HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board 1/12/11 Meeting Minutes Call to Order – Travis Salters, Chair Attendees: Mary Edgington, Heide Port, Chuck Vescio, Travis Salters, Ed Sidwell, Susan LeGalley, Anita Shah, Therese Curran, Stephanie Preston, Mike Phu, Jon Lozano, Adam Boyer, Carlos Wiley, Careen Yarnal, Anna Elias Welcome – Travis Salters introduced himself and the group went around the room and introduced themselves as well. The floor was opened for a Student Forum and there were no comments. Approval of the Minutes A motion was made by Jon Lozano to approve the minutes from November 8, 2010 and a 2nd was made by Stephanie Preston. All approved. Old Business Space Allocation Committee – Jon Lozano shared that the committee will be meeting after this meeting. There is a time line attached to the agenda for the board to review. Please send any feedback to Jon. Applications will be available by the end of January. Mary and Carlos shared that the landscape space currently in the Robeson Center will be changed. The space is not being used to its potential. Carlos feels that making this area a work area instead will promote collaboration and give the students the much needed space they need to work on projects. Breakzone – Mary mentioned that everyone should stop by the Breakzone to check out the new space. New gaming units have been added and a snooker table. The number of students using the space has doubled. Mary shared that her staff used the Breakzone after a retreat last week to so the staff could become familiar with the space and share that information with students. New Business HUB Expansion Project – Mary identified a group of students to meet with Chad Spackman from OPP to discuss the HUB expansion project. They met right before break, have discussed the process and potential timeline for the expansion, and were solicited for ideas and needs. Currently, the RFP has been sent out for the selection of the architect. They will choose the architect in March. Jon Lozano, Mary Edgington and Bob Brouse are sitting on that committee with staff from OPP. Mike Phu asked when the survey was going to be released. Mary stated that this will happen in the spring. The survey is being handled by a national company. There are 10 PSU specific questions that have been created for this survey. They have been shared with this board. Please send your comments on the questions to Heide or Mary by Friday. There will be some incentives and prizes for completing the survey as well. Bookstore Expansion - Mary recently attended a meeting to discuss the Bookstore expansion. WTW will be the architect for this project. The Bookstore is funding these renovations. They will begin the project next spring and expect it to be complete in July. They will not begin the project until the rush of the spring semester is over. Probably 2 – 3 weeks after classes begin. They are looking to add a 2nd level (a mezzanine) within the current Bookstore. They are planning on adding some programming space on that level. They have discussed keeping this level open longer and will move Barney’s over to that level while offering extended hours. This area could be used for poetry readings and for more informal gatherings i.e. meetings with faculty members. Travis asked if the current Barney’s location would be opened up to a new food vendor and Mary stated that yes. That has been discussed. Green Committee Update – Heide share many things going on in the HUB – composting, recycling and the Terracycle program. She shared some upcoming initiatives for Earth Week and put a call out for information about the GREEN Men on campus. Adam does know who these guys are and will give them Heide’s name. Travis shared information regarding two groups to contact for a rapper’s song or a song for that week – Songwriters Club and Spoken Word Artist. Anna suggested involving the Clown Nose Club in some other activities. Heide shared that the mission is to educate and to get people enthusiastic about the initiatives on campus. Open Discussion Period – Adam asked what is going on with the broken urinal on the 3rd floor. It has been down for an extended period of time. Mary wasn’t aware there was a problem since she doesn’t use this bathroom. She will check into this. (Has been fixed!) Mary encouraged everyone to check out the new website for Union and Student Activities. Please let Heide or Mary know if there are any issues navigating through the site or if you have any suggestions. The ZOOM machine is in and is selling Body Shop products. It became operational the last week of December. Mary will share a revenue report on this once she has one. We are in discussions to bring Body Shop reps to campus to market the products so students will purchase them in the future. We are hopeful that a 2nd machine will be added in the near future offering a different type of product. Two phone booths have sold and we are looking at reducing the price enable to sell the others. The first two machines sold for $300 a piece. The next meeting will be February 17th @ 9 a.m., 233 HUB Adjournment FUTURE MEETINGS: 2/17 9 a.m., 233 HUB, 3/23 2:30 p.m., 106 HUB, 4/7 9 a.m., 233 HUB, 4/20 2:30 p.m., 106 HUB