HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board 2/17/11 Meeting Minutes Call to Order – Travis Salters, Chair Attendees: Mary Edgington, Heide Port, Chuck Vescio, Travis Salters, Ed Sidwell, Susan LeGalley, Stephanie Preston, Adam Boyer, Carlos Wiley, Careen Yarnal, Anna Elias, Peter Khoury Welcome – Travis Salters introduced himself and the group went around the room and introduced themselves as well. The floor was opened for a Student Forum and there were no comments. Approval of the Minutes A motion was made by Peter Khoury to approve the minutes from January 13th, 2011 and a 2nd was made by Carlos Wiley. All approved. New Business Steve Falke from the Bookstore was the guest speaker. He came to share information on the Bookstore renovation project. He shared that the project is in progress. A communication class on campus is conducting a study for them. They are proceeding with the addition of a mezzanine level. This will have a main entrance from the winter garden. Barney’s is moving and will be placed in this new mezzanine level. It will have extended hours and additional services. Progress has already been made on changing the look of the first floor so stop down and take a peek at the change. They have already begun to reorganize the store in preparation of the renovation. Travis asked about book pickup and if they are anticipating issues during the construction. Steve said they are looking at how to take a 5 step process of picking up books to a 2 step process and using technology to move people through the lines faster and more efficiently. Steve shared that the rental of books has taken off and they expect this to continue to increase. This is the first year they have tried it and it is going very well. He also stated that digital books are on the rise and is going to continue to grow. The timeline for the renovation project is as follows: 1 year from now, the mezzanine level will be started. July 1, 2012 they will move in. August 1, 2012 they will be operational. They are not sure how the store will be operating during the construction but they will not close. Carlos asked how the rental process worked. Steve stated that it takes 3 rentals for the service to be profitable. This year they moved books around. They send books to other universities to be rented if they are not going to be used here. Ed asked if the Bookstore was competitive with the other bookstores in the area. Steve stated that the students would best be able to answer that but that they should be very close – within dollars. He did state that they cannot compete with online book sales but that the business models are very different. Travis asked if the new space could be used for programming space and Steve stated that is one of their goals. Old Business Space Allocation Committee – Peter Khoury stated that the committee met yesterday to look at the complete list of applications. They have solidified 22 of their recommendations and they have 39 spaces to review. They will be meeting again next week to continue their discussions. The PRCC will be meeting next week to decide on their recommendations which will then be forwarded to this committee. HUB Expansion – Mary is on the design team for the Bookstore which is good for collaboration. Barney’s is moving and Mary has asked for longer hours. The steps may be moved to accommodate the new entrance for the Bookstore and the winter garden will be enclosed to create the main entrance to the mezzanine. The facilities fee is going to help fund the projects. The Bookstore is funding their own internal renovation project and the HUB reserve and HFS are contributing to the winter garden enclosure. Ten (10) of the eleven (11) shortlisted architects have visited. The following are the themes that are being discussed with the architects: Additional conference rooms that are more flexible and larger; Additional programming/multipurpose space; Central Park themed lounge area like on the TV show “Friends”; Computer lab; Additional student org space and storage; Green roof and a programming space on the roof. Mary will share all ideas collected from all the various focus groups with the architect and when the final decision is made, that specific firm will also ask students for their input. Next week the list of architects will be narrowed down to three and those three will be interviewed. This list will then be presented to the Trustees and they will choose the architect at their March board meeting. Mary stated that the project will be based on resources. They are not going to renovate existing space in the HUB unless those spaces are moved to the new section. There are some ideas to move the retail businesses out of their current spaces and place in the new space to create symmetry. Mary stated that the following will be discussed during the design phase: State of the art technology; More outlets; Power – power- power; Flexibility for programming. A question was asked to define GREEN ROOF. The green roof will have plants and be sustainable. Mary has talked with a professor who is having her class do a project to come up with a list of sustainable projects to be added to the expansion. Very exciting! Because of the cost constraints, there will be areas left open so that future Class Gifts can also be added. Careen asked about the involvement of the President. Mary stated that at this time, he has not been involved but that he has made it clear that he doesn’t like the look of the current bookstore. She is sure that he will be involved somehow as the project moves forward. Open Discussion Period – Susan LeGalley brought up that something isn’t right with the lighting in 106. Mary will check into it. The next meeting will be March 23rd @ 2:30 p.m., 106 HUB Adjournment FUTURE MEETINGS: 3/23 2:30 p.m., 106 HUB, 4/7 9 a.m., 233 HUB, 4/20 2:30 p.m., 106 HUB