see Fig. 8. Fig. 5. Sub-pattern derived by the T-W map of Fig. 4 showing the PD contribution to the PRPD pattern of Fig. 3. A B C Fig. 8. Different categories of pulses observed in a hydraulic generator while running close to full power (see Fig. 7). Fig. 6. Identification of the sub-pattern shown in Fig. 5. 4. APPLICATION TO GENERATORS Generator condition assessment through PD testing is a well-established practice [10]. However, several issues are still to be faced as regards PD detection and analysis, particularly as far as on line testing is concerned. In fact, often multiple source of PD are active within the machine under test and several external phenomena are coupled into the machine trough the busbars. As a matter of fact, not only can the busbars be source of PD, but they are also a preferred transmission path for The PRPD sub-pattern relevant to the pulses (A) and (B) are shown in Fig. 9. The first sub-pattern is caused by a delamination phenomenon at the conductor site. The corresponding pulse A of Fig. 8 shows a smooth behaviour indicating that it has been somehow filtered while travelling from the defect to the coupler site [11,12]. The identification for phenomenon (A) was performed using the 3rd level identification routines for rotating machines. The response, shown in Fig. 10, was Conductor delamination. The second sub-pattern (B) closely recalls the classic “rabbit ear-like” pattern, typical of insulation-bounded cavities. The Page 5 of 7 corresponding pulse is characterized by high frequency components (pulse B of Fig. 8). Since high frequency components are quickly attenuated while travelling on the stator windings, it can be argued that the defect site is quite close to the coupler [11,12]. By joining these considerations, it was speculated that the high voltage wire connecting the machine bus bars to the coupler had some internal defect. This hypothesis was confirmed by off-line inspections. be used to remove the noise inside the plant. As an example, Fig. 11 shows a PRPD pattern with PD activity partially or completely hidden by noise. The corresponding T-W plot is shown in Fig. 12. In this case, PD pulses have a smaller frequency content than noise pulses and noise can be rejected straightforwardly after separation. In Figure 13 the contribution to the PRPD pattern of PD, without the influence of noise is shown. A Fig. 11. PRPD sub-pattern recorded at high voltage transformer terminations. Noise B PD Fig. 9. Sub-patterns (of pattern reported in Fig. 7) relevant to the pulses groups A and B of Fig. 8. The pattern relevant to pulse (C), populated by very few discharges and for this reason not reported here, was recognized as noise. In fact it displayed a series of six dots separated by one sixth of the period of the fundamental supply. This regular behaviour was ascribed by software routines to pulses associated to the commutation of the AC/DC converter used to supply the rotor of the machine [6]. Fig. 12. T-W map for the pulses related to the pattern of Fig. 11. Fig. 13. Sub-pattern with the PD contribution to the PRPD pattern shown in Fig. 11. rd Fig. 10. 3 level identification of the sub-pattern reported in Fig. 9(A) 5. APPLICATION TO CAST-RESIN TRANSFORMERS The apparatus here considered is a high-frequency HV transformer, resin insulated. The goal is to establish a methodology for quality control, meeting the stringent requirements associated to the application of this kind of transformers. At a first level, the innovative PD analysis tool can The most interesting aspect is, perhaps, the information that can be derived from the extracted sub-pattern through the identification algorithm. The sub-pattern reported in Fig. 13 was first ascribed to a predominantly internal defect. The second level of identification was, therefore activated; see Fig. 14, obtaining the indication that the defect was closer to the HV electrode than to the LV electrode. Page 6 of 7 Fig. 14. Result of second level identification showing that the defect that gives rise to the sub-pattern shown in Fig. 13 is located close to the HV (High Voltage) electrode. This diagnosis was successively confirmed by forensics investigations. 6. APPLICATION TO OIL FILLED POWER TRANSFORMER The electrical apparatus considered here is a HV selftransformer in service on a transmission line for 7 years and subjected, therefore, to daily cycling according to load requirements. Both off-line PD testing and on-line monitoring were performed detecting the HF signal, as depicted in Fig.15, by means of High Frequency Current Transformers (HFCT) placed on the ground connection of the capacitive taps installed in the high voltage (400 kV, 300 pF) and medium voltage (130 kV, 200 pF) bushings. Monitoring system The monitoring system consists of a PD detection tool (the acquisition unit, located in proximity of the transformer) and a data logger unit connected through fiber optic. The data logger unit is, basically, an embedded computer which controls the acquisition unit and collects PD data coming from the equipment under test and allows the remote control of the monitoring system. The data thus collected is saved in the unit hard disk and can be retrieved in several ways using, e.g., LAN or Internet connections, GPRS, GSM or conventional modems. The data logger unit also evaluates simple statistics on PD activity (e.g., mean and maximum amplitude and repetition rate) and saves them into a log file and carries out trend analysis. Warning messages may be issued immediately when selected PD statistics exceed critical thresholds. Rough pulse localization can be achieved taking profit of distortion and attenuation of high-frequency components of travelling PD pulses. In fact, pulses coming from defects close to or far from the coupler are characterized by large or small equivalent bandwidth, respectively. As an example, during offline tests performed on a different transformer, it was observed that PD generated in proximity of the 400 kV bushings had an average equivalent bandwidth of 10 MHz when detected at the capacitive taps of these bushings. From the capacitive taps of the 130 kV bushings, the same pulses had an average equivalent bandwidth of roughly 200 kHz. Fig. 15. Detection circuit used for PD measurements. The PD measurements were requested because the oil analysis, carried out 5 months before PD testing, indicated a water content (calculated at 20°C) equal to 3%. Gas content in ppm, obtained by Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is reported in Tab. I. Tab. I: Dissolved Gas Analysis (ppm) on a HV self-transformer. H2 CH4 C 2H 4 246 721 729 O2 CO C2H6 195 268 224 N2 CO2 C2H2 47458 5862 8 According to [13], these levels are compatible with thermal faults exceeding 700° Celsius degrees and do not indicate the presence of partial discharges. Although it is known that units suffering high dissolved gas levels may operate safely throughout their design life [14], it was decided to monitor the transformer status through partial discharge analysis in order to achieve deeper information on the status of the insulation system of the transformer and evaluate DGA analysis results. Fig. 16: Behaviour of mean positive and negative PD pulse amplitude (in mV) during one week of HV, oil-paper insulated self-transformer.. The weekly behaviour of the PD amplitude levels in mV (being the transformer a prevailingly inductive system calibration in pC was not considered appropriate) is reported in Fig. 16. From this figure it can be derived that the PD activity is affected by a considerable variability. As a matter of fact, environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, have been observed to influence noticeably PD readings [15], particularly because of the presence of corona and surface (arcing) discharges on connection leads and on bushings triggered by conductive and inert pollution generated by a nearby industrial district. Indeed, also internal discharges can show a fluctuating behaviour (thus supporting the use of monitoring techniques) due to, e.g., load and ambient temperature cycling, bubbling, etc.. By looking carefully to the acquired pattern and classification map, it was observed that two concurrent Page 7 of 7 phenomena are active in the transformer. A small internal phenomenon and a large surface phenomenon. The pattern, classification map and sub-patterns relevant to an acquisition are reported in Fig. 17 and 18. The first activity (A) is characterized by pulses with an average equivalent bandwidth exceeding 9 MHz while the second activity is characterized by an average equivalent bandwidth of roughly 3 MHz. 7. CONCLUSIONS The results here presented show interesting applications of an innovative methodology for PD analysis, which can become a viable way to achieve consistent and robust diagnostic indications on electrical apparatus, based on the enhanced capability of PD source identification provided by the proposed approach. This can improve considerably risk assessment, condition-based maintenance programs and life extension evaluation of electrical systems. 8. REFERENCES [1] [2] (a) (b) Fig. 17: Example of large-equivalent bandwidth PD phenomenon recorded during offline testing (at 1.0 p.u) on a oil-paper MV transformer. Fig. 19a: PD pattern. Fig. 19b: T-W map. 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