SUBMIT ORIGINAL REQUEST AND REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION TO: Public School Facilities Authority Albuquerque Field Office 700 Lomas Blvd., NE, Suite 201 Albuquerque, NM 87102 _____________________ PSFA Project Number Additional copies and complete instructions posted at: STATE OF NEW MEXICO REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION (Including Leased Facilities) Section 22-20-1-3, NMSA, 1978 Compilation International Building Code – 2003 Edition New Mexico Building Code 2003 American National Standard Institute (ANSI) A 117.1-1998 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 National Fire Protection Act (NFPA) of 1997 Section 13-1-40. Definition of construction (1984), NMSA, 1978 Compilation Each local school board shall secure the approval of the Director of the Public School Facilities Authority or his designee prior to bidding the construction, or otherwise the letting of contracts for construction or lease of any school facility or related school structure, or before reopening an existing facility or structure which was formerly used as a school building, but which has not been used for that purpose during the previous year (Section 22-20-1, NMSA 1978). TO: Public School Facilities Authority FROM: _______________________________________________________ Schools SUBJECT: ______ New Building ______ Building Additions ______ Building Renovations ______ Portable Building ______ Reopening Closed School ______ Leased Facilities ______ Site Work/Landscaping NAME(S) OF SCHOOL(S) AFFECTED: ___________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT:______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. Bid opening scheduled for: ________________________________, 20_______ B. Grade Levels Served: _____________ C. Contacts: DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE: __________________________________________Phone: _________________________ Current Enrollment(s): _____________ Design Capacity: ______________ E-mail:_________________________________________________________________ Fax: ___________________________ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________ D. Is the school building to be constructed within four hundred feet of a main artery of travel? (CHOOSE ONE) If yes, has the Local School Board of Education reviewed, discussed and resolved relative safety and other pertinent issues? (CHOOSE ONE) YES NO YES NO (Refer to Section 22-20-2, NMSA, 1978 Compilation) Quality New Mexico Schools: A Mission for All New Mexicans Updated 2/10/2005 Request for Approval of School Construction Page 2 E. Specific Review Phase (check one): Program Statement: Submit 1 (one) copy of the Program Statement that affirms the overall project budget and MACC and establishes the goals, facts, regulations, conditions and concepts that bound the Project and clearly state and describe such information as to how this project serves the needs of the school(s) and district, including the number and grade levels of students to be served, number of classrooms, support spaces, infrastructure requirements, educational programs and so on. Include a 5 mile radius map with scale and north indicator shown, that indicates: a) proposed project location, including grade levels and contours; b) existing attendance centers including, grade levels; and c) including railroads, rivers, access highways, airports and similar obstructions, barriers or hazards. If project is a remodel or renovation, indicate if project will be a Level 1, 2 or 3 in accordance with the ICC Existing Building Code. All documents shall be on 8 ½” x 11” sheet(s) or folded to fit into a letter sized file folder. Schematic Phase: Submit 1 (one) set of schematic documents that include preliminary schematic drawings, a Level 1 UniFormat™ probable cost estimate and a Preliminary Project Description (PPD) that together clearly indicate the extent and relationship of the project components. These documents should include a Site Plan including drainage patterns, a brief description of proposed mechanical and electrical systems, proposed building type, availability of utilities, including fire flow and a description of any special or unique conditions which could create an exception to Adequacy Standards. All documents shall be on 8 ½” x 11” sheet(s) or folded to fit into a letter sized file folder. Design Development Phase: Submit 1 (one) set of Design Development (DD) documents that finalize and describe the size and character of the entire project and should be approximately 60% complete Project Manual and plan documents with elements such as civil, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, special systems including alarms, fire protection systems, roofs, walls, floors fully developed and lacking only specific installation details required to construct. Submittal shall be accompanied by a Level 2 UniFormat™ probable cost estimate; and 1 (one) copy of the Energy Minerals and Natural Resources Department’s Certification Form For Compliance With The Energy Efficiency Standards for Public Schools (this form is available on the PSFA website). Note: All drawings shall be to a common and readable scale (1/8”= 1’-0” minimum scale). Submittal must clearly indicate: Which flood plain or drainage artery (if any) the site is located within; Floor plans indicating net square footages for all spaces and maximum student loads for all classrooms; Framing plans and/or roof framing plans, indicating how a maintained and sustainable background sound level of less than 55 decibels is achieved; Mechanical drawings and/or specifications indicating HVAC systems capable of maintaining room temperatures between 6882°F for existing facilities and 68-74°F for new or renovated HVAC facilities at full capacity, while continually moving air and maintaining a CO² level of not more than 1,200 ppm in all classroom spaces; electrical drawings and/or specifications, indicating lighting systems capable of maintaining light levels of 50-foot candles at the level of work surfaces in all classroom spaces and indicating internet access Cat5 drops in classroom spaces. Bid Documents: For Approval of School Construction (ASC) and Permit Review, submit 3 (three) full size sets of construction documents and 1 (one) digital set in CD-ROM format (complete plans and Project Manual, including all bid documents) and fulfill all requirements of the DD submittal, except cost estimate shall be at Level 3 UniFormat™ detail. In addition to the Energy Mineral and Natural Resources submittal, provide 1 (one) completed NM State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) Plan Submittal Form and one Construction Industries Division (CID) Multi-Purpose State Building Application (these forms and criteria are available on the PSFA website). Please Note: Plans submitted for this review must meet all requirements of State adopted codes and regulations, including those of the State Fire Marshal (SFMO), Construction Industries Division (CID), Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), Governor’s Commission on Disabilities (GCD) and New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED). Specific forms required for each agency’s review are available on the PSFA website ( or can be reached through links from the PSFA website. PSFA will coordinate all required agency reviews through each submittal to PSFA. Quality New Mexico Schools: A Mission for All New Mexicans Updated 2/10/2005 Request for Approval of School Construction Page 3 F. Estimated cost and source of funding for this project/phase only: COST SOURCE $__________________________________________ District’s Local General Obligation Bonds $__________________________________________ School Buildings Act (HB-33) $__________________________________________ Capital Improvements Act (SB-9): District Portion from County $__________________________________________ State Match from PED $__________________________________________ Public School Capital Outlay $__________________________________________ Legislative Appropriation: Severance Tax Bonds $__________________________________________ General Funds Yr._______ Bill # _______________ Yr. _________ DFA #______________________ Bill # _______________ Yr. _________ DFA #______________________ $__________________________________________ State General Obligation Bonds Bill# ______________ Yr. _________ $__________________________________________ Deficiencies Corrections Program MOU # ___________________ $__________________________________________ TOTAL COST THIS PHASE: $ Other _______________________________________________________________ G. Design drawings attached/enclosed are in compliance with all codes, rules, regulations and laws adopted by the State of New Mexico applicable to the structure, including architectural, mechanical and electrical plans with specifications. _______________________________________________________________ Design Professional Date ____________________________________________________________ District Representative Date _______________________________________________________________ PSFA Regional Manager Date Submit to: PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES AUTHORITY ALBUQUERQUE FIELD OFFICE 700 LOMAS BLVD., NE, SUITE 201 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 Any incomplete forms or forms received without all three (3) required signatures or required drawings and specifications, will be considered incomplete and will be returned to the district to be completed for resubmission. The PSFA is committed to a fourteen (14) non-holiday calendar day turn-around-time on Program Statement, Schematic Design and Design Development Reviews and a twenty-one (21) non-holiday calendar day turn-around on Final Review which includes the CID Permit Review. These turn-around-times do not begin until all submittal materials and necessary signatures are received by the PSFA Planning and Design Department. Reviews will include Public School Facilities Authority (PSFA) Adequacy and Code Review, Energy Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) Compliance Review, Governor’s Commission on Disability (GCD) Accessibility Review, State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) Initial Design Review, NM Environmental Department Review, and Public Education Department (PED) Funding Review. Useful Websites for Reference: Public School Facilities Authority (PSFA) website: Air Pollution Control Bureau (for information regarding asbestos): Construction Industries Division (CID) website: Energy Minerals and Natural Resources Department (ENMRD) website: Governor’s Commission on Disability (GCD) website: NM Environment Department website: State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) website: Quality New Mexico Schools: A Mission for All New Mexicans Updated 2/10/2005 Source: PSFA