PSFA AGM Minutes 5.12.13 Present- Barry Hawkins (ex parent and chair), Susan Kellett (grandparent of pupil in Purple Class), Rob Neale, Lauren Doak (parent of student in red), Jess Britton (parent of student in M1), Linda Goacher, Claire Jones, Claire Neale, Anne Carpenter, Sue Cooper A very big welcome to the new attendees of the meeting and thank you for your support!! Apologies- none known 1. 2. 3. 4. Welcome and introductions by the chair- Barry Hawkins Election of chair- Proposed by Claire Jones, seconded by Sue Cooper- Susan Kellett Minutes of last meeting- all agreed that this is correct Any matters arising- questionnaire to be put on to next meeting, Lisa fine to do quiz in spring term, MDSAs happy to do tombola, playground equipment requests to follow. 5. Election of officers and committee members Treasurer- Linda Goacher is happy to continue as treasurer but has requested that Sue Cooper is joint treasurer due to the large amount of funds involved. Claire Jones proposed and Barry Hawkins seconded this. Secretary- Claire Jones proposed Jess Britton Linda Goacher Seconded this. Committee members: Robert Neale Lauren Doak Claire Jones Barry Hawkins Claire Neale 6. Finance report PSFA account- this account is relating to last financial year up to 31st March 2013. It has taken longer than usual to get the account audited. The balance is of 31.3.13. As of today the total in the cheque account is £175.84 and there is £4634.85 in the deposit account. This is the lowest that the account has ever been. This is due to the fact that departments are doing individual fundraising that is not currently coming in to the PSFA. Departments are currently fundraising for a new playground and monies are going straight into this fund rather than for PSFA. Charity shop account- A big thank you to Linda Goacher, Claire and Robert Neale for their initial input and support when starting up the charity shop and making it such a success. There is currently in excess of £16000 in the charity shop account. Linda Goacher expressed a concern that it is a worry that we have little money coming in other than the charity shop money. Susan Kellet stated that it could be due to the current financial climate. Claire Jones suggested that, at the next meeting we could focus on how we can involve other parents/ people in assisting with events. Anne Carpenter suggested getting external agenies/ organisiations involved. Sue Cooper and Claire Jones said that it was a concern that it is always the same people organising and running events. Susan Kellet said that she has a Learning Disability Carers community website and this could may be an avenue for fundraising links or ideas. We will talk about this further in the next meeting. It was asked if there was a reason why the charity shop chose the account it did. Linda stated that it was because we could deposit money in the post office account next to the charity shop. 7. ACS charity shopMinutes of meeting Matters arising other than agenda items Health and Safety- risk assessment – been done and all fine. Responsibility of PSFA for risk assessments, public liability insurance, music licence, rent, bills, fire checks etc. Lettings manager and wages- it was discussed whether and how we can pay Julie Darley for her services. She can earn up to £20 per week for her services of opening and closing the shop and organising volunteers. Linda Goacher would like to pay her an honorarium. Sue Cooper says that the only permanent way of doing this is for the charity shop to set her up as an employee. This brings forth many issues re employer rights and costs of payroll. Is the honorarium the way forward? Linda went through the different responsibilities that Julie does. Claire Jones and Sue Cooper are going to investigate a zero hours’ contract. It was suggested that we could buy vouchers for her as a thank you for what she has done to the value of £100. CN to approach Julie with this idea to find out what she would like. Susan Kellett- do we have a volunteer agreement? This would formalise the volunteers and make expectations clear. All felt that this was a good idea. Lauren Doak asked if it was expected by Julie that she would gain financial rewards for her voluntary work as she is a volunteer and would never ask for payment. Linda explained that it hadn’t come from her. It had been suggested by the PSFA that we could pay her. It has just taken longer than anticipated. Playground bid finance- £1300 for senior playground has been agreed for an item of equipment. 8. Requests for funding- blinds for orange and red class and plus £150 towards the primary production have been agreed. (Needs to have the figures agreed for the blinds and other requests) Susan Kellett and Lauren Doak had to leave at this point due to the meeting going over the agreed time. Secondary playground- Sue Cooper asked if the PSFA would agree to underwriting the bid for the playground. Jess, Linda, Claire J, Sue C, Rob, Anne and Claire N agreed. Rob Neale said that there should be a system of application for funding requests that all staff know about. Claire Jones said that next Tuesday this will be mentioned in the Tuesday morning meeting. We will arrange to sign relevant paperwork for officers and committee members at the next meeting. Spring fundraising activities- not discussed as yet. Meeting arranged for early spring term after Christmas. AOB Date of next meeting- Thursday 23rd January from 3.45 onwards.