HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board 9/22/2010 Meeting Minutes Call to Order Attendees Mary Edgington, Carlos Wiley, Stephanie Preston, Heide Port, Jon Lozano, Adam Boyer, Careen Yarnal, Roma Amin, Ed Sidwell, Emily Rimland, Charles Vescio, Kimeka Campbell, Travis Salters, Mike Phu, Anna Elias Welcome Mary welcomed everyone to the meeting. The group went around the room and introduced themselves. Open Student Forum No comments. Approval of the Minutes A motion was made by Jon Lozano to approve the minutes from April 28th and a 2nd was made by Adam Boyer. All approved. Mary discussed the 51 Facts that were handed out. This is a publication produced by ACUI. This information was developed based on student unions across the country – not just Penn State. Mary discussed that last year the board worked diligently on the Corner Pocket (And in fact has been working on this for several years.). The group worked with some student focus groups, the Facility Fee Board, faculty members, and the Billiards Club to discuss and develop a proposal for some changes to the space for this year. The following changes are now in process: Room is being painted blue and white. There currently isn’t a “Penn State” room in the HUB. Penn State pictures are being hung throughout the room. New “Penn State” billiard table lights are being hung over the tables. Tables are being covered in Penn State blue fabric. A “Snooker” table is being built and added to the room. Working with some art students/class to paint a mural on the wall. Purchased a smaller gaming unit for the room. Naming contest is underway to rename the “Corner Pocket”. Hired a student manager for the space. Working with a Marketing class to do a class project which will include a marketing campaign for the “Corner Pocket”. A Corner Pocket committee does not need to be formed right now since we are moving ahead with all these changes. An assessment committee may be formed at a later date. Space Allocation – We would like to get this committee formed by the next meeting. We would like this committee to review how the space is being used throughout the year and not just before the application process. At the next meeting, this membership of this committee will be decided. A suggestion was made to create a “HOW TO” booklet for incoming presidents. It appears that many are not being given transition information and are missing important information and work sessions. Mary suggested maybe adding something to the new website for new presidents. Anna will follow up with Jen. Selection of a Chair - Travis Salters was nominated to be the chair. No other nominations were made and no other students volunteered to be nominated. It was a unanimous decision for Travis to be the new Chair. Congratulations Travis! New Business Space Allocation – previously discussed. AT Large Committee – A committee was selected to review and choose the open AtLarge positions. Heide will advertise these positions in the Collegian and the Toilet Paper. The members of the committee will be: Roma Amin, Kamika Campbell, Michael Phu, and Adam Boyer. Heide will set up a meeting once the applications are received. HUB Expansion – At the next meeting, Mary would like to do a complete tour of the building and have an expansion brainstorming meeting afterwards with the Board. We would like to approach this with fresh new ideas. Jon shared with the group information about the Facilities Fee Board and that there are currently four projects on the table for discussion right now. They are looking at the HUB Expansion as one of the projects and they will be taking a vote at the October meeting on whether to move forward with this initiative. They have pulled the link to the White Building off the table which will save a considerable amount of money. He would like to receive any feedback from students about these projects, and you can reach him at his email address Their next meeting is October 4th. The projection of this specific HUB expansion project is 3 – 4 years and there is the possibility of a significant amount of square footage being added to the building. There would be three phases. First would be the renovation of the Bookstore which they will fund. Second, would be the enclosing of the Winter Garden, which will be paid for with the HUB reserve and some money from Food Services. And finally the third phase would be the extension of the building towards the HUB parking deck. They are expecting 2 years for architecture and design and 2 years for construction. The HUB lawn is presently going to be off line for five years during the HHD construction so it just seems to be the appropriate time for the HUB expansion. This will save time, money, and resources. Careen asked if there was going to have to be approval by the president and if justification was going to be needed. Mary stated that this was something that the president has been in support of since she stated at Penn State and doesn’t feel that additional justification will be needed. Travis asked if the Robeson Center will be expanded as well and Mary stated that it is presently not part of the expansion. Open Discussion Jon asked about the new EMS system. He requested on line access the first week of classes and hasn’t received a response. Mary will check into this. Travis asked about a new restaurant in the HUB and Mary said that it would be discussed in the expansion conversations. Kimeka asked about the internet connectivity in the HUB. She stated that at certain times of the day and at different places around the HUB that she experiences difficulty connecting. Mary asked for everyone to email her some specifics; dates, times and locations would be helpful in addressing the problem. Other issues discussed: 1. No power in the outlets by the Sushi restaurant 2. Printer by the bookstore is not working 3. Printer on the 2nd floor is only printing one side of the paper. It is a duplex printer. Can this be fixed? 4. Will there be water fountains put on the 3rd floor? Mary said that OPP is working on this. Mary mentioned the HUB Green Committee and that if anyone was interested in joining to contact Heide Port. Heide discussed scheduling and will be sending out emails for regular meeting scheduling and a separate email for the tour. We will work with the week of October 18th – 22nd for the 2 hour tour/expansion idea meeting. Next Meeting To be decided. Adjournment Respectfully submitted by Heide Port.